Emote Light (Action Powers)

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Angelic Visage


You gain the appearance of a being of light; your intentions seem clear and guileless and you looks put people at ease. You can treat Charm tasks in your daily life as Routine, which lets you take a roll of ±0 instead of chancing on the dice at everyday tasks.

Best Intentions

Basic Action or Limit Break

Make an opposed Charm roll against your target; one target when done as a basic action, all targets in a diameter equal to your Mind when done as a limit break. If successful, you and all targets have only the best intentions for each other, expressing opinions honestly and accepting what is said in the best possible light. This lasts until the end of the scene. Interactions against people not affected by the power do not change.

Invoke Hope

Basic Action

You can restore hope and good spirits to yourself and allies. Any lingering Stunt effect or penalty is negated for everyone in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. You must be somewhere in the area to be affected.

Light Focus

Trigger Action (Focus)

You can focus when hit by Exposure. Whenever you are hit by an attack with a damage of 5 or more (before adding for Outcome), you can focus. You can also focus when subject to blinding light - even if you are immune to it.

Light of Truth

Limit Break

You create a static circle of light with a diameter equal to your Mind lasting until the end of the scene. This area is brightly lit, and the light also has a spiritual dimension; it is difficult to lie, cheat, hide or otherwise use deception in this area. Subtract your Mind from all such attempts. It is still possible to omit and withhold information, as long as no falsehoods are spoken and no new false impressions created. Light of Truth is obvious; the glare makes deception obviously awkward.