Emote Dark (Action Powers)

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Main article: Powers (Action)

Detect Enemy

Basic Action

You sense creatures that hate or intend harm to you, a group you represent, or someone who is present and under your protection. The range in meters is equal to your power skill roll when used blindly, or ten times that if you can perceive the creature in some fashion.

Detect Falsehood

Basic Action

You can sense moods and feelings, getting an impression of the falsehoods perpetrated by others. This makes Scrutinize and Sense Motive tasks Routine to you.

Dance of Shadows

Basic Action

You control shadows and darkness in an area with a diameter equal to your Mind. This power only works if there is darkness or shadows present, including that created by Cloud of Darkness. You can animate these shadows, creating frightening shapes and using them to confuse foes. You can create the likeness of glowing eyes, a glowing nimbus, or phantom light that is so weak as to be visible only in darkness. These images can move, fade, and return to full strength.

You can use this to do Distraction and Trick stunts, and these stunts will affect all onlookers. The dance of shadows is trying to achieve might not be relevant to all onlookers, some may simply not be interested and the Charm skill roll penalized accordingly or simply skipped as irrelevant.

Dance of shadows can fool people in combat, making them waste shots or suffer setbacks, but is not a target or attacker. A Setback might make targets may believe they are and act appropriately, but that is a part of the setback, not of the power itself.

Dark Inspiration

Trigger Action

You inspire others to be deceptive, self-indulgent, and bestial. Whenever someone in the vicinity fails an action based on these virtues, you can take a trigger action to give him an immediate Confident reroll. This applies to most uses of the Recon skill, and to other skills and rolls as determined my the GM.

Insinuate Action

Basic Action

You give another the impulse to act in a sly or evil manner to to make the target take a deceptive, self-indulgent, or bestial action. Against a target that does not mind such actions, this is automatic, and the target may immediately take what is normally a Basic Action without spending any shots. Against a target opposed to your impulse, it requires an opposed Charm roll. On a success the target loses 3 shots. With an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target immediately performs an action you suggest and loses 3 shots.

Overcome Morality

Basic Action, Limit Break, or Finisher

You can inspire others to deeds of evil and selfishness, enhancing the darkness in their souls and reducing their sense of self and integrity. Make an opposed Charm roll against your target; one target when done as a basic action, all targets in a diameter equal to your Mind when done as a Limit Break. When done as a Finisher it is a Curse and lasts until removed.

You cannot control the targets exact actions, but while under the influence of this power, any moral inhibitions the target normally has are removed. Any successful social interaction stunt that works along these lines cause an automatic Setback regardless of outcome.


Basic Action, Limit Break, or Finisher

You can cloud creature's minds and drive them insane.

Make an opposed Charm roll against your target; one target when done as a basic action, all targets in a diameter equal to your Mind when done as a Limit Break. When done as a Finisher it is a Curse, and lasts until the curse is broken. If a condition would negate the effect of such a curse, the insanity reasserts itself in the next scene.

An affected creature is insane only for the rest of the scene (unless it is a limit break). On an Outcome matching the target's Mind, they are insane for the rest of the session. An insane target suffers one of the following effects. Roll 1d6 to see which effect. If this does not fit the personality of the target, re-roll, the second result is final. Where an effect is variable, you determine the specifics, such as who a fixated target fixates on.

  1. Befuddlement — as Illusion_of_Normality
  2. Delusion — as Steal_the_Stars
  3. Fixation — as Magnetic_Attraction
  4. Hallucinations — as Confusion
  5. Multiple Personalities — as Cricket_Voice
  6. Psychopathy — as Overcome_Morality


Basic Action

Make an opposed Charm check against all hostile creatures in a diameter equal to your Mind. Those you succeed against act randomly on their next basic action. Those against whom you scored an Outcome matching their Mind act randomly on each of their basic action until the end of the en of the next round, or auntil n interaction Setback convinces them otherwise. If attacked by one of your allies, the confusion breaks.

Targets act randomly per this table. The target still controls his own trigger actions, Fortune and so on. If the action is impossible for some reason, the creature does nothing.

  1. Act normally. This also ends the confusion.
  2. Take a Full Move in a random direction, turning to use as much as possible of his movement.
  3. Stand about babbling incoherently
  4. Try to Scare the nearest creature.
  5. Attack nearest creature
  6. Attack nearest ally

A monster affected by this power treats a result of 1-4 as "act normally".

Power of Darkness

Trigger Action (Focus)

Whenever someone in your vicinity takes an unnecessarily cruel or destructive action, going out of their way to harm others and nor merely acting to benefit themselves, you can focus. If you are the one taking the action, the GM should be a more strict on the evil act required.

Sense Sin


When you first learn this power, pick one type of vice or sin that is considered morally distasteful in your culture. Whenever someone within 10 meters times your Mind commits this sin, make an opposed roll to sense where they are and what they did.

Sin Charm

Basic Action

You are supernaturally enchanting to certain creatures. You master whatever form of communication they use, even if you are normally unable to communicate with them at all.

Enchanting someone requires an opposed Charm roll. On an Outcome equal to the target's Mind, the target falls for your enchantment. On a lesser success you gain an advantage. A failed check interrupts the process, forcing you to look for a new opportunity at a later time.

Once someone has been enchanted, they will willingly follow and help you out. They seek to avoid conflict with their old allies, but if push comes to shove you cannot guarantee how they will react; they will try to avoid seeing you harmed, but they might make you a captive to save you later or even to have you at their mercy, or they might decide to throw in their lot with you and abandon their former allies. Someone who you have enchanted expects trust and help from you, but the enchantment breaks automatically only in the most blatant cases of maltreatment. If you are callous and disregard their interests they can make opposed Charm rolls against you to see through the enchantment. The same applies if a friend points out they have been charmed, but in this case it is an opposed roll against the friend's Charm skill and takes a Limit Break to do.

Enchantment normally wears off in about a weeks time, but can be maintained through continuous use of the power; it will last indefinitely if reapplied once per day. Even after the power ends you leave your targets with fond memories of you unless you mistreated them. Someone who realizes they have been enchanted and used can become vindictive or even downright hostile, but this is not the normal result.

When you take this power, select a sin. One of the classic 7 mortal sins are a good place to start; gluttony, lust, avarice, hubris, despondency, wrath, envy, or sloth. Other sins are certainly possible. You can charm any creature prone to this sin or one that practices it when you are charming them. You can also charm Devils of all kinds. It doesn't change a devil's basic nature; even when charmed they will try to cause harm and strife because it is in their nature, but a charmed devil will never break the letter of an agreement.