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|valign=bottom|'''Bomb <br>Size''' ||valign=bottom| '''Damage''' ||valign=bottom| '''Range Increment <br>& Blast Radius''' ||valign=bottom| '''Gunpowder <br>charges ''' ||valign=bottom| '''Cost''' ||valign=bottom| '''Notes'''
|valign=bottom|'''Bomb <br>Size''' ||valign=bottom| '''Damage''' ||valign=bottom| '''Range Increment <br>& Blast Radius''' ||valign=bottom| '''Weight''' ||valign=bottom| '''Cost''' ||valign=bottom| '''Notes'''
||Tiny||| 1d6 ||| 5 ft.||| 1 lbs ||| 20 gp ||valign=top| Horn
||Tiny||| 1d6 ||| 5 ft.||| 1 lbs ||| 20 gp ||valign=top| Horn

Revision as of 19:53, 10 February 2016

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Unofficial rules compendium

Alchemical Items

Blinding Egg (50 gp)

A small bird’s egg filled with itching and blinding powders, the blinding egg is thrown like a grenade (range increment 10 ft.) and can also be applied as a melee touch attack. A target hit must succeed at a DC 18 Fort save or be blinded for one round and sickened. The target is allowed a Fortitude save each round to negate the sickening; spending a full-round action getting rid of it allows an additional Fortitude save with a +4 bonus. Even if the initial save is successful, the distraction caused by the egg is sufficient to allow the use of Stealth. This is a consumable item. If applied in melee it only affects a single target. If thrown, it splashes, but the Fortitude save DC of a splash is only 8. Craft (alchemy) DC 10

Disappearing Powder (1 gp)

This is a colored, glittery powder that can be thrown into the air. While onlookers are distracted by the pretty cloud, the user can quietly disappear. Variants use weak smoke or flash powders. Also used as a stage-magician prop. This is a consumable item. Using disappearing powder is a standard action (a swift action with a DC 15 Sleight of Hand check) and causes an automatic distraction to use the Stealth skill. Craft (alchemy) DC 10


A large bomb that uses a lot of gunpowder to create a really impressive explosion. The damage and radius of the explosion depends on the amount of gunpowder used in the bomb. One pound of gunpowder costs 20 gp.

The size of the bomb indicates how large you have to be to throw it. An explosive is a two-handed throwing weapon and takes a full-round action to throw. Oversize bombs can be thrown using siege engines or carried into position. An explosive needs to be lit to go off. This is usually a fuse, or any fire or electricity damage that penetrates the hardness (5) after halving for attacking an object.

Giants have a special affinity for throwing things; they catch and throw bombs as if they were rocks.

Damage Range Increment
& Blast Radius
Weight Cost Notes
Tiny 1d6 5 ft. 1 lbs 20 gp Horn
Small 2d6 10 ft. 4 lbs 80 gp
Medium 4d6 10 ft.| 16 lbs 300 gp gp Keg
Large 8d6 15 ft. 64 lbs 1,250 gp
Huge 16d6 20 ft. 250 lbs 5,000 gp Barrel
Gargantuan 32d6 30 ft. 1,000 lbs 20,000 gp
Colossal 64d6 40 ft. 4,000 lbs 80,000 gp

Firepot (4 gp; 0.5 lb)

The doka is a small, ceramic pot, lashed shut with heat proof twine and with small holes allowing access and air. It holds a live coal which it will 156 keep burning for 12 hours. A lack of air will smother the coal. It is insulated so that you may carry it secreted in your clothes. It provides warmth, providing a +2 bonus on Constitution checks against cold weather conditions. The firepot allows access to fire, which will always succeed in igniting combustibles, as opposed to the vagaries of flint and steel fire making. If thrown as a grenade-like weapon (range increment 10 ft.) it will break, igniting a pool of oil, dry straw, or other incendiary material or causing 1d3 fire damage if used as a weapon. Craft (alchemy) DC 10

Gunpowder Keg (200 gp, 15 lb)

Craft (alchemy) DC 15 Powder kegs are lead-lined, hermetically sealed, and once used the lead can be conveniently melted into bullets. A gunpowder keg holds 10 lbs (200 shots) of gunpowder. The keg is complimentary; if purchased separately it costs 2 gp It keeps powder fresh for many years.

Gunpowder Horn (5 gp, 1 lb)

A watertight powder horn (without gunpowder) costs 5 gp and will keep the powder dry under normal conditions. A masterwork powder horn costs 25 gp and will keep the powder dry even in a jungle or underwater. It holds 1 pound (20 shots) of gunpowder, and can be refilled at a cost of 20 gold pieces. Craft (horn) DC 15

Lead Foil (2 gp)

A one-foot-square of very thin lead. Used to wrap objects to shield them from detection spells such as detect magic. Lead foil is very fragile, and is destroyed if a wrapped item is handled roughly or used in combat. A single sheet of lead foil can coat an object the size of a dagger, potion, or scroll case; a one-handed melee weapon requires about five sheets, a two-handed melee weapon 10 sheets, a pole arm or missile weapon 25 sheets. Craft (alchemy) DC 20

Lead Paint (25 gp; 1 lb)

An alchemic paint containing enough lead to block detection spells, an ounce of lead paint can coat about a 1 ft. square in the same manner as terne-plating. A one-pint bottle contains 16 ounces. Applying it effectively requires a full-round action and a Craft (painting) check (DC 10), but it takes a DC 15 check for it to look good. The paint is naturally a brilliant white; the painter can add pigments to color it before use. Craft (alchemy) DC 15

Slippery Gel (50 gp, 1 lb)

This is a sticky grease used to reduce friction. A bottle can be thrown as a splash weapon, coating either one Large or smaller creature or a single 5 ft. square. It deals no splash damage. It can be carefully applied to up to four 5 ft. squares or four medium-size creatures as a full-round action for each creature or square. The amount of gel required varies by size, count Huge creatures as 4, Large creatures as 2, Small creatures as 1/2, Tiny or smaller as 1/10 of a Medium creature. Craft (alchemy) DC 15

Ground so treated becomes slippery, and moving there requires a DC 10 Acrobatics check. Applied to a door, it reduces the difficulty to open a stuck door by five and reduces the Move Silently penalty to open a squeaky door by five. Creatures covered become slippery and gain a +5 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks, CMD against grapple checks, and on CMB checks made to escape a grapple or pin. Viscous lotion rubs off in an hour of use and can be washed away with soap, sand, or alcohol; water does not remove it, and it can last for years if left undisturbed.

A similar effect can be gained with a caking of soft mud, but that requires a mud bath. Lamp oil can be used with lesser effect, a pint can be used to cover a single 5 ft. square or Medium-size creature as a full-round action and grants a +2 circumstance bonus on checks. Lamp oil cannot be used as a splash weapon of this kind.

Slow Fuse (10 gp)

A foot of heavy cord (Hardness 2, hp 1) infused with chemicals to make it smolder slowly and steadily. A slow fuse burns at the rate of one inch per 10 minutes. It doesn’t need air to burn, but dipping it in water for a minute will extinguish it by heat loss. The best way to extinguish it is to cut off the smoldering part and let that burn out. Provides access to fire, which will always succeed in igniting combustibles, as opposed to the vagaries of flint and steel fire making. Using it to ignite anything but a combustible takes a full-round action or more. A slow fuse used with a melee attack can inflict one point of fire damage. Cutting the fuse to use it as a timer requires a Knowledge (engineering) check (DC of 30), each point of failure means the timing is off by one round. A slow fuse is one-use only. Craft (alchemy) DC 20

Spell Seal (8 gp)

A seal with an alchemical process involving holy and unholy symbols, silver, lead, and cold iron that interferes with spellcasting. Casting a spell or using a spelllike ability when wearing a spell seal requires a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) or the casting fails. Variant spell seals can be made that interfere only with either divine or arcane magic, at the same cost. These seals are often attached to manacles, but can also be worn openly as a spellcaster's equivalent of a peace-bonded weapon. A spell seal has hardness 10 and 5 hit points. More expensive variants exist with higher difficulty numbers; DC 25 + spell level, hardness 12 (40 gp), DC 30 + spell level hardness 15 (200 gp), DC 35 + spell level hardness 17 (1,000 gp) and DC 40 + spell level hardness 20 (5,000 gp). Craft (alchemy) DC 15

Suction Cups (150 gp, 1 lb)

Made of elastic alchemical materials, suction cups adhere well to any perfectly smooth surface. It allows easy climbing (DC 15) on perfectly smooth surfaces which are normally impossible to climb, such as sheer ice, glass, or a wall of force. Craft (alchemy) DC 15

Terne-plating (1 sp)

Items can be covered in a thin layer of a mix of tin and lead to shield them (and their contents) from certain detection spells, such as detect magic. A terne-plated object looks like it is made of dull grey metal of little value, but a DC 15 Appraise check is enough to realize the truth if an item is studied. An item to be plated must not be overly flexible or heat-sensitive. Metal, bone, glass, ceramic, and wooden objects are routinely terne-plated. Terne-plating gradually wears thin and has to be renewed after about a month of adventuring or a year of normal use. The cost given is to coat a small item like a dagger, potion, or scroll case; a one-handed melee weapon costs five times as much, a two-handed melee weapon 10 times, a pole arm or missile weapon 25 times as much. Soft containers cannot be plated, but bottles and boxes can; the cost is about 1 sp per cubic foot of volume. A room or building can have its walls, floor, and ceiling terne-plated at a cost of 1 gp per 5 ft. cube of volume. Therne-plating in construction is usually hidden to prevent wear. Craft (alchemy) DC 15

Combat Gear

Armored Boots (2 gp, 2 lb)

This is a pair of heavy boots reinforced with steel soles and toes. Against attacks that specifically target the foot, such caltrops or bear traps, armored boots prevent damage and give a +4 bonus on saves or checks to avoid or escape the danger. Armored boots can be used as weapons (as gauntlets). Armored boots are noisy, clumsy and tend to slip or get stuck in mud, the wearer suffers a -2 armor check penalty that stacks with other armor check penalties. Craft (armor) DC 15

Armored Boots, Masterwork (200 gp, 3 lb)

The steel plates in these shoes are layered with leather, removing the armor check penalty and making them look like normal heavy boots. They otherwise perform as armored boots. Craft (armor) DC 25

Armored Boots, Mithral (2,000 gp, 1 lb)

Armored boots of mithral instead of steel. Can be worn as high fashion and made to look like dainty slippers and all kinds of fantastic shapes. They otherwise perform as masterwork armored boots. Craft (armor) DC 25

Assembly Weapon (50 gp)

A weapon can be constructed so that it can be quickly assembled from parts, each of which is inconspicuous. It takes a minute to assemble or disassemble the weapon. Recognizing the disassembled weapon for what it is requires a DC 15 Disable Device check. If the pieces are separated (generally carried by different creatures), the DC of recognizing any single piece as being part of a weapon is 25. An assembly weapon costs an additional 500 gold pieces, plus twice the cost of the weapon. An assembly weapon cannot be of masterwork quality or of special materials, and can’t be made into a magic weapon, but it can have magic-enhancing spells cast on it. Craft (weaponsmith) DC 20

Caltrops, Oversized

Caltrops are normally made to catch Medium opponents, but work just as well against opponent's one size category smaller or larger. Creatures outside this size interval ignore normal caltrops. Caltrops made for smaller creatures are not practical. Caltrops of larger size can be made to catch larger creatures, which in turn makes smaller creatures immune; caltrops for Huge creatures are commonly used against cavalry as they are safe for Medium or smaller creatures to pass. Oversized caltrops also do more damage, scaling twice as fast as weapons do. Weight and cost are the doubled for each size category increase;
Large 1d3 damage Weight 4 lbs. Cost 2 gp.
Huge 1d6 damage Weight 8 lbs. Cost 4 gp.
Gargantuan 2d6 damage Weight 16 lbs. Cost 8 gp.
Colossal 4d6 damage Weight 8 lbs. Cost 4 gp.
Craft (weapons) DC 15

Caltrops, Oversized, Vicious

These are a combination of vicious and oversized caltrops.
Large 1d6 damage Weight 8 lbs. Cost 100 gp.
Huge 2d6 damage Weight 16 lbs. Cost 200 gp.
Gargantuan 4d6 damage Weight 32 lbs. Cost 400 gp.
Colossal 8d6 damage Weight 64 lbs. Cost 800 gp.
Craft (weapons) DC 25

Parasol Buckler (100 gp; 4 lb)

This is an elegant parasol that is sturdy enough to function as a buckler in an emergency. Readying it is as simple as removing it from the pole and holding it (like drawing a weapon). It has a Hardness of 5 and only 10 hit points, making it relatively easy to sunder. Strictly an emergency weapon, once it has been used as a buckler, it no longer looks like a high-class parasol but still functions as one unless it has the broken condition. On close inspection it takes a DC 20 Disable Device or Knowledge (engineering) check to recognize the device for what it is. Craft (mechanic) DC 15

Personal Gear

Diving Air Bag (2 gp; 12 lb)

A pouch made of an animal bladder, weighted down with rocks to neutral buoyance. You can use the air bag to fill your lungs with air underwater, permitting you to replenish your air, resetting the timer for holding your breath. Inflating an air bag, or holding it over your head to inhale the air in it, is a full-round action. Removing the ballast takes one minute and reduces the weight of the air bag to 1 lb Adding the correct ballast takes five minutes assuming a good supply of small rocks or the like. Diving with an unweighted bag is impossible. Inflated air bags are very bulky and difficult to swim with; each air bag imposes a cumulative armor check penalty of -1, which stacks with normal armor check penalties and like other armor check penalties is doubled with regard to the Swim skill. An uninflated air bag gives no armor check penalty. Craft (leather) DC 15

Diving Kit (25 gp; 6 lb)

A set of primitive “SCUBA” equipment. This includes a set of flippers and a simple snorkel. It grants a swim speed of 15 ft., grants a +5 bonus on Swim checkc (this replaces the normal +8 bonus granted by having a swim speed), and the wearer can use Stealth against observers above the surface without holding breath. It does not allow the wearter to take 10 on Swim checks more often than normal. Wearing a diving kit reduces the wearer’s land speed to 5 ft. Taking the diving kit on or off is a full-round action, or a move action to remove it by destroying it. Craft (leather) DC 15

Lead Lined Vestments (25 gp; 4 lb)

A body covering heavy garnment, like a full catsuit, hooded robe, or suit of full armor can be lined with lead to stop certain detection spells from detecting the wearer. This works best with stiff materials, like a suit of rigid armor or a leather raincoat; other clothes lose the integrity of the lining after about day of use. This counts as wearing metal armor for a druid, even if the vestments are not armor. Craft (alchemy) DC 25

Money Belt (2 gp; 1/4 lb)

A most unusual money belt developed for those whose security needs are more stringent than average. Even on close inspection it takes a DC 20 Perception check to recognize anything is out of the ordinary. This article is constructed from high quality leather, with a buckle. Twisting the buckle reveals a tiny concealed edge. Using this tool, the wearer measures off two-inch segments of the belt, starting at the buckle. Each two-inch segment can hold up to five coins, 20 gems, a tightly folded sheet (which can hold things like a message, map, or scroll of a single spell) or a similar diminutive object. The pockets are routinely lined with thin lead to block detect magic and the like. Craft (leather) DC 15

Secret Compartment (25 gp)

There is a number of personal items ubiquitous in each culture; examples from various areas include armor, saddles, sheathes, holy symbols, codpieces, corsets, clogs, high-heeled boots, fancy hats, sword hilts, and so on. The trick is to select an item so common it does not register, yet large enough and rigid enough to hold a compartment. Such objects can be fitted with secret compartments, perfect for hiding a weapon like a knife, reserve funds, a potion, or other objects up to 8 ounces or so in weight. The compartment is lined in lead to foil many detection spells. A secret compartment like this will pass most searches automatically, and only a determined search allows a Perception check (CD 25) to discover the compartment. Craft (as apropriate) DC 15

Secret Pockets (5 gp)

Tiny secret pockets can be sewn into clothing. Even on close inspection it takes a DC 20 Perception check to recognize anything is out of the ordinary. Each secret pocket can hold up to five coins, 20 gems, a tightly folded sheet (which can hold a message, map, or scroll) or a similar diminutive object. The pocket is lined in lead to foil many detection spells. A secret pocket like this will pass most searches automatically, and only a determined search allows a Perception check (CD 25). Craft (tailor) DC 20

Spell Component Robe (30 gp, 3 lb)

This is a spell component pouch sewn into a fine wizard's robe. Numerous small pockets can be used to store sundry spell components and keep them easily accessible. Less obvious than a spell component pouch, it has the same utility; assume any small, free material component for a spell the caster knows is kept in this robe. Craft (tailor) DC 15


Canvas Tool Display (1 gp, 1 lb)

A strip of sturdy canvas with hoops and markings for tools, the tool display is used to give rapid access to just the right tool. Variants are used by street vendors to display wares they can quickly hide when the tax man comes. It is normally carried wound up in a tight roll, then rolled out to display the tools, either flat or hanging from the built-in folding frame. A tool display is reasonably sturdy (Hardness 5, 5 hit points) but can be picked up or overturned very easily. A tool display that is properly deployed (a full-round action) makes it a free action to access any of the tools in it. Variant tool displays can hold arrows, shuriken, a sword collection, and so on. Putting each item back into the tool display is a standard action.
Weight 1 lb. Cost 1 gp for small toolkits (ammunition, thief's tools, light weapons)
Weight 5 lbs. Cost2 gp for medium toolkits (most crafts, one-handed weapons).
Weight 12 lbs Cost4 gp for heavy toolkits (blacksmith, stonemason, two-handed weapons).
Craft (tailor) DC 15

Clock (100 gp, 10 lb)

A device for telling the time. A pendulum clock is very accurate if properly calibrated but must remain stationary to function. A spring clock can be hung on a wall or rest on a shelf. Besides the obvious uses in time keeping and spell duration timing, timepieces find great use in navigation, making it much easier to measure speed and time various astronomical calculations. This gives a +2 bonus on Knowledge (Geography) checks to navigate. If available, a more accurate clock gives a greater bonus. Craft (mechanic) DC 15

Music Box (500 gp, 20 lbs to negligible)

A clockwork contraption that plays a set piece of music. Larger devices play at a higher volume, using more notes, and for a longer time, with the largest playing up to half an hour of music and the smallest only one minute. The device has a Perform skill of +1 per four pounds of weight weight in pounds and can play three minutes per pound of weight (minimum 1 minute). Variant music boxes have no springs, which means they must be cranked by hand but can play indefinitely. Craft (mechanic) DC 25

Reference Work (150 gp, 3 lbs)

A book containing standard information on a variety of subjects related to one field of study of the Knowledge skill. A reference work allows a reroll on a failed Knowledge check, but the reroll is a full-round action. Knowledge (any one) DC 20

Intrusion Devices

Breaching Kit (50 gp; 20 lbs)

Craft (blacksmith) DC 15 A set of tools used for breaking into locked residences and businesses, consisting of a crowbar, portable ram, sledge, common wire saw, and adze. A full kit adds +6 to Strength checks to break doors or chests and allows up to three people to help, adding +2 for each.

Climbing Pole (25 gp, 2 lb)

The Shinobi-kumade (literally, "Ninja Rake") is a collapsible bamboo pole with a claw at one end. Collapsed, it is barely 18" long, but it can telescope out to 12 ft. and is cunningly reinforced to support the weight of a man. It may be used as a club or staff but breaks on an attack roll of one. Used to aid climbing, the Shinobi-kumade makes short climbs up to 15 ft. very easy (DC 10), and can aid long climbs by leapfrogging from foothold to foothold. This gives a +5 circumstance bonus on climb checks, but cannot be used with accelerated climbing. Craft (carpenter) DC 15

Parabolic Ear (20 gp; 8 lb)

This is a large parabola made of waxed paper. It works by concentrating sound from a certain direction, and cuts the range penalty on Perception checks to listen to -1 per 50 ft. In this way, shouted orders can be heard at a quarter mile, a normal discussion can be heard up to a 300 ft. away and a quiet talk or whispers up to 100 ft. away. Halve these ranges under noisy conditions, and halve them again if there is a breeze. Wind stronger than a breeze prevents the use of this device and might damage it. The device is usually camouflaged as a large hat or parasol and takes a minute to set up. Even on close inspection it takes a DC 20 Disable Device or Knowledge (engineering) check to recognize its special function. Knowledge (engineer) DC 25

Peephole Telescope (250 gp, 1 lb)

A variant of the spyglass, the Peephole Telescope is used to extend your field of vision when looking out of a small opening, such as an arrow slit. The minimum size of the opening for a human-sized peephole telescope is 1 inch. It can extend out to two feet in length. Unlike a periscope, the peephole telescope allows you to quickly scan the area on the other side for obvious things - allowing use of the Spot skill, but with triple range penalties.

A regular spyglass can be used this way by reversing it, but requires a hole three inches in diameter. Craft (mechanic) DC 10

Pole, Collapsible (4 gp, 5 lb)

A set of tubes of increasing diameter, one inside the other, the collapsible pole can be telescoped in length from 3 ft. to 12 ft. as a move action. It can be used as a quarterstaff when extended and a club when not, but is not intended as a weapon and has the fragile property. Craft (carpenter) DC 20

Pole, Mithral (2,000 gp, 5 lb)

A 10 ft. collapsible pole made of mithral instead of wood, this pole is almost unbreakable (Hardness 15, hit points 60, break DC 26). It does not gain the fragile property when used as a weapon. A mithral pole is sometimes painted or wrapped to look like a regular club, but this concealment only works when it is collapsed. Craft (armor) DC 25

Safety Net (8 gp, 18 lb)

A round sheet of canvas 10 ft. in diameter stretched flat across a wooden frame. Very cumbersome to carry, the device can be dissembled or assembled in one minute. Can be held by four or more people and used to break a fall. Like water, a safety net reduces falling damage by two dice and turns the next two dice of falling damage into nonlethal damage. A safety net is only safe for one Medium or smaller jumper; larger sheets that require larger holders are possible. Craft (tailor) DC 15

Safety Net, Masterwork (80 gp, 22 lb)

An improved safety net that has a folding frame that can be deployed as a full-round action and springs that reduce the number of people needed to hold it to four. Craft (tailor) DC 25

Stethoscope (10 gp, -)

A metal or horn tube with a wide disc at one end. Used by putting the disc against a door, window, or other surface and listening at the other end. It gives a +5 bonus on Perception checks in this situation, negating the normal +5 DC penalty for a normal door or window in the way and lessening the penalty for other obstacles. Using a stethoscope is a full-round action. Craft (mechanic) DC 10

Trap Kit (variable)

A magical or mechanical trap that has been crafted and is ready to be placed is called a trap kit. See the trap making rules in the environment section of the core rulebook for details on traps. It normally takes an hour to set up a trap kit and turn it into an actual trap, and requires a Craft (traps) check with a of DC 15 + CR of the trap. Failing by 10 or more means the trapper is caught in the trap. Traps dependent on terrain features, such as a pit trap, can only be deployed if such a terrain feature is available. A trap cannot be moved once it has been set up; all a disabled trap is good for is scrap. Weight can vary considerably, but for simplicity's sake assume a trap kit weighs 1 lb./challenge rating, plus 10 lbs. for a mechanical trap. Cost As the trap in question, see traps in the core rulebook. Craft (mechanic)

Travel Gear

Canoe (30-150 gp, 20 lb)

This is a small boat made of oiled skins, cloth or bark with ribs of wood or bone. It is surprisingly seaworthy if well handled. If water-filled, it can be cut open when on land allowing the water to pour out; this makes it practical for difficult landings in high waves. Such a hole is easily repaired.

A typical canoe boat is 10 feet long, 3 feet wide, and carries 2 people and up to two passengers or 500 lbs of cargo at 1 mph. Two Paddles are included. Craft (carpenter) DC 15

Also comes in a disassembling variety for ease of transportation. It takes 1 minute and a Craft (carpentry or ships) roll of 20 to assemble or disassemble a canoe. Cost 150 gp Craft (carpenter) DC 20

Canoe: Large vehicle; Seaworthiness -4; Shiphandling +4, Speed oars 10 ft. (good); Overall AC 4; Hull 15 hp (hardness 3); Ram -; Mounts: -; Space 10 ft. by 5 ft., Height 2 ft. (draft 1/2 ft); Complement 4; Watch 2; Cargo 500 lbs

Ensign (4 gp; 2 lb)

Ensign is the naval term for a flag, often a signal flag. Naval ensigns are about three feet by five. A typical ensign has AC 15 (it is not an immobile object when flying in the wind), Hardness 0, and 20 hit points. It is immune to piercing and bludgeoning damage. It is readable at about a mile. The price is for a sturdy sewn flag, but flags embroidered with fancy coats-of-arms in threads of precious metals can easily cost a hundred times as much. A simple ensign can be hand-colored on canvas in about 10 minutes at almost no cost, but only lasts until the first squall. Craft (tailor) DC 15

Flagpole (1 gp; 16 lb)

A flagpole is a 10 ft. pole suitable for carrying a flag or banner and with a rope mechanism for hoisting it. Early flagpoles often have the flag tied to it and the flag and pole are then hoisted onto a mast at sea or carried by an especially trusted retainer on land. A flagpole is AC 6, Hardness 5, and has 40 hit points. It will only take damage from a piercing and bludgeoning attack on an attack roll that would be a critical hit against a creature. Craft (carpenter) DC 10

Folding Raft (40 gp; 15 lb)

A collapsible, 1-man raft. It has room for one person and his personal gear. In collapsed form, it may be carried slung over one shoulder or as a backpack and resembles a small tent. Assembling or disassembling it takes one minute. It takes a DC 20 Disable Device check to recognize it’s purpose when disassembled. It is a water vehicle with a speed of 20 ft. Craft (leather) DC 20

Glider (75 gp, 40 lb)

Condition DC
Light wind 15
Moderate wind 20
Strong wind 25
Severe wind 30

Used to absorb falls and to provide limited flight, gliders are large fixed wings (looking somewhat like a great sail or kite) with a wingspan of about 20 ft. (for a medium character). A character who wears a glider and deliberately jumps off from a height takes no falling damage and will only descend at a rate of 5 ft. each round. Make an Acrobatics or Ride check each round with a DC depending on wind turbulence and maneuver room. On a failure by up to four points, the glider moves straight ahead. On a failure by five points or more, the glider stalls, dropping 2d6 x 5 ft. If this forces the character to land, there is normal falling damage and the glider is destroyed.

As long as the glide roll succeeds the user can move horizontally a number of feet equal to twice the roll (minimum 20 feet). Using a glider requires a full-round action each round.

Gliding is impossible in winds stronger than severe or spaces under 50 ft. wide. Strong and stronger winds also have their normal effect on fliers of the character's size. An anchored glider in windy conditions can stay afloat indefinitely, and thermals can be used to gain altitude, but this is generally beyond the scope of this device. Knowledge (engineer) DC 20

There are also dissassembling gliders. It takes 1 minute and a Craft (Carpentry) roll of 20 to assemble or disassemble a glider. The disassembling glider costs 350 gp. Knowledge (engineer) DC 25

Inflatable Floatation Device (5 gp; 4 lb)

A large airtight bag, usually made of an animal skin one size smaller than the user, that can be inflated and strapped to the body to aid in buoyancy. It allows the user to take 10 on Swim checks, as long as he stays on the surface. Inflating or deflating the device takes one minute. Larger devices are possible and can be fitted to mounts—calculate costs for different creatures as if the flotation device was a set of armor. Grabbing hold of some random floating wreckage has the same effect, but depending on the size and shape of the wreckage might reduce swim speed. Craft (leather) DC 15

Pogo Stick (50 gp, 5 lb)

A pogo stick is a spring-loaded device used to hop and is normally regarded as a child's toy. It consists of a pole with a T-bar handle at one end, and spring-loaded footpads on the other. You use the pogo stick with the run action, and it takes two hands to use. Make an Acrobatics check to jump at the end of the run action and move a number of additional feet equal to the result, rounded down to the nearest 5 ft. interval. On an Acrobatics result less than 5 you fall prone. Craft (mechanic) DC 15

Skis (5 gp, 5 lb)

Skis are thin long strips of wood, hardened leather or bark. They are highly useful for traveling on snow. Someone on skis can travel on snow at double rate, but cannot take 5 ft. steps and loses their Dexterity bonus to armor class when standing still. Making a turn of more than 30 degrees in a round on skis is a move action. Skis can move at unlimited speed downhill, but require an Acrobatics check (DC = speed/10 ft.) Failure indicates a fall after (check result x10 ft.), causing 1d6 damage per 30 ft. traveled. Putting on each ski is a full-round action, as is safely removing both skis. Craft (carpenter) DC 15

Stilts (1 gp, 15 lb)

Short stilts are common as toys. The stilts described here are ten ft. tall or more, which puts the wearer out of reach of most medium-sized creatures. These stilts are tied to the feet of the wearer, who cannot move normally with the stilts fitted. Putting on or removing each stilt is a full-round action. It takes no free hands to use stilts tied to the feet this way.

Walking on stilts require a DC 10 Acrobatics check. Standing up from prone with stilts fitted requires a DC 25 Acrobatics check. A character on stilts can move at normal speed through difficult ground that does not entangle, as long as there is a hard flat ground beneath. Examples include crowds, caltrops, spikes, and hedgerows but not uneven ground, slick ground, gravel, muck, or vines.

Fighting in stilts puts you out of the normal reach of Medium or smaller creatures and gives you a height advantage against any creature up to one size larger than you if you can reach down to attack, but gives a -4 penalty on CMD. The stilts can be hit by striking the wearers touch attack Armor Class and have hardness 5 and 10 hit points. Craft (carpenter) DC 15

Water Feet (15 gp; 5 lb)

The mizugumo (literally,”water spider”) are outsize pontoons worn on the feet, permitting the shinobu to walk on land or water. Using mizgumo is a balancing act, requiring a DC 20 Acrobatics check each round. Once the wearer is underway, he can take 10 on these Acrobatics checks as long as the surface walked on is smooth and he moves at the same pace and in the same direction, but any maneuver requires a roll. A failed roll indicates the water feet get flooded and sink. Fitting or removing mizugumo is a full-round action. The device comes folded and unfolds like two small parasols. Even on close inspection it takes a DC 20 Disable Device or Knowledge (engineering) check to recognize anything is out of the ordinary before it is worn. Variant mizugumu exist that are acid-proof (50 gp) or lava-proof (500 gp) and allows walking on such exotic liquids for up to five minutes. Craft (leather) DC 15

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