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(Created page with "{{FiD}} As a swashbuckler you are an adventurous warrior who has to show your prowess to gain the respect you deserve. With your natural charm and prowess you make an excellen...")
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: ˄ ˅ Finley, an armorer.
: ˄ ˅ Finley, an armorer.
: ˄ ˅ Leighton, a courtier.
: ˄ ˅ Leighton, a courtier.
: ˄ ˅ Rowan, an elegant noble.
: ˄ ˅ Rowan, a noble.
: ˄ ˅ Voss, a domestic.
: ˄ ˅ Voss, a domestic.

Revision as of 18:05, 1 September 2024

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As a swashbuckler you are an adventurous warrior who has to show your prowess to gain the respect you deserve. With your natural charm and prowess you make an excellent courtier, officer, diplomat, and general adventurer of class and wit.

Only vaguely related to the Pathfinder class of the same name, the swashbuckler is a fencer and charmer.

Special Abilities

  1. Champion: When you fight along with a cohort in combat, they gain extra effect and 1 armor.
  2. Daredevil: When you roll a desperate action, you get +1d to your roll.
  3. Flamboyance: You may expend your special armor to reduce consequences of an attack or social interaction or to push yourself in a duel of blades or wit.
  4. Idol: When you push a Consort roll you soon find someone willing to act as a contact due to their sudden attraction to you.
  5. One-on-One: By focusing, you can force a one-on-one challenge, you against a single champion of the opposing side. The confrontation must be related to the situation at hand and need not be violent. This is either a dramatic pause or eye of the storm isolating the two of you.
  6. Panache: When you push yourself you can do one of the following: perform an elegant feat that avoids hindrances—attract the attention of everyone who can see you—mysteriously disappear afterwards.
  7. Reflexes: When there's a question about who acts first, the answer is you (two characters with Reflexes act simultaneously).
  8. Renaissance Man: Take 2 stress to roll your best action rating while performing a different action. Say how you adapt your skill to this use.

Dangerous Friends

˄ ˅ Ainsley, a swashbuckler.
˄ ˅ Finley, an armorer.
˄ ˅ Leighton, a courtier.
˄ ˅ Rowan, a noble.
˄ ˅ Voss, a domestic.


☐ Buckler, main-gauche, gauntlet, hat, or cloak used in combat. Improves position but reduces effect.
■ Fine clothes & jewelry.
☐ Fine and potent dueling weapon. A heirloom.
☐ Gift or drink appropriate to the situation.
☐ Hidden weapon. Improves effect. One use.


  • Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.

  • You addressed a challenge using bravado or elegance.
  • You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
  • You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.

Starting Actions

Consort 1
Finesse 2
4 points by choice, no higher than 2 in any one