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Clubs are the roots, those that till the earth and support all the others. Its element is earth. In a fantasy setting, this is the farmers, barbarians, beasts, and the primal magic of druids and shamans. In a military context, this represents militia, conscript armies, formation fighting, and trench warfare. A unit of clubs has more people in it than any other suite, all of whom are all at least somewhat elite. An operation by clubs is a pitched battle, an offensive to hold ground, a fight of attrition, or a denial of resources leading to hardship.
Clubs are the roots, those that till the earth and support all the others. Its element is earth. In a fantasy setting, this is the farmers, barbarians, beasts, and the primal magic of druids and shamans. In a military context, this represents militia, conscript armies, formation fighting, and trench warfare. A unit of clubs has more people in it than any other suite, all of whom are all at least somewhat elite. An operation by clubs is a pitched battle, an offensive to hold ground, a fight of attrition, or a denial of resources leading to hardship.
Once each organization has a location, a suit, and a power rating the stage is set.
== Site of the Conflict ==
Once each organization has a location, a suit, and a power rating the stage is set. The final consideration before beginning is where the conflict takes place, and how this relates to the home location of each organization. The further away an organization has to stretch, the weaker its resources. A much weaker organization can still have the advantage on a much more powerful rival on its home ground. The following scopes of operation apply to organizations in conflict.
=== Home Ground===
The organization is in its very heartland. This is a very local area or social sphere. A gang on its own turf, a corporation defending its headquarters, a nation defending its capital. An organization engaged on its home ground is almost certainly weakened, or the opposition is very much stronger. An organization with a power of 15 or lower has no influence beyond its home ground and cannot be challenged outside this area. An organization on its home ground has a maximum card size equal to its power -5.
=== Regional Conflict ===
The organization is engaged on it own territory, but not at the very center of its power. Often these are two regional powers fighting for living room in the same region or business. Geographically this is the size of a state or medium nation, but in a gang context it might be a single large city. An organization with a power of 20 or lower has no influence beyond its home region and cannot be challenged outside this area. An organization acting in its own region has a maximum card size equal to its power -10.
=== War ===
The organization is reaching outside its own territory or branch, trying to expand into a great power. A war is the first international scope of conflict, often fought in a no-man's land or buffer zone between between the contesting organizations' home regions, but expanding onto the home region of the enemy as one side gains an advantage. An organization with a power of 25 or lower has no influence on the world level and cannot be challenged in a world war. An organization at war has a maximum card size equal to its power -15.
=== World War===
Certain conflicts escalate beyond mere wars, becoming intercontinental world wars or interplanar or interplanetary wars between worlds. Whole nations are objectives in such a conflict. An organization with a power of 30 or lower has no influence on the next stage of battle, superconflict, and cannot be challenged there. An organization in a world war has a maximum card size equal to its power -20.
=== Superconflict ===
Certain conflicts escalate beyond mere wars, becoming interplanar or interstellar superconflicts. The prizes in these battles are entire worlds. Conflicts on this scale, and the organizations that wage them, are usually beyond the scope of even the greatest heroes, being the province of galactic empires and gods. An organization in a world war has a maximum card size equal to its power -25.
== Drawing and Using Cards ==
Once the battlefield is known, and the scope of the conflict for each side is determined,

Revision as of 15:03, 28 May 2015

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Unofficial rules compendium

Guilds clash, armies raid, and peasants pay taxes or revolt; the actions of a multitude of individuals combine to create history. These rules allow groups of organizations to engage each other in combat in a fast and smooth system. This is an expansion on the Organization rules for Action and builds on the organizations created in those rules.


The organization conflict rules are resolved using a deck of cards. Players represent kingpins and rulers with the resources of several organizations behind them. Each card represents a campaign or push by a group of people, higher value cards being more powerful. Face cards represent important individuals and act as a kind of trump cards in their respective suit. The suits represent various areas of human endeavor; spades are military, hearts represent social life, religion, and trade, diamonds represent crafts and science, and clubs represents supplies and subsistence. The suits form a circle of control, where spades trumps clubs, clubs trump hearts, hearts trump diamonds, and diamonds trump spades.

Rating an Organization

Besides the rules from the Organization rules, each organization in these rules have two additional values; a location and a suit.

Location is easy; it is simply the social and geographical center of the organizations power. The combination of social and geographical location is important, as the ability of the organization to act is limited as much by social boundaries as by terrain. If the conflict is between corporations in a cyberpunk setting, the branch of business each company is working in might be much more important than its geographical location.

Suit is somewhat arbitrary; the four suits represent fields of human endeavor that have been grouped based on the role they traditionally serve in stories. Each suit trumps another suit, is neutral in relation to one suit, and is weak against another suit.


Spades represent warfare and soldiers, more specifically the elite, mobile troops, raiders, and strike forces. Its element is air. In fantasy, this represents fighters and knights. In a modern military context this is tanks and aircraft. Capable of conquering or at least razing large areas, spades trump clubs. They are weak against diamonds, troops are vulnerable to concentrated firepower and superior technology and magic. An operation by spades is an armed raid or offensive directed at destroying the enemy.


Diamonds represent constructive work, craft, and science. Its element is fire. In a fantasy setting it represents arcane magic and dragons. In warfare, it represents ordnance, city walls, and the headquarters that coordinate armies. Diamonds have the firepower and coordination to trump spades, while they are weak to the morale effects and logistic control of hearts. An operation by diamonds is an artillery barrage, a destructive spell, or a hostile takeover.


Hearts represent the home front, morale, supply networks, hospitals, but also spies and commandos. Its element is water. In a fantasy setting, hearts represent divine magic, angels, ninja, and rogues. In a military context hearts are chains of supply, morale corps, medical corps, and the navy. Hearts have the clout and ability to break morale to trump diamonds, but is dependent on the support of the clubs and weak to their attacks. An operation by hearts is an infiltration, subversion, sabotage, or a very effective support of one of the other suits.


Clubs are the roots, those that till the earth and support all the others. Its element is earth. In a fantasy setting, this is the farmers, barbarians, beasts, and the primal magic of druids and shamans. In a military context, this represents militia, conscript armies, formation fighting, and trench warfare. A unit of clubs has more people in it than any other suite, all of whom are all at least somewhat elite. An operation by clubs is a pitched battle, an offensive to hold ground, a fight of attrition, or a denial of resources leading to hardship.

Site of the Conflict

Once each organization has a location, a suit, and a power rating the stage is set. The final consideration before beginning is where the conflict takes place, and how this relates to the home location of each organization. The further away an organization has to stretch, the weaker its resources. A much weaker organization can still have the advantage on a much more powerful rival on its home ground. The following scopes of operation apply to organizations in conflict.

Home Ground

The organization is in its very heartland. This is a very local area or social sphere. A gang on its own turf, a corporation defending its headquarters, a nation defending its capital. An organization engaged on its home ground is almost certainly weakened, or the opposition is very much stronger. An organization with a power of 15 or lower has no influence beyond its home ground and cannot be challenged outside this area. An organization on its home ground has a maximum card size equal to its power -5.

Regional Conflict

The organization is engaged on it own territory, but not at the very center of its power. Often these are two regional powers fighting for living room in the same region or business. Geographically this is the size of a state or medium nation, but in a gang context it might be a single large city. An organization with a power of 20 or lower has no influence beyond its home region and cannot be challenged outside this area. An organization acting in its own region has a maximum card size equal to its power -10.


The organization is reaching outside its own territory or branch, trying to expand into a great power. A war is the first international scope of conflict, often fought in a no-man's land or buffer zone between between the contesting organizations' home regions, but expanding onto the home region of the enemy as one side gains an advantage. An organization with a power of 25 or lower has no influence on the world level and cannot be challenged in a world war. An organization at war has a maximum card size equal to its power -15.

World War

Certain conflicts escalate beyond mere wars, becoming intercontinental world wars or interplanar or interplanetary wars between worlds. Whole nations are objectives in such a conflict. An organization with a power of 30 or lower has no influence on the next stage of battle, superconflict, and cannot be challenged there. An organization in a world war has a maximum card size equal to its power -20.


Certain conflicts escalate beyond mere wars, becoming interplanar or interstellar superconflicts. The prizes in these battles are entire worlds. Conflicts on this scale, and the organizations that wage them, are usually beyond the scope of even the greatest heroes, being the province of galactic empires and gods. An organization in a world war has a maximum card size equal to its power -25.

Drawing and Using Cards

Once the battlefield is known, and the scope of the conflict for each side is determined,