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=== Heal: Diagnose Condition ===
=== Torture ===
When a creature is subject to a condition or effect, the Heal skill can identify what the condition is. This can be done once as a free action, and repeated rolls are allowed by taking move actions to diagnose the effect further. The DC is saving throw DC of of the effect, or 10 +1/2 the level of the effect's source for effects that do not allow a saving throw. This only identifies the condition or effect. You can learn the duration or source through additional successful Heal checks.  
The Heal skill can be used to inflict pain on a helpless creature with minimal damage. Torture is a mind-affecting fear effect. Performing or ordering the use of torture is an evil action.  
A condition is generally diagnosed on an adjacent creature. It can be done at range, with a penalty equal to the distance in feet.
Torture inflicts 1d10 nonlethal damage per hour. Once the target has taken nonlethal damage equal to his hit points, the target takes 1d6 points of Constitution damage and you can make a Heal check (DC 2x target’s Will save bonus against fear]. On a success, the target breaks and talks before going unconscious.
=== Heal: Torture ===
A successful use of Torture extracts information, but the accuracy of information gained under torture is highly unreliable. The GM makes a Wisdom check for the torturer (DC 10, a die roll of 1 always fails). If this check fails the torturer leads the victim on and receives the answer he expected or hoped for, or what the victim thinks the torturer is looking for, rather than the truth. Repeated torture might yield new information which is just as unreliable.  
The Heal skill can be used to inflict pain on a helpless creature with minimal damage. Torture is a mind-affecting fear effect. Targets immune to nonlethal damage cannot be tortured. Performing or ordering the use of torture is an evil action.  
Not even supernatural means can separate truth and falsehood under torture, the victim has convinced himself what he says is the truth.  
The DC of a torture attempt is 10 + twice the target’s Will save bonus against fear. Each torture attempt takes a number of hours equal to the target’s hit dice (minimum 1 hour) and inflicts 1d6 points of Constitution damage and nonlethal damage equal to ten times the target’s hit dice. The torturer can cut this time short but takes a –1 penalty on the Heal check for each missing hour.  
Torture can also be used as punishment, or as a vile type of performance, in which case a successful Heal check means the victim reacts appropriately.
A failed attempt at torture allows the victim to present a lie as if it was the truth. Each successful use of Torture extracts some information from the target. The accuracy of information gained under torture is highly unreliable. The Torturer makes a Wisdom check (DC 11, a die roll of 1 always fails). If this check fails the torturer leads the victim on and receives the answer he expected or hoped for, or what the victim thinks the torturer is looking for, rather than the truth. Repeated torture might yield new information which is just as unreliable.  
Heavy-handed but fast interrogation tactics, even ones that hurt, are not truly torture and instead covered by the influence attitude part of the Intimidation skill.
The GM makes all die rolls for torture, and there is no way to separate true and false information. Not even supernatural means can separate truth and falsehood under torture, the victim has convinced himself what he says is the truth.  
=== Triage ===
Triage can be used to quickly diagnose a living creature's condition. Triage is a free action that can analyze any creature within 30 ft. Touching a creature you triage gives a +10 bonus on the check. The DC is the save DC of the worst effect the creature is suffering from or 10 + 1/2 the creature's HD for damage and effects without saving throw.  
Torture can also be used as punishment, or as a vile type of performance, in which case a successful Heal check means the victim reacts appropriately.
On a success, you can grade the creature's condition as healthy (more than half hp, no harmful effects or conditions), hurt (conscious with less than half hp remaining, or with any harmful effect or condition), helpless, dying (this also gives approximate number of rounds until death), or dead. If the check is twice the DC, you can identify the exact effect or amount of damage and remaining points.
Heavy-handed but fast interrogation tactics, even ones that hurt, are not truly torture and instead covered by the influence attitude part of the Intimidation skill.
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Latest revision as of 17:28, 10 December 2016

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Unofficial rules compendium


The Heal skill can be used to inflict pain on a helpless creature with minimal damage. Torture is a mind-affecting fear effect. Performing or ordering the use of torture is an evil action.

Torture inflicts 1d10 nonlethal damage per hour. Once the target has taken nonlethal damage equal to his hit points, the target takes 1d6 points of Constitution damage and you can make a Heal check (DC 2x target’s Will save bonus against fear]. On a success, the target breaks and talks before going unconscious.

A successful use of Torture extracts information, but the accuracy of information gained under torture is highly unreliable. The GM makes a Wisdom check for the torturer (DC 10, a die roll of 1 always fails). If this check fails the torturer leads the victim on and receives the answer he expected or hoped for, or what the victim thinks the torturer is looking for, rather than the truth. Repeated torture might yield new information which is just as unreliable. Not even supernatural means can separate truth and falsehood under torture, the victim has convinced himself what he says is the truth.

Torture can also be used as punishment, or as a vile type of performance, in which case a successful Heal check means the victim reacts appropriately.

Heavy-handed but fast interrogation tactics, even ones that hurt, are not truly torture and instead covered by the influence attitude part of the Intimidation skill.


Triage can be used to quickly diagnose a living creature's condition. Triage is a free action that can analyze any creature within 30 ft. Touching a creature you triage gives a +10 bonus on the check. The DC is the save DC of the worst effect the creature is suffering from or 10 + 1/2 the creature's HD for damage and effects without saving throw.

On a success, you can grade the creature's condition as healthy (more than half hp, no harmful effects or conditions), hurt (conscious with less than half hp remaining, or with any harmful effect or condition), helpless, dying (this also gives approximate number of rounds until death), or dead. If the check is twice the DC, you can identify the exact effect or amount of damage and remaining points.

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