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Unofficial rules compendium

Magic tattoos approximate the effects of magic rings and certain wondrous magic devices. The following rules apply to all magic tattoos:

  • Magic tattoos always take body slots, and each body slot can only hold one magic tattoo. Unlike wondrous items, there is no way to craft a magic tattoo so that it takes up no space on the body. If the DM allows combination magic items, several effects can be combined in one magic tattoo, usually at an increased cost.
  • In order to give any benefit, the magic tattoo must not be covered. Wearing another magic item in the indicated item slot voids the effect of the magic tattoo. Wearing mundane items that completely covers the area also void the tattoos power.
    • A set of Armor or a robe covers any tattoos on the back, chest, midriff, vitals, and legs. Artful custom design on masterwork armor can let you leave two of these areas uncovered, but a set of magic armor always covers the midriff.
    • A glove or gauntlet can have a open palm or be fingerless, enabling palm tattoos to function.
  • A magic tattoo with charges or limited uses disappears when the final charge is expended.
  • Magic tattoos can be temporarily disabled by cutting or scarring. This does not happen as a normal side effect in combat; it must be made as a deliberate action. Specifically attacking a tattoo gives a -4 attack penalty and halves any damage inflicted (the attacker is out to flay rather than slay), but any damage disables the tattoo. Such scarring lasts until the wearer is next completely healed.
  • Magic tattoos can be permanently removed by cutting of the body part or flaying the skin, a slow and very painful process that requires a helpless victim and irrecoverably destroys the tattoo. A severed body part that is regenerated from scratch loses any magic tattoos it once held.
  • Tattoos are tied to the life-force of the wearer. If the wearer dies, all tattoos on the body are rendered inert. If the body is intact and resurrected, remaining tattoos once again function. A magic tattoo can never be resold or reused. Techniques that salvage the power of magic items still work.
  • Under these limitations, magic tattoos can duplicate the functions of wondrous items and rings that use the following body slots. The cost and prerequisites remain the same, except that magic tattoos always uses the Craft Magic Tattoo feat. There are also some specific tattoos described below; more can be created. An item that does not normally require a body slot that is made into a tattoo reduces the cost by half.
Body Slot Tattoo Location Normal Gear Affinity
Head Scalp, Brow Headband, helmet Mental improvement, ranged attacks
Phylactery Morale, alignment
Hat Interaction
Eyes Face Lenses, goggles Vision
Neck Neck, Breast Amulet, brooch, medallion, necklace, periapt, scarab Protection, discernment
Back Back Cloak, cape, mantle Transformation, protection
Chest Chest Vest, vestment Class ability improvement
Shirt Physical improvement
Torso Midriff Robe Multiple effects
Vitals Vitals, Legs Belt, Girdle Physical improvement
Arms Arm Bracers Combat
Bracelets Allies
Hands Wrists, hand Gloves Quickness
Gauntlets Destructive power
Fingers Palm, Fingers Rings Protection, spell effects
Feet Feet, Ankles Boots Movement

Special Magical Tattoos

These enchantments are specific to magic tattoos.

Tattoo of Fidelity

Placed on the arm or breast, this tattoo spells out the name of a specific individual. Once per day, the wearer can use sending to communicate with the named individual only. Commonly used by seafarers and other long-time travelers. Prerequisites: CL 7, sending, Craft Magic Tattoo. 2,850 gp.

Tattoo Monster

Placed on an arm or leg, these monsters can detach and fight on behalf of the user, functioning as summon nature's ally, summon monster, or summon undead spells, calling the specific creature depicted. Available both as resuable and one-use enchantments that never return to tattoo form. Prerequisites: Summon (monster, nature's ally, or undead), Craft Magic Tattoo.

  • Summon I, CL 1. One-use 25 gp. One use/day 200 gp.
  • Summon II, CL 3, One-use 150 gp. One use/day 1200 gp.
  • Summon III, CL 5. One-use 375 gp. One use/day 3,000 gp.
  • Summon IV, CL 7. One-use 1700 gp. One use/day 5,600 gp.
  • Summon V, CL 9. One-use 1,125 gp. One use/day 9,000 gp.
  • Summon VI, CL 11. One-use 1,160 gp. One use/day 13,200 gp.
  • Summon VII, CL 13. One-use 2,600 gp. One use/day 20,800 gp.
  • Summon VIII, CL 15. One-use 3,000 gp. One use/day 24,000 gp.
  • Summon IX, CL 17. One-use 3,875 gp. One use/day 30,600 gp.

Tattoo of Recall

Often depicting an anchor, the tattoo of recall can be placed on the chest or arm. When activated, it functions as a word of recall spell, transferring the wearer and up to three medium-size creatures to a secure area designated when the tattoo is drawn. Disappears when used. Prerequisites: CL 11, word of recall, Craft Magic Tattoo. 1,650 gp.