Galem (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium


Instead of summoning an eidolon, a animator begins play with a powerful construct called a galem and has the ability to build new galems. The animator forms a link with his galem, and can only maintain such a link to one galem at a time. If a animator builds a new galem, any link to a previous galem is lost and that galem is destroyed. A galem has the same alignment as the animator that created it and knows all languages its creator knows. Unlike an eidolon, it has no range restrictions, and can be any distance away from its creator without suffering any ill effects. It is a wholy material creature and cannot be dismissed or summoned.

As a construct, it is immune to all ability damage, ability drain, bleed, disease, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, massive damage, necromancy, nonlethal damage, paralysis, poison, sleep, and stun effects. It does not need to eat, breathe, or sleep. It is not a living creature and is unaffected by effects that heals or harms living creatures. Finally it has immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless. The share spells ability overrides these immunities, making many heal and buff spells that would not affect constructs possible for the creator to use on his galem.

Unlike most constructs, a galem is not mindless and has no special resistance to mind-affecting effects. It has 2 skill points per level + its Intelligence modifier, which usually means it has only a single skill point per level unless its Intelligence is 10 or higher. It lacks class skills. Also unlike a normal construct, a galem does have a Constitution score reflecting how well it is built and designed. It does not gain bonus hit points based on it size category.

A galem does not heal naturally. It can be repaired using Craft (sculptor); each hour of work repairs a number of hit points equal to the result of a skill check. This is possible even if the galem has been destroyed. As it does not accumulate negative hit points, such repair is always started form zero hit points as long as most of the servant galem's body is recovered.

Like a normal eidolon, it has darkvision but not low-light vision.

A animator can create a new galem in a ritual that takes a full day to perform. Such a new galem is identical in all ways to the previous galem. Only when advancing in level can a animator create a new galem that differs from the old one, reconstructing it from the ground up, including choosing a new base form. A galem is made out of clay and other base materials that have no monetary cost. It takes a form shaped by the animator’s desires.

Other than noted here, the galem is the same as an eidolon. eidolon. All abilities of a normal summoner that are tied to an eidolon are tied to the galem for a animator.

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