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== Chat GPT Prompt for Rituals ==
I am giving you the rituals chapter of Blades in the Dark. I want you to give me 10 example rituals that cover things like mapping an unexplored area, opening a planar portal, increasing the fertility of a large area of land, adding potency to a weapon to make it permanently magical, animating all the dead in a graveyard, and sanctifying a temple, keeping the powers of others out.
Blades in the Dark is set in Duskvol, a dark fantasy setting. I am using this is a setting, World of Greyhawk, that in my version is similar to 15C Europe with magic. This magic comes in two kinds, rituals and powers. Rituals represent the slow magic often performed by organizations like churches. Powers is easier, more limited in scope, and on a personal scale.
* '''Medicine Chest''' ☐☐: Scalpels, bone saw, pincers, needle & thread, bandages, opium, simple medicine, leeches.
Here are the ritual rules from Blades in the Dark:
A ritual is a lost art of sorcery from before the cataclysm. Unlike modern arcane techniques that utilize the scientific application of electroplasmic energies, rituals depend on strange occult powers and entities to realize their effects. To enact a ritual is to come into contact with these abyssal forces and entreat them to do your will. It is a practice not without considerable risk.
* '''Animist Disguise''' ☐: A coverall or robe that hides an animist's spirit symbols without interfering with powers. You have to doff this to use powers. '''Playbook'''.
A PC with the Ritual special ability begins with one known ritual, already learned (answer the questions below to create it). To learn a new ritual, a PC must first find a source. A source may be secured as payoff from a score—perhaps you steal a ritual book when your crew robs the Museum of Antiquities. You might also secure a source as the goal of a long-term project—by consorting with cultist friends, studying ancient texts, or some other method you devise.  
* '''Athame''' ◯: A ceremonial [[Magic Items (FiD)|Magic]] iron dagger with inscriptions of occult symbols. The athame insulates the wielder, protecting from corruption, while also allowing the wielder to affect both the physical and ethereal worlds. It allows the wielder to draw glowing lines on any surface or even in the air, usually to create wards or as a part of a ritual. Improves position when rolling for rituals and functions as a fine, potent dagger.
* '''Bandolier of Alchemicals''' ☐: A strap worn across the body, fitted with specially-padded pouches to hold five flasks of alchemical agents. When you employ an alchemical from a bandolier, choose one of your custom-made formulas or a '''Common''' alechemical with complexity no more than '''1 higher than your tier'''. See [[Inventions_(FiD)#Alchemy|Alchemy]] page 226 for more on alchemicals.
LEARNING A RITUAL Once the source of a ritual is found, you may undertake a long-term project to learn the ritual. Most rituals will require an 8-segment progress clock to learn. The player and the GM answer questions about the ritual to define what it will do in play and what is required to perform it (see below). The player records these answers in their notes for future reference.  
* '''Bandolier of Alchemicals''' ☐: A strap worn across the body, fitted with specially-padded pouches to hold five flasks of alchemical agents. When you employ an alchemical from a bandolier, choose one of your custom-made formulas or a '''Common''' alechemical with complexity no more than '''1 higher than your tier'''. See [[Inventions_(FiD)#Alchemy|Alchemy]] page 226 for more on alchemicals.
Ritual Questions
* '''Black Lotus''' ☐: A tar-like resin made from the leaves of the plant. Induces hours of stupor and visions. Adds effect to Attune rolls. '''Alchemic, Consumable, Volatile''' “Woozy,lvl 2 harm.
1. GM asks: “What does the ritual do and how is it weird?” Player answers.
* '''Black Lotus''' ☐: A tar-like resin made from the leaves of the plant. Induces hours of stupor and visions. Adds effect to Attune rolls. '''Alchemy, Consumable, Volatile''' “Woozy,” lvl 2 harm.
2. Player asks: “What must I do to perform the ritual, and what is its price?” GM answers. A ritual takes at least one downtime activity to perform and inflicts stress on the caster according to its magnitude. If performance of the ritual is dangerous or troublesome in some way, it requires an action roll (usually Attune). A ritual may also have additional costs, such as a sacrifice, rare item, the start of a dire progress clock, etc.
* '''Breastplate''' ☐-☐: A metal chest piece with greaves (legs) and vambraces (arms). Functions as armor and stacks with other armor.
3. GM asks: “What new belief or fear does knowledge of this ritual and its attendant occult forces instill in you?Player answers.
* '''Cacao, Coffee''', or '''Tea''' ☐: A dark, bitter brew cultivated in tropical areas. Restores 1 point of stress. Improves alertness for 4 hours. '''Alchemy, Common, Consumable, Unreliable/Volatile''' Complexity die when the effect ends: '''1-3''' level 1 harm: "Anxiety".  
Example Ritual Answers
* '''Ceremonial Robe''' ☐-☐-☐: Extravagant robe embroidered with mystic symbols, along with a ceremonial hat. Reduces the stress cost of powers by 1. '''Playbook'''.
Player: “The ritual wards a person so that the ghosts of their victims cannot find them. It's weird because... as long as the ward is in place, the person sometimes weeps tears of black blood.” GM: “Spend a downtime action to prepare a mixture of tobacco, dream smoke, and crematory ash from a victim—which the target then smokes. You take at least 3 stress when you perform the ritual, which will be its quality for a fortune roll when it's challenged by a spirit—so you might want to take more stress to make it more potent.” Player: “Gotcha. My new fear is what will happen if the spirits figure out where the wardcame from and turn their vengeance on me, instead.” 
* '''Ceremonial Robe''' ☐-☐-☐: Extravagant robe embroidered with mystic symbols, along with a ceremonial hat. Reduces the stress cost of powers by 1. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Chosen's Disguise''' ◯: A hooded cloak or a type of large hat that is ubiquitous in the setting. It helps you avoid attention as long as you lie low in a crowd, but won't conceal you if individually examined. As a chosen, this also protects you from all Attune, Study, and Survey Powers. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Chosen's Token''' ☐: Give an object used to visualize a your use of powers to another to allow them one use of a power effect you know as if they knew that power themselves. They use it with their own action rating. '''Playbook'''.
To perform a ritual, you must have the Ritual special ability, then follow the method outlined by the answers to the ritual questions. Most rituals will take one downtime activity to complete, though the GM may call for two (or more) downtime activities for very powerful or far-reaching rituals. Some rituals may be partially performed during downtime and then fully manifested at-will later by completing the last incantation or ritual action. In this case, simply make a note that the ritual has been “primed” and may be unleashed at a later time. When you perform a ritual, you take an amount of stress as established by the ritual questions, according to the magnitude of the forces brought to bear. The GM uses magnitude as a guideline for setting the stress cost—it may be higher or lower at their discretion to better describe the nature of the ritual. Some claims and special abilities also reduce the stress cost for ritual casting (like the Cult's Ancient Obelisk claim). Rituals take time to cast. Use the duration examples on the magnitude table to reduce the stress cost based on the time needed, generally no less than an hour. The GM may also tick a progress clock when you perform a ritual—to advance the agenda of an arcane power or entity, or to show the steady approach of a dark outcome that is a consequence of the ritual's use. If a ritual is dangerous or troublesome to perform, make an action roll (usually Attune) to see if unpleasant consequences manifest. If a ritual has an uncertain effect then a fortune roll should be made to see how well it manifests. Because a ritual is a downtime activity, you may spend coin 1-for-1 to increase the result level of your fortune roll (this represents the expenditure of expensive or rare ritual materials). If a ritual is both dangerous and uncertain, then both rolls may be called for. Each performance of a ritual is a unique event, and may not always work the same way each time. The GM or players may call for a round of questions to establish a ritual anew. Rituals are a way to bring in a wide variety of arcane effects into the game. Use with caution! If you ever go overboard, address the questions again to establish new weirdness and costs if things have gotten out of hand. The abyssal forces are not playthings and cannot be considered a reliable or safe source of power.
* '''Coca Leaves''' ☐: Leaves grown in tropical mountains, rolled into a ball and chewed. Restores 2 points of stress. Improves energy for 10 hours. '''Alchemy, Common, Consumable, Unreliable/Volatile''' Complexity roll (starts at 2d) when the effect ends: '''1-3''' level 2 harm: "Restlessness" when the effect ends.
* '''Cover Identity''' ☐: An advanced disguise, personalized outfit, paperwork, planted stories and rumors, and false relationships sufficient to establish a false identity. +2d to maintain this identity. Takes at least an hour to don, so you need to explain this as a part of your plan.
* '''Darklight Goggles''' ◯: Goggles that lets you see in the invisible light of a Darklight Lamp. Vision is sepia-tinted. '''Gadget'''.
Ghost Map: This ritual enchants a specially prepared map so it reveals the position of all spirits across the district. An individual spirit may be Studied on the map to glean some details about it. The caster takes 4 stress when it's performed (range: across the district, quality of information: good, minus extra time: a few hours). As an example; another GM might judge the magnitude differently.  
* '''Darklight Lamp''' : A Lantern that does not shed visible light. Still hot and vulnerable to falls. '''Gadget'''.
Portal to the Depths: This ancient song calls upon the power of the leviathans to open a small gateway to the great Void Sea (somewhere within a few blocks of the ritual site). Anything caught near the portal is swamped by cold, black water and drawn with hideous strength into the abyss. This ritual is very dangerous, involving arcane contact with a leviathan's demonic power (desperate action roll). The caster takes 6 stress and ticks a 4-segment progress clock: “Seduced by the Leviathan's Song.”
* '''Disguised Weapon''' ☐: A weapon that does not appear to be a weapon except under close scrutiny. Examples include cane swords, fighting fans, hair pin daggers, daggers concealed in holy symbols, belt buckles, shoes, and emblems of rank, palm pistols concealed in cutlery, snuff boxes, swagger sticks, or purses. Sashes, belts, or clock chains made to be used as whips or garottes.
* '''Disguised Weapon''' ☐: A weapon that does not appear to be a weapon except under close scrutiny. Examples include cane swords, fighting fans, hair pin daggers, daggers concealed in holy symbols, belt buckles, shoes, and emblems of rank, palm pistols concealed in cutlery, snuff boxes, swagger sticks, or purses. Sashes, belts, or clock chains made to be used as whips or garottes.
Give me 50 rituals on themes such as healing, restoring lost limbs. Teleport to distant locations, divination, building a wizard's tower, temple, wall, or fortification. Merging separate creatures into one chimera. resurrection. Reshaping the landscape. Create large caves. Create dungeons. Create new life.  
* '''Experimental Gizmo''' ☐: The kind of machine an artificer uses for all powers, but this one is an experimental foray into a new area. Grants a single use of a power that is not known but is accessible to artificers. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Experimental Machine''' ☐-☐: A large end robust experimental device, trying out new areas of technology. Grants access to a specific power effect for the duration of a score. This is an effect of a power you do not know that is accessible to artificers. '''Playbook'''.
Give me all of this in a code box in mediawiki format, with this format. You can also use these rituals a model for new ones:
* '''Familiar Spirit''' ◯: A monster camouflaged as an item or a small animal that acts as an agent of your patron. This is an expert (loremaster) (p 96). It can pick [[Mind_Powers_(FiD)#Expanded_Mind_Powers|Intelligent]] as a flaw, allowing an edge as normal.
* '''Fetish''' ☐: A figurine or medicine bundle made of bones and feathers, increases the effect of a single use of a power. '''Consumable, Playbook'''.
* '''Fetish''' ☐: A figurine or medicine bundle, increases the effect of a single use of a power. '''Consumable, Playbook'''.
==== The Cartographer's Eyes ====
* '''Fine and Potent Hand Weapon''' ☐: A one handed weapon such as a sword, axe, mace, whip, pistol, sling, or hand crossbow, enhanced with artificer enhancements. The fine quality improves the effect while the potency allows you to damage supernatural targets.
'''Effect:''' This ritual reveals the unseen features of an unexplored area, mapping out the terrain and potential dangers with eerie accuracy. The map appears on a surface prepared with enchanted ink.
* '''Fine and Potent Weapon''' ☐: A masterwork hand weapon like a dagger or sword. This weapon carries a magical sigil, making it potent. The fine quality improves the effect while the potency allows you to damage supernatural targets.
* '''Fine Bottle of Wine''' ☐: A rare vintage from your personal collection, potent both in its alcohol and its ability to impress.
'''Weird Aspect:''' The caster temporarily loses their vision, instead "seeing" the landscape as a mental imprint while their eyes glow faintly.
* '''Fine Bottle of Wine''' ☐: A rare vintage from your personal collection, potent both in its alcohol and its ability to impress.
* '''Fine Bottle of Wine''' ☐: A rare vintage from your personal collection, potent both in its alcohol and its ability to impress. Desirable to most people and tends to loosen tunges.
'''Cost:''' You must sacrifice a map of a well-explored area to erase the known in favor of the unknown. The caster takes 3 stress.
* '''Fine Bottle of Wine''' ☐: A rare vintage from your personal collection, potent both in its alcohol and its ability to impress. Holds wine for 5 glasses. '''Consumable'''.
* '''Fine Burglary Gear''' ☐: A set of lockpicks. A small pry-bar. Vials of oil to silence squeaky hinges. A coil of wire and fishing hooks. A small pouch of fine sand. Refined for your use to give increased effect. ''Note that the Infiltrator special ability negates the Fine equipment bonus''.
'''Belief/Fear:''' The ritual leaves the caster feeling disconnected from reality, fearing they are becoming more attuned to the land than to the people around them.
* '''Fine Clothes & Jewelry''' ◯: An outfit that appears to be of such fine make as to pass you off as a noble. If you're carrying this item as a second outfit to change into, it is ☐.
* '''Fine Clothes & Jewelry''' ◯: An outfit that appears to be of such fine make as to pass you off as a noble. If you're carrying this item as a second outfit to change into, it is ☐.
* '''Fine Crew Identity''' ☐-☐: A fake identity for your crew, covering insignia, false relationships, and planted rumors. Gives +1d to each member to maintain group identity.
* '''Fine Disguise Kit''' ☐: A theatrical make-up kit equipped with an impressive array of expert appliances to fool the eye. The fine quality of this kit may increase the effect when playing a role or relying on beauty.
* '''Fine Disguise Kit''' ☐: A theatrical make-up kit equipped with an impressive array of expert appliances to fool the eye. The fine quality of this kit may increase the effect when playing a role or relying on beauty.
* '''Fine Disguised Weapon''' ◯: A weapon that does not appear to be a weapon except under close scrutiny. Examples include cane swords, fighting fans, hair pin daggers, daggers concealed in holy symbols, belt buckles, shoes, and emblems of rank, palm pistols concealed in cutlery, snuff boxes, swagger sticks, or purses. Sashes, belts, or clock chains made to be used as whips or garottes. This is a masterwork weapon of your own design that fits you perfectly, improving your effect.
* '''Fine Dueling Weapon''' ☐: A masterwork light weapon like a rapier, smallsword, or arming sword. The fine quality improves the effect while the potency allows you to damage supernatural targets. ''This is often a reward for service or an heirloom from an otherwise impoverished noble background.
* '''Fine Hand Weapon''' ☐: A masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. If lost, you have to find a new one. 
* '''Fine Hand Weapon''' ☐: A one handed weapon such as a sword, axe, mace, whip, pistol, sling, or hand crossbow. Includes exotic weapons such as a blackjack, brass knuckles, whip, length of chain, razor-edged fan, or steel-toed boots. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and each is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost.
* '''Fine Hand Weapon''' ☐: A one handed weapon such as a sword, axe, mace, whip, pistol, sling, or hand crossbow. Includes exotic weapons such as a blackjack, brass knuckles, whip, length of chain, razor-edged fan, or steel-toed boots. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and each is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost.
* '''Fine Heavy Melee Weapon''' ☐-☐: A masterwork melee weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. This is a two-handed melee weapon such as a maul,  greataxe, greatsword, or pole-arm. This refers to one particular weapon, if lost you have to find a new one.
* '''Fine Heavy Tools''' ☐-☐: Tools for heavy construction work, like that of a , blacksmith,, carpenter, , lumberjack, , mason, or, miner. Fine Quality improves your effect. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Fine Heavy Weapon''' ☐-☐: A two-handed weapon such as a longsword, greatsword, longbow, crossbow, musket, or pole-arm.  This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost.
* '''Fine Heavy Weapon''' ☐-☐: A two-handed weapon such as a longsword, greatsword, longbow, crossbow, musket, or pole-arm.  This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost.
* '''Fine Hidden Weapon''' ☐: A small weapon such as a dagger, pistol, sap, or garotte worn in an unconventional location: in a boot, cleavage, down the back or otherwise concealed. Will usually pass a visual examination. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost
* '''Fine Hidden Weapon''' ☐: A small weapon such as a dagger, pistol, sap, or garotte worn in an unconventional location: in a boot, cleavage, down the back or otherwise concealed. Will usually pass a visual examination. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost.
* '''Fine Loaded Dice, Trick Cards''' ◯: Gambling accouterments subtly altered to favor particular outcomes. Adds effect, making wins larger.
* '''Fine Long Range Weapon''': ☐-☐ A masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. This can be a rifle, crossbow, or longbow. This refers to one particular weapon, if lost, you have to find a new one.
* '''Fine Monster Lure''' ☐ or ☐-☐: Something enticing to unsophisticated creatures like a decoy, glass beads, strong drink, food, or a scent lure. Fine quality and insight into monster nature gives increased effect. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Fine Musket''' ☐-☐: A masterwork musket (or arquebus) that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. Refers to one particular weapon. If lost, you have to find a new one. 
* '''Fine Palm Pistol''' ◯: A small firearm with a weak charge, easily concealed in a sleeve or waistcoat. Often concealed as a snuffbox, holy symbol, or other personal item. This pistol has extremely limited range; only a few feet. It's very difficult to detect on your person, even if you're searched. Refers to one particular weapon. If lost, you have to find a new one. The fine quality improves effect.
* '''Fine Potent Hand Weapon''' ☐: A masterwork hand weapon often a mace or your patron's favored weapon. This weapon has been blessed or carry a magical sigil, making it potent. This is often a reward for service or an heirloom from an otherwise impoverished noble background. The fine quality improves the effect while the potency allows you to damage supernatural targets.
* '''Fine Short Range Weapon''': ☐-☐ A masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. This can be a hand weapon such as an axe, sword or rapier, or a short range weapons like a sling, hand crossbow, or pistol. This refers to two particular weapons, if lost, you have to find new ones.
* '''Fine Syringe Crossbow''' ☐: A pistol crossbow that fires a bolt that injects a drug or poison. Effective to about 10 meters. You must supply the drug. '''Gadget'''.
* '''Fine Tinkering Tools''' ☐: A finely crafted set of tools for detailed mechanist work. A jeweler's loup. Measuring devices. Increases effect on suitable tasks, including work with clockwork and traps.
* '''Fine Tinkering Tools''' ☐: A finely crafted set of tools for detailed mechanist work. A jeweler's loup. Measuring devices. Increases effect on Tinker rolls.
* '''Gadgets''' ☐-☐, ☐, or ◯. Pick up and use gadgets in your possession. The various combination of boxes is a limitation on each size, one ☐-☐, upt ot three ☐, and up to three ◯.
* '''Gift''' ☐: An object someone gave you. This can be something you were offered in the past, or something you are given right now. An immaterial spirit cannot pick up or receive items, it has to be given and counts as a gift, even if it is your crew handing it to you.
* '''Grenade''' ☐: Explodes in a cloud of smoke and shrapnel. Overcomes scale. Grenadier special ability adds other types of grenades:
* '''Heraldry''' ◯: Kaō, shield mark, blazoned surcoat, or badge of identity and pride that negates the cost of resisting once per score.
* '''Heraldry''' ◯: Kaō, shield mark, blazoned surcoat, or badge of identity and pride that negates the cost of resisting once per score.
* '''Hunter's Body Paint''' ☐: Smells nice and friendly to animals, makes them treat you like one of them. '''Alchemical, Consumable'''.
* '''Hunter's Body Paint''' ☐: Smells nice and friendly to animals, makes them treat you like one of them. '''Alchemical, Consumable'''.
* '''Incense''' ☐: Burns for an hour in a censer, a perforated metal bowl hung on chains. Swung in one hand, it spreads aromatic smoke. Saturating an area with incense smoke takes a minute for a large room. This improves position against spiritual threats. '''Alchemy, Common, Consumable, Unreliable'''
* '''Light Camping Gear''' ☐: Bedroll, cooking pot, tarpaulin, fishing line, snares, all personalized and chosen to be lightweight. Roughing it out with this gear allows a single downtime action to remove stress. Lacking camping gear does not allow any effective rest. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Light Camping Gear''' ☐: Bedroll, cooking pot, tarpaulin, fishing line, snares, all personalized and chosen to be lightweight. Roughing it out with this gear allows a single downtime action to remove stress. Lacking camping gear does not allow any effective rest. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Light Camping Gear''' ☐: Bedroll, cooking pot, tarpaulin, fishing line, snares, all personalized and chosen to be lightweight. Roughing it out with this gear allows a single downtime action to remove stress. Lacking this does not allow any effective rest.
* '''Light Camping Gear''' ☐: Bedroll, cooking pot, tarpaulin, fishing line, snares, all personalized and chosen to be lightweight. Roughing it out with this gear allows a single downtime action to remove stress. Lacking this does not allow any effective rest.
* '''Light Climbing Gear''' ☐: A well-crafted set of Climbing Gear that is less bulky and heavy than a standard set. A chalk dust stone. A climbing harness concealed in your clothes. A set of steel pitons and a small silenced mallet. A silenced grappling hook. 15 meters of rope made of silk or hair.
* '''Light Climbing Gear''' ☐: A well-crafted set of Climbing Gear that is less bulky and heavy than a standard set. A chalk dust stone. A climbing harness concealed in your clothes. A set of steel pitons and a small silenced mallet. A silenced grappling hook. 15 meters of rope made of silk or hair.
* '''Memento''' ◯: A small personal item reminding you of your goals and passions. Reduces the stress cost of a power by one. One use per score. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Memento''' ◯: A small personal item reminding you of your goals and passions. Reduces the stress cost of a power by one. One use per score. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Memento''' ◯: A small personal item reminding you of your goals and passions. Reduces the stress cost of a power by one. One use per score. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Memento''' ☐: An item reminding you of your goals and passions. Reduces the stress cost of a power by one. One use per score. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Miraculous Means''' ☐: This is any object used to explain or visualize a chosen's use of powers. Gives you +1d on a single action roll for a power. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Monster Clothes''' ☐: Monsters and spirits only come with the minimum clothes required for decency. These clothes cover you up and are adapted to your physique. This does not disguise your monstrous nature, it makes you presentable or even well-dressed to people willing to accept that you are a monster.  '''Playbook.'''
* '''Monster Clothes''' ☐: Monsters and spirits only come with the minimum clothes required for decency. These clothes cover you up decently and are adapted to your physique. This does not disguise your monstrous nature, it makes you presentable or even well-dressed to people willing to accept that you are a monster.
* '''Music Sheet''' ☐: Allows one use of a power on the list of orphic powers that you do not know. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Mystic Amulet''' ☐: Reduces the stress cost of powers by one as long as you have no stress. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Mystic Compass''' ☐: A compass with a [[Magic Items (FiD)|Magic]] loadstone that responds to ethereal phenomena such as Power effects, ley lines, spirits, and even specific monsters at great range. Can be configured to point to different things using Attune. A magical link to the target greatly enhances the effect. Variants can be a pendulum or loadstone.
* '''Natural Object''' ☐:  An object related to your powers, such as a branch for plant or a rock for earth. This can be a rare item like a medicinal herb or rock crystal, but not one worth coins. '''Playbook.'''
* '''Parrying Instrument''' ☐: Buckler, main-gauche, gauntlet, hat, cloak or other device used defensively in the off hand. Improves position in combat when used with Finesse but prevents trading position for effect. Cannot be used with a heavy or off-hand weapon.
* '''Pet''' ◯: An animal, tiny monster, or item that is [[Mind_Powers_(FiD)|Intelligent]] and can talk but is not especially capable.
* '''Pet''' ◯: An animal, tiny monster, or item that is [[Mind_Powers_(FiD)|Intelligent]] and can talk but is not especially capable.
* '''Potent Oil''' ☐: A weapon coated in this oil becomes potent against the supernatural for an hour. '''Alchemy, Common, Consumable'''.
* '''Potent Oil''' ☐: Renders a weapon coated in this oil potent against the supernatural for an hour. '''Alchemy, Common, Consumable.'''
* '''Potent Weapon''' ☐ or ☐-☐: A Peach wood sword or other spiritual weapon, magically potent against the supernatural. Certain creatures take less or even no damage from mundane weapons. This can be either a hand or heavy weapon.
* '''Potent Weapon''' ☐ or ☐-☐: A weapon magically potent against the supernatural. Certain creatures take less or even no damage from mundane weapons. This is one specific item, but can be either a hand or heavy weapon.
* '''Potent Weapon''' ☐ or ☐-☐: This can be a hand weapon or a heavy weapon, common hand weapons are a club, curved sword, or sling. Common heavy weapons are a spear or bow. Potency allows you to damage supernatural targets.
* '''Potent Weapon''' ☐ or ☐-☐: This can be a hand weapon or a heavy weapon, common hand weapons are a club, curved sword, or sling. Common heavy weapons are a spear or bow. Potency allows you to damage supernatural targets.
* '''Powder Keg''' ☐-☐: A small keg of gunpowder, along with some fuse and fuse cord. Useful as a reserve store of gunpowder, but mainly as a bomb. It can be deployed to destroy a strong gate or masonry wall or to overcome scale. If you have the Sapper special ability you gain three powder kegs without additional load. '''Alchemy'''.
* '''Power Pack''' ☐-☐: A large store of energy designed to power artificer devices. Select one power. This reduces the Stress cost of using effects of that power by one. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Power Robe''' ☐: An extravagant robe displaying your power and allegiance. +1d on Command rolls. '''Conspicuous, Playbook.'''
* '''Power Token''' ☐:  Grants a one-time use of a power you do not know but that is available for you to choose. You cannot choose a Domain Power (those marked in yellow) unless you have the Expanded Domains special ability. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Prayer Beads''' ☐: Improves a chi-users position against fear and mental influence effects. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Qiankun Medicine Bag''' ◯: A Qiankun Bag holding medicinal herbs. It keeps herbs fresh, giving +1d on healing treatment rolls. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Relevant Map''' ☐: A map of the area of operations, gained through contacts and information gathering. Negates the engagement roll penalty for complex plans.
* '''Reliquary''' ☐-☐-☐: Fancifully decorated box containing a holy relic, suspended on a pole to display as a banner. Increases the effect of powers, worsens position against physical interactions. Needs both hands. '''Artifact, Playbook'''.
* '''Scroll''' ☐: Allows a single use of a power available to your playbook but not known to you. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Scroll''' ☐: Allows a single use of a power available to your playbook but not known to you. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Scroll''' ☐: Allows a single use of a power available to your playbook but not known to you. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Scroll''' ☐: Allows a single use of a power available to your playbook but not known to you. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Second Sight Potion''' ☐: Gives the ability to see spirits and the invisible. Lasts several hours. '''Alchemy, Consumable, Unreliable/Volatile.''' You may see things that are not there.
* '''Shield''' ☐: A defensive weapon carried in one hand. Functions as armor and stacks with other armor. Cannot be used with a heavy or off-hand weapon.
* '''Shield''' ☐: A defensive weapon carried in one hand. Functions as armor and stacks with other armor. Cannot be used with a heavy or off-hand weapon.
* '''Shield''' ☐: A defensive weapon carried in one hand. Functions as armor and stacks with other armor. Cannot be used with a heavy or off-hand weapon.
* '''Silence Potion''' ☐: A vial of golden liquid that negates all sound within 10 paces of the drinker for a span of several moments. Consumable.
* '''Silver Bullets''' ☐: Especially cast in a holy or magical place, these silver bullets make potent attacks with a firearm. A similar effect for bows and crossbows can be gained with silver-tipped arrows and bolts. You have enough silver bullets for the entire score. '''Alchemy, Consumable'''.
* '''Silver Bullets''' ☐: Especially cast in a holy or magical place, these silver bullets make potent attacks with a firearm. A similar effect for bows and crossbows can be gained with silver-tipped arrows and bolts. You have enough silver bullets for the entire score. '''Consumable'''.
* '''Slow Match''' ☐ A slow match is a slow-burning fuse that can burn even underwater. Commonly worn on a small rod, it can be worn in many ways—Blackbeard worse several in his beard. Serves as an instant source of fire, used to start fires, light fuses, and fire firearms. '''Alchemy'''.
* '''Slumber Essence''' ☐: A dose of slumber essence sufficient to put someone to sleep for an hour. This can be imbibed, inhaled, or made wet to be injected. The victim's sleep isn't supernatural, but it is deep—they can be roused with some effort but this gives them level 1 harm: drowsy. '''Consumable'''.
* '''Smoke Bombs (3)''' ☐: Makes a flash and a cloud of smoke, an excellent distraction that also creates a large cloud of dense smoke. Quickly disperses in any wind. '''Conspicuous, Consumable.'''
* '''Sorcerous Seal''' ◯: A seal or other token of your heritage, such as a piece of jewelry or even a tattoo. Causes your power(s) to display around you for a few minutes, clearly identifying you and your powers to any observer. You might be surrounded by an aura appropriate to your powers or magical patterns or symbols. Ruins any disguise or stealth. Reduces the stress cost of all powers by one for the duration. One use per score. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Spellbook''' ☐-☐: Allows you to use powers with Study instead of whatever action the task normally uses, but requires several minutes for each use. Losing your spellbook is disastrous, see Trauma Condition—Spellbook. '''Playbook'''
* '''Spirit Bottle (2)''' ☐: An arcane device used to trap a spirit. A metal and crystalline cylinder, the size of a loaf of bread. Other variants can be made of wood or ceramics and often in the form of statuettes of the intended target.
* '''Spirit Bribe''' ☐: A token imbued with power and sacrifice, valued by spirits and useful as a bribe. Gives +1d on a single use of an Animist power. '''Consumable, Playbook'''.
* '''Spirit Mask''' ☐: An [[Magic Items (FiD)|arcane item]] that allows the trained user to see supernatural energies in great detail. Also affords some measure of protection against possession. ''Each spirit mask is unique. What does yours look like? What makes it strange and disturbing to see?''
* '''Spyglass''' ☐: Telescopic brass tube with lenses, amplifies three to four times.
* '''Spyglass''' ☐: Telescopic brass tube with lenses, amplifies three to four times.
* '''Staff''' ☐-☐: Increases the time and reduces the stress cost of using powers you know by one. Also an emergency heavy weapon. '''Playbook'''
* '''Stagewear''' ◯: Fancy stage kit, often provocative. Allows you to push any resolve action roll (not just powers) at the cost of only one stress. You must carry no more than a light load and cannot use armor. '''Playbook'''
* '''Temporary Pact Token''' ☐: A token of a pact made in advance with a spirit strange to the user. Allows an animist a single use a power they do not know. '''Consumable, Playbook'''
* '''Thinking Cap''' ◯: A pointed hat iconic for wizards and representing intellect and study. Allows you to use Study instead of any Insight or Resolve action. One use per score.  '''Playbook'''
* '''Thrown Weapons (3)''' ☐: A throwing weapon is a javelin, throwing axe, shakram, or throwing disk, a heavy throwing weapon that requires strength and room to throw. You generally get three throwing weapons in the package, and they can be picked up and thrown again.
* '''Tinker Drone''' ◯:  Tiny creature like a rat, small monkey, or homunculus; often robotic. Can assist you on Tinker rolls. You pay the stress cost. It is too limited to act on its own. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Trained Hunting Pet''' ◯: Your animal companion obeys your commands and anticipates your actions. It is [[Mind_Powers_(FiD)|Intelligent]]. Cohort (Expert: Hunter). See p 96.
* '''Trance Powder''' ☐: A dose of the popular drug, which induces an altered mental state. The victim of this powder is not fully unconscious, but rather retreats into a calm, suggestible mental state, similar to hypnotism. +1d on all Resolve actions against imbiber. '''Alchemy, Common, Consumable, Unreliable'''.
* '''Veil''' ◯: Impairs vision, giving -2d on most actions, but this blindness does not affect the use of Powers. Halves the stress-induced die requirement of powers from Trauma Condition—Balance. '''Playbook'''.
* '''Wand''' ◯: It allows the wielder to draw glowing lines on any surface or even in the air, usually to create wards or as a part of a ritual. Improves the casting of spells, you can burn out the wand in order to turn a failure into an opposed success when using powers you know. '''Playbook'''
* '''Warding Charm''' ◯: [[Magic Items (FiD)|Magic Item]] made to ward against a specific type of creature, usually defined by a Power, but sometimes against all Summoned creatures or all Spirits. Keeps the creature at bay and improves position in a conflict. Each warding charm uses a separate formula. Common, Rare.

Latest revision as of 20:05, 5 December 2024

  • Medicine Chest ☐☐: Scalpels, bone saw, pincers, needle & thread, bandages, opium, simple medicine, leeches.

  • Animist Disguise ☐: A coverall or robe that hides an animist's spirit symbols without interfering with powers. You have to doff this to use powers. Playbook.
  • Athame ◯: A ceremonial Magic iron dagger with inscriptions of occult symbols. The athame insulates the wielder, protecting from corruption, while also allowing the wielder to affect both the physical and ethereal worlds. It allows the wielder to draw glowing lines on any surface or even in the air, usually to create wards or as a part of a ritual. Improves position when rolling for rituals and functions as a fine, potent dagger.
  • Bandolier of Alchemicals ☐: A strap worn across the body, fitted with specially-padded pouches to hold five flasks of alchemical agents. When you employ an alchemical from a bandolier, choose one of your custom-made formulas or a Common alechemical with complexity no more than 1 higher than your tier. See Alchemy page 226 for more on alchemicals.
  • Bandolier of Alchemicals ☐: A strap worn across the body, fitted with specially-padded pouches to hold five flasks of alchemical agents. When you employ an alchemical from a bandolier, choose one of your custom-made formulas or a Common alechemical with complexity no more than 1 higher than your tier. See Alchemy page 226 for more on alchemicals.
  • Black Lotus ☐: A tar-like resin made from the leaves of the plant. Induces hours of stupor and visions. Adds effect to Attune rolls. Alchemic, Consumable, Volatile “Woozy,” lvl 2 harm.
  • Black Lotus ☐: A tar-like resin made from the leaves of the plant. Induces hours of stupor and visions. Adds effect to Attune rolls. Alchemy, Consumable, Volatile “Woozy,” lvl 2 harm.
  • Breastplate ☐-☐: A metal chest piece with greaves (legs) and vambraces (arms). Functions as armor and stacks with other armor.
  • Cacao, Coffee, or Tea ☐: A dark, bitter brew cultivated in tropical areas. Restores 1 point of stress. Improves alertness for 4 hours. Alchemy, Common, Consumable, Unreliable/Volatile Complexity die when the effect ends: 1-3 level 1 harm: "Anxiety".
  • Ceremonial Robe ☐-☐-☐: Extravagant robe embroidered with mystic symbols, along with a ceremonial hat. Reduces the stress cost of powers by 1. Playbook.
  • Ceremonial Robe ☐-☐-☐: Extravagant robe embroidered with mystic symbols, along with a ceremonial hat. Reduces the stress cost of powers by 1. Playbook.
  • Chosen's Disguise ◯: A hooded cloak or a type of large hat that is ubiquitous in the setting. It helps you avoid attention as long as you lie low in a crowd, but won't conceal you if individually examined. As a chosen, this also protects you from all Attune, Study, and Survey Powers. Playbook.
  • Chosen's Token ☐: Give an object used to visualize a your use of powers to another to allow them one use of a power effect you know as if they knew that power themselves. They use it with their own action rating. Playbook.
  • Coca Leaves ☐: Leaves grown in tropical mountains, rolled into a ball and chewed. Restores 2 points of stress. Improves energy for 10 hours. Alchemy, Common, Consumable, Unreliable/Volatile Complexity roll (starts at 2d) when the effect ends: 1-3 level 2 harm: "Restlessness" when the effect ends.
  • Cover Identity ☐: An advanced disguise, personalized outfit, paperwork, planted stories and rumors, and false relationships sufficient to establish a false identity. +2d to maintain this identity. Takes at least an hour to don, so you need to explain this as a part of your plan.
  • Darklight Goggles ◯: Goggles that lets you see in the invisible light of a Darklight Lamp. Vision is sepia-tinted. Gadget.
  • Darklight Lamp ☐: A Lantern that does not shed visible light. Still hot and vulnerable to falls. Gadget.
  • Disguised Weapon ☐: A weapon that does not appear to be a weapon except under close scrutiny. Examples include cane swords, fighting fans, hair pin daggers, daggers concealed in holy symbols, belt buckles, shoes, and emblems of rank, palm pistols concealed in cutlery, snuff boxes, swagger sticks, or purses. Sashes, belts, or clock chains made to be used as whips or garottes.
  • Disguised Weapon ☐: A weapon that does not appear to be a weapon except under close scrutiny. Examples include cane swords, fighting fans, hair pin daggers, daggers concealed in holy symbols, belt buckles, shoes, and emblems of rank, palm pistols concealed in cutlery, snuff boxes, swagger sticks, or purses. Sashes, belts, or clock chains made to be used as whips or garottes.
  • Experimental Gizmo ☐: The kind of machine an artificer uses for all powers, but this one is an experimental foray into a new area. Grants a single use of a power that is not known but is accessible to artificers. Playbook.
  • Experimental Machine ☐-☐: A large end robust experimental device, trying out new areas of technology. Grants access to a specific power effect for the duration of a score. This is an effect of a power you do not know that is accessible to artificers. Playbook.
  • Familiar Spirit ◯: A monster camouflaged as an item or a small animal that acts as an agent of your patron. This is an expert (loremaster) (p 96). It can pick Intelligent as a flaw, allowing an edge as normal.
  • Fetish ☐: A figurine or medicine bundle made of bones and feathers, increases the effect of a single use of a power. Consumable, Playbook.
  • Fetish ☐: A figurine or medicine bundle, increases the effect of a single use of a power. Consumable, Playbook.
  • Fine and Potent Hand Weapon ☐: A one handed weapon such as a sword, axe, mace, whip, pistol, sling, or hand crossbow, enhanced with artificer enhancements. The fine quality improves the effect while the potency allows you to damage supernatural targets.
  • Fine and Potent Weapon ☐: A masterwork hand weapon like a dagger or sword. This weapon carries a magical sigil, making it potent. The fine quality improves the effect while the potency allows you to damage supernatural targets.
  • Fine Bottle of Wine ☐: A rare vintage from your personal collection, potent both in its alcohol and its ability to impress.
  • Fine Bottle of Wine ☐: A rare vintage from your personal collection, potent both in its alcohol and its ability to impress.
  • Fine Bottle of Wine ☐: A rare vintage from your personal collection, potent both in its alcohol and its ability to impress. Desirable to most people and tends to loosen tunges.
  • Fine Bottle of Wine ☐: A rare vintage from your personal collection, potent both in its alcohol and its ability to impress. Holds wine for 5 glasses. Consumable.
  • Fine Burglary Gear ☐: A set of lockpicks. A small pry-bar. Vials of oil to silence squeaky hinges. A coil of wire and fishing hooks. A small pouch of fine sand. Refined for your use to give increased effect. Note that the Infiltrator special ability negates the Fine equipment bonus.
  • Fine Clothes & Jewelry ◯: An outfit that appears to be of such fine make as to pass you off as a noble. If you're carrying this item as a second outfit to change into, it is ☐.
  • Fine Clothes & Jewelry ◯: An outfit that appears to be of such fine make as to pass you off as a noble. If you're carrying this item as a second outfit to change into, it is ☐.
  • Fine Crew Identity ☐-☐: A fake identity for your crew, covering insignia, false relationships, and planted rumors. Gives +1d to each member to maintain group identity.
  • Fine Disguise Kit ☐: A theatrical make-up kit equipped with an impressive array of expert appliances to fool the eye. The fine quality of this kit may increase the effect when playing a role or relying on beauty.
  • Fine Disguise Kit ☐: A theatrical make-up kit equipped with an impressive array of expert appliances to fool the eye. The fine quality of this kit may increase the effect when playing a role or relying on beauty.
  • Fine Disguised Weapon ◯: A weapon that does not appear to be a weapon except under close scrutiny. Examples include cane swords, fighting fans, hair pin daggers, daggers concealed in holy symbols, belt buckles, shoes, and emblems of rank, palm pistols concealed in cutlery, snuff boxes, swagger sticks, or purses. Sashes, belts, or clock chains made to be used as whips or garottes. This is a masterwork weapon of your own design that fits you perfectly, improving your effect.
  • Fine Dueling Weapon ☐: A masterwork light weapon like a rapier, smallsword, or arming sword. The fine quality improves the effect while the potency allows you to damage supernatural targets. This is often a reward for service or an heirloom from an otherwise impoverished noble background.
  • Fine Hand Weapon ☐: A masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. If lost, you have to find a new one.
  • Fine Hand Weapon ☐: A one handed weapon such as a sword, axe, mace, whip, pistol, sling, or hand crossbow. Includes exotic weapons such as a blackjack, brass knuckles, whip, length of chain, razor-edged fan, or steel-toed boots. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and each is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost.
  • Fine Hand Weapon ☐: A one handed weapon such as a sword, axe, mace, whip, pistol, sling, or hand crossbow. Includes exotic weapons such as a blackjack, brass knuckles, whip, length of chain, razor-edged fan, or steel-toed boots. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and each is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost.
  • Fine Heavy Melee Weapon ☐-☐: A masterwork melee weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. This is a two-handed melee weapon such as a maul, greataxe, greatsword, or pole-arm. This refers to one particular weapon, if lost you have to find a new one.
  • Fine Heavy Tools ☐-☐: Tools for heavy construction work, like that of a , blacksmith,, carpenter, , lumberjack, , mason, or, miner. Fine Quality improves your effect. Playbook.
  • Fine Heavy Weapon ☐-☐: A two-handed weapon such as a longsword, greatsword, longbow, crossbow, musket, or pole-arm. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost.
  • Fine Heavy Weapon ☐-☐: A two-handed weapon such as a longsword, greatsword, longbow, crossbow, musket, or pole-arm. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost.
  • Fine Hidden Weapon ☐: A small weapon such as a dagger, pistol, sap, or garotte worn in an unconventional location: in a boot, cleavage, down the back or otherwise concealed. Will usually pass a visual examination. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost
  • Fine Hidden Weapon ☐: A small weapon such as a dagger, pistol, sap, or garotte worn in an unconventional location: in a boot, cleavage, down the back or otherwise concealed. Will usually pass a visual examination. This is a masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect and is a singular weapon that must be replaced if lost.
  • Fine Loaded Dice, Trick Cards ◯: Gambling accouterments subtly altered to favor particular outcomes. Adds effect, making wins larger.
  • Fine Long Range Weapon: ☐-☐ A masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. This can be a rifle, crossbow, or longbow. This refers to one particular weapon, if lost, you have to find a new one.
  • Fine Monster Lure ☐ or ☐-☐: Something enticing to unsophisticated creatures like a decoy, glass beads, strong drink, food, or a scent lure. Fine quality and insight into monster nature gives increased effect. Playbook.
  • Fine Musket ☐-☐: A masterwork musket (or arquebus) that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. Refers to one particular weapon. If lost, you have to find a new one.
  • Fine Palm Pistol ◯: A small firearm with a weak charge, easily concealed in a sleeve or waistcoat. Often concealed as a snuffbox, holy symbol, or other personal item. This pistol has extremely limited range; only a few feet. It's very difficult to detect on your person, even if you're searched. Refers to one particular weapon. If lost, you have to find a new one. The fine quality improves effect.
  • Fine Potent Hand Weapon ☐: A masterwork hand weapon often a mace or your patron's favored weapon. This weapon has been blessed or carry a magical sigil, making it potent. This is often a reward for service or an heirloom from an otherwise impoverished noble background. The fine quality improves the effect while the potency allows you to damage supernatural targets.
  • Fine Short Range Weapon: ☐-☐ A masterwork weapon that fits you perfectly, improving your effect. This can be a hand weapon such as an axe, sword or rapier, or a short range weapons like a sling, hand crossbow, or pistol. This refers to two particular weapons, if lost, you have to find new ones.
  • Fine Syringe Crossbow ☐: A pistol crossbow that fires a bolt that injects a drug or poison. Effective to about 10 meters. You must supply the drug. Gadget.
  • Fine Tinkering Tools ☐: A finely crafted set of tools for detailed mechanist work. A jeweler's loup. Measuring devices. Increases effect on suitable tasks, including work with clockwork and traps.
  • Fine Tinkering Tools ☐: A finely crafted set of tools for detailed mechanist work. A jeweler's loup. Measuring devices. Increases effect on Tinker rolls.
  • Gadgets ☐-☐, ☐, or ◯. Pick up and use gadgets in your possession. The various combination of boxes is a limitation on each size, one ☐-☐, upt ot three ☐, and up to three ◯.
  • Gift ☐: An object someone gave you. This can be something you were offered in the past, or something you are given right now. An immaterial spirit cannot pick up or receive items, it has to be given and counts as a gift, even if it is your crew handing it to you.
  • Grenade ☐: Explodes in a cloud of smoke and shrapnel. Overcomes scale. Grenadier special ability adds other types of grenades:
  • Heraldry ◯: Kaō, shield mark, blazoned surcoat, or badge of identity and pride that negates the cost of resisting once per score.
  • Heraldry ◯: Kaō, shield mark, blazoned surcoat, or badge of identity and pride that negates the cost of resisting once per score.
  • Hunter's Body Paint ☐: Smells nice and friendly to animals, makes them treat you like one of them. Alchemical, Consumable.
  • Hunter's Body Paint ☐: Smells nice and friendly to animals, makes them treat you like one of them. Alchemical, Consumable.
  • Incense ☐: Burns for an hour in a censer, a perforated metal bowl hung on chains. Swung in one hand, it spreads aromatic smoke. Saturating an area with incense smoke takes a minute for a large room. This improves position against spiritual threats. Alchemy, Common, Consumable, Unreliable
  • Light Camping Gear ☐: Bedroll, cooking pot, tarpaulin, fishing line, snares, all personalized and chosen to be lightweight. Roughing it out with this gear allows a single downtime action to remove stress. Lacking camping gear does not allow any effective rest. Playbook.
  • Light Camping Gear ☐: Bedroll, cooking pot, tarpaulin, fishing line, snares, all personalized and chosen to be lightweight. Roughing it out with this gear allows a single downtime action to remove stress. Lacking camping gear does not allow any effective rest. Playbook.
  • Light Camping Gear ☐: Bedroll, cooking pot, tarpaulin, fishing line, snares, all personalized and chosen to be lightweight. Roughing it out with this gear allows a single downtime action to remove stress. Lacking this does not allow any effective rest.
  • Light Camping Gear ☐: Bedroll, cooking pot, tarpaulin, fishing line, snares, all personalized and chosen to be lightweight. Roughing it out with this gear allows a single downtime action to remove stress. Lacking this does not allow any effective rest.
  • Light Climbing Gear ☐: A well-crafted set of Climbing Gear that is less bulky and heavy than a standard set. A chalk dust stone. A climbing harness concealed in your clothes. A set of steel pitons and a small silenced mallet. A silenced grappling hook. 15 meters of rope made of silk or hair.
  • Light Climbing Gear ☐: A well-crafted set of Climbing Gear that is less bulky and heavy than a standard set. A chalk dust stone. A climbing harness concealed in your clothes. A set of steel pitons and a small silenced mallet. A silenced grappling hook. 15 meters of rope made of silk or hair.
  • Memento ◯: A small personal item reminding you of your goals and passions. Reduces the stress cost of a power by one. One use per score. Playbook.
  • Memento ◯: A small personal item reminding you of your goals and passions. Reduces the stress cost of a power by one. One use per score. Playbook.
  • Memento ◯: A small personal item reminding you of your goals and passions. Reduces the stress cost of a power by one. One use per score. Playbook.
  • Memento ☐: An item reminding you of your goals and passions. Reduces the stress cost of a power by one. One use per score. Playbook.
  • Miraculous Means ☐: This is any object used to explain or visualize a chosen's use of powers. Gives you +1d on a single action roll for a power. Playbook.
  • Monster Clothes ☐: Monsters and spirits only come with the minimum clothes required for decency. These clothes cover you up and are adapted to your physique. This does not disguise your monstrous nature, it makes you presentable or even well-dressed to people willing to accept that you are a monster. Playbook.
  • Monster Clothes ☐: Monsters and spirits only come with the minimum clothes required for decency. These clothes cover you up decently and are adapted to your physique. This does not disguise your monstrous nature, it makes you presentable or even well-dressed to people willing to accept that you are a monster.
  • Music Sheet ☐: Allows one use of a power on the list of orphic powers that you do not know. Playbook.
  • Mystic Amulet ☐: Reduces the stress cost of powers by one as long as you have no stress. Playbook.
  • Mystic Compass ☐: A compass with a Magic loadstone that responds to ethereal phenomena such as Power effects, ley lines, spirits, and even specific monsters at great range. Can be configured to point to different things using Attune. A magical link to the target greatly enhances the effect. Variants can be a pendulum or loadstone.
  • Natural Object ☐: An object related to your powers, such as a branch for plant or a rock for earth. This can be a rare item like a medicinal herb or rock crystal, but not one worth coins. Playbook.
  • Parrying Instrument ☐: Buckler, main-gauche, gauntlet, hat, cloak or other device used defensively in the off hand. Improves position in combat when used with Finesse but prevents trading position for effect. Cannot be used with a heavy or off-hand weapon.
  • Pet ◯: An animal, tiny monster, or item that is Intelligent and can talk but is not especially capable.
  • Pet ◯: An animal, tiny monster, or item that is Intelligent and can talk but is not especially capable.
  • Potent Oil ☐: A weapon coated in this oil becomes potent against the supernatural for an hour. Alchemy, Common, Consumable.
  • Potent Oil ☐: Renders a weapon coated in this oil potent against the supernatural for an hour. Alchemy, Common, Consumable.
  • Potent Weapon ☐ or ☐-☐: A Peach wood sword or other spiritual weapon, magically potent against the supernatural. Certain creatures take less or even no damage from mundane weapons. This can be either a hand or heavy weapon.
  • Potent Weapon ☐ or ☐-☐: A weapon magically potent against the supernatural. Certain creatures take less or even no damage from mundane weapons. This is one specific item, but can be either a hand or heavy weapon.
  • Potent Weapon ☐ or ☐-☐: This can be a hand weapon or a heavy weapon, common hand weapons are a club, curved sword, or sling. Common heavy weapons are a spear or bow. Potency allows you to damage supernatural targets.
  • Potent Weapon ☐ or ☐-☐: This can be a hand weapon or a heavy weapon, common hand weapons are a club, curved sword, or sling. Common heavy weapons are a spear or bow. Potency allows you to damage supernatural targets.
  • Powder Keg ☐-☐: A small keg of gunpowder, along with some fuse and fuse cord. Useful as a reserve store of gunpowder, but mainly as a bomb. It can be deployed to destroy a strong gate or masonry wall or to overcome scale. If you have the Sapper special ability you gain three powder kegs without additional load. Alchemy.
  • Power Pack ☐-☐: A large store of energy designed to power artificer devices. Select one power. This reduces the Stress cost of using effects of that power by one. Playbook.
  • Power Robe ☐: An extravagant robe displaying your power and allegiance. +1d on Command rolls. Conspicuous, Playbook.
  • Power Token ☐: Grants a one-time use of a power you do not know but that is available for you to choose. You cannot choose a Domain Power (those marked in yellow) unless you have the Expanded Domains special ability. Playbook.
  • Prayer Beads ☐: Improves a chi-users position against fear and mental influence effects. Playbook.
  • Qiankun Medicine Bag ◯: A Qiankun Bag holding medicinal herbs. It keeps herbs fresh, giving +1d on healing treatment rolls. Playbook.
  • Relevant Map ☐: A map of the area of operations, gained through contacts and information gathering. Negates the engagement roll penalty for complex plans.
  • Reliquary ☐-☐-☐: Fancifully decorated box containing a holy relic, suspended on a pole to display as a banner. Increases the effect of powers, worsens position against physical interactions. Needs both hands. Artifact, Playbook.
  • Scroll ☐: Allows a single use of a power available to your playbook but not known to you. Playbook.
  • Scroll ☐: Allows a single use of a power available to your playbook but not known to you. Playbook.
  • Scroll ☐: Allows a single use of a power available to your playbook but not known to you. Playbook.
  • Scroll ☐: Allows a single use of a power available to your playbook but not known to you. Playbook.
  • Second Sight Potion ☐: Gives the ability to see spirits and the invisible. Lasts several hours. Alchemy, Consumable, Unreliable/Volatile. You may see things that are not there.
  • Shield ☐: A defensive weapon carried in one hand. Functions as armor and stacks with other armor. Cannot be used with a heavy or off-hand weapon.
  • Shield ☐: A defensive weapon carried in one hand. Functions as armor and stacks with other armor. Cannot be used with a heavy or off-hand weapon.
  • Shield ☐: A defensive weapon carried in one hand. Functions as armor and stacks with other armor. Cannot be used with a heavy or off-hand weapon.
  • Silence Potion ☐: A vial of golden liquid that negates all sound within 10 paces of the drinker for a span of several moments. Consumable.
  • Silver Bullets ☐: Especially cast in a holy or magical place, these silver bullets make potent attacks with a firearm. A similar effect for bows and crossbows can be gained with silver-tipped arrows and bolts. You have enough silver bullets for the entire score. Alchemy, Consumable.
  • Silver Bullets ☐: Especially cast in a holy or magical place, these silver bullets make potent attacks with a firearm. A similar effect for bows and crossbows can be gained with silver-tipped arrows and bolts. You have enough silver bullets for the entire score. Consumable.
  • Slow Match ☐ A slow match is a slow-burning fuse that can burn even underwater. Commonly worn on a small rod, it can be worn in many ways—Blackbeard worse several in his beard. Serves as an instant source of fire, used to start fires, light fuses, and fire firearms. Alchemy.
  • Slumber Essence ☐: A dose of slumber essence sufficient to put someone to sleep for an hour. This can be imbibed, inhaled, or made wet to be injected. The victim's sleep isn't supernatural, but it is deep—they can be roused with some effort but this gives them level 1 harm: drowsy. Consumable.
  • Smoke Bombs (3) ☐: Makes a flash and a cloud of smoke, an excellent distraction that also creates a large cloud of dense smoke. Quickly disperses in any wind. Conspicuous, Consumable.
  • Sorcerous Seal ◯: A seal or other token of your heritage, such as a piece of jewelry or even a tattoo. Causes your power(s) to display around you for a few minutes, clearly identifying you and your powers to any observer. You might be surrounded by an aura appropriate to your powers or magical patterns or symbols. Ruins any disguise or stealth. Reduces the stress cost of all powers by one for the duration. One use per score. Playbook.
  • Spellbook ☐-☐: Allows you to use powers with Study instead of whatever action the task normally uses, but requires several minutes for each use. Losing your spellbook is disastrous, see Trauma Condition—Spellbook. Playbook
  • Spirit Bottle (2) ☐: An arcane device used to trap a spirit. A metal and crystalline cylinder, the size of a loaf of bread. Other variants can be made of wood or ceramics and often in the form of statuettes of the intended target.
  • Spirit Bribe ☐: A token imbued with power and sacrifice, valued by spirits and useful as a bribe. Gives +1d on a single use of an Animist power. Consumable, Playbook.
  • Spirit Mask ☐: An arcane item that allows the trained user to see supernatural energies in great detail. Also affords some measure of protection against possession. Each spirit mask is unique. What does yours look like? What makes it strange and disturbing to see?
  • Spyglass ☐: Telescopic brass tube with lenses, amplifies three to four times.
  • Spyglass ☐: Telescopic brass tube with lenses, amplifies three to four times.
  • Staff ☐-☐: Increases the time and reduces the stress cost of using powers you know by one. Also an emergency heavy weapon. Playbook
  • Stagewear ◯: Fancy stage kit, often provocative. Allows you to push any resolve action roll (not just powers) at the cost of only one stress. You must carry no more than a light load and cannot use armor. Playbook
  • Temporary Pact Token ☐: A token of a pact made in advance with a spirit strange to the user. Allows an animist a single use a power they do not know. Consumable, Playbook
  • Thinking Cap ◯: A pointed hat iconic for wizards and representing intellect and study. Allows you to use Study instead of any Insight or Resolve action. One use per score. Playbook
  • Thrown Weapons (3) ☐: A throwing weapon is a javelin, throwing axe, shakram, or throwing disk, a heavy throwing weapon that requires strength and room to throw. You generally get three throwing weapons in the package, and they can be picked up and thrown again.
  • Tinker Drone ◯: Tiny creature like a rat, small monkey, or homunculus; often robotic. Can assist you on Tinker rolls. You pay the stress cost. It is too limited to act on its own. Playbook.
  • Trained Hunting Pet ◯: Your animal companion obeys your commands and anticipates your actions. It is Intelligent. Cohort (Expert: Hunter). See p 96.
  • Trance Powder ☐: A dose of the popular drug, which induces an altered mental state. The victim of this powder is not fully unconscious, but rather retreats into a calm, suggestible mental state, similar to hypnotism. +1d on all Resolve actions against imbiber. Alchemy, Common, Consumable, Unreliable.
  • Veil ◯: Impairs vision, giving -2d on most actions, but this blindness does not affect the use of Powers. Halves the stress-induced die requirement of powers from Trauma Condition—Balance. Playbook.
  • Wand ◯: It allows the wielder to draw glowing lines on any surface or even in the air, usually to create wards or as a part of a ritual. Improves the casting of spells, you can burn out the wand in order to turn a failure into an opposed success when using powers you know. Playbook
  • Warding Charm ◯: Magic Item made to ward against a specific type of creature, usually defined by a Power, but sometimes against all Summoned creatures or all Spirits. Keeps the creature at bay and improves position in a conflict. Each warding charm uses a separate formula. Common, Rare.