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Magic items are rare and exceptional.
They range in tier from 0 to 10, a wider range than creatures and organizations.
Few if any permanent items have a tier of three or lower.
Many items are rare and wonderful even for the most powerful people, often made in the distant past.
* '''Eversmoking Bottle''': Smoke leaks from the lead-stoppered mouth of this brass bottle. When you remove the stopper, a cloud of thick smoke pours out in a 15-meter radius from the bottle. The cloud's area is heavily obscured. Each minute the bottle remains open and within the cloud, the radius increases by 3 meters until it reaches its maximum radius of 120 feet. The cloud persists as long as the bottle is open. Closing the bottle requires you to speak its command word as an action. Once the bottle is closed, the cloud disperses after 10 minutes. Any wind can disperse the smoke.
You need the Enchanter special ability to make new arcane design (the plans needed to create magic items), and unlike [[Gadgets (FiD)|Gadgets]] you need both a design and such a special ability or craft a magic item.
* '''Rope of Climbing''': This 15 meter silk rope can hold up to 1,500 gk. If you hold one end of the rope and speak the command word, the rope animates. You can command the other end to move toward a destination you choose. That end at a walking pace until reaching its destination, up to its maximum length away, or until you tell it to stop. You can also tell the rope to fasten itself securely to an object or to unfasten itself, to knot or unknot itself, or to coil itself for carrying.
* '''Bracer of Flying Daggers''': This armband has thin daggers strapped to it. You can pull daggers from the bracer and immediately hurl them, making a ranged attack. A dagger vanishes if you don't hurl it right away, and right after they hit or miss. The bracer never runs out of daggers.
* '''Wind Fan''': You can wave this fan to create a rush of wind up to 3m wide and 15 m long.
* '''Driftglobe''': This small sphere of thick glass. You can speak command words to make it glow like a lantern, hover, and follow you.
* '''Emerald Pen''': This pen is tipped with an emerald nib and requires no ink to write. It can draw green lined and text on any material, including in air, and you can make the text glow for a few minutes. On a surface it lasts much like normal ink, in the air it disappears when it stops glowing. More expensive versions use other gems of other colors.
* '''Balance of Power''': Use the scales to evaluate items with powers. The scales will tip towards the side with the higher tier power.
* '''Robe of Vipers''': This elegant robe is embroidered with serpents. You can shake the robe to create a swarm of venomous adders. This removes the embroidery and ends the magic. These will form a swarm around you, biting anyone except you who comes close, and will follow you when you move around for up to an hour.
* '''Robe of Fashions''': You can change the style, color, and apparent quality of the robe. Other items of clothing can be made like this, but the robe is the most common and versatile.
* '''Paper Bird''': Write a message of fifty words or fewer on this magic sheet of paper, fold it into a paper bird, and speak a creature's name. The paper bird flies to the recipient whose name you uttered, whereupon it turns back into a mundane sheet of parchment. If the is damaged or immobilized before reaching its target, it turns into ash. '''Consumable.'''
* '''Talking Doll''': You can spend a minute telling it to say up to six phrases, none of which can be more than six words long, and set a condition under which the doll speaks each phrase. You can also replace old phrases with new ones. Whatever the condition, it must occur near the doll to make it speak. For example, whenever someone picks up the doll, it might say, "I want a piece of candy." 
* '''Instrument of Illusions''': While you are playing this musical instrument, you can create harmless, illusory visual effects within a 2 meter-radius sphere centered on the instrument. Sample visual effects include luminous musical notes, a spectral dancer, butterflies, and gently falling snow. The magical effects have neither substance nor sound, and they are obviously illusory. The effects end when you stop playing.
* '''Charlatan's Dice''': Whenever you roll this set of three six-sided dice, you can control which number it rolls. Gives +2d on your deceptive actions when you use it, but worsens your position.
* '''Enduring Book''': This book, along with anything written on its pages, can't be damaged by fire or immersion in water. In addition, the book doesn't deteriorate with age. Popular with adventuring wizards.
* '''Prosthetic ''': This item looks like a ceramic and clockwork body part, an eye, ear, hand, an arm, a foot, a leg, or a similar body part. It can replace a lost example of the same limb. It can be attacked or detached with a few seconds of work. While the prosthetic is attached, it functions identically to the part it replaces.
* '''Swashbuckler's Cane''': This walking cane can transform into fencing sword and ceases to be magical. '''Consumable.'''
* '''Deck of Champions''': This deck of playing cards summons various creatures to aid you. You must draw a card randomly and toss it to the ground, each card can only be used once. The summons function like cohorts. For pip cards, a number of cohorts equal to the value of the card appears. For a jack, a prowess expert appears. For a queen, a Resolve expert appears. For a king, an Insight expert appears. The creature lasts 11 minutes minus the number of creatures summoned. The creatures behave according to the suit of the card: Clubs defend the spot they were summoned. Diamonds follow your orders. Hearts move along with you and defend you. Spades look for enemies and confront them.
* '''Orb of Celestial Light''': This orb glows depending on what the brightest celestial object in the sky is, from a brilliant light for the midday sun, to a pale moonlight, to the bare flicker of stars and planets.
* '''Pole Pin''': This brooch in the shape of a pin can grow into a 3 meter pole and shrink back to its original size, saving you the load of carrying an actual pole. Other mundane objects might exists as pins.
* '''Horn of Alarm''': When you blow the horn, only your crew and others you are emotionally close to can hear it. Sometimes it can be heard over long distances, especially when you are in mortal danger. '''Unreliable.'''
* '''Pipe of Remembrance''': When you smoke this pipe, you can shape the smoke to play out various scenes that soon dissipate.
* '''Pipe of Monsters''': When you smoke this pipe, you can shape the smoke into various creatures and control their movements until they dissipate in a few seconds.
* '''Dread Helm''': This fearsome steel helm makes your eyes glow red while you wear it.
* '''Cleansing Stone''': A cleansing stone rests comfortably in the hand. When touching the stone, you can use it as an enhanced brush, scrubbing and washing things thoroughly by just dusting them with the stone.
* ■ '''Candle of the Deep''': The flame of this candle cannot be extinguished by wind or water. It gives off light and heat like a normal candle.
* 2 '''Crystal Ball''' ☐: When using the Advanced and Master Survey powers to scry, you can display the vision in the crystal ball, allowing others to see what you see.
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You  
* 2 '''Luck Charm''' : A luck charm can take many forms: a rabbit’s foot, a four-leaf clover, an amber stone, or a holy symbol. While it is on your person, you can use it to negate the stress from a resistance roll. The charm then becomes useless and won’t recharge. You can only own one luck charm and can only acquire a new one as a gift or through a downtime action. A Luck Charm is never automatically restored or recharged. '''Consumable.'''
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You  
* 3 '''Robe of Illusion''' ◯: A piece of jewelry imbued with illusion. Speaking a command word creates the appearance of any clothing. Works best when naked. Increases effect on Consort rolls but creates rumors. '''Conspicuous.'''
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You  
* 3 '''Warding Charm''' ◯: A mystic item designed to ward against creatures linked to a specific Power, all Summoned creatures, or all Spirits. Improves position in conflicts against this kind of creature. '''Common, Rare.'''
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You  
* 4 '''Pipe of Remembrance''' ☐: When you smoke this pipe, you can shape the smoke to play out various scenes, which soon dissipate.
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You  
* 4 '''Rope of Climbing''' : This 15-meter silk rope can hold up to 1,500 kg. If you hold one end of an unencumbered rope and speak the command word, the rope animates. You can command the other end to move toward a destination you choose at a walking pace, up to its maximum length, or until you tell it to stop. You can also tell the rope to fasten itself securely to an object, unfasten itself, knot or unknot itself, or coil itself for carrying.
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You
* 5 '''Horn of Alarm''' ☐: When you blow the horn, only your crew and those you think of can hear it. It can be heard over extreme distances. '''Unreliable.'''
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You
* 5 '''Robe of Summer''' ☐: This elegant garment is made from fine cloth in hues of red, orange, and gold. While you wear the robe, you suffer no ill effects from extreme temperatures.
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You
* 6 '''Belt of Many Pouches''' ☐: This belt has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, holding 3 load.
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You
* 6 '''Boots of Elvenkind''' ☐: You move silently, gaining +1d on Prowl rolls for Stealth.
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You
* 6 '''Boots of the Winterlands''' : These furred boots are snug and warm. While wearing them, you ignore cold climates, improve your position against cold attacks and powers, and are not hindered by snowy or icy ground.
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You
* 6 '''Cloak of Elvenkind''' ☐: The pattern on this cloak blends into your surroundings, granting increased effect on Prowl rolls to sneak and hide. '''Conspicuous.''' People dislike feeling watched without seeing anything.
* '''Air Bubble Gadget''': You
* 6 '''Mirror of the Past''' ☐: The holder of this platinum hand mirror can learn something about the history of a specific object or creature by taking an action to gaze into the mirror while naming the target. Instead of the holder's reflection, the mirror presents scenes from the target’s past. The information is accurate but random, cryptic, and presented out of order. The mirror provides visions for up to 1 minute, then returns to normal and cannot be used again until the next sunset.
* 6 '''Mystic Compass''' ☐: A compass with a [[Magic Items (FiD)|Magic]] lodestone that responds to ethereal phenomena such as Power effects, ley lines, spirits, and even specific monsters at great range. Can be configured to point to different things using Attune. A magical link to the target greatly enhances the effect. Variants include a pendulum or lodestone.
* 7 '''Cape of the Mountebank''' ☐: This cape smells faintly of brimstone. While wearing it, you can whisper a command word to teleport to a nearby location you see or know of at the cost of 1 stress. When you disappear, you leave behind a cloud of smoke and reappear in a similar cloud at your destination. '''Conspicuous.'''
* 7 '''Cloak of the Bat''' ☐: This dark cloak is made from short-haired bat pelts. You can grip the edges with both hands to fly with speed and agility. If you let go of the cloak's edges while flying, you lose this ability. You can also transform into a bat for 1 stress, which may work as a setup action for other actions but imposes penalties in some situations. All the cloak’s powers fail in bright light.
* 7 '''Horn of Valhalla''' : This silver-adorned ox horn depicts a procession of warriors. You can blow it for 1 stress to summon thug cohorts (p. 96) sufficient to give you scale (p. 211). They fight fiercely for you as long as they perceive you as an honorable war chief. They gradually disappear over the next hour or when defeated or dismissed. Blowing the horn again replaces any lost warriors. Later warriors will recall the events witnessed by earlier ones. '''Rare, Volatile.''' The warriors will turn on a knave or coward.
* 7 '''Peacock Robe''' : This robe is adorned with an eye pattern. While wearing it, you see in all directions at once, negating scale and granting +1d on Insight resistance rolls.
* 7 '''Robe of Arachnida''' ☐: This fine garment is made of black silk interwoven with faint silvery threads. While wearing it, you reduce harm from poisons and can climb like a spider.
* 7 '''Handy Haversack''' ☐-☐: This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, holding 6 load.
* 8 '''Cauldron of Plenty''' : This green-patinated copper cauldron is 1 meter wide, weighs 25 kilos, and holds up to 120 liters of liquid. Embossed images of satyrs and nymphs in repose adorn its bulging sides. If water is poured in and stirred for 1 minute, it transforms into hearty stew, providing one nourishing meal per liter of water. It can't be used again until the next sunrise. The cauldron’s exterior stays safe to touch despite the heat. '''Artifact.'''
* 8 '''Bag of Holding''' ☐-☐-☐-☐: This large bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, holding 12 load.
* 9 '''Cloud Chariot''' : Up to eight draft animals can pull this chariot, with one rider per puller. Speaking a command word for 1 stress causes the chariot to take off and fly as long as it remains in motion. If it stops mid-air, it descends. The flight does not alarm the draft animals, which continue pulling as if on the ground.
* 9 '''Luckstone''' : While this raw agate is on your person, you can use it once per score to negate the stress from a resistance roll. 
* 10 '''Daern's Instant Fortress''' : Placing this 1-inch adamantine cube on the ground and speaking a command word causes it to rapidly expand into a fortress. The fortress remains until dismissed by command, which only works if it is empty. The structure is a square, 6 meters per side and 10 meters high, with arrow slits and a battlement. The adamantine door opens only at your command or through exceptional Wreck or Tinker rolls. '''Artifact.'''
* 10 '''Portable Hole''' : This fine black cloth unfolds into a 3-meter-radius sheet. When placed on a solid surface, it creates a 3-meter-deep extradimensional space. The hole remains until folded up again. '''Artifact, Volatile.''' Occasionally, an ethereal traveler—usually a spirit—is caught in the hole.

Latest revision as of 19:34, 13 February 2025

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Magic items are rare and exceptional. They range in tier from 0 to 10, a wider range than creatures and organizations. Few if any permanent items have a tier of three or lower. Many items are rare and wonderful even for the most powerful people, often made in the distant past.

You need the Enchanter special ability to make new arcane design (the plans needed to create magic items), and unlike Gadgets you need both a design and such a special ability or craft a magic item.

  • 2 Crystal Ball ☐: When using the Advanced and Master Survey powers to scry, you can display the vision in the crystal ball, allowing others to see what you see.
  • 2 Luck Charm ◯: A luck charm can take many forms: a rabbit’s foot, a four-leaf clover, an amber stone, or a holy symbol. While it is on your person, you can use it to negate the stress from a resistance roll. The charm then becomes useless and won’t recharge. You can only own one luck charm and can only acquire a new one as a gift or through a downtime action. A Luck Charm is never automatically restored or recharged. Consumable.
  • 3 Robe of Illusion ◯: A piece of jewelry imbued with illusion. Speaking a command word creates the appearance of any clothing. Works best when naked. Increases effect on Consort rolls but creates rumors. Conspicuous.
  • 3 Warding Charm ◯: A mystic item designed to ward against creatures linked to a specific Power, all Summoned creatures, or all Spirits. Improves position in conflicts against this kind of creature. Common, Rare.
  • 4 Pipe of Remembrance ☐: When you smoke this pipe, you can shape the smoke to play out various scenes, which soon dissipate.
  • 4 Rope of Climbing ☐: This 15-meter silk rope can hold up to 1,500 kg. If you hold one end of an unencumbered rope and speak the command word, the rope animates. You can command the other end to move toward a destination you choose at a walking pace, up to its maximum length, or until you tell it to stop. You can also tell the rope to fasten itself securely to an object, unfasten itself, knot or unknot itself, or coil itself for carrying.
  • 5 Horn of Alarm ☐: When you blow the horn, only your crew and those you think of can hear it. It can be heard over extreme distances. Unreliable.
  • 5 Robe of Summer ☐: This elegant garment is made from fine cloth in hues of red, orange, and gold. While you wear the robe, you suffer no ill effects from extreme temperatures.
  • 6 Belt of Many Pouches ☐: This belt has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, holding 3 load.
  • 6 Boots of Elvenkind ☐: You move silently, gaining +1d on Prowl rolls for Stealth.
  • 6 Boots of the Winterlands ☐: These furred boots are snug and warm. While wearing them, you ignore cold climates, improve your position against cold attacks and powers, and are not hindered by snowy or icy ground.
  • 6 Cloak of Elvenkind ☐: The pattern on this cloak blends into your surroundings, granting increased effect on Prowl rolls to sneak and hide. Conspicuous. People dislike feeling watched without seeing anything.
  • 6 Mirror of the Past ☐: The holder of this platinum hand mirror can learn something about the history of a specific object or creature by taking an action to gaze into the mirror while naming the target. Instead of the holder's reflection, the mirror presents scenes from the target’s past. The information is accurate but random, cryptic, and presented out of order. The mirror provides visions for up to 1 minute, then returns to normal and cannot be used again until the next sunset.
  • 6 Mystic Compass ☐: A compass with a Magic lodestone that responds to ethereal phenomena such as Power effects, ley lines, spirits, and even specific monsters at great range. Can be configured to point to different things using Attune. A magical link to the target greatly enhances the effect. Variants include a pendulum or lodestone.
  • 7 Cape of the Mountebank ☐: This cape smells faintly of brimstone. While wearing it, you can whisper a command word to teleport to a nearby location you see or know of at the cost of 1 stress. When you disappear, you leave behind a cloud of smoke and reappear in a similar cloud at your destination. Conspicuous.
  • 7 Cloak of the Bat ☐: This dark cloak is made from short-haired bat pelts. You can grip the edges with both hands to fly with speed and agility. If you let go of the cloak's edges while flying, you lose this ability. You can also transform into a bat for 1 stress, which may work as a setup action for other actions but imposes penalties in some situations. All the cloak’s powers fail in bright light.
  • 7 Horn of Valhalla ☐: This silver-adorned ox horn depicts a procession of warriors. You can blow it for 1 stress to summon thug cohorts (p. 96) sufficient to give you scale (p. 211). They fight fiercely for you as long as they perceive you as an honorable war chief. They gradually disappear over the next hour or when defeated or dismissed. Blowing the horn again replaces any lost warriors. Later warriors will recall the events witnessed by earlier ones. Rare, Volatile. The warriors will turn on a knave or coward.
  • 7 Peacock Robe ☐: This robe is adorned with an eye pattern. While wearing it, you see in all directions at once, negating scale and granting +1d on Insight resistance rolls.
  • 7 Robe of Arachnida ☐: This fine garment is made of black silk interwoven with faint silvery threads. While wearing it, you reduce harm from poisons and can climb like a spider.
  • 7 Handy Haversack ☐-☐: This bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, holding 6 load.
  • 8 Cauldron of Plenty ☐: This green-patinated copper cauldron is 1 meter wide, weighs 25 kilos, and holds up to 120 liters of liquid. Embossed images of satyrs and nymphs in repose adorn its bulging sides. If water is poured in and stirred for 1 minute, it transforms into hearty stew, providing one nourishing meal per liter of water. It can't be used again until the next sunrise. The cauldron’s exterior stays safe to touch despite the heat. Artifact.
  • 8 Bag of Holding ☐-☐-☐-☐: This large bag has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, holding 12 load.
  • 9 Cloud Chariot ☐: Up to eight draft animals can pull this chariot, with one rider per puller. Speaking a command word for 1 stress causes the chariot to take off and fly as long as it remains in motion. If it stops mid-air, it descends. The flight does not alarm the draft animals, which continue pulling as if on the ground.
  • 9 Luckstone ☐: While this raw agate is on your person, you can use it once per score to negate the stress from a resistance roll.
  • 10 Daern's Instant Fortress ☐: Placing this 1-inch adamantine cube on the ground and speaking a command word causes it to rapidly expand into a fortress. The fortress remains until dismissed by command, which only works if it is empty. The structure is a square, 6 meters per side and 10 meters high, with arrow slits and a battlement. The adamantine door opens only at your command or through exceptional Wreck or Tinker rolls. Artifact.
  • 10 Portable Hole ☐: This fine black cloth unfolds into a 3-meter-radius sheet. When placed on a solid surface, it creates a 3-meter-deep extradimensional space. The hole remains until folded up again. Artifact, Volatile. Occasionally, an ethereal traveler—usually a spirit—is caught in the hole.