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When arcane might fails and divine prayers go unanswered, it falls to the worldly power of morale to preserve the peace. Elusids are a rather recent development in the Common culture, adventurers who choose to make their on might right without caring for the ethical and theological confusion of their times.  
Purple Duck Games, Author Aaron Hollingsworth, development Carl Cramér.
When arcane might fails and divine prayers go unanswered, it falls to the worldly power of morale to preserve the peace.
Less constrained by stiff ancient codes, an elisud has more in common with common soldiers, and rely on moral and morale instead of blind dogma and righteousness. Neither zealously religious nor fervently patriotic, elusids have an instinctive feel for the right thing. They lead by example and give allies the encouragement they need to overcome danger.
Less constrained by stiff ancient codes, an elisud has more in common with common soldiers, and rely on moral and morale instead of blind dogma and righteousness. Neither zealously religious nor fervently patriotic, elusids have an instinctive feel for the right thing. They lead by example and give allies the encouragement they need to overcome danger.
Any good. An elusid opposes evil, but does not necessarily fight for any particular cause.
Elusids are a rather recent development in the Common culture, adventurers who choose to make their on might right without caring for the ethical and theological confusion of their times.
Any good. An elusid opposes evil, but does not necessarily fight for any particular cause. See code of conduct, below, for ways to and consequences of changing to a non-good alignment.
===Class Skills===
===Class Skills===
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===Brutal Honesty (Ex)===
===Brutal Honesty (Ex)===
For each skill rank an elusid puts in the Intimidate skill, he also gains one rank in the Diplomacy skill for free. When using Diplomacy skill gained this way, the elusid makes moral arguments. This makes the elusid's personal alignment plain to listeners, and has no effect on listeners of evil alignment. If the elusid actually puts ranks in the Diplomacy skill, these ranks do not stack; instead he can use the Diplomacy skill normally using his actual skill ranks. This replaces tower shield proficiency.
For each skill rank an elusid puts in the Intimidate skill, he also gains one rank in the Diplomacy skill for free. When using Diplomacy skill gained this way, the elusid makes moral arguments. This makes the elusid's personal alignment plain to listeners, and has no effect on listeners of evil alignment. If the elusid actually puts ranks in the Diplomacy skill, these ranks do not stack; instead he can use the Diplomacy skill normally using his actual skill ranks. This replaces tower shield proficiency.
===Morale Reserve (Ex)===Morale is the intangible force of raw emotion that is refined and forged into the inspiring words and deeds of heroes. Mundane champions of good, elisuds wield morale like a mage wields magic.  
===Morale Reserve (Ex)===
Morale is the intangible force of raw emotion that is refined and forged into the inspiring words and deeds of heroes. Mundane champions of good, elisuds wield morale like a mage wields magic.  
At 2nd level, an elisud gains a pool of morale points, emotional energy he can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in an elisud’s morale pool is equal to 1/2 his elisud level + his Charisma modifier. As an immediate action, the elisud can expend a morale point to grant himself and allies within 30 ft. a +1 morale bonus on a single saving throw. For this to affect more than one creature, the saving throw must be against an area effect or an effect that includes two or more allies. Morale reserve can be used after the die is rolled, but before the result is determined. This bonus increases by +1 at 6th, 10th, and 14th, and 18th level. This replaces bravery.
At 2nd level, an elisud gains a pool of morale points, emotional energy he can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in an elisud’s morale pool is equal to 1/2 his elisud level + his Charisma modifier. As an immediate action, the elisud can expend a morale point to grant himself and allies within 30 ft. a +1 morale bonus on a single saving throw. For this to affect more than one creature, the saving throw must be against an area effect or an effect that includes two or more allies. Morale reserve can be used after the die is rolled, but before the result is determined. This bonus increases by +1 at 6th, 10th, and 14th, and 18th level. This replaces bravery.
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===Justified (Ex)===
===Justified (Ex)===
At 15th level, when an elusid used thwart enemy, he can affect all threatened enemies, at a cost of one morale point per enemy. This replaces armor training from level 15.
At 15th level, when an elusid used thwart enemy, he can affect all threatened enemies, at a cost of one morale point per enemy. This replaces armor training from level 15.
===Moral Champion (Ex)===At 20th level, an elisud becomes a moral authority for his people. His alignment cannot be changed by magic or any supernatural means, nor can he be compelled by magic to commit an evil act. In addition, he cannot disarmed. This replaces weapon mastery.
===Moral Champion (Ex)===
At 20th level, an elisud becomes a moral authority for his people. His alignment cannot be changed by magic or any supernatural means, nor can he be compelled by magic to commit an evil act. In addition, he cannot disarmed. This replaces weapon mastery.
== Code of Conduct ==
== Code of Conduct ==
An elisud must be of good alignment and loses all class features granted by the archetype if he ever willingly commits an evil act.
An elisud's code requires that he avoid evil acts, respect local customs, keep their freely given word, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth), help good people in need, and punish those who harm or threaten innocents. Actions made while compelled by magic do not affect an elusid's alignment.  
An elisud who grossly or consistently violates the code of conduct loses his good alignment and all class features granted by the archetype. A non-good elusid can continue to advance in the class. The elusid regains his abilities if he returns to a good alignment.  
An elisud's code requires that he avoid evil acts, respect local customs, keep their word, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth), help good people in need, and punish those who harm or threaten innocents. Actions made while compelled by magic do not affect an elusid's alignment.
An elisud who grossly or consistently violates the code of conduct loses his good alignment and all class features granted by the archetype. He can continue to advance in the class. The elusid regains his abilities if he returns to a good alignment.  
== Paladin Conversion ==
== Paladin Conversion ==
A paladin who has fallen and lost spellcasting and supernatural abilities can trade his paladin levels for elisud levels if he is still of good alignment. This conversion is permanent, there is no return and the ex-paladin can no longer use [i]atonement to regain lost class abilities, nor can he convert to antipaladin.
A paladin who has fallen and lost spellcasting and supernatural abilities can trade his paladin levels for elisud levels if he is still of good alignment. This conversion is permanent, there is no return and the ex-paladin can no longer use ''atonement'' to regain lost class abilities, nor can he convert to antipaladin.

Latest revision as of 10:30, 20 March 2018

ApathApath Logo
Unofficial rules compendium

Publisher Purple Duck Games, Author Aaron Hollingsworth, development Carl Cramér.

When arcane might fails and divine prayers go unanswered, it falls to the worldly power of morale to preserve the peace. Less constrained by stiff ancient codes, an elisud has more in common with common soldiers, and rely on moral and morale instead of blind dogma and righteousness. Neither zealously religious nor fervently patriotic, elusids have an instinctive feel for the right thing. They lead by example and give allies the encouragement they need to overcome danger.

Greyhawk Elusids are a rather recent development in the Common culture, adventurers who choose to make their on might right without caring for the ethical and theological confusion of their times.

Alignment Any good. An elusid opposes evil, but does not necessarily fight for any particular cause. See code of conduct, below, for ways to and consequences of changing to a non-good alignment.

Class Skills

The elisud's class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Class Features

An elusid has all the class features of the fighter, except as noted.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Elisuds are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields).

Brutal Honesty (Ex)

For each skill rank an elusid puts in the Intimidate skill, he also gains one rank in the Diplomacy skill for free. When using Diplomacy skill gained this way, the elusid makes moral arguments. This makes the elusid's personal alignment plain to listeners, and has no effect on listeners of evil alignment. If the elusid actually puts ranks in the Diplomacy skill, these ranks do not stack; instead he can use the Diplomacy skill normally using his actual skill ranks. This replaces tower shield proficiency.

Morale Reserve (Ex)

Morale is the intangible force of raw emotion that is refined and forged into the inspiring words and deeds of heroes. Mundane champions of good, elisuds wield morale like a mage wields magic. At 2nd level, an elisud gains a pool of morale points, emotional energy he can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in an elisud’s morale pool is equal to 1/2 his elisud level + his Charisma modifier. As an immediate action, the elisud can expend a morale point to grant himself and allies within 30 ft. a +1 morale bonus on a single saving throw. For this to affect more than one creature, the saving throw must be against an area effect or an effect that includes two or more allies. Morale reserve can be used after the die is rolled, but before the result is determined. This bonus increases by +1 at 6th, 10th, and 14th, and 18th level. This replaces bravery.

Positive Outlook (Ex)

When an elisud reaches 3rd level, he develops an instinctive feeling for morality. He can spend a morale point as a immediate action to add his morale reserve bonus on a single Perception or Sense Motive check, and he can use Sense Motive as if it was any Knowledge skill, but only to determine questions of morality or to know a creature's typical alignment. This replaces armor training from level 3.

Thwart Enemy (Ex)

At 7th level, an elisud learns to prevent enemies from prevailing in their nefarious efforts. As an immediate action, the elisud can spend a morale point to cause a single enemy that they are threatening to take a penalty equal to the elusid's morale reserve bonus to all of the following until the beginning of the elusid's next turn:

  • Attacks of opportunity.
  • Concentration checks.
  • Critical hit confirmation checks.
  • Touch attacks (both ranged and melee).

If an action fulfills several of these preconditions, the penalties do not stack. Thwart enemy replaces armor training from level 7.

Resolute (Ex)

At 11th level, an elisud can use morale reserve as a free action outside his own turn, but only for saving throws against spells and effects that are enchantments, necromantic, curses, disease, evil, or fear effects and effects created by undead or outsiders of the evil subtype. This replaces armor training from level 11.

Justified (Ex)

At 15th level, when an elusid used thwart enemy, he can affect all threatened enemies, at a cost of one morale point per enemy. This replaces armor training from level 15.

Moral Champion (Ex)

At 20th level, an elisud becomes a moral authority for his people. His alignment cannot be changed by magic or any supernatural means, nor can he be compelled by magic to commit an evil act. In addition, he cannot disarmed. This replaces weapon mastery.

Code of Conduct

An elisud's code requires that he avoid evil acts, respect local customs, keep their freely given word, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth), help good people in need, and punish those who harm or threaten innocents. Actions made while compelled by magic do not affect an elusid's alignment. An elisud who grossly or consistently violates the code of conduct loses his good alignment and all class features granted by the archetype. A non-good elusid can continue to advance in the class. The elusid regains his abilities if he returns to a good alignment.

Paladin Conversion

A paladin who has fallen and lost spellcasting and supernatural abilities can trade his paladin levels for elisud levels if he is still of good alignment. This conversion is permanent, there is no return and the ex-paladin can no longer use atonement to regain lost class abilities, nor can he convert to antipaladin.

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