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''Sha'ir is a sorcerer variant that doesn't have a fixed list of known spells, instead rebuilding that list each day.''
The sha'ir is an arcane spellcaster with an ''Arabian Nights'' bent, a wise person and friend of the genies. Unlike a wizard, the sha'ir does not get spells from either innate talent or mysterious study and spell books but rather has a special familiar, called a gen, to fetch spells for her somewhat like a witch's familiar. However, unlike a witch, the gen does not have a limited repertoire of spells - instead it delves deep into the elemental planes to find any secrets its master may require.
Sha'ir are also friends and confidantes of the genies, and gain the ability to treat with and control genies as they progress in level. Not all sha'ir choose to use such abilities tough, for the genies are dangerous and quick to anger.
= Cut from Al Qadim =
== Class Background ==
The sha'ir is an arcane spellcaster with an Arabian Nights bent, a wise person and friend of the genies. Unlike a wizard, the sha'ir does not get spells from either innate talent or mysterious study and spell books but rather has a special familiar, called a gen, to fetch spells for her somewhat like a witch's familiar. However, unlike a witch, the gen does not have a limited repertoire of spells - instead it delves deep into the elemental planes to find any secrets its master may require. The sha'ir is a self-educated class and uses the youngest starting age bracket.
Sha’ir Abilities
Sha'ir are also friends and confidantes of the genies, and gain the ability to treat with and control genies as they progress in level. Not all sha'ir choose to use such abilities tough, for genies are dangerous and quick to anger.  
Sha’irs are male and female wizards whose magic is tied to the genies.
(Their kit is described in Chapter 3.) These wizards do not learn or
cast spells in the usual fashion. In fact, they have no spellbooks at all.
Instead, they boast a number of spell-like abilities that increase in power as
they increase in experience level. This chapter describes those abilities.
Summary of Powers
With experience comes power:
l At 1st level, a sha’ir can summon a small elemental familiar, which will
provide spells, including magics that other 1st-level wizards cannot cast.
l At 3rd level, a sha’ir gains the ability to recognize the works of
geniekind, including their magics and the items they’ve created.
l At 5th level, a sha’ir can call upon the jann for aid.
l At 7th level, a sha’ir gains additional protection against elemental
l At 9th level, a sha’ir can call upon one of the more powerful genies for aid.
l At 11th level, a sha’ir can bind one of the true genies (dao, marid, djinn,
or efreet) as a personal servant.
l At 13th level, a sha’ir can create a prison to entrap a genie.
l At 15th level, a sha’ir can enter the elemental planes at will.
l At 17th level, a sha’ir can receive an audience with a great ruler of the
Each of these powers is described below.
Summoning a Familiar
This power allows a sha’ir to summon a small elemental familiar, called a
gen, which becomes a permanent and willing servant. The sha’ir is
allowed to choose which type of gen appears (air, fire, water, or earth).
Whatever its origin, the gen happily becomes an agent
for its master in all the elemental planes, seeking out
and retrieving magic that its master would otherwise
be unable to cast.
The act of summoning and binding a gen lasts 1d20
hours. If a sha’ir spends the required time fasting and
communing with the “nature” of the elemental
planes—while uninterrupted—then no proficiency
check is required. Success is automatic.
Gens can tap into a network of other geniekind,
conferring with creatures of any element. This allows
gens to retrieve spells for their masters. A sha’ir simply
states the spell which he or she desires, and the loyal
gen rushes off to the appropriate elemental plane to
find it (locating even spells in the universal province).
Sha’irs can only request spells which they know
exist. All 1st- and 2nd-level wizard spells shown in
Appendix A are considered common knowledge; any
sha’ir can request them. Otherwise, sha’irs must have
actually seen a spell. If a sha’ir sees an ajami casting a
strange spell (or sees its effects), then that spell can be
requested, too. Priest spells are also available. Spelllike
abilities of other creatures and characters cannot
be gained in this fashion, however.
Gens require time and effort to find spells for their
masters. The higher the spell’s level, the longer a gen
must search, and the greater the chance that its efforts
will be for naught. In fact, for more powerful spells, the
gen may not return at all—or perhaps worse, may
return with a powerful personage in tow, who is very
curious to see who is seeking such magic.
Requesting a Spell
When requesting a spell from his or her gen, a
sha’ir must specify which spell it is, and
whether it’s a wizard or priest spell. The gen
immediately sets out to find it on the outer planes.
The length of time that a gen searches for a spell
depends on the type of magic sought:
l If a sha’ir requests a spell that a native wizard of
the same experience level could normally cast, then
the gen searches for 1d6 rounds plus 1 round per level
of the spell. (All “native” spells are listed in Appendix
A. Anything not on that list is considered foreign to
the Land of Fate.)
l If a native wizard of the same experience level
could not normally cast the desired spell, then the gen
searches for 1d6 turns + 1 turn per level of the spell.
l If the spell is not native to the Land of Fate—or
is a priest spell—the gen searches for 1d6 hours plus 1
hour per level of the spell.
Even if the gen doesn’t find the spell (or has no
chance of doing so), it expends the full amount of time
searching. Once the request for a spell is made, the gen
cannot be recalled until its search is done.
To determine whether a gen’s search is successful,
the DM makes a percentage roll. A roll of 90 or more
always indicates failure. Otherwise, all gens have a 50
percent base chance of finding a spell. The following
modifiers apply:
l Each level of sha’ir: +5 percent
l Each level of spell being sought: -10 percent
l Spell is “general knowledge” (by the definition
above): +10 percent
l Spell is priestly magic, or does not appear in
Appendix A: -30 percent
l Gen repeats search for spell on same day after
initial failure: -10 percent per attempt
If the modified chance is 0 or less, the gen always
returns “empty-handed.” A gen’s failure to gather a
spell never harms its master (beyond disappointment).
The gen simply returns after the usual period of search,
extremely apologetic for its failure. If the sha’ir
requests the same spell again, the gen immediately
repeats the search. As noted above, however, its
chance of success drops an additional 10 percent for
each attempt within a given 24-hour period. (The
penalty applies only if the gen is seeking the same spell
If the elemental spirit succeeds, it returns at the end
of its search, appearing within 10 feet of its master.
The sha’ir can cast the spell within three turns;
thereafter the magic is lost. Damage and other effects
for the spell reflect the sha’ir’s experience level. The
gen cannot set out to retrieve another spell for its
master until the previous magic has been cast or has
The sha’ir gains the spell because the gen “shares”
the verbal and somatic components immediately upon
returning. Their link is mental, not verbal. Hence, the
gen can describe any material components needed, but
it’s still up to the sha’ir to supply them. (As in standard
AD&D® game play, material components are optional
in the AL-QADIMTM campaign. The DM may or may
not require them.)
00 Results: If the DM rolls “00” when checking for
success, the gen is automatically delayed 1d10
additional rounds, turns, or hours (as indicated by the
spell requested). The link between the gen and its
master remains intact; the sha’ir knows the gen has
been delayed, and can sense that it’s still alive.
The examples below illustrate how sha’irs request and
receive spells.
Example One: Fatima, a 5th-level sha’ir, wants to
cast burning hands, a 1st-level spell in the province of
flame. She asks her gen to look for it. The gen
immediately disappears for 1d6 + 1 rounds (if Fatima
needs the spell immediately, she’s in trouble). While
away, the gen has a 50 percent base chance to find the
spell, plus 25 percent for Fatima’s experience level,
minus 10 percent for the spell level, plus 10 percent
because the spell is considered “common knowledge.”
In summary, the gen has a 75 percent chance of success
(50 + 25 - 10 + 10 = 75). If the DM rolls 75 or less
when making a percentile check, the gen returns with
the spell.
Example Two: Hatim, a 3rd-level sha’ir, wants to
cast legend lore, a 6th-level spell of the universal
province. Hatim’s gen will be gone for 1d6 + 6 turns.
The gen has a 50 percent chance to locate the spell,
plus 15 percent for Hatim’s level, minus 60 percent for
the spell, leaving only a 5 percent chance of success. If
Hatim were one level lower, he would have no chance
at all of gaining this spell.
Example Three: Hazam, a 9th-level sha’ir, is in
desperate need of a raise dead spell, a 5th-level priest
spell. His gen has a 50 percent chance to locate the
spell, plus 45 percent for Hazam’s level, minus 50
percent for the spell level, minus another 30 percent
for seeking a priest spell. The long and short of it: the
gen has a 15 percent chance of success and will search
for 1d6 + 5 hours. If the gen fails to recover the spell
and Hazam immediately sends it out to try again, the
gen’s chance of success drops to 5 percent.
The Perils of Priest Spells
Sha’irs who send their gens after priest spells do so at
their own risk. Priest spells are granted by the gods (or
other powerful forces), and a gen who retrieves such a
spell may take more than magic back to its master.
There is a 10 percent chance per level of the desired
spell that a god or higher being observes the gen’s
activity. The DM makes the percentage roll. If the gen
is noticed, nothing happens until the sha’ir casts the
spell. When the spell is cast, “divine retribution”
occurs. The DM determines which god (or being) is
offended. The exact punishment varies according to
the level of the spell being cast:
l 1st to 2nd Level: The sha’ir suffers an immediate
case of the evil eye (see attract evil eye, reverse of avert
evil eye, in Chapter 8). No saving throw is allowed.
l 3rd to 4th Level: The hand of Fate turns against
the caster. The next opponent to attack the sha’ir
gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for the
duration of the encounter. If the sha’ir happens to cast
multiple priest spells of this level before the next
encounter, the results are cumulative (+1 per spell).
l 5th to 6th Level: The god (or offended planar
creature) sends a “messenger” to teach the sha’ir a
lesson about appropriating magic. The DM should
bring in the monster of his or her choice, which
appears 1d6 rounds after the offending spell is cast.
The creature is teleported magically to the sha’ir’s
location. As noted, the DM chooses the offended god
(though it’s probably an underling performing the
task). The monster should be at least one Hit Die
greater than the sha’ir’s experience level. The
summoned creature attacks the sha’ir with fanatical
morale, and disappears upon completion of its task (or
upon its death). The sha’ir gains no experience for
defeating this monster, nor does anyone who helps.
l 7th Level: The sha’ir is plucked from his or her
current position and drawn into the outer planar home
of the offended god, where a full explanation and
apology are expected. The deity’s underlings are most
likely to hear (and demand) the sha’ir’s report. The
player is encouraged to come up with as many good
reasons as possible for appropriating the spell. (It helps
if the use of the spell in some way aids that particular
god’s ethos.) The deity (or a minion) then assigns the
offending mage a quest and sends the offender home
within 1d6 rounds. The nature of this quest will not
violate the individual’s stated ethos, and may range
from minor (spend six months in the bazaar, preaching
the word of Tyr) to severe (return the ruby of Mystra,
currently held by an evil wizard in the Cursed
Gens are officially of neutral alignment, but they tend
to take on their masters’ attitudes, tinged by their own
natural tendencies. Elemental familiars with good
tendencies tend to be most comfortable with goodaligned
characters, while those with tendencies toward
evil acts are more comfortable with evil characters.
Gens attached to characters of similar alignment or
tendencies gain a +1 bonus to rolls for loyalty (but not
Unless otherwise noted, all gens stand between 8
and 12 inches tall, are of Low intelligence, AC 5, and
have a movement rate of 9. Each has a number of hit
points equaling half its master’s current maximum, Hit
Dice equaling half its master’s level, and the THAC0
of a monster that’s half their master’s level in Hit Dice.
Gens inflict 1d6 points of damage, and are of small
When summoning a gen, sha’irs can choose from
among four different varieties:
Air gens, or djinnlings, are small air sprites with
bluish skin and white hair. They can fly at MV 12
(maneuverability class B), but have no other
djinni-like powers, and cannot become invisible or
create objects. Djinnlings are usually aloof and
moralistic. They tend toward good and lawful
Fire gens, or efreetikin, are miniature fire spirits with
ebony skin and long, flame-red hair. They move
normally, and can produce flame at will. Fire gens are
usually malicious and judgmental. They tend toward
evil and lawful behavior.
Water gens, also called maridans, are small water
spirits with greenish skin and bluish eyes and hair.
They can swim at MV 12, and can breathe underwater.
Maridans are usually capricious and playful. They tend
toward good and chaotic behavior.
Earth gens, or daolanin (day-oh-LAH-neen), are
small earth elementals with tan skin and jet black hair.
They are the strongest of the gens, and can inflict
double damage (2d6 points). Earth gen are usually
tactless and direct. They tend toward evil and chaos.
Besides fetching spells, a gen helps protect its
master against its native element. All attacks of the
proper element are at -2 to hit, all saving throws
against that element are at +2, and all damage from
that form of attack are at -2 per die (minimum damage
of 1 point per die). This magical protection applies to
the gen at all times. The sha’ir enjoys these benefits
when the gen is within 10 feet. An elemental familiar
makes saving throws at twice the current level of its
master; otherwise magic can affect it normally.
Any gen can enter the elemental planes and move
through them at will, but all must stay within 100
yards of their masters while on the Prime Material
Plane. If a gen is forced to move beyond that radius
(for example, is moved by someone), it automatically
goes to the elemental planes, attempting to return to
its master in 1d6 turns. If the master moves to another
plane, the gen follows in 1d6 days (1d6 rounds for
elemental planes). Gens can spy, perform errands, and
carry messages for their masters in other planes, but
they risk being discovered and even destroyed by those
hostile to the sha’irs.
A gen always appears within 10 feet of its master. If
this is not possible (for example, the master is encased
in a wall of force or a solid rock wall), the gen will not
reappear, but instead waits until the first opportunity.
The gen appears wherever it is safest (on the far side of
enemies, with the sha’ir between it and them). The
behavior. appearance is random, however, so it’s impossible for a
gen to enter the elemental plane, move a short
distance, and then reappear in the Prime Material,
thereby circumventing walls and doors. If threatened
while on the Prime Material Plane and more than 10
feet from its master, the elemental familiar will pop
back into its home plane to hide, returning to its
master (if possible) in 1d6 turns.
When a gen dies, its master feels the loss
immediately—and literally. The sha’ir’s hit points drop
by half. If this loss reduces a sha’ir to 0 or fewer hit
points, the wizard must make a saving throw vs. death
magic. Success means that the sha’ir remains alive,
with 1 hit point, while failure indicates death. Damage
caused by the death of a gen can be healed normally.
A gen that has died and is later brought back to life
suffers a permanent 1-point penalty in morale and
loyalty. A sha’ir cannot have more than one gen at a
time, so the summoning of a new gen precludes the
recovery of a former elemental familiar.
A new gen can be summoned upon the loss (for
whatever reason) of an old gen, but the loyalty of such
a replacement is always less than the original. The first
gen summoned is of fanatical morale and loyalty (18)—
almost immune to temptation and willing to lay down
its life for its master. For each successive gen, the
loyalty drops 1 point, to a minimum of 5. Hence, the
last in a long line of gens is untrustworthy and easily
spooked or distracted. Such a gen is also less successful;
time to recover spells increases by one increment
(round, turn, or hour, depending on the spell) with
each replacement, too.
A sha’ir can dismiss a gen at any time, with the
same negative effect to a future gen’s loyalty, but no
loss to the sha’ir’s hit points. A successful dispel magic
or similar spell also can break the link. The latter does
not harm the sha’ir, who can reforge the link with that
particular gen by summoning it again. The death of
the caster also frees the gen of its obligations, and the
elemental familiar immediately returns to its native
elemental plane. If the sha’ir is raised, he or she can
regain the same gen by the act of summoning and
binding the familiar.
A gen can be ensnared by charm or similar spells,
but it won’t turn against its master unless a morale
check is failed.
Recognizing Genie Work
At 3rd level, sha’irs can recognize the workings of
djinn, jann, and other members of the genie
races. These wizards can recognize items that have
been created by genies, as well as spells cast by genies
or provided by gen for other sha’irs. Further, this
ability enables sha’irs to detect genies that are
invisible, disguised, or polymorphed.
A sha’ir’s chance to recognize genie work is 5
percent per experience level. The sha’ir must declare
that he or she is checking for the work of genies in a
particular situation. Success requires full
concentration; the sha’ir can perform no other action
for a round. If multiple genie-works are at hand, only
the most powerful or most recent are revealed.
Calling Upon the Jann
At 5th level, sha’irs can call upon the jann for aid
and protection once each day. Jann are lesser
genies. They haunt the desert and other lonely, forlorn
places, and sha’irs must be in such a location to use
this ability.
A sha’ir must give a great yell for help to capture
the jann’s attention. The chance that a janni is located
within 10 miles equals 5 percent per level of the sha’ir.
(Beyond that distance, no janni will respond.) If the
call fails, then no sha’ir can call upon the jann
successfully in the same 10-mile radius for the next 48
hours. If a janni is within that area, it arrives within
two to eight turns. No proficiency or ability check is
required. Only a janni can hear the sha’ir’s call up to
10 miles away; to others, it is merely a normal shout.
A single janni answers the call (though others may
have heard it, too). Usually, the creature arrives by
flight and is invisible. In areas of relative peace,
however, a janni may ride a camel. The janni responds
in a friendly fashion to the caller and any other sha’irs
who are present. A janni will aid those lost in the
desert, even to the point of bringing them back to its
own camp, celebrating their arrival with a feast in
their honor.
A summoned janni is not charmed or otherwise
enchanted by a sha’ir’s call. If the wizard behaves
hostilely, or the sha’ir’s companions similarly
misbehave, the janni abandons them—only to return
later with enough reinforcements to destroy those who
would take advantage of a janni’s hospitality. If slain,
jann that are summoned or encountered as a result of
this power do not provide experience points.
If a sha’ir is party to an attack on a janni after
summoning it, this special ability ceases to work. All
jann shun the sha’ir. Future attempts to call upon the
jann automatically fail until restitution is made. To do
so, the offending sha’ir must contact the jann in a
more traditional fashion (seeking them out in the high
desert) and then offer gifts. Usually, a large diyya, or
wergild, for the slain janni plus a few magical items are
enough to repair relations.
A janni that answers a sha’ir’s call does not fight for
the sha’ir unless the wizard is attacked. Nor does the
janni act as a servant, messenger, or load-bearer. Only
grudgingly does it perform actions beyond the basic
giving of shelter and protection, though gifts of jewels
and magic may persuade it to provide more help.
If two rival sha’irs both call upon the jann, each
requesting protection from the other, the jann who
arrive try to mediate between them to resolve the
conflict. If such mediation fails, both jann depart,
leaving the sha’irs to their fate. While jann may be
rivals, they rarely battle each other over such petty
things as mortals.
Jann never forget a kindness, including those which
they perform for sha’irs. Each time a PC sha’ir attains a
level over 10th, there is a 30 percent noncumulative
chance that a janni who once aided the PC
reappears—and insists that the sha’ir (and allies)
perform a certain quest or mission. Failing to comply is
enough to destroy one’s reputation in the eyes of jann,
forbidding all further kindness. The mission may
involve the protection of an item or person for a short
time, the location of an item, or some other task with
which they are encharged by greater genies. Jann
never request a mission that would violate a sha’ir’s
natural alignment, however.
Elemental Protection
At 7th level, a sha’ir gains additional protection
against elemental attacks. All saving throws
against elemental attacks are made with a +2 bonus.
Further, all elemental attacks suffer a -2 attack
penalty. And all damage from such attacks is reduced
by 2 points per die, to a minimum 1 point per die. If
the sha’ir has an elemental familiar, all of these
benefits are doubled, for attacks linked to the familiar’s
elemental type (-4, +4, and -4 respectively).
Finally, this ability enables a sha’ir to survive on the
elemental planes without other protection for a
number of turns equal to his or her level.
At 9th level, a sha’ir can call upon the services of a
genie—either a djinni, dao, efreeti, or marid.
The wizard decides which type of genie to call. Sha’irs
usually call genies of the same type as their elemental
familiar. Any type of genie is allowed, but relationships
are often strained when an elemental familiar and
genie stem from different elements.
A sha’ir can call upon a genie no more than once a
week. The chance for success is 5 percent per level. If
the call is successful, a genie responds in 1d6 rounds.
Failure means nothing happens, and the sha’ir cannot
use this ability for a week.
The genie who responds to this call is not
necessarily friendly. If any force or character attacks
the genie, it will be hostile to both the attacker and
Calling a Genie
the sha’ir who called it in the first place. Furthermore,
the creature won’t perform a service for the sha’ir
unless bribed, cajoled, threatened, or otherwise
The “service” performed by a genie may involve
labor, transport, active protection, or use of genie
abilities. Wishes are an exception. Genies summoned
in this manner won’t fulfill wishes unless they can
figure out a way to use them to their own advantage.
For example, good or neutral genies might try to
enrich themselves, while evil genies might try to
pervert wishes to their own ends.
To determine whether a genie performs the action
requested, the DM may either role-play the
negotiating process or use Table 59 (Encounter
Reactions) in Chapter 11 of the Dungeon Master’s
Guide. The modifiers below indicate a typical genie’s
response to efforts by the sha’ir. (Bonuses are actually
subtracted from the die roll for the Encounter
Reaction table, yielding a favorable result for the PC.)
l Payment of 1,000 gp in gems: The sha’ir gains a
reaction check bonus of +1 to +6 (DM rolls 1d6
secretly). The genie does not tell the PC at what point
he or she is merely gilding the lily, and gladly accepts
all that the PC has to offer.
l Payment of a magical item: +1 for a potion or
scroll, +2 otherwise, +3 for an item the genie can use
(including rings of djinni summoning and other genie
prisons, which are taken back to the elemental planes
and destroyed).
Reaction adjustment for sha’ir’s Charisma: (See
Table 6 in Chapter 1 of the Player’s Handbook.) The
adjustment ranges from a -7 penalty to a +7 bonus if
the character compliments or otherwise cajoles the
genie. (A high Charisma modifies results in the PC’s
l Promise of future gold deliveries: +1 for each
2,000 gp to be delivered, with a time limit and
established location. Failure to deliver indicates that
the genie in question will come looking for the debtor.
(It is a bad idea to cheat a genie.)
l Nature of the task:
Task is easily performed and takes less than
one round.
Task involves invoking the genie’s spelllike
Task involves combat or other
immediate personal danger to the genie.
Task involves the potential of danger to
the genie.
Task involves working longer than one day.
For each additional day the task will take
(beyond the first).
Task is contrary to the ethics, beliefs, or
alignment of the genie.
Task is to the detriment of geniekind.
l Threats: The sha’ir gains a +4 bonus by
threatening the genie with an imposing force as
backup. The bonus increases to +6 if the sha’ir’s allies
include another genie (even of another elemental
group), but drops to a -2 penalty if the genie has
reason to believe that the sha’ir is undermanned or
l Elemental familiar: The sha’ir gains a +2 bonus
for having a gen familiar of the same elemental type as
the genie summoned. If the familiar is of a different
type, the wizard suffers a -2 penalty. (Genies feel they
may judge the worth of mortals by the company they
keep, and consorting with “lesser” elementals is a sign
of poor breeding.)
After three to six rounds (1d4 + 2) of negotiation
have occurred, the DM should tally up the modifiers
that apply, and then consult the Encounter Reaction
table in the DMG. The sha’ir is presumed “friendly”
unless threats are involved, in which case the column
labeled “threatening” applies. After all modifications
have been made to the 2d10 roll, if the result is
Upon attaining the 11th level, a sha’ir can entice
one of the standard forms of genies (dao, djinn, efreet,
or marid) to act as his or her long-term servant. The
genie is summoned as noted under “Calling a Genie,”
with the standard limitations. Further, the genie is free
to accept or reject the offer, or to place additional
conditions upon the agreement. Once an agreement is
reached, the genie is bound to the sha’ir for a period of
not more than 101 days.
To determine whether a genie accepts the offer of
servitude, make a saving throw vs. spells for the
particular genie, with the following modifications:
-7 to +7 Reaction Adjustment for PC’s Charisma
“indifferent” or “friendly,” the genie agrees to aid the
sha’ir. If the result is “threatening” or “hostile,” the
genie leaves (or attacks, if attacked). If the result is
“cautious,” the genie accepts all that has been offered
so far, and begins again with the negotiation—forcing
the sha’ir to offer more gold, magical items, and the
like in order to persuade the genie to help.
Calling upon genies from time to time does not
(see Table 6 in the Player’s Handbook).
For every level above 15th the sha’ir
has achieved.
For every level below 15th.
For every condition that the sha’ir
agrees to as a basis for the servitude.
For every condition that the sha’ir turns
down in discussion.
obligate a sha’ir to reciprocate in some way. However,
if a PC sha’ir calls upon the genies regularly for
mundane tasks, a group of genies may appear one day
and “volunteer” the PC for a job of their own (DM’s
option). Sha’irs are free to turn away a genie who
requests aid, but they do so at the risk of alienating all
members of that genie’s race. (Word travels fast.) If a
genie is refused, none of that type of genie will respond
to the PC until an entire year of boycotting the PC has
In exchange for servitude, the genie can demand
any number conditions, though some negotiation
For every genie that has previously been
in the sha’ir’s service, whether through
ability or use of a genie prison, provided
the genie lived to the end of that
service without being dismissed.
If the sha’ir has ever used a genie prison
to entrap a genie of the same elemental
race as the one asked to serve now.
Bindiing a Genie in Servitude between the sha’ir and the genie (that is, PC’s player
and DM) is possible. A genie that is hostile or
Part of the existence of genies depends on their
ability to serve mortals as well as greater powers.
Genies often enter a long-term arrangement with
sha’irs. By doing so, they increase their standing
among others genies of their kind. While genies enter
into such servitude willingly, they know they are
bound to remain with their masters for the duration.
Therefore, genies choose their sha’irs very carefully.
(From their viewpoint, the sha’irs don’t choose them.)
uninterested in aiding the caster on a permanent basis
may make one or two outlandish demands. However, if
the sha’ir accepts them, and the genie fails a saving
throw versus spells, the genie is bound.
Genies usually insist upon 5 to 10 (1d6 + 4)
conditions before agreeing to servitude; binding them
can be as tricky as establishing a business contract
between two enemies. Typical demands include the
l The sha’ir will be allowed to release the genie
from servitude at any time, but release will occur
immediately if any other agreed-upon condition is
violated. In return, the genie agrees not to bother the
sha’ir (or allies) for 101 days after release, provided the
sha’ir agrees to the reverse.
This is usually the first condition called for by a
genie. A sha’ir who is serious about their future
relationship will agree to it. (Agreement to other
conditions is not implied; the genie will agree that
further conditions remain to be settled.)
l The genie will not be entrapped by a genie prison
during its period of servitude.
l The genie will be allowed to flee a combat if it
has lost more than half its hit points.
l The genie will be provided with a large amount of
its natural element in a permanent base of operation.
(Djinn demand a settlement in a windy spot; efreet,
continual bonfires; dao, a regular diet of ornamental
stone seasoned with uncut, semiprecious gems; marids,
a special complex of pools and fountains.)
l The genie will receive a share of all treasure
gained by the sha’ir, ranging from 50 to 70 percent, or
40 + (1d3 x 10). As a result, this treasure will not be
available for experience or training of the sha’ir.
l The genie will be maintained in a style “to which
it is accustomed”—that is, in the style of the sha’ir and
nothing less. All general living costs will be doubled
for the sha’ir.
l The genie will be free from all tasks one day in
every ten. (Even genies deserve time off, for good
behavior or not.)
l The sha’ir will not ask for wishes.
l The genie will be freed of its servitude upon the
death of the sha’ir. Before returning to its elemental
plane, the genie will deliver the sha’ir’s body to a
particular location, if that is requested.
l The sha’ir will bark like a dog whenever someone
mentions the name of a particular god or ruler. (This is
a favorite of marids and capricious genies who care not
for servitude in any form. If they are to be servants,
they might as well enjoy themselves.)
Given such stipulations, many might ask who
becomes the servant—the sha’ir or the genie?
However, once the genie has agreed to the matters (by
failing the saving throw), the sha’ir is lord and master.
At the DM’s option, if a sha’ir is making too good an
offer to pass up, the genie may accept the offer even if
the saving throw succeeds.
Once a genie has agreed to serve, it must defer to its
master in all things, following the sha’ir’s orders to the
best of its abilities, and casting spells as ordered.
Again, wish spells are excluded, as noted under
“Calling a Genie.” The servant is forbidden by the
leaders of the genie peoples to fulfill most wishes, and
demanding wishes of a genie servant immediately
voids the agreement.
The genie will act as the sha’ir’s personal
bodyguard, food-taster, and servant. If the sha’ir
commands it, the genie will stand watch over its
sleeping master—with a 10 percent chance per 24-
hour period that a genie dozes off on his post. The
genie will create things as it is capable, to the
requirements of its master.
The sha’ir may call upon the genie for advice as
well. A genie’s chance of responding correctly about a
given matter equals that listed for contact other plane (a
5th-level wizard spell in the Player’s Handbook), with
no chance of insanity. A genie is not omniscient,
however. Nor will it share information unless asked. A
genie will remind the sha’ir seeking information that
rumors may be worthless, and that it should not be
held responsible if scuttlebutt proves to be incorrect.
A genie’s basic nature does not change in servitude,
and a sha’ir who enslaves one should make allowances
accordingly. Good-aligned genies bridle at performing
evil acts, and evil genies hate being forced into acts of
goodness. For example, a djinni commanded to steal a
magical item will do so, but also will leave behind a bit
of payment, along with an apologetic note that
explains the situation—and reveals where the sha’ir
might be found after the genie’s term of indenture
expires. Similarly, evil-aligned genies seek to twist
their masters’ orders to their own aims. For example,
an efreeti told to go into a village to fetch hot food
might set fire to an inn so that it all cooks at once.
Genies in servitude are subject to the standard
effects of morale and loyalty. They never attack their
masters, but evil genies (and good genies that are
maltreated) are not above letting the hand of Fate
move their masters into dangerous situations, or
fleeing if their morale is broken in combat. Genie
loyalty equals the morale listed in the appropriate
Monstrous Compendium entry. The DM may raise the
morale for well-treated genies by 1 to 4 points, and
lower that of poorly treated genies by 1 to 6 points.
If a genie perishes while serving a particular sha’ir,
that sha’ir cannot summon (much less bind) another
genie for 100 days. During that time the genies assume
that the sha’ir is fasting. Further, they assume that the
sha’ir is meditating on the folly that caused the loss of
so valuable a companion. (This is not required, and
the sha’ir may not even know about it, but the genies
assume it’s true anyway.) At the end of that time,
genies of the same type gain a +3 modifier against
further entreaties to servitude for the next year, though
other races are not affected.
Creating a Genie Prison
At 13th level, a sha’ir gains the ability to create a
genie prison. This useful device can entrap a
genie and force it to work for the sha’ir upon its
release—with no room for negotiation. The genie
even can be forced to do things it otherwise would
not, such as granting wishes. Further, a genie prison
enables a sha’ir to ensnare evil, mischievous, or rival
genies, removing them from the scene for a
generation or two.
A sha’ir must create a genie prison before
summoning (or otherwise locating) the intended
prisoner. The device can be fashioned from any
material, regardless of quality, but most sha’irs favor
metal for its resilience. Common prisons include rings,
lamps, bottles, icons, geodes, vials, shells, and gems.
(The wizard Al-Fatat favors soup tureens.) If a prison is
shattered before a genie is entrapped, its magic is
useless. And if a genie is inside when the prison is
broken, the genie is completely free, with no
restriction on its actions.
A wizard must labor for 1d20 days to complete a
genie prison. After that period, the DM makes a secret
Dexterity check with a -3 penalty for the character. If
the sha’ir has an appropriate proficiency (e.g., gemcutting,
pottery, artistic ability, metalworking, or even
blacksmithing or armoring if the DM allows it), a
proficiency check may suffice instead. In any case, if
the check fails, so does the prison, and the sha’ir must
begin anew. If the check succeeds, the sha’ir has 10
days in which to trap a genie; thereafter the magic
fades due to lack of use.
To trap a genie, a sha’ir can carry the prison to the
location of a known genie, or summon one using the
“call genie” power. The former allows the sha’ir to trap
a specific creature; the latter does not. At any time
when within 100 yards of a djinni, efreeti, marid, or
dao, the sha’ir can attempt to trap it. (Other types of
genie cannot be imprisoned.)
The genie receives a saving throw vs. spells to avoid
being captured. Success means that the genie remains
free, and knows who is attempting to imprison it.
Genies attack those who try to trap them, so if the
attempt fails, the sha’ir had better be prepared to fight,
flee, or flatter the genie (giving up a sizeable chunk of
treasure) to escape the creature’s wrath.
If the genie fails its saving throw, it is drawn into
the prison. There it remains until the prison is
shattered, or until it is freed in the manner chosen by
the sha’ir (upon its imprisonment). The following are
acceptable conditions for a genie’s release:
l The genie will become an indentured servant to
whomever next summons it from the device—without
agreement or negotiation—for a period of not less
than 100 days and not more than 1,001 days. The
sha’ir determines the words and/or actions that call the
genie forth (such as rubbing the lamp while speaking a
verse that contains the genie’s name, or simply by
opening the container).
l The genie will grant three wishes to the one who
next summons the genie forth, assuming the genie is
capable of granting the wishes. (This will be against
the genie’s will, yet it still must comply.)
l The genie will remain imprisoned until a chosen
period elapses, which may not exceed 100 years.
l The genie will remain imprisoned until something
specified by the sha’ir occurs— such as the rise of a
beggar to become vizier, or the fall of a particular star
from the sky. (Sha’irs should be creative but cautious,
for odd occurrences may bring about the conditions
unexpectedly, and the hand of Fate is everywhere.)
l The genie will remain imprisoned until a certain
type of individual touches it—a poor boy, perhaps, or
an honest thief, or a foolish wise man. The sha’ir
cannot name a particular individual (“Kasim Al-
Hadad”); otherwise there are no limitations.
No matter what the formal conditions are, the
sha’ir may also free the genie whenever he or she
chooses, and immediately demand up to three
wishes, or demand its other services for a time
(within the limits noted above). Wishes had best be
worded carefully, since the genie is forced to act
against its better judgment, and will seek to turn
wishes against the sha’ir (as well as against the
wizard’s allies).
A sha’ir can trap up to five genies at a time with this
power, although a separate prison is required for each.
No experience can be gained by defeating genies in this
fashion. After a sha’ir has trapped the fifth genie, no
other genie will answer that wizard’s summons.
Furthermore, in any audience with a greater genie, such
a sha’ir will first have to justify his or her actions.
Using a genie prison is a hostile act. While it may
be justified at times, in general, imprisoning a genie
harms the sha’ir’s abilities to deal with other genies of
the same type. After five imprisonments, simultaneous
or not, no genie whatsoever will deal willingly with
the sha’ir. Genies cannot use their powers and abilities
while imprisoned. They are not harmed—for they do
not age, hunger, or thirst—but they are aware of their
predicament, and no genie feels a mortal truly deserves
this power.
If a sha’ir makes a prison in the presence of another
genie, the genie will attempt to thwart the wizard.
Only in one instance will the genie fail to interfere:
when the wizard promises (convincingly) that the
prison is intended for a particular target, and that
target is a traditional foe of the genie in question. As
noted under “Binding a Genie in Servitude,” sha’irs
who make genie prisons may void their agreements
with the genies who serve them.
Elemental Travel
Upon attaining 15th level, a sha’ir can cross the
Ethereal Plane to any elemental plane. To
determine success, the sha’ir must make an
Intelligence check. Failure indicates “bad timing”; the
sha’ir cannot make another attempt for six turns.
Success means the wizard can automatically cross the
Ethereal Plane without stopping, go to the elemental
plane of choice, and remain there safely for a number
of days equaling his or her experience level.
The wizard’s experience level also equals the
number of passengers within 100 yards that he or she
can take along. Unwilling travelers are allowed a
saving throw vs. spells to avoid being drawn into
another plane. Upon returning to the Prime Material
Plane, the sha’ir and any passengers reappear in
whatever position they were before, or in the nearest
open area should that location be unavailable.
Characters who are shanghaied to an elemental
plane are protected from the ill effects of that plane for
as many days as the sha’ir. If the sha’ir abandons them
before that period expires, they’re allowed the
remaining time to find a way back (often dealing with
local geniekind in the process).
For details on the elemental planes, consult the
DMG or the AD&D® Manual of the Planes.
Receiving an Audience
At 17th level, a sha’ir can seek and receive an
audience with the rulers of djinn, dao, marid,
and efreet—truly a great honor. A sha’ir can seek an
audience only once per month, whether the reason is
great or small.
Only one type of genie can be contacted at a time.
A sha’ir who wishes to speak with genie rulers must
journey to the plane of choice. Within 1 to 10 days, a
procession of genies will appear and automatically
grant the sha’ir an audience.
This power also enables a sha’ir to choose a willing
spokesperson who then seeks the audience instead.
Assuming the spokesperson is not a sha’ir, he or she
must go to a desolate area such as a great desert, then
wait. In 1 to 10 days, a procession will appear as
described above, automatically granting an audience.
The Procession. In the Land of Fate, a genie
procession comprises 1 to 3 noble genie rulers, 50 to
300 jann, and 10 to 100 ordinary genies. In the genies’
native plane, those numbers are doubled. Genies will
not appear at the scene of a battle. If the procession is
attacked, they will attempt to destroy the attacker(s)
for 10 rounds, then vanish. Sometime later, the same
genies or their agents will return to deal with the
characters who affronted them.
The Audience. Noble genies can answer questions
with the ability of an outer planar being whose
Intelligence is 25 (see contact other plane in Appendix 3
of the Player’s Handbook). They can issue rulings on the
actions of other genies or their race. And they can advise
those who are seeking to deal with genies or other races.
If the sha’ir (or spokesperson) reports a crime committed
by a lesser genie, a noble genie can summon that
creature for immediate judgment, provided the lesser
genie’s name or description is known.
Characters who stand before the noble genies and
make an appeal should note that they, too, will be
judged—especially in regard to their other dealings with
genies. A noble genie may forgive characters who have
slain genies and jann in the heat of combat, and those
who have imprisoned a malicious spirit; such applicants
will be granted a chance to explain their actions.
Applicants who have ambushed genies, violated
agreements, slain geniekind without quarter, behaved
ignobly to genies—or simply have been party to any of
these actions—will find themselves in great danger. The
DM makes a saving throw vs. death magic for a character
so accused. If the saving throw fails, the noble genie
passes judgment: the guilty one is slain and justice is
served. If the saving throw succeeds, the noble is
merciful: the applicant is stripped of all earthly
belongings, and promptly returned to the Prime Material
Plane. (There is no Fate but the Fate which is given us.)
While great, the power to receive an audience is
used sparingly, especially by sha’irs who have
entrapped or slain their share of genies over the years.
Sha’irs and Tasked Genies
The AL-QADIMTM Monstrous Compendium
introduces many new creatures, including tasked
genies and noble dao, marids, and efreet. Sha’irs have
no power over genies other than those listed above.
For example, a sha’ir cannot bind a noble genie into
servitude, nor can a sha’ir use a genie prison to snare a
janni or a gen.
The tasked genie is an exception, however. At one
time these strange creatures were ordinary dao, marids,
efreet, and djinn. Each has performed a given task so
long that its form has changed to match. For example,
the warmonger, who encourages strife between men,
has blood oozing from every pore. And the winemaker,
who nurtures grape vines, has a long trunk with which
it can crush the fruit.
A sha’ir who intends to call forth a tasked genie
must first know how to call forth an ordinary genie.
The sha’ir also needs another bit of knowledge: the
proper ritual for calling forth the tasked genie. Such
rituals are beautiful, esoteric blends of whispered
poetry and gestures. Each type of tasked genie responds
to a different ritual.
Learning a ritual is like researching a spell, with
the same cost and chance for success. A tasked genie’s
Hit Dice define the ritual to which it responds.
Consider each ritual to be a spell whose level equals
half the affected creature’s Hit Dice, rounded up. (For
example, to call upon a 7 HD tasked genie is as
difficult as researching a 4th-level spell.) A successful
check indicates that the wizard has learned enough to
call upon that particular type of tasked genie. Failure
means additional research is required. (The effort must
be repeated.)
If a sha’ir intends to bind a tasked genie, the same
steps apply: (1) the wizard must first know how to bind
an ordinary genie, and (2) the wizard must research
the tasked genie’s habits to learn the proper ritual. The
same is true when a sha’ir intends to imprison a tasked
genie. In short, each ritual is specific to one action as
well as to one type of genie.
= Cut File =
The sha'ir is an arcane spellcaster with an Arabian Nights bent, a wise person and friend of the genies. Unlike a wizard, the sha'ir does not get spells from either innate talent or mysterious study and spell books but rather has a special familiar, called a gen, to fetch spells for her somewhat like a witch's familiar. However, unlike a witch, the gen does not have a limited repertoire of spells - instead it delves deep into the elemental planes to find any secrets its master may require.
Sha'ir are also friends and confidantes of the genies, and gain the ability to treat with and control genies as they progress in level. Not all sha'ir choose to use such abilities tough, for the genies are dangerous and quick to anger.  
==== Alignment ====
==== Alignment ====
A thaumaturges alignment must be within one step of his deity's (that is, it may be one step away on either the lawful-chaotic axis or the good-evil axis, but not both). A thaumaturge may not be neutral unless his deity's alignment is also neutral. Chaotic religions rarely have thaumaturges, but they are not impossible. A thaumaturge that lacks a patron tends to be true neutral or chaotic, an independent thinker and free-willed explorer of the higher realms.
The sha'ir can be of any alignment. They tend to have an alignment either in agreement or opposition to the genies they work with. If the sha'ir is opposed to the genie's alignment, he tends to bind them and use them mercilessly. If he is in agreement with them, he has less direct power but also can expect more voluntary cooperation.
==== Hit Die ====
==== Hit Die ====
Line 976: Line 14:
==== Class Skills ====
==== Class Skills ====
The thaumaturge's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
The sha'ir's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
Acrobatics (Dex),
Appraise (Int),
Appraise (Int),
Bluff (Cha),
Bluff (Cha),
Craft (Int),
Craft (Int),
Fly (Dex),
Heal (Wis),
Heal (Wis),
Intimidate (Cha),
Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int),
Knowledge (Any) (Int),
Knowledge (History) (Int),
Knowledge (Religion) (Int),
Knowledge (The Planes) (Int),
Linguistics (Int),
Linguistics (Int),
Perform (Cha),
Profession (Wis),
Profession (Wis),
Ride (Dex),
Sense Motive (Wis),
Sense Motive (Wis),
and Spellcraft (Int).
Spellcraft (Int),
Survial (Wis), and
Swim (Str).
'''Skill Points per Level''':  2 + Int modifier.
'''Skill Points per Level''':  4 + Int modifier.
==== Table: The thaumaturge ====
==== Table: The sha'ir ====
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|rowspan=2| ''' Level'''||rowspan=2| ''' Base Attack Bonus'''||rowspan=2| ''' Fort Save'''||rowspan=2| ''' Ref Save'''||rowspan=2| ''' Will Save'''||rowspan=2| ''' Special'''||colspan=10|'''Spells per Day'''
|rowspan=2 valign=bottom | ''' Level'''||rowspan=2 valign=bottom | ''' Base <br>Attack <br>Bonus'''||rowspan=2 valign=bottom | ''' Fort <br>Save'''||rowspan=2 valign=bottom | ''' Ref <br>Save'''||rowspan=2 valign=bottom | ''' Will <br>Save'''||rowspan=2 valign=bottom | ''' Special'''||colspan=10|'''Spells per Day'''
||1st|||+0|||+0|||+0|||+2|||Channel energy, domain powers|||3|||1|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—
||1st|||+0|||+0|||+0|||+2|||Zhyen |||3|||1||||||||||||||||||||||||
||2nd|||+1|||+0|||+0|||+3||| |||4|||2|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—
||2nd|||+1|||+0|||+0|||+3|||Detect genies |||4|||2||||||||||||||||||||||||
||3rd|||+2|||+1|||+1|||+3||| |||4|||2|||1|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—
||3rd|||+1|||+1|||+1|||+3||| |||4|||2|||1|||||||||||||||||||||
||4th|||+2|||+1|||+1|||+4|||Bonus feat |||5|||3|||2|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—
||4th|||+2|||+1|||+1|||+4|||Gen touch spells |||5|||3|||2|||||||||||||||||||||
||5th|||+3|||+1|||+1|||+4||| |||5|||3|||2|||1|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—
||5th|||+2|||+1|||+1|||+4||| |||5|||3|||2|||1||||||||||||||||||
||6th|||+3|||+2|||+2|||+5||| |||5|||3|||3|||2|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—
||6th|||+3|||+2|||+2|||+5|||Craft genie seal |||5|||3|||3|||2||||||||||||||||||
||7th|||+4|||+2|||+2|||+5||| |||6|||4|||3|||2|||1|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—
||7th|||+3|||+2|||+2|||+5||| |||6|||4|||3|||2|||1|||||||||||||||
||8th|||+4|||+2|||+2|||+6||| Bonus feat |||6|||4|||3|||3|||2|||—|||—|||—|||—|||—
||8th|||+4|||+2|||+2|||+6|||Gen spell resistance  |||6|||4|||3|||3|||2|||||||||||||||
||9th|||+5|||+3|||+3|||+6||| |||6|||4|||4|||3|||2|||1|||—|||—|||—|||—
||9th|||+4|||+3|||+3|||+6||| |||6|||4|||4|||3|||2|||1||||||||||||
||10th|||+5|||+3|||+3|||+7||| |||6|||4|||4|||3|||3|||2|||—|||—|||—|||—
||10th|||+5|||+3|||+3|||+7|||Genie prison  |||6|||4|||4|||3|||3|||2||||||||||||
||11th|||+6/+1|||+3|||+3|||+7||| |||6|||5|||4|||4|||3|||2|||1|||—|||—|||—
||11th|||+5|||+3|||+3|||+7||| |||6|||5|||4|||4|||3|||2|||1|||||||||
||12th|||+6/+1|||+4|||+4|||+8||| Bonus feat |||6|||5|||4|||4|||3|||3|||2|||—|||—|||—
||12th|||+6/+1|||+4|||+4|||+8||| Task jann |||6|||5|||4|||4|||3|||3|||2|||||||||
||13th|||+7/+2|||+4|||+4|||+8||| |||6|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||2|||1|||—|||—
||13th|||+6/+1|||+4|||+4|||+8||| |||6|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||2|||1||||||
||14th|||+7/+2|||+4|||+4|||+9||| |||6|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||3|||2|||—|||—
||14th|||+7/+2|||+4|||+4|||+9|||Task genie |||6|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||3|||2||||||
||15th|||+8/+3|||+5|||+5|||+9||| |||6|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||2|||1|||—
||15th|||+7/+2|||+5|||+5|||+9||| |||6|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||2|||1|||
||16th|||+8/+3|||+5|||+5|||+10||| Bonus feat |||6|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||3|||2|||—
||16th|||+8/+3|||+5|||+5|||+10|||Genie ruler audience |||6|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||3|||2|||
||17th|||+9/+4|||+5|||+5|||+10||| |||6|||5|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||2|||1
||17th|||+8/+3|||+5|||+5|||+10||| |||6|||5|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||2|||1
||18th|||+9/+4|||+6|||+6|||+11||| |||6|||5|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||3|||2
||18th|||+9/+4|||+6|||+6|||+11|||Task noble genie  |||6|||5|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||3|||2
||19th|||+10/+5|||+6|||+6|||+11||| |||6|||5|||5|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||3
||19th|||+9/+4|||+6|||+6|||+11||| |||6|||5|||5|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||3|||3
||20th|||+10/+5|||+6|||+6|||+12||| Bonus feat |||6|||5|||5|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||4|||4
||20th|||+10/+5|||+6|||+6|||+12|||Ultimate task  |||6|||5|||5|||5|||5|||5|||4|||4|||4|||4
In addition to the stated number of spells per day for 1st- through 9th-level spells, a thaumaturge gets an equal number of domain spells for each spell level, starting at 1st. The "x+x" in the entries on this table represents these extra spells. Bonus spells the thaumaturge may receive for having a high wisdom score apply to both regular spells and domain spells separately and is thus applied twice.
== Class Features ==
== Class Features ==
All of the following are class features of the thaumaturge.
All of the following are class features of the sha'ir.
=== Weapon and Armor Proficiency ===
=== Weapon and Armor Proficiency ===
Thaumaturges are proficient with the club, sling, and staff  but not with any type of armor or shield. A thaumaturge with a patron is proficient in his patron's favored weapon. A thaumaturge that wears armor risks arcane spell failure on his arcane (domain) spells.
Sha'ir are proficient with the  
dart, and
whip. They do not have proficiency with any armor or shields.
=== Spells ===
A sha'ir prepares and casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. To prepare a spell, the sha'ir must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a sha'ir's spell is 10 + the spell level + the sha'ir's Charisma modifier. A sha'ir must choose and prepare his spells in advance (see below).
Like other spellcasters, a sha'ir can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The sha'ir. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score. 
A sha'ir has access to all spells on the sorcerer/wizard spell list and can prepare any of them that she knows of. She must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour communing with her gen. While communing, the sha'ir decides which spells to prepare and sends the gen to fetch these spells. A sha'ir is assumed to know about most spells, but for uncommon or esoteric spells, the [[GM]] may require a Spellcraft Check DC 5 + 3 per spell level, +5 for spells not on the sorcerer/wizard spell list. Some spells might be judged so secret that no roll is allowed, but this should only happen in special cases, such as when a secret order has created a new spell.
==== Cantrips ====
Sha'ir can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Sha'ir under "Spells per day". These spells are treated like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
=== Bonus Languages ===
A thaumaturge's bonus language options include auram, aquam, ignan, and terram (the languages of air, water, fire, and earth elementals respectively). These choices are in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.
=== Aura (Ex) ===
=== Zhyen ===
A thaumaturge of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful alignment has a particularly powerful aura corresponding to that alignment This aura also provides protection to the Thaumaturge, providing a +4 (force) armor bonus. Even neutral thaumaturges get this bonus. This does not stack with other armor bonuses, but it does stack with enhancement bonuses to armor class and with shield bonuses.
All sha'ir can call upon elemental familiars, known as a [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/zhyen Zhyen]. Summoning a Zhyen is a 1-hour ritual and each sha'ir can only have one Zhyen at a time. If a Zhyen is slain or dismissed, a new one can immediately be summoned, but a sha'ir must wait one week before summoning a Zhyen of the same type as one who died. If several Zhyens die in quick succession, it is possible for the sha'ir to run out of options.
=== Spells ===
There are four kinds of Zhyen, each tied to one of the classic four elements. Dinnlings (air Zhyens) are playful and mischievous and tend towards chaos and good. Ifri (fire Zhyens) are energetic and aggressive and tend toward law and evil. Maridans (water Zhyens) are humorous and eloquent and tend towards chaos. Chit (earth Zhyens) are artistic but greedy and tend towards law.  
A thaumaturge casts both divine and arcane spells, which are drawn from the cleric spell list and from clerical domains respectively. His alignment may restrict him from casting certain spells opposed to his moral or ethical beliefs; see chaotic, evil, good, and lawful spells, below. A thaumaturge must choose and prepare his spells in advance (see below).
To prepare or cast a spell, a thaumaturge must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a thaumaturge's spell is 10 + the spell level + the thaumaturge's Wisdom modifier.
While in contact with their master, Zhyens provide a +2 bonus on saving throws of the Zhyen's type and the save DC of the sha'irs own spells of the same type increase by +2. Dinnlings give this bonus against spells of the air subtype or that deal electricity damage. Ifri provide this bonus against spells of the fire subtype or effects that deal fire damage. Madidans provide this bonus against spells of the water subtype or effects that deal cold damage. Chit provide this bonus against spells of the earth subtype or effects that deal acid damage. A Sha'ir gets a +2 bonus on Charisma skills and Charisma rolls to [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/outsider-categories Bind] Zhyenies tied to the same element as his Zhyen.  
Like other spellcasters, a thaumaturge can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The thaumaturge. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score. A thaumaturge prepares this many cleric spells each day and this many domain spells each day; in effect, the thaumaturge has two sets of spells and receives Wisdom bonuses to both.
Besides serving the sha'ir as a companion, messenger, spy, and pet, the Zhyen also provides the sha'ir with spells. When preparing spells, the sha'ir sends the Zhyen to scourge the elemental planes to find the effect sought. This is automatic during normal spell preparation. The spells the Zhyen finds are packets of magical energy that it delivers to its master as spells when it comes back. The Zhyen cannot use these spells itself, nor can it store them except as a part of spell preparation or as noted in other sha'ir abilities. All Zhyen can use the ''plane shift'' ability on themselves, but solely to track down spells and return to the sha'ir, always returning in the masters square.
''Example: A third level thaumaturge with a Wisdom of 14 can prepare three first-level spells and two second-level divine spells from the cleric list, and the same number of arcane spells from among those gained from his domains.''
The sha'ir can send his Zhyen to fetch additional spells besides normal spell preparation. This takes 1 round  for a spell the Sha'ir could normally prepare, 1d6 + spell level rounds for spells the sha'ir could not normally prepare (due to class and/or level). At the end of this period, make a Concentration check (normally d20 + class level + Cha modifier) against a DC depending on the spell sought.
Thaumaturges meditate for their spells. Each thaumaturge must choose a time at which he must spend 1 hour each day in quiet contemplation to regain his daily allotment of spells. Time spent resting has no effect on whether a thaumaturge can prepare divine spells, but to recover arcane (domain) spells, the thaumaturge must first rest 8 hours. A thaumaturge may prepare and cast any spell on the thaumaturge spell list, provided that he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation.  
||'''Condition'''|||'''DC Modifier'''
||Base Difficulty ||| 5
||Each level of spell |||+3
||Spell is of the Zyhen's element or damage type|||-2
||Each earlier attempt since the last spell preparation |||+2
||Spell is higher level that the Sha'ir can normally prepare |||+10
||Spell is not on the sorcerer/wizard spell list, but is on the cleric, druid, or witch spell list|||+10
If the roll succeeds, the Zhyen returns with the desired spell, which must be cast within the next minute, or it is lost. Casting this spell does not use up any spell slots. If this roll fails, the Zhyen returns empty-handed. If this roll fails by a margin of 10, the Zhyen is killed looking for the spell, and never returns.
===Detect Genies (sp) ===
The sha'ir can detect genies and the works of genies at will. This works like ''detect undead'' except that it detects genies or the lingering area of places they have been or had an effect on. A sha'ir can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is a genie or has been in contact with genies, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the sha'ir does not detect genies in any other object or individual within range.
==== Orisons and Cantrips ====
=== Gen Touch Spells ===
Thaumaturges can prepare a number of orisons and cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Thaumaturge under “Spells per day.” These spells are treated like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. A thaumaturge has no access to cantrips (arcane level zero spells).
If the master is 4th level or higher, a gen can deliver touch spells for him. If the master and the gen are in contact at the time the master casts a touch spell, he can designate his gen as the "toucher". The gen can then deliver the touch spell just as the master would. As usual, if the master casts another spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates.
==== Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells ====
=== Craft Genie Seal ===
A thaumaturge's deity influences his alignment, what magic he can perform, his values, and how others see him, and some thaumaturges have no patron at all. Whatver the sorce of their powers, thaumaturges have access to clerical domains, even more son than
At 6th level, the sha'ir learns to create genie seals. This is a limited version of the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The sha'ir can craft any item that fits in the ''genie seal'' item slot as if she had the Craft Wondrous Item feat. Other prerequisites may still need to be fulfilled before a specific seal can be crafted.
Thaumaturges study the divine in unique ways, combining sacred and methodical approaches in their studies. Beside divine spells from the cleric list, they also have access to a number of domains and a separate (but equal) daily limit on arcane domain spells they can prepare. Combine all the spells granted by the thaumaturge's domains; these become his arcane spell list. Thaumaturges do not keep these spells in a spellbook, instead they are granted all these spells directly by study and inspiration. When casting arcane spells, thaumaturges are subject to arcane spell failure just like any other arcane caster.
=== Gen Spell Resistance (Ex) ===
If the master is 8thlevel or higher, a gen gains spell resistance equal to the master's level + 5. To affect the familiar with a spell, another spellcaster must get a result on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) that equals or exceeds the gen's spell resistance.
A thaumaturge with a patron learns to use all the domains belonging to his deity. Some gods give more domains than others. A thaumaturge who serves a monotheistic deity, a dualistic deity, or a pantheon can only receive five domains in this way, and the selection is not an individual matter; it is decided by the sect you are a part of or your position in the church. Decide upon which domains to take together with the DM. A thaumaturge striking out on his own, with no patron or sect to guide him, has 4 domains of his choice.
=== Genie Prison (sp) ===
This is the signature ability of the sha'ir, upon which much of their control of genies is based. At level 10, sha'ir can use ''binding'' at will, but only against genies. Each attempt is a full-round action and the save DC is 10 + ½ the sha'ir's class level + the sha'ir's Charisma modifier. Note that this save DC is reduced for the more portable kinds of binding. A genie the sha'ir attempts to bind automatically becomes hostile, but once its willingness to serve increases; add +4 to the sha'ir's Charisma checks to [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/outsider-categories negotiate] with a bound genie. A genie prison also eliminates the genie's daily chance to escape inherent in a ''planar binding''-type spell.  
Each domain gives the thaumaturge access to a domain spell at each spell level he can cast, from 1st on up, as well as a granted power. The thaumaturge gets the granted powers of all domains he knows.
Using this power affects your standing among genies; for each genie of a particular element you have ever imprisoned this way, you suffer a -1 modifier on Charisma rolls to [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/outsider-categories bind] all other genies tied to that element. This modifier does not apply to imprisoned genies, who are desperate for release and anyway cut off from the rumor mill. The count of bound genies can only be reset by using the [[#Genie Ruler Audience |genie ruler audience]] ability.
=== Channel Energy (Su) ===
=== Task Jann ===
Regardless of alignment, any thaumaturge can release a wave of energy by channeling the power of her faith through her holy (or unholy) symbol. This energy can be used to cause or heal damage, depending on the type of energy channeled and the creatures targeted.
At 12 level, when using ''lesser planar binding'' to compel the services of a genie, the service can last up to one week per level.
A good thaumaturge (or a neutral thaumaturge who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures. An evil thaumaturge (or a neutral thaumaturge who worships an evil deity) channels negative energy and can choose to deal damage to living creatures or to heal undead creatures. A neutral thaumaturge of a neutral deity (or one who is not devoted to a particular deity) can channel either positive or negative energy at will.
=== Task Genie ===
At 14th level, when using ''planar binding'' to compel the services of a genie, the service can last up to one week per level. When using ''lesser planar binding'' to compel the services of a genie, the service can be permanent. A genie in permanent service must always have an escape clause, but this can be something that never happens, like "when the sun sets in the east". Genies are very good at ferreting out situations where such impossible conditions come to pass, and enjoy this kind of challenge.
Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the thaumaturge. The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to 1d6 points of damage plus 1d6 points of damage for every two thaumaturge levels beyond 1st (2d6 at 3rd, 3d6 at 5th, and so on). Creatures that take damage from channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the thaumaturge's level + the thaumaturge's Intelligence modifier. Creatures healed by channel energy cannot exceed their maximum hit point total—all excess healing is lost. A thaumaturge may channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A thaumaturge can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect.
=== Genie Ruler Audience ===
A thaumaturge must be able to present her holy symbol to use this ability.
At 16th level, a sha’ir can seek and receive an audience with the rulers of jann, djinn, shaitan, marid, or efreet — truly a great honor. A sha’ir can seek an audience only once per month, whether the reason is great or small. Only one type of genie can be contacted at a time. A sha’ir who wishes to speak with genie rulers must journey to the plane of choice. Within 1 to 10 hours, a procession of genies will appear and automatically grant the sha’ir an audience. A genie procession comprises 1 to 3 noble genies and 10 to 100 ordinary genies. Genies will not appear at the scene of a battle. If the procession is attacked, they will attempt to destroy the attacker(s) for 10 rounds, then vanish. Sometime later, the same genies or their agents will return to deal with the characters who affronted them.  
=== Bonus Feats ===
Genie rulers can answer questions with a Knowledge (Planes) bonus of +30, focused on their elemental plane and are glad to advise those who are seeking to deal with genies. They can issue rulings on the actions of other genies of their element. If the sha’ir reports a crime committed by a lesser genie, a genie ruler can summon that creature for immediate judgment, provided the lesser genie’s name or description is known.  
Every four levels (at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level) a thaumaturge gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, she can choose a metamagic feat, an item creation feat, or a channeling feat. The thaumaturge must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums.
These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. The thaumaturge is not limited to the categories of item creation feats, metamagic feats, or channeling feats when choosing these feats.
Characters who stand before the noble genies and make an appeal should note that they, too, will be judged — especially in regard to their other dealings with genies. A noble genie will generally forgive characters who have slain genies in the heat of combat and those who have imprisoned a malicious spirit; such applicants will be granted a chance to explain their actions. Applicants who have ambushed genies, imprisoned genies, violated agreements, slain genie-kind without quarter, behaved ignobly to genies — or simply have been party to any of these actions — will find themselves in great danger and suffer a negative modifier on the negotiation equal to the number of such transgressions.
=== Bonus Languages ===
If the sha'ir risks judgement, this is handled as a [http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/outsider-categories negotiation]. Subtract one from the sha'ir's Charisma roll for each serious transgression or genie imprisoned of the ruler's element. Add +0 to +6 depending on how well the Sha'ir pleads his case. Additional modifiers can be gained for the right kind of gen, services rendered, bribes offered, impressive accouterments or companions, and impressive threats or promises made. Each such tactic successfully employed gives a +2 bonus. Genie rulers have a Charisma modifier of +10. On a success, all crimes are forgotten - the sha'ir's slate is wiped clean and all modifiers for past transgressions or imprisonments are cancelled. Of a failure, the sha'ir is imprisoned for a day, and may then plead his case again. A sha'ir who fails to be exonerated after three days is condemned to death and executed - most sha'ir prefer to escape after the second day and try their luck, but this is as bad as having imprisoned a genie in the eyes of genies of this element..
A thaumaturge's bonus language options include Celestial, Abyssal, and Infernal (the languages of good, chaotic evil, and lawful evil outsiders, respectively). These choices are in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.
=== Task Noble Genie ===
At 18th level, when using ''greater planar binding'' to compel the services of a genie, the service can last up to one week per level. When using ''planar binding'' or ''lesser planar binding'' to compel the services of a genie, the service can be permanent.
== Ex-Thaumaturges ==
=== Ultimate Task ===
A thaumaturge who grossly violates the code of conduct required by his faith loses all spells and class features, except for weapon and armor proficiency. He cannot thereafter gain levels as a thaumaturge of that god until he atones (see the ''atonement'' spell description) or decides to strike out on his own (see Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells above).
At 20th level, any ''planar binding'' spell can be used to compel a genie to permanent service.
== Notes and Options ==
== Gen Attributes ==
Unlike familiars, that are creatures in their own right, gens are more like reinfections of the caster trough the lens of the elemental planes. All gens are elementals and have attributes identical to their master except as noted here. They have half their master's hit points and have an ability similar but superior to evasion; when attacked by an area attack that allows any type of saving throw for reduced damage, they take half damage on a failed save and no damage on a successful save. They are of Tiny size (but this does not influence their attributes except as outlined here), have a carrying capacity 1/10 of that of their master, suffer a -5 modifier on Strength checks and melee damage, and gain a +8 size modifier to stealth. They make a ranged touch attack that does 1d6 damage of a type appropriate for their element (Geno do piercing damage), using the same touch attack modifier as their master. All gens can use ''plane shift'' as a swift action to travel to other planes to look for spells for their master, and when they return to the master they appear in his square. They can also remain in the elemental planes, seeking shelter there. If they ever end up more than 100 ft. from their master, they automatically ''plane shift'' to an elemental plane. All gens also have unlimited range telepathy with their masters, which is so complete that the gen can barely be said to have a mind of its own at all.
=== Druidic Thaumaturge Option ===
In addition to these common features, each type of gen has its own features. Dinnlings fly at a speed of 60 ft. Ifri  have a climb speed of 30 ft. Maridans have a swim speed of 60 ft and can breathe water or air. Chit can use ''meld into stone'' at will as a move action - this is a supernatural ability. Geno have a land speed of 60 ft.  
Certain druidic faiths in advanced societies might have thaumaturges. These would cast spells from the druid spell list rather than the cleric spell list. A druidic thaumaturge still has domain spells like any other thaumaturge, but only channels positive energy to heal living creatures; they cannot heal undead or harm any creature with their channel energy ability.
=== Note on Prestige Classes ===
Gens appear as miniature humanoids, animals, genies, or dragons with a colors scheme appropriate to their element. Djinnlings are pale blue and white. Ifri are reddish, brick red to bright orange. Maridans are deep sea greens and blues, with dark green or white details. Chit have earth colors, ranging from pale dun sand to various gayly colored semiprecious stones. Geno have naturalistic colors, but glitter and reflect light.
Many prestige classes geared for clerics would become too powerful in the hands of thaumaturges if the caster levels simply added up. Prestige classes that grant +1 level of spell ability with divine spells have no effect on the thaumaturge's ability to cast arcane domain spells. The spells per day for domain spells does not improve, except that when you gain a new level of spells, you also gain a single spell per day for domain spells of that level, with no bonus spells for high wisdom score – much as a cleric does. Prestige classes that can advance arcane spellcasting abilities of any kind work normally for thaumaturges, adding to their ability to cast both arcane and divine spells.
=== Note on Recharge Magic ===
== Changed Class Abilities ==
If using the [[Recharge Magic (D&D)|Recharge Magic]] option, domain spells and cleric spells are considered two different classes for the thaumaturge, and each recharges separately.
These abilities are removed or changed from the base sorcerer.
* Class Skills
** Skill points per level
* Spells known
* Bloodline
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Latest revision as of 12:02, 12 August 2016

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Unofficial rules compendium

Sha'ir is a sorcerer variant that doesn't have a fixed list of known spells, instead rebuilding that list each day.

Class Background

The sha'ir is an arcane spellcaster with an Arabian Nights bent, a wise person and friend of the genies. Unlike a wizard, the sha'ir does not get spells from either innate talent or mysterious study and spell books but rather has a special familiar, called a gen, to fetch spells for her somewhat like a witch's familiar. However, unlike a witch, the gen does not have a limited repertoire of spells - instead it delves deep into the elemental planes to find any secrets its master may require. The sha'ir is a self-educated class and uses the youngest starting age bracket.

Sha'ir are also friends and confidantes of the genies, and gain the ability to treat with and control genies as they progress in level. Not all sha'ir choose to use such abilities tough, for genies are dangerous and quick to anger.


The sha'ir can be of any alignment. They tend to have an alignment either in agreement or opposition to the genies they work with. If the sha'ir is opposed to the genie's alignment, he tends to bind them and use them mercilessly. If he is in agreement with them, he has less direct power but also can expect more voluntary cooperation.

Hit Die


Class Skills

The sha'ir's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Any) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survial (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Table: The sha'ir

Level Base
Special Spells per Day
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Zhyen 3 1
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Detect genies 4 2
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 4 2 1
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Gen touch spells 5 3 2
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 5 3 2 1
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Craft genie seal 5 3 3 2
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 6 4 3 2 1
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Gen spell resistance 6 4 3 3 2
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 6 4 4 3 2 1
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Genie prison 6 4 4 3 3 2
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Task jann 6 5 4 4 3 3 2
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 1
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Task genie 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Genie ruler audience 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Task noble genie 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 3
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Ultimate task 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the sha'ir.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Sha'ir are proficient with the dagger, dart, and whip. They do not have proficiency with any armor or shields.


A sha'ir prepares and casts arcane spells, which are drawn from the sorcerer/wizard spell list. To prepare a spell, the sha'ir must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a sha'ir's spell is 10 + the spell level + the sha'ir's Charisma modifier. A sha'ir must choose and prepare his spells in advance (see below).

Like other spellcasters, a sha'ir can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The sha'ir. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score.

A sha'ir has access to all spells on the sorcerer/wizard spell list and can prepare any of them that she knows of. She must choose and prepare her spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour communing with her gen. While communing, the sha'ir decides which spells to prepare and sends the gen to fetch these spells. A sha'ir is assumed to know about most spells, but for uncommon or esoteric spells, the GM may require a Spellcraft Check DC 5 + 3 per spell level, +5 for spells not on the sorcerer/wizard spell list. Some spells might be judged so secret that no roll is allowed, but this should only happen in special cases, such as when a secret order has created a new spell.


Sha'ir can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Sha'ir under "Spells per day". These spells are treated like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.

Bonus Languages

A thaumaturge's bonus language options include auram, aquam, ignan, and terram (the languages of air, water, fire, and earth elementals respectively). These choices are in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of his race.


All sha'ir can call upon elemental familiars, known as a Zhyen. Summoning a Zhyen is a 1-hour ritual and each sha'ir can only have one Zhyen at a time. If a Zhyen is slain or dismissed, a new one can immediately be summoned, but a sha'ir must wait one week before summoning a Zhyen of the same type as one who died. If several Zhyens die in quick succession, it is possible for the sha'ir to run out of options.

There are four kinds of Zhyen, each tied to one of the classic four elements. Dinnlings (air Zhyens) are playful and mischievous and tend towards chaos and good. Ifri (fire Zhyens) are energetic and aggressive and tend toward law and evil. Maridans (water Zhyens) are humorous and eloquent and tend towards chaos. Chit (earth Zhyens) are artistic but greedy and tend towards law.

While in contact with their master, Zhyens provide a +2 bonus on saving throws of the Zhyen's type and the save DC of the sha'irs own spells of the same type increase by +2. Dinnlings give this bonus against spells of the air subtype or that deal electricity damage. Ifri provide this bonus against spells of the fire subtype or effects that deal fire damage. Madidans provide this bonus against spells of the water subtype or effects that deal cold damage. Chit provide this bonus against spells of the earth subtype or effects that deal acid damage. A Sha'ir gets a +2 bonus on Charisma skills and Charisma rolls to Bind Zhyenies tied to the same element as his Zhyen.

Besides serving the sha'ir as a companion, messenger, spy, and pet, the Zhyen also provides the sha'ir with spells. When preparing spells, the sha'ir sends the Zhyen to scourge the elemental planes to find the effect sought. This is automatic during normal spell preparation. The spells the Zhyen finds are packets of magical energy that it delivers to its master as spells when it comes back. The Zhyen cannot use these spells itself, nor can it store them except as a part of spell preparation or as noted in other sha'ir abilities. All Zhyen can use the plane shift ability on themselves, but solely to track down spells and return to the sha'ir, always returning in the masters square.

The sha'ir can send his Zhyen to fetch additional spells besides normal spell preparation. This takes 1 round for a spell the Sha'ir could normally prepare, 1d6 + spell level rounds for spells the sha'ir could not normally prepare (due to class and/or level). At the end of this period, make a Concentration check (normally d20 + class level + Cha modifier) against a DC depending on the spell sought.

Condition DC Modifier
Base Difficulty 5
Each level of spell +3
Spell is of the Zyhen's element or damage type -2
Each earlier attempt since the last spell preparation +2
Spell is higher level that the Sha'ir can normally prepare +10
Spell is not on the sorcerer/wizard spell list, but is on the cleric, druid, or witch spell list +10

If the roll succeeds, the Zhyen returns with the desired spell, which must be cast within the next minute, or it is lost. Casting this spell does not use up any spell slots. If this roll fails, the Zhyen returns empty-handed. If this roll fails by a margin of 10, the Zhyen is killed looking for the spell, and never returns.

Detect Genies (sp)

The sha'ir can detect genies and the works of genies at will. This works like detect undead except that it detects genies or the lingering area of places they have been or had an effect on. A sha'ir can, as a move action, concentrate on a single item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is a genie or has been in contact with genies, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, the sha'ir does not detect genies in any other object or individual within range.

Gen Touch Spells

If the master is 4th level or higher, a gen can deliver touch spells for him. If the master and the gen are in contact at the time the master casts a touch spell, he can designate his gen as the "toucher". The gen can then deliver the touch spell just as the master would. As usual, if the master casts another spell before the touch is delivered, the touch spell dissipates.

Craft Genie Seal

At 6th level, the sha'ir learns to create genie seals. This is a limited version of the Craft Wondrous Item feat. The sha'ir can craft any item that fits in the genie seal item slot as if she had the Craft Wondrous Item feat. Other prerequisites may still need to be fulfilled before a specific seal can be crafted.

Gen Spell Resistance (Ex)

If the master is 8thlevel or higher, a gen gains spell resistance equal to the master's level + 5. To affect the familiar with a spell, another spellcaster must get a result on a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) that equals or exceeds the gen's spell resistance.

Genie Prison (sp)

This is the signature ability of the sha'ir, upon which much of their control of genies is based. At level 10, sha'ir can use binding at will, but only against genies. Each attempt is a full-round action and the save DC is 10 + ½ the sha'ir's class level + the sha'ir's Charisma modifier. Note that this save DC is reduced for the more portable kinds of binding. A genie the sha'ir attempts to bind automatically becomes hostile, but once its willingness to serve increases; add +4 to the sha'ir's Charisma checks to negotiate with a bound genie. A genie prison also eliminates the genie's daily chance to escape inherent in a planar binding-type spell.

Using this power affects your standing among genies; for each genie of a particular element you have ever imprisoned this way, you suffer a -1 modifier on Charisma rolls to bind all other genies tied to that element. This modifier does not apply to imprisoned genies, who are desperate for release and anyway cut off from the rumor mill. The count of bound genies can only be reset by using the genie ruler audience ability.

Task Jann

At 12 level, when using lesser planar binding to compel the services of a genie, the service can last up to one week per level.

Task Genie

At 14th level, when using planar binding to compel the services of a genie, the service can last up to one week per level. When using lesser planar binding to compel the services of a genie, the service can be permanent. A genie in permanent service must always have an escape clause, but this can be something that never happens, like "when the sun sets in the east". Genies are very good at ferreting out situations where such impossible conditions come to pass, and enjoy this kind of challenge.

Genie Ruler Audience

At 16th level, a sha’ir can seek and receive an audience with the rulers of jann, djinn, shaitan, marid, or efreet — truly a great honor. A sha’ir can seek an audience only once per month, whether the reason is great or small. Only one type of genie can be contacted at a time. A sha’ir who wishes to speak with genie rulers must journey to the plane of choice. Within 1 to 10 hours, a procession of genies will appear and automatically grant the sha’ir an audience. A genie procession comprises 1 to 3 noble genies and 10 to 100 ordinary genies. Genies will not appear at the scene of a battle. If the procession is attacked, they will attempt to destroy the attacker(s) for 10 rounds, then vanish. Sometime later, the same genies or their agents will return to deal with the characters who affronted them.

Genie rulers can answer questions with a Knowledge (Planes) bonus of +30, focused on their elemental plane and are glad to advise those who are seeking to deal with genies. They can issue rulings on the actions of other genies of their element. If the sha’ir reports a crime committed by a lesser genie, a genie ruler can summon that creature for immediate judgment, provided the lesser genie’s name or description is known.

Characters who stand before the noble genies and make an appeal should note that they, too, will be judged — especially in regard to their other dealings with genies. A noble genie will generally forgive characters who have slain genies in the heat of combat and those who have imprisoned a malicious spirit; such applicants will be granted a chance to explain their actions. Applicants who have ambushed genies, imprisoned genies, violated agreements, slain genie-kind without quarter, behaved ignobly to genies — or simply have been party to any of these actions — will find themselves in great danger and suffer a negative modifier on the negotiation equal to the number of such transgressions.

If the sha'ir risks judgement, this is handled as a negotiation. Subtract one from the sha'ir's Charisma roll for each serious transgression or genie imprisoned of the ruler's element. Add +0 to +6 depending on how well the Sha'ir pleads his case. Additional modifiers can be gained for the right kind of gen, services rendered, bribes offered, impressive accouterments or companions, and impressive threats or promises made. Each such tactic successfully employed gives a +2 bonus. Genie rulers have a Charisma modifier of +10. On a success, all crimes are forgotten - the sha'ir's slate is wiped clean and all modifiers for past transgressions or imprisonments are cancelled. Of a failure, the sha'ir is imprisoned for a day, and may then plead his case again. A sha'ir who fails to be exonerated after three days is condemned to death and executed - most sha'ir prefer to escape after the second day and try their luck, but this is as bad as having imprisoned a genie in the eyes of genies of this element..

Task Noble Genie

At 18th level, when using greater planar binding to compel the services of a genie, the service can last up to one week per level. When using planar binding or lesser planar binding to compel the services of a genie, the service can be permanent.

Ultimate Task

At 20th level, any planar binding spell can be used to compel a genie to permanent service.

Gen Attributes

Unlike familiars, that are creatures in their own right, gens are more like reinfections of the caster trough the lens of the elemental planes. All gens are elementals and have attributes identical to their master except as noted here. They have half their master's hit points and have an ability similar but superior to evasion; when attacked by an area attack that allows any type of saving throw for reduced damage, they take half damage on a failed save and no damage on a successful save. They are of Tiny size (but this does not influence their attributes except as outlined here), have a carrying capacity 1/10 of that of their master, suffer a -5 modifier on Strength checks and melee damage, and gain a +8 size modifier to stealth. They make a ranged touch attack that does 1d6 damage of a type appropriate for their element (Geno do piercing damage), using the same touch attack modifier as their master. All gens can use plane shift as a swift action to travel to other planes to look for spells for their master, and when they return to the master they appear in his square. They can also remain in the elemental planes, seeking shelter there. If they ever end up more than 100 ft. from their master, they automatically plane shift to an elemental plane. All gens also have unlimited range telepathy with their masters, which is so complete that the gen can barely be said to have a mind of its own at all.

In addition to these common features, each type of gen has its own features. Dinnlings fly at a speed of 60 ft. Ifri have a climb speed of 30 ft. Maridans have a swim speed of 60 ft and can breathe water or air. Chit can use meld into stone at will as a move action - this is a supernatural ability. Geno have a land speed of 60 ft.

Gens appear as miniature humanoids, animals, genies, or dragons with a colors scheme appropriate to their element. Djinnlings are pale blue and white. Ifri are reddish, brick red to bright orange. Maridans are deep sea greens and blues, with dark green or white details. Chit have earth colors, ranging from pale dun sand to various gayly colored semiprecious stones. Geno have naturalistic colors, but glitter and reflect light.

Changed Class Abilities

These abilities are removed or changed from the base sorcerer.

  • Class Skills
    • Skill points per level
  • Spells known
  • Bloodline
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