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The ability move things, including simple thoughts. Something of a compliment to barrier, kinetics has no actual shape or form, nor are there kinetic creatures.
The ability move things, including simple thoughts.  
Kinesis is raw energy manifesting as physical forces.  
Kinesis is raw energy manifesting as physical forces.  
Some see kinesis as the purest kind of power.
Some see kinesis as the purest kind of power.
Something of a compliment to barrier, kinetics has no actual shape or form, nor are there kinetic creatures.
You can combine kinetics with material powers in order to move those effects around quickly.  
You can combine kinetics with material powers in order to move those effects around quickly.  
So if you know fire and kinesis, you can move flames.
So if you know fire and kinesis, you can move flames.
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{| class="wikitable"  
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|align="center" | '''Action'''  
|align="center" | '''Action'''  
|align="center" | '''Basic'''    <br> No minimum    <br> 3 Stress
|align="center" | '''Basic'''    <br> No minimum    <br> 4 Stress
|align="center" | '''Advanced''' <br> Minimum 2 Dice <br> 5 Stress
|align="center" | '''Advanced''' <br> Minimum 2 Dice <br> 5 Stress
|align="center" | '''Master'''  <br> Minimum 4 Dice <br> 7 Stress
|align="center" | '''Master'''  <br> Minimum 4 Dice <br> 6 Stress
|align="center" | '''Apex'''    <br> Minimum 6 Dice <br> 13 Stress
|align="center" | '''Apex'''    <br> Minimum 6 Dice <br> 7 Stress
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Attune'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Attune'''   
|valign="top"| '''Psionic Perception'''      <br> You can detect creatures and kinesis powers. There are no kinetic creatures for attune to affect.
|valign="top"| '''Psionic Perception'''      <br> Detect creatures and kinesis powers.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Termination'''  <br> You can end the operation of an power ability and interrupt the movement of anything material, but limited to the personal scale.  
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Termination'''  <br> End any power, interrupt physical movement.  
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Tether'''      <br> You can hinder the movement of large vehicles like busses or trucks.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Tether'''      <br> Hinder large object movement.
|valign="top"| '''Psychic Paralysis'''        <br> You can dampen all fast movement in a large area for the duration of a score while not affecting the movement of things you select to avoid.  
|valign="top"| '''Psychic Paralysis'''        <br> Dampen select movement in a large area.  
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Command'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Command'''   
|valign="top"| '''Vocal Vortex'''        <br> You can amplify your voice to be heard across a wide area, like a football field.
|valign="top"| '''Vocal Vortex'''        <br> Amplify your voice.
|valign="top"| '''Arena Amplifier'''     <br> Your amplified voice can be heard across a stadium. It is not deafening close by.
|valign="top"| '''Projected Presence''' <br> Sounds carry for miles.  
|valign="top"| '''Psychic Puppetry'''    <br> Telekinetically manipulate the target's body, much like a puppet on a string. The target retains all senses and can continue to speak.  
|valign="top"| '''Psychic Puppetry'''    <br> Control like a puppet string.  
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic  Tyrant''' <br> You can use Psychic Puppetry on multiple creatures at once.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic  Tyrant''' <br> Multiple Psychic Puppetry.
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Consort'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Consort'''   
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Tack'''  <br> This allows you to attach things to yourself while you concentrate, like glue.  
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Tack'''  <br> Kinetic body glue.  
|valign="top"| '''Psychic Portage'''  <br> This allows you to carry more items per load category, +1/+2/+3.
|valign="top"| '''Psychic Portage'''  <br> Load per category +1/+2/+3.
|valign="top"| '''Kinetic Cargo'''    <br> You can apply Psychic Portage to an ally.
|valign="top"| '''Kinetic Cargo'''    <br> Psychic Portage to an ally.
|valign="top"| '''Kinetic Coalition''' <br> This allows a small army to use Psychic Portage.
|valign="top"| '''Kinetic Coalition''' <br> Psychic Portage to a company.
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Finesse'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Finesse'''   
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Trek'''   <br> A vehicle of mount you ride can always take part in a chase, even if it would normally be too slow. To fly or swim you must have an appropriate ride.  
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Turbo'''   <br> Vehicle speed matches chase.
|valign="top"| '''Focused Force'''      <br> You can use the power as a fine and potent close-range attack, similar in effect to a fine potent dueling sword or pistol, or you can give an ally the Ride ability for the duration of a score.
|valign="top"| '''Focused Force'''      <br> Fine and potent dueling attack.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Touch'''  <br> You can do fine manipulation of the power, allowing you to do small and exact manipulations at range. This allows you to open doors, trigger or hinder mechanisms, or perform other minor manipulations.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Touch'''  <br> Fine telekinetic manipulation.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Tempest''' <br> Your power manifests like a storm of blades, suppressing the effect of multiple opponents and acting as a fine potent weapon.   
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Travel''' <br> Crew can fly long distances.   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Hunt'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Hunt'''   
|valign="top"| '''Mindful Monitor'''      <br>  You can track creatures who are using powers.
|valign="top"| '''Mindful Monitor'''      <br>  Track creatures who are using powers.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Targeting''' <br>  You can use your power to attack, similar in effect to a fine and potent rifle.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Targeting''' <br>  Attack like a fine and potent rifle.
|valign="top"| '''Controlled Chaos'''      <br>  You cause multiple small objects to move or remain in place, causing chaos or building simple shelter.
|valign="top"| '''Controlled Chaos'''      <br>  Kinetic chaos or move things around.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Thunder'''  <br>  You can use your power to attack similar to a fine and potent grenade. This allows you to fight many creatures in the same area, but you risk collateral damage.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Thunder'''  <br>  Attack like a fine and potent grenade.
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Prowl'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Prowl'''   
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Grip''' <br> You can climb and hide under ceilings where people rarely look and take no damage from falls.  
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Grip''' <br> Stick to surfaces.  
|valign="top"| '''Psychic Stride'''  <br> You can make long jumps, adding 5 meters per tier to your jumping distance.  
|valign="top"| '''Psychic Stride'''  <br> Long jump.  
|valign="top"| '''Team Transport'''  <br> You can help allies use Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.
|valign="top"| '''Team Transport'''  <br> Crew Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.
|valign="top"| '''Legion Leap'''      <br> You can help a small army use Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.
|valign="top"| '''Legion Leap'''      <br> Company Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Skirmish'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Skirmish'''   
|valign="top"| '''Brawler Blast'''   <br> You can use the power as a close-range attack, similar in effect to a melee weapon or pistol.  
|valign="top"| '''Brawler Block''' <br> Block Harm from Kinesis.  
|valign="top"| '''Brawler Blitz'''   <br> Same as Skirmish Attack, except the weapon is fine and potent.
|valign="top"| '''Brawler Bash'''   <br> Fine and potent kinetic melee attack.
|valign="top"| '''Barrier Bash'''     <br> Your power creates distractions and obstructions that prevents the enemy from benefiting from numbers and otherwise works as a fine potent weapon.
|valign="top"| '''Brawler Blitz''' <br> Distractions prevent scale.
|valign="top"| '''Whirlwind Wallop''' <br> Your power strikes out in all directions, attacking all enemies in a wide area.   
|valign="top"| '''Brawler Battle''' <br> Kinetic strikes in directions.   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Study'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Study'''   
|valign="top"| '''Momentum Mapping'''     <br> You can identify speed and direction of movement.  
|valign="top"| '''Architectural Analysis''' <br> Understand construction.  
|valign="top"| '''Trajectory Tracking'''   <br> You know the exact weight, speed, acceleration, and projected path of target.
|valign="top"| '''Trajectory Tracking'''   <br> Calculate path of a moving object.
|valign="top"| '''Path Prediction'''      <br> You can learn how something has moved to where it is now and project its future path, but the future is subject to change.
|valign="top"| '''Structural Sense'''      <br> Analysis shows hidden features.
|valign="top"| '''Complete Calculations''' <br> You gain the same information as Trajectory Tracking for everything in a huge volume.
|valign="top"| '''Complete Calculations''' <br> Analyze a huge volume.
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Survey'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Survey'''   
|valign="top"| '''Velocity Vision'''           <br> You can sense kinetic powers and things that accelerate.
|valign="top"| '''Velocity Vision'''   <br> Sense kinetic powers and acceleration.
|valign="top"| '''Detect Detail'''             <br> You can extend your sense of touch and learn an objects shape, feel, mass, speed, and acceleration.  
|valign="top"| '''Detect Detail'''     <br> Feel, mass, speed, and acceleration.  
|valign="top"| '''Clairvoyance'''               <br> You can gain a sensor read from a point you choose.
|valign="top"| '''Clairvoyance'''     <br> Sensor at a point you choose.
|valign="top"| '''Complete Kinetic Knowledge''' <br> You gain the information Detect Detail gives, but for all objects in a large volume of space.
|valign="top"| '''Kinetic Knowledge''' <br> Detect Detail a large volume of space.
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Sway'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Sway'''   
|valign="top"| '''Lip Language'''    <br> You can lip read perfectly.  
|valign="top"| '''Lip Language'''    <br> You can lip read perfectly.  
|valign="top"| '''Vocal Vision'''     <br> You can listen in on a conversation as long as you see the talkers.
|valign="top"| '''Whisperer's Whim''' <br> Converse with any creature you can see.
|valign="top"| '''Whisperer's Whim''' <br> You can project your voice and listen to any creature you can see, allowing conversation.
|valign="top"| '''Vocal Vision'''     <br> You can listen in on a conversation.
|valign="top"| '''Sound Sage'''      <br> You can project your voice and listen to any creature you know in the same region, allowing distant conversation.   
|valign="top"| '''Sound Sage'''      <br> Converse many creatures far away.   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Tinker'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Tinker'''   
|valign="top"| '''Guided Grip'''   <br> You can telekinetically manipulate an object as if by hand.
|valign="top"| '''Guided Grip'''       <br> Telekinetically emulate tools.
|valign="top"| '''Artisan Ability'''     <br> You can form any kind of object about as efficiently as a workshop.  
|valign="top"| '''Artisan Ability'''   <br> Telekinetically emulate a workshop.  
|valign="top"| '''Kinetic Crafting'''   <br> You can telekinetically work objects like a machine shop.
|valign="top"| '''Kinetic Crafting'''   <br> Telekinetically emulate a machine shop.
|valign="top"| '''Psionic Production''' <br> This is similar to create, above, but you mass produce objects, even a set of different objects. You can also make something large, such as a vehicle or building.
|valign="top"| '''Psionic Production''' <br> Telekinetically emulate a factory.
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Wreck'''   
|align="left" valign="top" | '''Wreck'''   
|valign="top"| '''Psychic Pummel'''    <br> Works much like a punch, but at range.  
|valign="top"| '''Psychic Pummel'''    <br> Telekinetic hammer blow.
|valign="top"| '''Kinetic Crush'''      <br> Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in and out of combat. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.
|valign="top"| '''Kinetic Crush'''      <br> Fine and potent telekinetic hammer.
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Tremor''' <br> Similar to Psychic Pummel.  When smashing objects you affect hard objects as if they were wood.  
|valign="top"| '''Telekinetic Tremor''' <br> Kinetic piledriver.  
|valign="top"| '''Psionic Pulverize'''  <br> Similar to Telekinetic Tremor, but destroyed targets are silently reduced to a fine dust.  
|valign="top"| '''Psionic Pulverize'''  <br> Silently pulverize objects.  
== Expanded Kinesis Powers ==
== Expanded Kinetic Powers ==
Expanded descriptions of effects that differ significantly from [[Powers (FiD)#Typical Powers and How to Use Them|Typical Powers]].
Kinesis powers are common with the [[Psi (FiD)|Psi Power Playbook]] and the powers are often described in psionic terms, but this is just a matter of wording.
Kinesis powers are common with the [[Psi (FiD)|Psi Power Playbook]] and the powers are often described in psionic terms, but this is just a matter of wording.
Kinetics cannot summon or dismiss creatures, but is strong in that it can dispel effects of any power, not just Kinesis powers.
Kinetics cannot summon or dismiss creatures, but is strong in that it can dispel effects of any power, not just Kinesis powers.
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The position is controlled, possibly risky if there are a lot of other dangers around or desperate in a very chaotic situation.
The position is controlled, possibly risky if there are a lot of other dangers around or desperate in a very chaotic situation.
This is usually done as a setup action.
Limited effect creates an opening that makes the supported action potent.
Normal effect improves the position of the supported action.
Great effect improves both position and effect of the supported power.
When used directly, the effect is usually limited unless the opponent is relying on powers for their safety.
'''Psionic Perception'''
Detect creatures and kinesis powers.
'''Telekinetic Termination:'''
You can sense kinesis powers and things that cause acceleration, such as moving creatures or vehicles.
''You can end the operation of an power ability and interrupt the movement of anything material, but limited to the personal scale.
The utility is to separate things that can move from inert stuff.
* Limited outcome suffices against something you can clearly see.
* Standard outcome senses something that is hidden.
* Can sense things behind walls.
Machines with moving parts can be sensed, but this requires an additional level of outcome.
'''Telekinetic Termination'''
End any power, interrupt physical movement.
You can end the operation of an power ability and interrupt the movement of anything material, but limited to the personal scale.
You can remove the kinetic energy of something that moves, as long as that thing is on the personal scale.  
You can remove the kinetic energy of something that moves, as long as that thing is on the personal scale.  
This allows you to stop kinetic weapons of all kinds and to slow the movement of more solid things, such as a person or personal vehicle, reducing their speed to a crawl.
This allows you to stop kinetic weapons of all kinds and to slow the movement of more solid things, such as a person or personal vehicle, reducing their speed to a crawl.
Faster movement is more heavily reduced, this turns a run into a slow walk, but brakes a racing car to the speed of a running man.  
Faster movement is more heavily reduced, this turns a run into a slow walk, but brakes a racing car to the speed of a running man.  
This speed loss will not cause trouble for a vehicle has a minimum safe speed, like bird or a winged aircraft
This speed loss will not cause acceleration damage or trouble for a vehicle has a minimum safe speed, like bird or a winged aircraft
Kinetics is strong in that it can dispel the effects of any power.  
Kinetics is strong in that it can dispel the effects of any power.  
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When dramatically appropriate that a power is hard to dispel, often because it is the crux of the situation, this will not negate the power but instead give you a clue to what you need to do to resolve the situation.
When dramatically appropriate that a power is hard to dispel, often because it is the crux of the situation, this will not negate the power but instead give you a clue to what you need to do to resolve the situation.
'''Telekinetic Tether:'''
'''Telekinetic Tether'''
''You can hinder the movement of large vehicles like busses or trucks.
Hinder large object movement.
Telekinetic Termination on a greater scale.
Telekinetic Termination on a greater scale.
You can hinder the movement of large vehicles like busses or trucks.
'''Psychic Paralysis:'''
'''Psychic Paralysis'''
''You can dampen all fast movement in a large area for the duration of a score while not affecting the movement of things you select to avoid.
Dampen select movement in a large area.
You can dampen all fast movement in a large area for the duration of a score while not affecting the movement of things you select to avoid.
You can exclude a small group from this effect, but otherwise everything and everyone in the area is slowed.
You can exclude a small group from this effect, but otherwise everything and everyone in the area is slowed.
=== Command ===
=== Command ===  
Kinetic command effect are mot mental powers.
Instead you use physical forces to amplify your voice and later use telekinesis to control the bodies of creatures.
Instead you use physical forces to amplify your voice and later use telekinesis to control the bodies of other creatures.
Kinetic command effect are not mental powers.
'''Vocal Vortex:'''
'''Vocal Vortex'''
''You can amplify your voice to be heard across a wide area, like a football field.
Amplify your voice.
This is useful because it allows you to intimidate creatures of your power and to command foreign or alien subordinates.
You can amplify your voice to be heard across a wide area, like an arena.  
Combined with the basic power of Sway allows two-way communication.
This improves effect by reaching more listeners.
'''Arena Amplifier:'''
'''Projected Presence'''
''Your amplified voice can be heard across a stadium. It is not deafening close by.
Sounds carry for miles.
'''Psychic Puppetry:'''
Sounds can be carried for miles.
''Telekinetically manipulate the target's body, much like a puppet on a string. The target retains all senses and can continue to speak.
You are not actually making loud sounds, it is your kinetic powers that carry the sound to distant places.
It is not deafening close by, and you can have the sound carry to some places and not others.
It need not be you making the sounds, you can pick up sounds and may choose to project them.
'''Telekinetic Tyrant:'''
'''Psychic Puppetry'''
''You can use Psychic Puppetry on multiple creatures at once.
Control like a puppet string.
Telekinetically manipulate a target's body, much like a puppet on a string. The target retains all senses and can continue to speak.
This is physical control resisted by Prowess, not a mental power.
The precision is not great, you can make the target push buttons or pull levers, perhaps make Wreck attacks, but it is not precise enough for Finesse or Hunt actions.
All actions use your Command action minus 2 dice.
'''Telekinetic Tyrant'''
Multiple Psychic Puppetry.
You can use Psychic Puppetry on multiple creatures at once.
You can control many creatures at once, without demanding greater effect.
All targets perform similar movements or contribute to the same task.
=== Consort ===
=== Consort ===
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This increases item capacity.
This increases item capacity.
'''Telekinetic Tack:'''
'''Telekinetic Tack'''
''This allows you to attach things to yourself while you concentrate, like glue.
Kinetic body glue.
'''Psychic Portage:'''
This allows you to attach things to yourself like glue but with no residue once it ends.
''This allows you to carry more items per load category, +1/+2/+3.
You use existing things and turn them into clothes and accessories, fast and beyond what could be done with simple glue.
This helps a disguise by making a mask move as a natural face.
This is faster and about as effective as a professional disguise.
'''Psychic Portage'''
Load per category +1/+2/+3.
This increases the item capacity of a light load by +1, medium load +2, and heavy load +3.
This increases the item capacity of a light load by +1, medium load +2, and heavy load +3.
You can only apply this once per score, and lasts for the entire score.
You can only apply this once per score, and lasts for the entire score.
'''Kinetic Cargo:'''
'''Kinetic Cargo'''
''You can apply Psychic Portage to an ally.
Psychic Portage to an ally.
You can apply Psychic Portage to an ally.
'''Kinetic Coalition'''
Psychic Portage to a company.
'''Kinetic Coalition:'''
This allows a company to use Psychic Portage.
''This allows a small army to use Psychic Portage.
The maximum number of people is (tier^2 +1) x 10 people.
=== Finesse ===
=== Finesse ===
Exercise finesse with your power, manipulating and attacking with precision.
Exercise finesse with your kinesis, manipulating and attacking with precision.
'''Telekinetic Turbo'''
''If there is a mount or vehicle of the appropriate power, you can ride it as if it was domesticated and you have the keys. You can move and breathe in conditions manifesting your power without damage or hindrance.
Vehicle speed matches chase.
This allows you to use Finesse with mounts and vehicles you are not familiar with, allowing Finesse to substitute for Command and Tinker actions that could do the same thing.
A vehicle of mount you ride can always take part in a chase, even if it would normally be too slow.
To fly or swim you must still have an appropriate ride.
Unlike other basic Finesse powers, this does not allow you to take command of a vehicle or mount, it improves the performance of a ride you could ordinarily use.
You can aid allies as an advanced power.
'''Focused Force'''
''You can use the power as a fine and potent close-range attack, similar in effect to a fine potent dueling sword or pistol, or you can give your friends the Ride ability for the duration of a score.
Fine and potent dueling attack.
What this actually does depends on the power used.
You can use kinetics to move an object to make a and potent close-range attack, similar in effect to a fine potent dueling sword or pistol.
Fire burns, wind slices, ice pieces or freezes, and so on.
Certain targets may be more or less vulnerable to certain attacks, but this is the exception.
Besides variety, this only substitutes for equipment, fine and potent finesse weapon is just as effective.
Besides variety, this only substitutes for equipment, fine and potent finesse weapon is just as effective.
In a fight, using this does not take any more time, activating your attack power is equivalent to drawing a weapon, no more, no less.
In a fight, using this does not take any more time, activating your attack power is equivalent to drawing a weapon, no more, no less.
'''Telekinetic Touch'''
''You can do fine manipulation of the power, allowing you to do small and exact manipulations at range. This allows you to open doors, trigger or hinder mechanisms, or perform other minor manipulations, as long as the target is appropriate to your power.
Fine telekinetic manipulation.
This allows you to manipulate small amounts of matter governed by your power.  
You can do small exact telekinesis at range. This allows you to open doors, trigger or hinder mechanisms, or perform other minor manipulations.
This is similar to what you could do by hand, but you can do so at a distance of ten meters or so, allowing you to push buttons, trigger devices, and perform legerdemain at short range. This can substitute for simple Tinker actions, but nothing complicated.
This works much like an invisible hand that can do delicate manipulation.
You can do so at a distance of ten meters or so, allowing you to push buttons, trigger devices, and perform legerdemain at short range.  
This can substitute for simple Tinker actions, but nothing complicated.
'''Telekinetic Travel'''
''Your power manifests like a storm of blades, suppressing the effect of multiple opponents and acting as a fine potent weapon. You can choose to affect multiple targets.
Crew can fly long distances.
You create ans use weapon like Duel above, and also create distractions.
You, your crew, mounts, and vehicles can fly over long distances.
The effect is like having a number of trusty but entirely defensive allies in the fight.
This is very fast, limited mainly by weather and air friction.
This negates the advantage an enemy gets for having allies of their own, but is otherwise the same as Duel.
=== Hunt ===
=== Hunt ===
Track, attack, and unleash devastating barrages with the power of Hunt.
Track, attack, and unleash devastating kinetic barrages.
As you advance in power, the scope of your attacks becomes greater, allowing you to control significant areas and cause widespread destruction.
As you advance in power, the scope of your attacks becomes greater, allowing you to control significant areas and cause widespread destruction.
At short range, this is dangerous to you and yours.
At short range, this is dangerous to you and yours.
'''Mindful Monitor'''
''You can track and pursue based on your power, even if the target does not leave any mundane trail or clues.
Track creatures who are using powers.
You can track anyone actively using any power.
Once the track is laid down, it remains even if the use of the power ends, but the track gets fainter as time passes.
Consequences here are mainly to lose the trail, but depending on the environment and targets, it might lead you to get lost, into traps, or even into an ambush.
Consequences here are mainly to lose the trail, but depending on the environment and targets, it might lead you to get lost, into traps, or even into an ambush.
'''Potent Snipe:'''
'''Telekinetic Targeting'''
''You can use your power to attack, similar in effect to a fine and potent rifle.
Attack like a fine and potent rifle.
The effect of this action varies depending on the nature of your power.
You can use kinesis to attack, similar in effect to a fine and potent rifle.
For instance, fire will burn, wind can slice, ice might pierce or freeze, and so forth.
While some targets may exhibit more or less vulnerability to specific types of attacks, this is the exception rather than the rule.  
Essentially, this ability serves as a versatile replacement for traditional equipment; a fine and potent finesse weapon would be equally effective in combat.  
Essentially, this ability serves as a versatile replacement for traditional equipment; a fine and potent finesse weapon would be equally effective in combat.  
Moreover, using this action in a fight doesn't consume any additional time; activating your attack power is akin to drawing a weapon—neither faster nor slower.
Moreover, using this action in a fight doesn't consume any additional time; activating your attack power is akin to drawing a weapon—neither faster nor slower.
'''Controlled Chaos
'''Controlled Chaos'''
''You cause multiple small objects to move or remain in place, causing chaos or building simple shelter.
Kinetic chaos or move things around.
You can cause multiple small objects to move simultaneously, creating confusion or blocking sightlines. This could involve flinging books off shelves, scattering coins across the floor, or causing curtains to billow wildly.
You cause multiple small objects to move or remain in place, causing chaos or building simple shelter.
This can assemble or disassemble simple structures using available materials. This could involve barricading a door, setting up an impromptu blockade, or rigging a simple contraption. This only lasts a short time, but can serve as a setup for a single action.
You can cause multiple small objects to move simultaneously, creating confusion or blocking sightlines.  
This could involve flinging books off shelves, scattering coins across the floor, or causing curtains to billow wildly.
You can also assemble or disassemble simple structures using available materials, such as barricading a door, setting up an impromptu barricade, or rigging a simple contraption.
'''Area Attack:'''
'''Telekinetic Thunder'''
''You can use your power to attack similar to a fine and potent grenade. This allows you to fight many creatures in the same area very effectively, but there is a risk of collateral damage.
Attack like a fine and potent grenade.
An escalation of Potent Snipe, this affects all enemies in a single location.  
An escalation of Telekinetic Targeting, this affects all enemies in a single location.  
The effect is more powerful but less precise.
The effect is more powerful but less precise.
This means it does more collateral damage, but no more effect on enemies.
This means it does more collateral damage, but no more effect on enemies.
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=== Prowl ===
=== Prowl ===
Sneak, move, and perhaps even fly or teleport with the stealth and agility granted by Prowl.
Sneak, move, and jump with the stealth and agility granted by Prowl.
Most powers use Prowl in ways that vary from the norm, so this is a more rough sketch than the power abilities of many other actions.
'''Telekinetic Grip'''
''You can hide in environments linked to your power. This allows you to hide in impossible places as long as the environment manifests your power. You gain advantage when sneaking on creatures linked to your power.
Stick to surfaces.
This provides you cover to hide in places you ordinarily could not.
You can climb and hide under ceilings where people rarely look and take no damage from falls.
Where you can use this is explained in each specific power.
This allows you to hide under ceilings and on walls where only lucky or elite opponents look.
It otherwise works just like any other attempt to use Prowl to avoid notice.
It otherwise works just like any other attempt to use Prowl to avoid notice.
Note that only you can use this ability, your friends and allies cannot unless you use Travel, below.
Note that only you can use this ability, your friends and allies cannot unless you use Team Transport, below.
'''Psychic Stride'''
''You can move on and through environments composed of your environment. This allows you to climb on air, swim unhindered, walk through walls of the appropriate material and so on, depending on your exact power.
Long jump.
Again, each power will explain how it can use this mobility.
At any tier, this gives additional jump control, allowing you to change your direction mid-air.
Your friends and allies cannot use this unless you employ Travel, which is described later
Jumps less than 5 meters times your tier are routine for you, and this distance is added to the length of an ordinary jump.
'''Team Transport'''
''You can bring allies along when you use Reconnaissance and Maneuver.
Crew Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.
Now you and your allies can Prowl in places where your power is at home.  
You can help allies to use Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.
They still use their own Prowl action.
Allies still use their own Prowl action.
'''Legion Leap'''
''You and allies can teleport from one location where your power is present to another. This is regional travel, you stay within the same city or region, but it is generally sufficient to enter or escape just about any situation or location.
Company Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.
How and where you use this is explained in each power.
You can help a company to use Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.
This takes you to places you are familiar with.
The maximum number of people is (tier^2 +1) x 10 people.
Both effect and position is worse unless you know where you are going, which means it is great for escapes but less so for intrusion into an enemy's territory that you are likely to be much less familiar with.
=== Skirmish ===
=== Skirmish ===
Engage in close combat and create chaos with the power to Skirmish.
Duel and create chaos with kinetics.
'''Brawler Block'''
Block Harm from Kinesis.
Absorb Kinesis energies, including Kinesis powers and damage from physical impact, including falls and crashes.
You automatically absorb falls an collisions an ordinary creature could survive.
Roll Skirmish when subject to more serious harm from such energies.
This is your inherent resistance, it does not require any activity on your part.
Reduce the level of harm inflicted based on the level of success.
1-3: Nothing. 4-5: Reduce level of harm by one. 6: Reduce level of harm by two. Crit: Negate all harm and recover 1 stress.
'''Skirmish Attack:'''
'''Brawler Bash'''
''You can use the power as a close-range attack, similar in effect to a melee weapon or pistol.
Fine and potent kinetic melee attack.
What this actually does depends on the power used. Fire burns, wind slices, ice pieces or freezes, and so on.
Make a fine and potent short-range kinetic attack, similar to a pistol or melee weapon in effect.
Certain targets may be more or less vulnerable to certain attacks, but this is the exception.
Besides variety, this only substitutes for equipment, mundane weapons are just as effective.  
In a fight, using this does not take any more time, activating your attack power is equivalent to drawing a weapon, no more, no less.
In a fight, using this does not take any more time, activating your attack power is equivalent to drawing a weapon, no more, no less.
'''Fine Skirmish Attack:'''
'''Brawler  Blitz'''
''Same as Skirmish Attack, except the weapon is fine and potent.
Distractions prevent scale.
Your power creates distractions and obstructions that prevent the enemy from benefiting from numbers and otherwise works as a fine potent weapon.
''Your power creates distractions and obstructions that prevent the enemy from benefiting from numbers and otherwise works as a fine potent weapon.
This creates some kind of hindrance, perhaps spectral allies, perhaps a maze or concealing mist.
This creates a whirling host of deadly objects.
The effect is to deny your enemies the advantage of numbers.
The effect is to deny your enemies the advantage of numbers.
You also gain the benefit of the Fine Skirmish Attack, giving you a fine, potent weapon.
You also gain the benefit of the Brawler Blitz, giving you a fine, potent weapon.
'''Brawler Battle'''
''Your power strikes out in all directions, attacking all enemies in a wide area.
Kinetic strikes in directions.
Kinetic strikes out in all directions, attacking all enemies in a wide area.
This turns you into a one-man army. Not only do you negate the advantage your enemy may get from numbers, you also spread your effect to hurt all your enemies in the current skirmish, within 10 meters or so.
This turns you into a one-man army. Not only do you negate the advantage your enemy may get from numbers, you also spread your effect to hurt all your enemies in the current skirmish, within 10 meters or so.
=== Study ===
=== Study ===
Study and analyze objects and creatures imbued with your power to gain insight and knowledge.
Analyze movement and acceleration.
'''Architectural Analysis'''
Understand construction.
You understand static forces and the location of construction features.
You can analyze construction you are touching and analyze static forces.
This tells you which walls are thick and which are thin, and reveals hidden doors and rooms.
If the construction is still and unperturbed this is difficult, standard effect will only reach a few meters while great effect can reach 10 meters or so.
If there are alot of vibrations, like explosions or an earthquake, this becomes easier, effectively increasing your effect.
Position starts out controlled when nothing else happens, but rises as soon as those explosions go off.
'''Trajectory Tracking'''
Calculate path of a moving object.
You can calculate the path of a moving object forward and back to its origin.
''You can identify objects and creatures that manifest your power and see the use of the abilities of your power.
This is literally rocket science and very useful for space travel and billiards, but less useful for everyday adventuring.
It does allow you to intuitively understand how and when to move from one moving platform to another and predict if a missile or torpedo will hit.
This knowledge reaches at least an hour back and forward in time and in predictable cases like space and ocean travel, days or month.
Of course, movement in the past is absolute, while the future is unpredictable.
'''Structural Sense'''
''You know the powers and abilities of something you analyze.
Analysis shows hidden features.
You understand the forces that support terrain and architecture and can use this knowledge to find what it hidden.
''You can read the past events of something you analyze. This includes previous owners and how the object has been moved around as well as significant scenes.
You create an image in your mind of what you can see, and from that you can extrapolate what you cannot see.
This allows you to find rooms and passageways you cannot see.
Finding big things is easier, small details are hard, you can find things to a depth of about twice the dimensions of the thing you detect.
So a 10 meter chamber can be sensed through 20 meters of ground with standard effect.
With great effect you double this distance.
Position depends on the situation.
''You research everything in a wide area. This is easy to do where you are, more difficult at range. You can then use hindsight on some of these targets.
A typical risky position would be a ruin that could collapse or when there are some enemies around.
Typical consequences are to miss certain information, lose the opportunity to try again, or suffer some effect from your surroundings.
'''Complete Calculations'''
Analyze a huge volume.
You gain the information from Architectural Analysis and Trajectory Tracking for everything in a huge volume.
This allows you to be your own traffic coordinator over a wide area or make a mental blueprint of a complex installation.
The reach of this power depends on the number of objects tracked, it is as hard to track the tens of thousands of cars in a city as it is to track ten thousand ships on an ocean, or in the vastness of space.
=== Survey ===
=== Survey ===
Survey and perceive manifestations of your power to gain valuable information and insight.
Perceive movement and acceleration to gain valuable information and insight.
With line of sight limited effect suffices, around corners or into smoke and other concealment standard effect will do, and through walls requires great effect.
Consequences are generally just a failure to spot something, but in a dangerous environment this can be a serious matter.
''You can sense manifestations of your power at a distance and understand their general nature. This works even when you can't see the target, but both range and information suffer.
'''Velocity Vision'''
''Choose an object manifesting your power that you have detected; you can perceive as if you were at that spot. You cannot use your Survey action for anything else when doing so.
Sense kinetic powers and acceleration.
You can sense kinetic powers and things that accelerate.
''Choose a location or creature. You gain a sensor at the nearest suitable object, which is often close enough to perceive the target.
This allows you to detect moving things, especially when they change speed and direction.
'''Detect Detail'''
''You perceive from all objects manifesting your power at once over a wide area. As long as you concentrate you retain this perception and can report what you see to others.
Feel, mass, speed, and acceleration.
=== Sway ===
You can extend your sense of touch and learn an objects shape, feel, mass, speed, and acceleration.
Communicate, mesmerize, and manipulate creatures imbued with your power to achieve your goals.
This is a superior sort of echolocation and similar to vision, only lacking color perception.
Sway creatures based on your power with persuasion and cajoling.
Effect and consequences are similar to those of Velocity Vision.
Position and effect is determined normally, depending ion the situation and your relation to listeners.
If you know several powers and use a Sway effect but don't know what type of creature you are facing, it works as long as you have the appropriate power.
You need not select a specific type of creature in advance.
If you try to Sway a type of creature and don't the appropriate power, effect is at best limited—the game master may judge that the Sway action can be used non-verbally, but often you will have no effect at all. 
This still has the normal stress cost.
''You can understand creatures linked to your power even if normally couldn't, and gauge their mood and motivations.
Sensor at a point you choose.
This does not allow you to be understood by those whose intentions you read. Used together with the basic Command power, this allows full communication.
Select a point in space defined by direction and distance.
You can see as if you were at this spot.
'''Kinetic Knowledge'''
''You and allies can communicate with creatures based on your power.
Detect Detail a large volume of space.
This allows you to use the Sway power to its full effect.  
You gain the information Detect Detail gives, but for all objects in a large volume of space.
You are still wheedling unless you also use Command the advanced Command effect.
What you can cover depends on the number of items to be tracked, not on the volume.  
It is as hard to track 10 thousand cars in a city as 10 thousand ships on an ocean or 10 thousand objects in an enormous volume of space.
In addition, many powers will have the power to inspire a mood or emotion specific to that power.
=== Sway ===
Kinetic Sway does not have the usual suite of mental powers, instead working with actual physical sound.
'''Lip Language'''
''You can post suggestions in the mind of a creature manifesting your power, which will be triggered under conditions you specify. Common suggestions are to steal something, attack someone, or ignore some event. This is a subtle power, but easier to spot once triggered.
You can lip read perfectly.
Essentially this is an attempt to Sway with two advantages.
As long as you can see the speaker's lip and understand the language, you will "hear" what is said.
The target will not remember that you swayed them, and if you succeed, you can give them instructions that will activate later, in a situation you specify.
A typical use of this would be to sway a servant to leave a window open in a hallway or a guard to forget to load their weapon.
Besides the normal challenges of persuasion, suggestions fade depending on your effect. Limited effect lasts in the immediate situation.
Normal effect lasts for the duration of the score, and great effect can last past the end of the score, as makes sense in the story.
'''Whisperer's Whim'''
''You change the personality and motivations of creatures that manifest your power. This power is permanent, but blatant. The target remembers their past but regards it as unimportant compared to their new motivations.
Converse with any creature you can see.
This changes the target on a deep level, changing their loyalties and priorities.
You can project your voice and listen to any creature you can see, allowing conversation.
There are limit to this, particularly for creatures linked to a power - you cannot make a fire creature love the sea or an angel of light do deeds of darkness.
This is not telepathy, this is the projection of sound.
Exceptional creatures and exceptional circumstances can break this change.
You can induce vibrations that create sound, allowing you to cast your voice through any hard object.
This depends more on role-playing than die rolls.
=== Tinker ===
'''Vocal Vision'''
Manipulate, shape, and create objects imbued with your power to suit your needs.
You can listen in on a conversation.
When used with long-term projects, powers can often substitute for missing resources such as tools or raw materials, but that is all it does until you can start using Fabricate.
Now you no longer need to lip read, you can read the sound-induced vibrations in objects near the speakers.
''You can handle materials that manifest your power as if you had the appropriate tools and protective devices.
You can listen in on a conversation as long as you see the talkers or a nearby object.
Rigid objects like glass and metal are best conductors.
This mainly substitutes for tools, up to a small workshop.
'''Sound Sage'''
You are also protected from any dangerous effects of working with the elements of your power.
Converse many creatures far away.
You can project your voice and listen to any creature you know in the same region, allowing distant conversation with multiple creatures in different locations.
''You can shape materials that manifest your power as if they were of clay, and they will retain their new shape for some time even if they would normally not, such as water, sand, or smoke.
You don't need to see targets.
You can now do more than normal craft could do.
You can work elements of your power that  normally cannot be shaped, and it will remain in the shape you set it in.
This has the effect of pipes and containers suited to the materials at hand, without any material containers or conduits.
This may allow you to set up traps or devices that would normally require extensive equipment.
=== Tinker ===
Kinetic Tinkering mainly substitutes for tools.
The position depends on how quiet your workplace is and how much time you have to work with.
The position depends on how quiet your workplace is and how much time you have to work with.
The effect determines the effectiveness of your construction, but also how long it will last.
The effect determines the effectiveness of your construction, but also how long it will last.
Devices that are more powerful are harder to contain, and thus wont last as long.
Most shaping will only be good for a single scene, but if your effect surpasses that required for the effect you want, you can stretch the effect until the end of the score.
'''Guided Grip'''
''You can create objects manifesting your power out of nothing or transform an object from one material to another as long as you know the power required for both the starting and final form. This can create complex tools, such as fine and potent items appropriate to the power(s) used.
Telekinetically emulate tools.
You can telekinetically manipulate an object as if by hand or with handheld tools.
'''Artisan Ability'''
Telekinetically emulate a workshop.
You can form any kind of object about as efficiently as a workshop.
This allows you to make fine items if you have the materials.
This is two distinct effects. The first allows you to create matter related to your power out of nothing. This is raw matter (or energy, depending on the power used) and needs to be shaped and refined to be of much use.
'''Kinetic Crafting'''
Telekinetically emulate a machine shop.
The second can only be used if you know multiple powers. You transmute material connected to one of your powers into material connected to another power.
You can telekinetically work objects like a machine shop.
The result will maintain its form as if affected by the Shape ability.
This allows you to make potent items.
The advantage of this is that you can transform a complex object and it will retain its form and function as far as its new material allows.  
This can transform something like a sword from metal to fire, and it would still be a functional sword.
A door could be changed from wood to air, you then pass through and the door reverts to wood.
'''Psionic Production'''
''This is similar to Create, above, but you mass-produce objects, even a set of different objects. You can also make something large, such as a vehicle or building.
Telekinetically emulate a factory.
Pretty self-explanatory, this is Create on a larger scale.
Mass produce objects, even a set of different objects. You can also make something large, such as a building or large vehicle.
This is useful for equipping a large band or building something large out of nothing.
When doing long-term projects that involve building or crafting, you can use Fabricate to gain great effect, even under what normally be poor conditions, but this has the usual stress cost.
=== Wreck ===
=== Wreck ===
Destroy, dismantle, and obliterate objects made of stuff related to your power.  
Kinetic wrecking is versatile but has no special affinity for any material.
'''Psychic Pummel'''
''You can jimmy objects manifesting your power much like a sledgehammer. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.
Telekinetic blow.
Just as crude as it sounds.  
Works much like a sledgehammer.
You destroy things related to your power, and strike with the force of a sledgehammer in combat.
Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.
As usual, Wreck may be at an advantage or disadvantage compared to Finesse and Skirmish, depending on the situation.
'''Kinetic Crush'''
''Similar to jimmy. When smashing objects from your power, such as metallic objects for the metal power, you to affect hard objects as if they were wood. Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in combat.
Fine and potent telekinetic hammer.
This reduces the strength of strong materials, allowing you to break even the strongest barrier, as long as it of the proper material and not too thick.  
Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in and out of combat.  
You can also use this as a sledgehammer to smash other things, and ads a fine, potent sledgehammer in combat.
Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.
'''Telekinetic Tremor'''
''Similar to smash, but destroyed targets silently disappear or are reduced to a fine dust.
Kinetic piledriver.
The real difference here is that wrecking things is now silent when you have the right power.  
You strike with the force of a piledriver.  
You also leave less traces, as what you wreck disappears.  
Too slow to hit people, but can do great damage to construction.
This can also be used to get rid of evidence, as long as that evidence matches your power.
Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.
'''Psionic Pulverize'''
''Similar to smash, but over a large area. This can level a city block, empty a canal system of water, raze a city wall, and similar massive destruction.
Silently pulverize objects.
Rather straightforward, this just scales things up.
Telekinetic Tremor, but silent and leaves only dust.

Latest revision as of 23:55, 28 August 2024

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The ability move things, including simple thoughts. Kinesis is raw energy manifesting as physical forces. Some see kinesis as the purest kind of power. Something of a compliment to barrier, kinetics has no actual shape or form, nor are there kinetic creatures.

You can combine kinetics with material powers in order to move those effects around quickly. So if you know fire and kinesis, you can move flames.

Kinetic attacks hurl objects or manipulate weapons at a distance. This has an advantage in that these attacks are physical and real, resistance to powers won't affect them much. You can also throw opponents around, which is a great distraction, but doesn't cause much damage.

Kinetic Power Effects Table

Action Basic
No minimum
4 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
6 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
7 Stress
Attune Psionic Perception
Detect creatures and kinesis powers.
Telekinetic Termination
End any power, interrupt physical movement.
Telekinetic Tether
Hinder large object movement.
Psychic Paralysis
Dampen select movement in a large area.
Command Vocal Vortex
Amplify your voice.
Projected Presence
Sounds carry for miles.
Psychic Puppetry
Control like a puppet string.
Telekinetic Tyrant
Multiple Psychic Puppetry.
Consort Telekinetic Tack
Kinetic body glue.
Psychic Portage
Load per category +1/+2/+3.
Kinetic Cargo
Psychic Portage to an ally.
Kinetic Coalition
Psychic Portage to a company.
Finesse Telekinetic Turbo
Vehicle speed matches chase.
Focused Force
Fine and potent dueling attack.
Telekinetic Touch
Fine telekinetic manipulation.
Telekinetic Travel
Crew can fly long distances.
Hunt Mindful Monitor
Track creatures who are using powers.
Telekinetic Targeting
Attack like a fine and potent rifle.
Controlled Chaos
Kinetic chaos or move things around.
Telekinetic Thunder
Attack like a fine and potent grenade.
Prowl Telekinetic Grip
Stick to surfaces.
Psychic Stride
Long jump.
Team Transport
Crew Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.
Legion Leap
Company Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.
Skirmish Brawler Block
Block Harm from Kinesis.
Brawler Bash
Fine and potent kinetic melee attack.
Brawler Blitz
Distractions prevent scale.
Brawler Battle
Kinetic strikes in directions.
Study Architectural Analysis
Understand construction.
Trajectory Tracking
Calculate path of a moving object.
Structural Sense
Analysis shows hidden features.
Complete Calculations
Analyze a huge volume.
Survey Velocity Vision
Sense kinetic powers and acceleration.
Detect Detail
Feel, mass, speed, and acceleration.
Sensor at a point you choose.
Kinetic Knowledge
Detect Detail a large volume of space.
Sway Lip Language
You can lip read perfectly.
Whisperer's Whim
Converse with any creature you can see.
Vocal Vision
You can listen in on a conversation.
Sound Sage
Converse many creatures far away.
Tinker Guided Grip
Telekinetically emulate tools.
Artisan Ability
Telekinetically emulate a workshop.
Kinetic Crafting
Telekinetically emulate a machine shop.
Psionic Production
Telekinetically emulate a factory.
Wreck Psychic Pummel
Telekinetic hammer blow.
Kinetic Crush
Fine and potent telekinetic hammer.
Telekinetic Tremor
Kinetic piledriver.
Psionic Pulverize
Silently pulverize objects.

Expanded Kinetic Powers

Kinesis powers are common with the Psi Power Playbook and the powers are often described in psionic terms, but this is just a matter of wording. Kinetics cannot summon or dismiss creatures, but is strong in that it can dispel effects of any power, not just Kinesis powers.


Harness the power of Attune to perceive and manipulate supernatural energies, allowing you to detect and interact with beings and phenomena from other planes of existence.

The position is controlled, possibly risky if there are a lot of other dangers around or desperate in a very chaotic situation.

Psionic Perception Detect creatures and kinesis powers.

You can sense kinesis powers and things that cause acceleration, such as moving creatures or vehicles. The utility is to separate things that can move from inert stuff.

  • Limited outcome suffices against something you can clearly see.
  • Standard outcome senses something that is hidden.
  • Can sense things behind walls.

Machines with moving parts can be sensed, but this requires an additional level of outcome.

Telekinetic Termination End any power, interrupt physical movement.

You can end the operation of an power ability and interrupt the movement of anything material, but limited to the personal scale.

You can remove the kinetic energy of something that moves, as long as that thing is on the personal scale. This allows you to stop kinetic weapons of all kinds and to slow the movement of more solid things, such as a person or personal vehicle, reducing their speed to a crawl. Faster movement is more heavily reduced, this turns a run into a slow walk, but brakes a racing car to the speed of a running man. This speed loss will not cause acceleration damage or trouble for a vehicle has a minimum safe speed, like bird or a winged aircraft

Kinetics is strong in that it can dispel the effects of any power. Dispelling is often used as a setup action to help another character in a situation when the opposition is using powers.

When dramatically appropriate that a power is hard to dispel, often because it is the crux of the situation, this will not negate the power but instead give you a clue to what you need to do to resolve the situation.

Telekinetic Tether Hinder large object movement.

Telekinetic Termination on a greater scale. You can hinder the movement of large vehicles like busses or trucks.

Psychic Paralysis Dampen select movement in a large area.

You can dampen all fast movement in a large area for the duration of a score while not affecting the movement of things you select to avoid. You can exclude a small group from this effect, but otherwise everything and everyone in the area is slowed.


Instead you use physical forces to amplify your voice and later use telekinesis to control the bodies of creatures. Kinetic command effect are not mental powers.

Vocal Vortex Amplify your voice.

You can amplify your voice to be heard across a wide area, like an arena. This improves effect by reaching more listeners.

Projected Presence Sounds carry for miles.

Sounds can be carried for miles. You are not actually making loud sounds, it is your kinetic powers that carry the sound to distant places. It is not deafening close by, and you can have the sound carry to some places and not others. It need not be you making the sounds, you can pick up sounds and may choose to project them.

Psychic Puppetry Control like a puppet string.

Telekinetically manipulate a target's body, much like a puppet on a string. The target retains all senses and can continue to speak. This is physical control resisted by Prowess, not a mental power. The precision is not great, you can make the target push buttons or pull levers, perhaps make Wreck attacks, but it is not precise enough for Finesse or Hunt actions. All actions use your Command action minus 2 dice.

Telekinetic Tyrant Multiple Psychic Puppetry.

You can use Psychic Puppetry on multiple creatures at once. You can control many creatures at once, without demanding greater effect. All targets perform similar movements or contribute to the same task.


Kinetic consort is not about changing shape. Instead it attaches things, first to you, later to others. This increases item capacity.

Telekinetic Tack Kinetic body glue.

This allows you to attach things to yourself like glue but with no residue once it ends. You use existing things and turn them into clothes and accessories, fast and beyond what could be done with simple glue. This helps a disguise by making a mask move as a natural face. This is faster and about as effective as a professional disguise.

Psychic Portage Load per category +1/+2/+3.

This increases the item capacity of a light load by +1, medium load +2, and heavy load +3. You can only apply this once per score, and lasts for the entire score.

Kinetic Cargo Psychic Portage to an ally.

You can apply Psychic Portage to an ally.

Kinetic Coalition Psychic Portage to a company.

This allows a company to use Psychic Portage. The maximum number of people is (tier^2 +1) x 10 people.


Exercise finesse with your kinesis, manipulating and attacking with precision.

Telekinetic Turbo Vehicle speed matches chase.

A vehicle of mount you ride can always take part in a chase, even if it would normally be too slow. To fly or swim you must still have an appropriate ride. Unlike other basic Finesse powers, this does not allow you to take command of a vehicle or mount, it improves the performance of a ride you could ordinarily use. You can aid allies as an advanced power.

Focused Force Fine and potent dueling attack.

You can use kinetics to move an object to make a and potent close-range attack, similar in effect to a fine potent dueling sword or pistol. Besides variety, this only substitutes for equipment, fine and potent finesse weapon is just as effective. In a fight, using this does not take any more time, activating your attack power is equivalent to drawing a weapon, no more, no less.

Telekinetic Touch Fine telekinetic manipulation.

You can do small exact telekinesis at range. This allows you to open doors, trigger or hinder mechanisms, or perform other minor manipulations. This works much like an invisible hand that can do delicate manipulation. You can do so at a distance of ten meters or so, allowing you to push buttons, trigger devices, and perform legerdemain at short range. This can substitute for simple Tinker actions, but nothing complicated.

Telekinetic Travel Crew can fly long distances.

You, your crew, mounts, and vehicles can fly over long distances. This is very fast, limited mainly by weather and air friction.


Track, attack, and unleash devastating kinetic barrages. As you advance in power, the scope of your attacks becomes greater, allowing you to control significant areas and cause widespread destruction. At short range, this is dangerous to you and yours.

Mindful Monitor Track creatures who are using powers.

You can track anyone actively using any power. Once the track is laid down, it remains even if the use of the power ends, but the track gets fainter as time passes. Consequences here are mainly to lose the trail, but depending on the environment and targets, it might lead you to get lost, into traps, or even into an ambush.

Telekinetic Targeting Attack like a fine and potent rifle.

You can use kinesis to attack, similar in effect to a fine and potent rifle. Essentially, this ability serves as a versatile replacement for traditional equipment; a fine and potent finesse weapon would be equally effective in combat. Moreover, using this action in a fight doesn't consume any additional time; activating your attack power is akin to drawing a weapon—neither faster nor slower.

Controlled Chaos Kinetic chaos or move things around.

You cause multiple small objects to move or remain in place, causing chaos or building simple shelter. You can cause multiple small objects to move simultaneously, creating confusion or blocking sightlines. This could involve flinging books off shelves, scattering coins across the floor, or causing curtains to billow wildly. You can also assemble or disassemble simple structures using available materials, such as barricading a door, setting up an impromptu barricade, or rigging a simple contraption.

Telekinetic Thunder Attack like a fine and potent grenade.

An escalation of Telekinetic Targeting, this affects all enemies in a single location. The effect is more powerful but less precise. This means it does more collateral damage, but no more effect on enemies. Targets in trenches, behind walls, or otherwise shielded are not in direct damage, but tend to keep their heads down, which gives your side the initiative.


Sneak, move, and jump with the stealth and agility granted by Prowl.

Telekinetic Grip Stick to surfaces.

You can climb and hide under ceilings where people rarely look and take no damage from falls. This allows you to hide under ceilings and on walls where only lucky or elite opponents look. It otherwise works just like any other attempt to use Prowl to avoid notice. Note that only you can use this ability, your friends and allies cannot unless you use Team Transport, below.

Psychic Stride Long jump.

At any tier, this gives additional jump control, allowing you to change your direction mid-air. Jumps less than 5 meters times your tier are routine for you, and this distance is added to the length of an ordinary jump.

Team Transport Crew Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.

You can help allies to use Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride. Allies still use their own Prowl action.

Legion Leap Company Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride.

You can help a company to use Telekinetic Grip and Psychic Stride. The maximum number of people is (tier^2 +1) x 10 people.


Duel and create chaos with kinetics.

Brawler Block Block Harm from Kinesis.

Absorb Kinesis energies, including Kinesis powers and damage from physical impact, including falls and crashes. You automatically absorb falls an collisions an ordinary creature could survive. Roll Skirmish when subject to more serious harm from such energies. This is your inherent resistance, it does not require any activity on your part. Reduce the level of harm inflicted based on the level of success. 1-3: Nothing. 4-5: Reduce level of harm by one. 6: Reduce level of harm by two. Crit: Negate all harm and recover 1 stress.

Brawler Bash Fine and potent kinetic melee attack.

Make a fine and potent short-range kinetic attack, similar to a pistol or melee weapon in effect. In a fight, using this does not take any more time, activating your attack power is equivalent to drawing a weapon, no more, no less.

Brawler Blitz Distractions prevent scale.

Your power creates distractions and obstructions that prevent the enemy from benefiting from numbers and otherwise works as a fine potent weapon.

This creates a whirling host of deadly objects. The effect is to deny your enemies the advantage of numbers. You also gain the benefit of the Brawler Blitz, giving you a fine, potent weapon.

Brawler Battle Kinetic strikes in directions.

Kinetic strikes out in all directions, attacking all enemies in a wide area. This turns you into a one-man army. Not only do you negate the advantage your enemy may get from numbers, you also spread your effect to hurt all your enemies in the current skirmish, within 10 meters or so.


Analyze movement and acceleration.

Architectural Analysis Understand construction.

You understand static forces and the location of construction features. You can analyze construction you are touching and analyze static forces. This tells you which walls are thick and which are thin, and reveals hidden doors and rooms. If the construction is still and unperturbed this is difficult, standard effect will only reach a few meters while great effect can reach 10 meters or so. If there are alot of vibrations, like explosions or an earthquake, this becomes easier, effectively increasing your effect. Position starts out controlled when nothing else happens, but rises as soon as those explosions go off.

Trajectory Tracking Calculate path of a moving object.

You can calculate the path of a moving object forward and back to its origin. This is literally rocket science and very useful for space travel and billiards, but less useful for everyday adventuring. It does allow you to intuitively understand how and when to move from one moving platform to another and predict if a missile or torpedo will hit. This knowledge reaches at least an hour back and forward in time and in predictable cases like space and ocean travel, days or month. Of course, movement in the past is absolute, while the future is unpredictable.

Structural Sense Analysis shows hidden features.

You understand the forces that support terrain and architecture and can use this knowledge to find what it hidden. You create an image in your mind of what you can see, and from that you can extrapolate what you cannot see. This allows you to find rooms and passageways you cannot see. Finding big things is easier, small details are hard, you can find things to a depth of about twice the dimensions of the thing you detect. So a 10 meter chamber can be sensed through 20 meters of ground with standard effect. With great effect you double this distance.

Position depends on the situation. A typical risky position would be a ruin that could collapse or when there are some enemies around. Typical consequences are to miss certain information, lose the opportunity to try again, or suffer some effect from your surroundings.

Complete Calculations Analyze a huge volume.

You gain the information from Architectural Analysis and Trajectory Tracking for everything in a huge volume. This allows you to be your own traffic coordinator over a wide area or make a mental blueprint of a complex installation. The reach of this power depends on the number of objects tracked, it is as hard to track the tens of thousands of cars in a city as it is to track ten thousand ships on an ocean, or in the vastness of space.


Perceive movement and acceleration to gain valuable information and insight. With line of sight limited effect suffices, around corners or into smoke and other concealment standard effect will do, and through walls requires great effect.

Consequences are generally just a failure to spot something, but in a dangerous environment this can be a serious matter.

Velocity Vision Sense kinetic powers and acceleration.

You can sense kinetic powers and things that accelerate. This allows you to detect moving things, especially when they change speed and direction.

Detect Detail Feel, mass, speed, and acceleration.

You can extend your sense of touch and learn an objects shape, feel, mass, speed, and acceleration. This is a superior sort of echolocation and similar to vision, only lacking color perception. Effect and consequences are similar to those of Velocity Vision.

Clairvoyance Sensor at a point you choose.

Select a point in space defined by direction and distance. You can see as if you were at this spot.

Kinetic Knowledge Detect Detail a large volume of space.

You gain the information Detect Detail gives, but for all objects in a large volume of space. What you can cover depends on the number of items to be tracked, not on the volume. It is as hard to track 10 thousand cars in a city as 10 thousand ships on an ocean or 10 thousand objects in an enormous volume of space.


Kinetic Sway does not have the usual suite of mental powers, instead working with actual physical sound.

Lip Language You can lip read perfectly.

As long as you can see the speaker's lip and understand the language, you will "hear" what is said.

Whisperer's Whim Converse with any creature you can see.

You can project your voice and listen to any creature you can see, allowing conversation. This is not telepathy, this is the projection of sound. You can induce vibrations that create sound, allowing you to cast your voice through any hard object.

Vocal Vision You can listen in on a conversation.

Now you no longer need to lip read, you can read the sound-induced vibrations in objects near the speakers. You can listen in on a conversation as long as you see the talkers or a nearby object. Rigid objects like glass and metal are best conductors.

Sound Sage Converse many creatures far away.

You can project your voice and listen to any creature you know in the same region, allowing distant conversation with multiple creatures in different locations. You don't need to see targets.


Kinetic Tinkering mainly substitutes for tools. The position depends on how quiet your workplace is and how much time you have to work with. The effect determines the effectiveness of your construction, but also how long it will last.

Guided Grip Telekinetically emulate tools.

You can telekinetically manipulate an object as if by hand or with handheld tools.

Artisan Ability Telekinetically emulate a workshop.

You can form any kind of object about as efficiently as a workshop. This allows you to make fine items if you have the materials.

Kinetic Crafting Telekinetically emulate a machine shop.

You can telekinetically work objects like a machine shop. This allows you to make potent items.

Psionic Production Telekinetically emulate a factory.

Mass produce objects, even a set of different objects. You can also make something large, such as a building or large vehicle.


Kinetic wrecking is versatile but has no special affinity for any material.

Psychic Pummel Telekinetic blow.

Works much like a sledgehammer. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.

Kinetic Crush Fine and potent telekinetic hammer.

Works as a fine potent sledgehammer in and out of combat. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.

Telekinetic Tremor Kinetic piledriver.

You strike with the force of a piledriver. Too slow to hit people, but can do great damage to construction. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.

Psionic Pulverize Silently pulverize objects.

Telekinetic Tremor, but silent and leaves only dust.