Bomber (Apath)

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Unofficial rules compendium
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Bombers focus more on explosives than most alchemists, developing their ability to build bombs and explosives at the cost of their mastery of mutagens and internal alchemy.

Class Abilities

The bomber has all the class abilities of the alchemist, except as noted below.

Bomb Burst

When using the Bomb ability, the bomber can choose to sacrifice a prepared infusion as a swift action to turn one bomb into an area effect, a burst with a radius of 5 ft. plus 5 ft. per level of the infusion sacrificed. A bomb used like this needs an attack toll to target the right area (flat ground is normally AC 5), scattering like a normal thrown splash weapon on a miss. Damage is the same as that to the primary target of a normal bomb, plus one additional die of damage per level of the infusion used to make the bomb burst. Each target in the area is allowed a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the alchemist's level) for half damage.

This replaces the mutagen ability. Losing the Mutagen ability makes some discoveries useless.

When using the Bomb ability, the bomber can turn one bomb into an area effect, a burst with a radius of 5 ft. A bomb used like this needs an attack toll to target the right area (flat ground is normally AC 5), scattering like a normal thrown splash weapon on a miss. Damage is the same as that to the primary target of a normal bomb, Each target in the area is allowed a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the alchemist's level) for half damage. Any effect that changes how bombs work also works with bomb bursts, but note that bomb bursts have no splash damage, so discoveries that effect splash damage have no effect on them.

The bomber cal also sacrifice one prepared infusions to make the burst of a particular bomb larger and more lethal. This is done as a part of the action to prepare a bomb burst. For each level of the infusion consumed this way, add 5 ft. to the radius and one die to the damage of the bomb.

This replaces the mutagen ability. Losing the Mutagen ability makes some discoveries useless.


As a standard action, a bomber can make a Disable Device roll to place and set a bomb so as to cause great destruction to an adjacent immobile object, such as a wall, chest, or door. A bomb used this way always causes full damage to objects. Make a Disable Device roll and use the result in two ways. First, it adds to the damage of the bomb against the construction the bomb was set to damage (only). Second, it is used as a Strength check to break the object, after damage has been applied.

A bomb used for demolition causes splash damage normally.

This replaces the Throw Anything feat. A bomber is still proficient with bombs and thrown splash weapons.


As a full-round action, a bomber can launch a bomb with a base range of 120 ft. rather than the normal 20 ft.

This replaces the persistent mutagen ability.

Summary of Lost Class Abilities

These abilities of the original class are lost or modified in this archetype:

  • Mutagen
  • Throw Anything
  • Persistent Mutagen