Daredevil (Apath)

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Bonus Feats

  • Exotic WeaponProficency
  • Flexible Tricks

Bowl Over

You can use an enemy you grapple as a weapon against it's compatriots. You gain a bonus to CMB and CMD for grapple equal to half your class level.

Use bowl over as a swift action when you have an opponent grappled. The grapple ends. Select one square adjacent to you per point of Strength bonus you have and perform a trip or bull rush maneuver against all creatures in any of these squares. The target ends up prone in the last of the squares you choose. The original target and each target bull-rushed or tripped takes 1d3 damage (1d3 if you are small) plus your Strength bonus. This can be lethal or nonlethal damage as you choose.

With one upgrade, you can choose any square when you use bowl over, as long as it is adjacent to you or to the last square you choose.

With two upgrades, each time you cause damage to a creature other than the one you are using as a weapon, that creature takes damage again. You can also choose to repeatedly knock it into a wall or floor instead of making a tick or bull rush, inflicting the same damage each time.

Combat Shackling

You have practiced the art of shackling a creature in combat. You must have a set of manacles suitable for the target and hold them in one hand.

You can attempt to shackle a creature within 30 ft. that you are flanking or who is flat-footed against you. Make a melee touch attack, if the attack hits you have entangled the target. You also gain +4 CMB and CMD against anyone you shackled yourself to.

With one upgrade, you can manacle any target with a normal CMB check that does not trigger an attack of opportunity. The CMB and CMD bonus against someone you are shackled to increases to +8.

With two upgrades you count as two size categories larger for a manacle tug-of-war, and the CMB and CMD bonus against someone you are shackled to increases to +12.

The manacles attach the target to something, and the effect varies depending on what it is.

  • Shackling to a creature, such as yourself, creates a tug-of-war between the two creatures. Because the involuntarily shackled creature has the shackle in an uncomfortable position, the other creature has an advantage, but that can be negated by size. Both creatures have their speed halved. The creature with the larger size category (the target loses a tie) can move freely, while the other creature is pulled along into any empty space adjacent to the puller. You decide in which square a pulled creature ends up. If there is no empty space, the move is impossible.
  • Shackling to an object requires that there be something suitably strong to shackle to. A nail driven into a wall has the same break DC as the wall, but setting it up takes about a minute. alchemical glue with accelerant is a quicker solution.

If they have a lock, you can unlock the manacles as a standard action. Any attempt to damage the manacles goes against your touch AC, and a shackled creature has leverage problems and inflict only half damage with physical attacks on the manacles.

Manacle Options

Manacles as described for combat have more options than those in the rulebook or adventurer's armory.

  • Manacles can incorporate cold iron to interfere with spellcasting at twice the usual cost. Any spell cast in such manacles requires a Concentraction check (DC 20 + spell level) or the spell is lost.
  • Manacles can incorporate blightburn (see Kobolds of Golarion) to hinder teleportation. Anyone using a teleportation spell or power must succeed at a DC 30 caster level check or the effect fails and is expended.
  • Larger and smaller manacles are weaker or stronger. For each size category larger than Medium, double the hit points and increase the break DC by 2. For each size category smaller than Small, do the opposite.

Deception Tactics

You can make a Bluff check (DC 10 + each opponent's Perception or Sense Motive modifier, whichever is higher) to deceive them.

Disappearing Act: As a swift action you can use this to create a diversion to hide. You count as having concealment against affected creatures during your current turn.

Playing Possum: With one upgrade, you can play possum in response to taking damage. Targets you succeed against are convinced you just died. If you succeed against your attacker (and the attack was not an are attack), you take no damage from the triggering attack.

Warding strike: With two upgrades, you can counterattack someone who is attacking you as an immediate action. If your attack succeeds, the target takes normal damage and the attack he was just about to make against you does you no harm. You must have a suitable weapon ready to actually counterattack.

Delaying Tricks

You are a master at using caltrops, marbles and smokepellets to create danger zones. You can spread such devices in one 5 ft. square as a swift action or in up to six spaces of your choice adjacent to you at some point this turn as a standard action, using only one set of caltrops or marbles or a single smoke pellet. Caltrops you spread use your base attack bonus to attack. The Reflex save to avoid marbles you spread is (10 + ½ your Disable Device skill bonus). You can also use this ability to spread alchemical substances that normally cover a single 5 ft. square. Their effect is not amplified, but you still use up less ingredients.

With one upgrade, you can use a flask of lamp oil to create hazardous ground in the same way you use marbles and caltrops. This oiled ground requires a DC 10 Acrobatics check to avoid falling, and creatures standing in the area become flat-footed unless they have uncanny dodge or some other means to avoid this hazard. If you use an oil of grease this way, the Acrobatics DC is (10 + ½ your Disable Device skill bonus). If you use alchemist's fire this way, creatures in the area take 1d3 fire damage per round, twice that if they are prone.

With two upgrades, you can cover up to six squares as a swift action. Once per round you can cover one square as a free action.

Dirty Fighting

When you hit a creature within 30 ft. that you are flanking or who is flat-footed against you, you can activate this power as a swift action. The target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your class level + your Dexterity modifier) or suffer one of the following conditions: bleed (damage equal to the damage of the attack that you used to inflict it), blinded, confused, dazed, deafened, entangles (in nerby terrain if possible, otherwise in his own gear), prone, or sickened. Except prone, these conditions last until the creature receives a Heal check (DC 10 + ½ your class level + your Dexterity modifier) or a specific cure for the condition it suffers. A particular creature needs only save from this ability once per round.

With one upgrade, you can take a standard action to force all enemies in your reach to make the save as above.

With two upgrades, you can force any creature hit by one of your attack to save, as above.

Extract Grenade

You can salvage parts from recently killed monsters, allowing you to create a grenade-like weapon based on their power.

The first step is to successfully extract the parts. The creature must be no more than a few minutes dead. The extraction is a full-round action and requires a Heal roll, the difficulty is equal to the save difficulty against the power you are trying to extract. If you succeed, you manage to create one grenade-like weapon, plus another one for every 10 points by which you passed the skill check. Creature powers that do not allow saving throws cannot be extracted. Only one extraction attempt is allowed per creature, if the creatures has several eligible powers you can select which one each grenade-like weapon you extract mimics. An extracted power goes inert after 12 hours, but you can use a dose of embalming fluid (cost 50 gp) to preserve a grenade for up to one week.

When used, the grenade-like weapon has full effect against a target it scores a direct hit on, and a splash effect on adjacent squares that has the same effect, but the saving throw is automatically passed.

You can only extract exceptional and supernatural powers, not spell-like ones. The effect that you can salvage varies with the number of upgrades you have on this trick. The basic trick allows extraction of powers based on acid, cold, electricity. fire, or poison.

With one upgrade, you can extract the above plus charm, negative, and sonic effects

With two upgrades, you can also extract force, mind-affecting, positive energy effects.

Feat of Strength

You can focus your strength and power into spectacular feats of strength. When you make a raw Strength roll, such as to break an object, you add your level to your Strength bonus, but take 1d6 subdual damage that cannot be resisted. If you are immune to subdual damage, you take lethal damage instead.

With one upgrade, any time you succeed on a feat of strength, you also do a demoralize attempt against all foes within 30 ft. as a free action. If the difficulty of the Strength check was more than 20, you add the difficulty in excess of 20 to your Intimidate check result.

With two upgrades, you an apply twice your class level as a bonus at a cost of 3d6 points of subdual damage.

Foe Shield

You are good at taking advantage of enemies adjacent to you, using them to hide behind. For each opponent after the first adjacent to you, you gain a +2 bonus to armor class and Reflex saves.

With one upgrade, as an immediate action when you are attacked and have an opponent adjacent to you, you can force the attacker to make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ your Bluff skill bonus) or instead attack one of the opponents adjacent to you, your choice of who.

With two upgrades, the bonus to armor class doubles, and the save bonus applies to all saving throws.

Fools Luck

Fools believe you are lucky, that nobody could do these things with pure skill. Only you know the truth of the matter.

As an immediate action you can force an enemy within 30 ft. to make a Reflex saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your Bluff skill bonus) or stumble and fall prone.

With one upgrade, your target missteps and hurts itself, taking 1d4 Strength, or Dexterity damage (your choice) and falls prone. A target that was attacking, running or charging takes double damage.

With two upgrades, all enemies adjacent to your target must also save or fall prone, but take no damage.

Power Sabotage

You can cause an opponent's power to fail. When you hit a creature within 30 ft. that you are flanking or who is flat-footed against you, you can activate this power as a swift action. The next time the creature casts a spell or uses a spell-like or supernatural ability to attack, it must make a Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ your Heal skill bonus) or the spell or power fails. Power sabotage lasts until triggered or for 10 minutes, whichever is less.

With one upgrade, the power fails spectacularly, damaging the creature itself but no-one else. Any resistance or immunity the creature has is nullified against this attack.

With two upgrades, the power misfires. You can re-target the power, keeping its normal effect, range, and target/area limitations but redirecting it as you like within range. If the power only affect enemies, you get to decide who is a friend and who is an enemy.

Scare Tactics

You can make a Intimidate check to demoralize all creatures within 30 ft. that are flat-footed or flanked by you as a swift action. Doing this breaks stealth. Your demoralize can stack if used on creatures that are already fearful.

With one upgrade, you can take a swift action to make a Intimidate check to demoralize any creature you damage with an attack.

You two upgrades can make a Intimidate check to demoralize all creatures within 30 ft. as a move action.

Set Trap

You can use the ranger trap ability, and you know how to set all the exceptional traps, but no supernatural ones. There is no limit on the traps you can set daily, but you must supply components for each. You can spend the equivalent of a number of uses of the ranger's traps ability on each trap equal to your Intelligence bonus (minimum 1).

You can also deploy traps over a wider area than a ranger can by sacrificing concealment. Such traps are obvious but can cover all adjacent squares before and after your 5 ft. step.

Finally, you can trigger a trap you have set or disarmed as an immediate action within 30 ft. of the trap.

With one upgrade, your traps cause double hit-point damage and no longer suffer a saving throw penalty for being extraordinary.

With two upgrades, you know how to set all supernatural traps and can set a number of supernatural traps each day equal to your class level.

Surgical Strike

You can use your knowledge of anatomy and bodily weakness to penalize enemies you get the drop on. When you hit a creature within 30 ft. that you are flanking or who is flat-footed against you, you can activate this power as a swift action. Make a Heal check against the armor class of the target. On a success, choose one of these effects:

  • Bleed: Inflict bleed damage each round equal tot he damage of the attack that triggered this effect.
  • Failing Vitals: The target cannot regenerate, use fast healing, receive temporary hit points, or be cured of hit point damage.
  • Pierce resistance: Lower damage reduction or one type of energy resistance by 10 + your Heal skill modifier. This cannot reduce the resistance to less than zero.

The creature can attempt a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ your Heal skill bonus) as a standard action to remove the effect, or a Heal check with the same difficulty can remove the effect - also a standard action. A heal spell will also remove the effect, but cures no hit point damage when used this way.

Tactical Acumen

You have intuition and insight about your opponents and battlefield. As a full-round action, you can study a prospective battlefield and make an opposed Knowledge (history) check against 10 + the encounter level of the potential encounter there. If you fail the roll, or the area lacks any danger, you learn nothing. You can only try this once per site per day and cannot take 10 on this check. If you succeed you learn the species and the information from the ecology section of the monster description of the enemy with the highest individual challenge rating. If the GM has no such description to give, he makes up a similar terse description of about two sentences outlining the most common tactics and motivations of the creature. Knowing the name of the creature allows your group to make the appropriate knowledge rolls to see if you have more detailed information on the creature. If the highest challenge level enemy is a trick or trap, you earn it's name only. You do not know where in the area the danger lies.

With one upgrade, you learn the approximate location of the most dangerous challenge in the area.

With two upgrades, you learn the species of each type of creature and trap in the area, but not their numbers or location.

Trick Shot

You can make a trick shot as an attack. Make an attack roll with a piercing weapon against the CMB of your opponent. Your CMB (but not your CMD) gains a circumstance bonus on the attack roll equal to ½ you class level if the target is within 30 ft. and flanked or flat footed. On a success, the attack inflicts normal damage and also has a special effect.

Pinning shot: The target is entangled and immobilized. He needs a CMB or Escape Artist check against your CMD to break free as a standard action. The weapon is stuck in the target while the effect lasts; if you used a melee weapon, you have to stay adjacent to the target or drop the weapon.

Blinding shot: With one upgrade you can cause a facial wound that blinds the target until it receives remove blindness or a Heal check (DC equal to your CMD).