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==== Healing Synergy (Su) ====
==== Healing Synergy (Su) ====
At 13th level you form a healing network with all living allies within 30 ft. who are not immune to mind-affecting effects.  Each ally heals 1 hit point per minute for each ally (other than themselves) in the area, to a maximum of one hit point per round (10 hit points per minute). This works like fast healing, only slower.
At 13th level you form a healing network with all living allies within 30 ft. who are not immune to mind-affecting effects.  Each ally heals 1 hit point per minute for each ally (other than themselves) in the area, to a maximum of one hit point per round (10 hit points per minute). This works like fast healing, only slower.
=== Wandering Spirit ===
You acquire some of the characteristics of a spirit creature, able to materialize to possess other creatures.
'''Phrenic Pool Ability:''' Charisma.
'''Bonus Spells:'''
''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/lock-gaze Lock gaze]'' (1st),
''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/marionette-possession marionette possession]'' (4th),
''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/o/object-possession object possession (lesser)]'' (6th),
''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/riding-possession riding possession]'' (8th),
''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/possession possession]'' (10th),
''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/o/object-possession object possession (greater)]'' (12th),
''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/scrying scrying (greater)]'' (14th),
''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/bilocation bilocation]'' (16th),
''[http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mind-swap mind swap (major)]'' (18th).
==== Telepathic Possession (Su) ====
You treat possession spells as if they were mind-affecting, but only for the purpose of which phrenic amplifications it can be used with. When you use a phrenic amplification with a possession spell, the phrenic pool cost is reduced by one.
==== Possessing Spirit (Su) ====
At 5th level when you possess a host (creature or object), you enter the host's body and your physical body vanishes. You are ejected to the closest empty square upon expiration of the spell or upon the host's death.
==== Spirit Spells (Su) ====
When you begin or end a possession, you can choose to transfer any spells you have cast that are currently affecting the body you were in to the body you are moving to.
== External Links ==
== External Links ==

Revision as of 15:22, 15 January 2016

ApathApath Logo
Unofficial rules compendium

Psychic Disciplines

Empathic Healer

Your mind reaches out to others, touching and restoring their minds and bodies, sometimes at the expense of your own mind and body. But this power also allows you to draw power from the presence of friendly creatures.

Phrenic Pool Ability: Wisdom.

Bonus Spells: cure light wounds (1st), restoration (lesser) (4th), cure serious wounds (6th), restoration (8th), breath of life (10th), heal (12th), restoration (greater) (14th), mass cure critical wounds (16th), mass heal (18th).

Empathic Healing (Su)

Any occult conjuration (healing) spell you cast gains the mind-affecting descriptor. When casting a conjuration (healing) spell on another creature not immune to mind-affecting effects, you have the option to transfer any hit point damage, attribute damage, and attribute drain from the target to yourself. You can also transfer conditions in the same manner. You suffer the condition, damage, or drain you transfer, and this transfer bypasses all defenses.

Healing Trance (Su)

At 5th level you can enter a healing trance. As an full-round action you can enter or leave a meditative state conductive to healing. While in this trance you are helpless and incapable of physical actions and all conditions you suffer are suppressed. You live at an accelerated rate, 24 hours passing in the span of an hour. This allows healing and causes effects with a limited duration to expire quickly. You can use purely mental actions that target yourself only, but each round in the trance equals 3 minutes in the world. It does not allow spell preparation. Exiting the trance takes a normal full-round action that is not prolonged. Your body continues to fight poison, disease, and similar ailments while in the trance, but you are immune to further damage from all lingering effects. You do not age, breathe, sleep, eat, drink, or excrete while in this trance. You are dimly aware of your surroundings and take a -10 penalty on Perception checks, but you are instantly aware if your body is moved or harmed.

Healing Synergy (Su)

At 13th level you form a healing network with all living allies within 30 ft. who are not immune to mind-affecting effects. Each ally heals 1 hit point per minute for each ally (other than themselves) in the area, to a maximum of one hit point per round (10 hit points per minute). This works like fast healing, only slower.

Wandering Spirit

You acquire some of the characteristics of a spirit creature, able to materialize to possess other creatures.

Phrenic Pool Ability: Charisma.

Bonus Spells: Lock gaze (1st), marionette possession (4th), object possession (lesser) (6th), riding possession (8th), possession (10th), object possession (greater) (12th), scrying (greater) (14th), bilocation (16th), mind swap (major) (18th).

Telepathic Possession (Su)

You treat possession spells as if they were mind-affecting, but only for the purpose of which phrenic amplifications it can be used with. When you use a phrenic amplification with a possession spell, the phrenic pool cost is reduced by one.

Possessing Spirit (Su)

At 5th level when you possess a host (creature or object), you enter the host's body and your physical body vanishes. You are ejected to the closest empty square upon expiration of the spell or upon the host's death.

Spirit Spells (Su)

When you begin or end a possession, you can choose to transfer any spells you have cast that are currently affecting the body you were in to the body you are moving to.

External Links

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