Rogue (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium

Alternate Skill Bonuses

Rogues benefit from having alternate attribute modifiers to their skills; choose either one. This ability is free fro rogues and available as the Alternate Skill Technique talent to others.

Skills with several subskills (Craft, Knowledge, Perform and Profession) can have certain subskills with different alternate key abilities.

Skill (Subskill) Normal Key Ability Alternate Key Ability
Acrobatics Dex Str
Appraise Int Wis
Bluff Cha Int
Climb Str Dex
Craft (Smith of any kind) Int Str
Craft (Fermenting) Int Wis
Craft (Any other) Int Dex
Diplomacy Cha Wis
Disable Device Dex Int
Disguise Cha Wis
Escape Artist Dex Con
Fly Dex Con
Handle Animal Cha Wis
Heal Wis Int
Intimidate Cha Str
Knowledge Int Wis
Linguistics Int Wis
Perception Wis Int
Perform (comedy, dance, keyboard, string) Cha Dex
Perform (act, percussion, oratory, wind, sing) Cha Con
Profession (courtesan, gambler, innkeeper) Wis Cha
Profession (farmer, miner, soldier, woodcutter) Wis Str
Profession (other) Wis Int
Ride Dex Cha
Sense Motive Wis Cha
Sleight of Hand Dex Cha
Spellcraft Int Wis
Stealth Dex Con
Survival Wis Con
Swim Str Con
Use Magic Device Cha Int
  1. You can't add the same ability score to a particular skill twice. This limits the combinations with effects like the Intimidating Prowess feat.
  2. A skill that changes what attribute it is connected to is counted as a skill of the new attribute when making skill checks, but not for other purposes. See Paizo errata. Note that a skill that has a primary key attribute that is Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution suffers from armor check penalties, even if used with another attribute as an alternate key ability. An effect (such as rage) that prevents the use of skills tied to a certain attribute always refers to the original attribute of the skill.
  3. Skills with several subskills (Craft, Knowledge, Perform and Profession) have certain subskills with different alternate key abilities. If a specific subskill has a different alternate key ability, you cannot use it with the common alternate key ability.

Sneak Attack

A rogue can sneak attack a target that has concealment or full concealment.

Rogue Talents

Basic Talents

Cunning Trigger (Ex) - Revision

Expanded to cover all traps you know of.

Prerequisite: trapfinding.

Benefit: A rogue with this talent can use an immediate action to set off any known trap within 25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 class levels. This requires a Disable Device check against the disarm difficulty of the trap. It is even possible to set off a trap the rogue has previously disarmed, but not one disarmed by someone else.

Outsmart Traps (Ex)

Prerequisite: trapfinding.

After successfully disabling a trap, you can opt to bypass it (with your party) and leave it in place, armed and ready to be triggered as normal. If you attempt to disarm (or to use the cunning trigger ability) on the same trap again within 30 days, you are automatically successful.

Trapfinding (Ex)

Benefit: This is the same as the 1st level rogue class ability of the same name, made available to archetypes that give up this ability.

Advanced Rogue Talents

Evasion (Ex)

Benefit: This is the same as the 2nd level rogue class ability of the same name, made available to archetypes that give up this ability.

Trap Sense (Ex)

Prerequisite: trapfinding.

Benefit: This is the same as the 3rd level rogue class ability of the same name, made available to archetypes that give up this ability.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)

Benefit: This is the same as the 4th level rogue class ability of the same name, made available to archetypes that give up this ability.

Trick Feint

Benefit: A rogue with this talent can make a Bluff check in place of a combat maneuver check when attempting a disarm, dirty trick, or reposition combat maneuver.

Optional Rule: Skill Point Compensation

If using the common (around here) option to give all characters 2 additional skill points per level, rouges get a small boost to compensate for the lessened uniqueness of their large number of skill points.

With this option, a rogue gets an additional advanced talent at level 5.

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