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As gadgets are considered cool, it is not uncommon to see mundane items with such modifications.
As gadgets are considered cool, it is not uncommon to see mundane items with such modifications.
* 2 '''Bayonet''' ☐: Turns a musket into a short pole arm.
* 2 '''Bayonet''' ☐: Turns a musket into a short polearm.
* 2 '''Darklight Goggles''' ◯: Goggles that let you see in the invisible light of a Darklight Lamp. Vision is sepia-tinted. '''Common'''.
* 2 '''Darklight Goggles''' ◯: Goggles that let you see in the invisible light of a Darklight Lamp. Vision is sepia-tinted. '''Common.'''
* 2 '''Orb of Celestial Light''' ☐: This orb glows depending on what the brightest celestial object in the sky is, from a brilliant light for the midday sun, to a pale moonlight, to the bare flicker of stars and planets. '''Common'''.
* 2 '''Dread Helm''' ☐: This fearsome steel helm makes your eyes glow red while worn. It can improve the effect of Command rolls, especially in darkness. '''Common.'''
* 2 '''Pipe of Monsters''' ☐: When you smoke this pipe, you can shape the smoke into various creatures and control their movements until they dissipate in a few seconds.
* 2 '''Orb of Celestial Light''' ☐: This orb glows depending on the brightest celestial object in the sky, from a brilliant midday sun to pale moonlight to the bare flicker of stars and planets. '''Common.'''
* 2 '''Silver Bullets''' ☐: Especially cast in a holy or magical place, these silver bullets make potent attacks with a firearm. A similar effect for bows and crossbows can be gained with silver-tipped arrows and bolts. You have enough silver bullets for the entire score. '''Consumable'''.
* 2 '''Pipe of Monsters''' ☐: When you smoke this pipe, you can shape the smoke into various creatures and control their movements until they dissipate after a few seconds.
* 2 '''Silver Platter''' ☐: Silver plates and goblets darken when touching poisons, drugs, and potions. '''Common, Unreliable'''.
* 2 '''Silver Shot''' ☐: Cast in a holy or magical place, these silver bullets make potent firearm attacks. A similar effect for bows and crossbows using silver-tipped arrows and bolts. You have enough for the entire score. '''Consumable.'''
* 2 '''Spirit Bottle''' ☐: An arcane device used to trap a spirit. A metal and crystalline cylinder, the size of a loaf of bread. Other variants can be made of wood or ceramics and often in the form of statuettes of the intended target. '''Common'''.
* 2 '''Silver Goblet''' ☐: Silver plates and goblets darken when touching poisons, drugs, or potions. '''Common, Unreliable.'''
* 2 '''Spirit Lantern''' ☐: A Lantern that reveals spirits and invisible creatures and objects in its light. Works best in darkness, has to be very close to work in sunlight. '''Common'''.
* 2 '''Spirit Bottle''' ☐: An arcane device used to trap a spirit. A metal and crystalline cylinder the size of a loaf of bread. Other variants exist in wood or ceramics, often shaped like statuettes of the intended target. '''Common.'''
* 3 '''Darklight Lantern''' ☐: A lantern that emits invisible light. '''Gadget'''.
* 2 '''Spirit Lantern''' ☐: A lantern that reveals spirits and invisible creatures or objects in its light. Works best in darkness and must be very close to be effective in sunlight. '''Common.'''
* 3 '''Dread Helm''' : This fearsome steel helm can make your eyes glow red while you wear it. Can improve the effect of Command rolls, especially in the dark. '''Common'''.
* 3 '''Darklight Lantern''' ☐: A lantern that emits invisible light. '''Gadget.'''
* 3 '''Emerald Pen''' ◯: This pen is tipped with an emerald nib and requires no ink to write. It can draw green lines and text on any material, including in air, and you can make the text glow for a few minutes. On a surface it lasts much like normal ink, in the air it disappears when it stops glowing. More expensive versions use other gems and create text of other colors. '''Common'''.
* 3 '''Driftglobe''' : A small glass sphere. Command words make it glow, hover, and/or follow you. '''Common.'''
* 3 '''Ghost Gem''' ☐: This large beryl is the size and shape of a grape. By peering through the stone you can see spirits and other invisible things and effects. '''Volatile''' your vision is distorted and cannot see at all beyond 5 meter or so.  
* 3 '''Emerald Pen''' ◯: This pen has an emerald nib and requires no ink. It can draw glowing green text on any material, including in the air. Text in the air fades after a few minutes, while text on surfaces lasts like normal ink. More expensive versions use other gems and create different colors. '''Common.'''
* 3 '''Mask of Illusion''' ☐: Put this mask over your face and imagine an appearance, the mask turns to dust and your face is covered by the illusion you imagined for the rest of the score. Consort is used to imagine a believable illusion. '''Consumable'''.
* 3 '''Ghost Gem''' ☐: This large beryl, the size and shape of a grape, allows you to see spirits and other invisible things by peering through it. However, your vision is distorted and ineffective beyond 5 meters. '''Volatile.'''
* 3 '''Paper Bird''' ☐: Write a message of fifty words or less on this sheet of magic paper, put on a seal, fold it into a paper bird, and speak a creature's name while recalling their image. The paper bird flies to the recipient in erratic flight that is hard to follow. Any disguise stops the bird finding its target. If the paper bird is soaked, damaged, immobilized, or hit by the rising sun before reaching its target, it turns into ash. '''Common, Consumable.'''
* 3 '''Mask of Illusion''' ☐: Place this mask over your face and imagine an appearance; the mask turns to dust, and your face is covered by the imagined illusion for the rest of the score. Consort is used to craft a believable illusion. '''Consumable.'''
* 3 '''Power Shackles''' ☐: You can place or release these shackles from an incapacitated creature by using the command word. The shackles adjust to fit a creature from half to double your length. In addition to serving as mundane manacles, the shackles hinder the creature from using powers and supernatural abilities and forces a spirit to stay material. '''Common'''.
* 3 '''Paper Bird''' ☐: Write a message of up to 50 words on this magical paper, fold it into a bird, and speak a creature’s name while recalling their image. The bird flies to the recipient erratically. Any disguise or divination protection blocks it from finding its target. If the bird is soaked, damaged, immobilized, or hit by the rising sun before reaching its target, it turns to ash. '''Common, Consumable.'''
* 3 '''Robe of Illusion''' : This robe does not exist, is merely an illusion imbued into a piece of jewelry. You can use a command word to change the illusionary appearance of this robe, it can appear as any item of clothing. This grants increased effect on Consort rolls but is liable to create rumors. '''Conspicuous, Consumable, Volatile''' someone might touch and realize that it is not there.  
* 3 '''Power Shackles''' ☐: You can place or release these shackles on an incapacitated creature by speaking the command word. They adjust to fit creatures from half to twice your size. In addition to serving as mundane manacles, they hinder supernatural abilities and force spirits to remain material. '''Common.'''
* 3 '''Spyglass''' ☐: Telescopic brass tube with lenses, amplifies three to four times. Increases effect of distant Surveying.
* 3 '''Spyglass''' : A brass tube with lenses, magnifying vision three to four times. Increases effect when Surveying distant objects.
* 3 '''Swashbuckler's Cane''' ☐: This stylish walking cane can transform into a fine fencing sword and then ceases to be magical. '''Common, Consumable.'''
* 3 '''Swashbuckler's Cane''' ☐: A stylish walking cane that transforms into a fine fencing sword, after which it ceases to be magical. '''Common, Consumable.'''
* 3 '''Syringe Crossbow''' ☐: A pistol crossbow that fires a bolt that injects a drug or poison. Effective to about 10 meters. You must supply the drug. '''Common'''.
* 3 '''Syringe Crossbow''' ☐: A pistol crossbow that fires bolts injecting a drug or poison. Effective up to 10 meters. You must supply the drug. '''Common.'''
* 3 '''Talking Doll''' ☐: You can spend a minute telling beautiful doll to say up to six phrases, none of which can be more than six words long, and set a condition under which the doll speaks each phrase. You can also replace old phrases with new ones. Whatever the condition, it must occur near the doll to make it speak. For example, whenever someone picks up the doll, it might say, "I want a piece of candy."
* 3 '''Talking Doll''' ☐: You can record up to six phrases (each no more than six words long) and set conditions for when the doll speaks. Conditions must occur near the doll. Example: When picked up, it might say, "I want a piece of candy."
* 4 '''Charlatan's Dice''' ☐: Whenever you roll this set of three six-sided dice, you can control which number it rolls. Gives +1d and increased effect. '''Common'''.
* 4 '''Bracer of Flying Daggers''' ☐: A bracer that generates infinite Fine daggers, which vanish seconds after being drawn. '''Common.'''
* 4 '''Clockwork Controller''' : A compact device that triggers gadgets and traps based on preset timings or basic sensory inputs (movement or heat).
* 4 '''Charlatan's Dice''' : This set of three six-sided dice can be controlled to roll desired numbers. Grants +1d and increased effect when gambling. '''Common.'''
* 4 '''Crystal Spell Vault''': A crystal sphere the size of an orange, inlaid with gold and silver filigree. While you are touching the crystal, you can use it as a wizard's spellbook. '''Common'''.
* 4 '''Clockwork Controller''' : A compact device that triggers gadgets or traps based on preset timings or sensory inputs (e.g., movement or heat).
* 4 '''Dark-sight Goggles''' ☐: An arcane device that allows the wearer to see in pitch dark as if it was dim light. '''Common'''.
* 4 '''Crystal Spell Vault''' ☐: A crystal sphere, the size of an orange, inlaid with gold and silver filigree. While touching it, you can use it as a wizard’s spellbook. '''Common.'''
* 4 '''Driftglobe''' : A small sphere of thick glass. You can speak command words to make it glow like a lantern, hover, and/or follow you. '''Common'''.
* 4 '''Dark-sight Goggles''' : An arcane device allowing the wearer to see in complete darkness as if it were dim light. '''Common.'''
* 4 '''Enduring Book''' ☐: This book, along with anything written on its pages, can't be damaged by fire or water and doesn't deteriorate with age. Popular with wizards. '''Common'''.
* 4 '''Enduring Book''' ☐: This book and its writings are immune to fire, water, and age. Popular among wizards. '''Common.'''
* 4 '''Eversmoking Bottle''' ☐: Smoke leaks from the lead-stoppered mouth of this brass bottle. When you remove the stopper, a cloud of thick smoke pours out in a 15-meter radius from the bottle. The cloud's area is heavily obscured. Each minute the bottle remains open and within the cloud, the radius increases by 3 meters until it reaches its maximum radius of 40 meters. The cloud persists as long as the bottle is open. Closing the bottle requires you to speak its command word. Once the bottle is closed, the cloud disperses after 10 minutes. Any wind can disperse the smoke.
* 4 '''Eversmoking Bottle''' ☐: A lead-stoppered brass bottle that releases a dense, expanding smoke cloud when opened. The cloud persists until the bottle is closed. A strong wind can disperse it.
* 4 '''Flamethrower''' ☐-☐: A tank backpack connected to a nozzle that can release a jet of alchemist's fire up to 10 meters. Can quickly fill a 2 meter radius. A pilot light can ignite this. '''Consumable''' (can load up to five alchemist's fire, each can be fired once ☐, ☐, ☐, ☐, ☐. '''Volatile''' risks collateral damage and the tank can explode if hit.
* 4 '''Flamethrower''' ☐-☐: A tank backpack connected to a nozzle, releasing a 10-meter jet of alchemist’s fire. Can quickly fill a 2-meter radius. Holds up to five uses (☐, ☐, ☐, ☐, ☐). '''Conspicuous, Consumable, Volatile.'''
* 4 '''Geometer's Kit''': A compass, protractor (to measure angles), plomb, and several marked strings for measuring distance, along with a book of star charts. Used in construction, measuring ground, astrology, artillery, and navigation. Can find your latitude but not your longitude. '''Common'''.
* 4 '''Mystic Compass''' ☐: A magic compass responding to Power effects, ley lines, spirits, or even specific monsters. Can be adjusted via Attune. A magical link to the target enhances accuracy.
* 4 '''Instrument of Illusions''' ☐: While you are playing this musical instrument, you can create harmless, illusory visual effects within a 2 meter-radius sphere centered on the instrument. Sample visual effects include luminous musical notes, a spectral dancer, butterflies, and gently falling snow. The magical effects have neither substance nor sound, and they are obviously illusory. The effects end when you stop playing. '''Common'''.
* 5 '''Wind Fan''' ☐: Wave this fan and speak a command word (1 Stress) to create a strong wind (3m wide, 15m long) as long as you continue waving. Disperses gases, extinguishes unprotected flames, and pushes objects and creatures away.
* 4 '''Pole Pin''' ◯: This brooch in the shape of a pin can grow into a 3 meter pole and shrink back to its original size, saving you the load of carrying an actual pole. Other mundane objects might also exists as pins. '''Common'''.
* 4 '''Mystic Compass''' ☐: A compass with a [[Magic Items (FiD)|Magic]] loadstone that responds to ethereal phenomena such as Power effects, ley lines, spirits, and even specific monsters at great range. Can be configured to point to different things using Attune. A magical link to the target greatly enhances the effect. Variants can be a pendulum or loadstone.
* 4 '''Robe of Vipers''' ☐: This elegant robe is embroidered with serpents. You can shake the robe to create a swarm of venomous adders. This removes the embroidery, which can be applied again restoring the magic of the robe. The vipers will form a swarm around you, biting anyone except you who comes close, and will follow you when you move around for up to an hour. 
* 5 '''All-Seeeing Lens''' ◯: This crystal lens is the size and shape of a coin and can be used as a lens or monocle, allowing you to see spirits and other invisible things and effects. '''Unreliable'''.
* 5 '''Balance of Power''' ☐: Use the scales to evaluate items with powers. The scales will tip towards the side with the higher tier power. '''Common'''.
* 5 '''Blood Needle''' ◯: You need to touch the blood of of another creature to activate the magic of this thin needle. If done delicately, this feels like nothing more than a pinprick. You then wear the pin in your clothes or hair. As long as you wear it, any power that would usually find information about you instead finds information about the creature who's blood you used. At the full moon the link of blood ends and needs to be renewed for the Blood Needle to work.
* 5 '''Bracer of Flying Daggers''' ☐: This armband has thin daggers strapped to it. You can pull fine daggers from the bracer and immediately hurl them, making a ranged attack. Each dagger vanishes in seconds. The bracer never runs out of daggers. '''Common'''.
* 5 '''Breathing Mask''' ☐: This leather and brass mask protects your eyes and face and filters out poisons and air pollutants. A variant is the plague mask worn by doctors.
* 5 '''Dusting Stone''' ☐: A cleansing stone rests comfortably in the hand. When touching the stone, you can use it as an enhanced brush, scrubbing and washing things thoroughly by just dusting them with the stone. '''Common'''.
* 5 '''Eyes of Minute Seeing''' ☐: These crystal goggles have icy lenses that render things close to you in stark detail. While wearing them, you can see much better than normal out to a range of 30 centimeters. You have increased effect on Survey and Tinker checks that rely on sight while searching an area or studying an object within that range. '''Common'''.
* 5 '''Goggles of Truth''' ☐: The world appears cold and harsh while watched through the smoky crystal lenses of these garish goggles. You gain potency on Survey, allowing you to see spirits, invisible creatures and power effects. You can use the goggles to examine a worked object to identify the aura of the last creature that touched it. Make a Survey roll. On a success, you learn the creature's type and sense in what direction the creature is at the moment. This has a double consequence: that the creature feels a tingle along their spine and that you cannot read the aura of this object again. '''Common'''.
* 5 '''Prosthetic ''' ◯: This item looks like a porcelain and clockwork body part, an eye, ear, hand, an arm, a foot, a leg, or a similar body part. It can replace a lost example of the same limb. It can be attacked or detached with a few seconds of work. While the prosthetic is attached, it functions identically to the part it replaces. Each type of prosthetic is a separate invention.
* 5 '''Speaking Stone''' ☐: The key to long-distance, virtually instantaneous communication. Each stone is marked with a rune code. By speaking the code of another stone, you create a link that allows you to hear and speak from that stone. Both stones glow slightly when linked this way. You gain no information about where the stone is. Communication is so bad it only allows limited effect and controlled position. ''Many rich people and organisations keep speaking stones but most keep the rune codes secret to prevent spying. '''Common'''.
* 6 '''Dimensional Box''' ☐: This box has an interior space considerably larger than its outside dimensions, it holds 3 load. '''Common'''.
* 6 '''Gauntlets of Ogre Power''' ☐: You gain increased effect on Wreck rolls while wearing these brass and rawhide gauntlets.
* 6 '''Gold Platter''' ☐: Gold plates and goblets may negate poisons, drugs, and potions they touch. '''Common, Unreliable'''.
* 6 '''Helm of Underwater Action''' ☐: While wearing this brass helmet, you can breathe underwater, you gain dark vision with a range of 20 meters, and you gain a swimming speed equal to your land speed. If you are aquatic, you gain the same benefits on land.
* 6 '''Horseshoes of a Zephyr''' ☐: These silver horseshoes come in a set of four. While all four shoes are affixed to the hooves of a horse or similar creature, they allow the creature to move normally while floating just above the ground. This effect means the creature can cross or stand above nonsolid or unstable surfaces, such as water or lava. The creature leaves no tracks and ignores difficult terrain. In addition, the creature can move at normal speed for up to 12 hours a day without suffering exhaustion from a forced march.
* 6 '''Robe of Fashions''' ☐: You can use a command word to change the style, color, and fabric of this robe. This grants increased effect on Consort rolls but is liable to create rumors. Other items of clothing can be made like this, but the robe is the most common and versatile. '''Common.'''
* 6 '''Rope of Entanglement''' ☐: This 15 meter rope is made of spider silk. If you hold one end of the rope and use an action to speak its command word, you can use your Wreck to grapple a creature up to 10 meters away. If you successfully restrain a creature this way, you can let go of the rope and it will keep the creature bound. If the rope is about to be cut, it instead recoils and neatly coils itself. '''Rare.
* 6 '''Wind Fan''' ☐: You can wave this fan with a command word and 1 stress to create a rush of wind up to 3m wide and 15 m long lasting as long as you continue to wave the fan. This will disperse gases, put out unprotected flames, and push objects and creatures away from you.

Latest revision as of 19:10, 13 February 2025

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This includes unusual items, both magic and mundane. It is often hard to know if a device is magical. Gadgets look like mundane items with additional sigils, brass bits, or crystals. As gadgets are considered cool, it is not uncommon to see mundane items with such modifications.

  • 2 Bayonet ☐: Turns a musket into a short polearm.
  • 2 Darklight Goggles ◯: Goggles that let you see in the invisible light of a Darklight Lamp. Vision is sepia-tinted. Common.
  • 2 Dread Helm ☐: This fearsome steel helm makes your eyes glow red while worn. It can improve the effect of Command rolls, especially in darkness. Common.
  • 2 Orb of Celestial Light ☐: This orb glows depending on the brightest celestial object in the sky, from a brilliant midday sun to pale moonlight to the bare flicker of stars and planets. Common.
  • 2 Pipe of Monsters ☐: When you smoke this pipe, you can shape the smoke into various creatures and control their movements until they dissipate after a few seconds.
  • 2 Silver Shot ☐: Cast in a holy or magical place, these silver bullets make potent firearm attacks. A similar effect for bows and crossbows using silver-tipped arrows and bolts. You have enough for the entire score. Consumable.
  • 2 Silver Goblet ☐: Silver plates and goblets darken when touching poisons, drugs, or potions. Common, Unreliable.
  • 2 Spirit Bottle ☐: An arcane device used to trap a spirit. A metal and crystalline cylinder the size of a loaf of bread. Other variants exist in wood or ceramics, often shaped like statuettes of the intended target. Common.
  • 2 Spirit Lantern ☐: A lantern that reveals spirits and invisible creatures or objects in its light. Works best in darkness and must be very close to be effective in sunlight. Common.
  • 3 Darklight Lantern ☐: A lantern that emits invisible light. Gadget.
  • 3 Driftglobe ◯: A small glass sphere. Command words make it glow, hover, and/or follow you. Common.
  • 3 Emerald Pen ◯: This pen has an emerald nib and requires no ink. It can draw glowing green text on any material, including in the air. Text in the air fades after a few minutes, while text on surfaces lasts like normal ink. More expensive versions use other gems and create different colors. Common.
  • 3 Ghost Gem ☐: This large beryl, the size and shape of a grape, allows you to see spirits and other invisible things by peering through it. However, your vision is distorted and ineffective beyond 5 meters. Volatile.
  • 3 Mask of Illusion ☐: Place this mask over your face and imagine an appearance; the mask turns to dust, and your face is covered by the imagined illusion for the rest of the score. Consort is used to craft a believable illusion. Consumable.
  • 3 Paper Bird ☐: Write a message of up to 50 words on this magical paper, fold it into a bird, and speak a creature’s name while recalling their image. The bird flies to the recipient erratically. Any disguise or divination protection blocks it from finding its target. If the bird is soaked, damaged, immobilized, or hit by the rising sun before reaching its target, it turns to ash. Common, Consumable.
  • 3 Power Shackles ☐: You can place or release these shackles on an incapacitated creature by speaking the command word. They adjust to fit creatures from half to twice your size. In addition to serving as mundane manacles, they hinder supernatural abilities and force spirits to remain material. Common.
  • 3 Spyglass ☐: A brass tube with lenses, magnifying vision three to four times. Increases effect when Surveying distant objects.
  • 3 Swashbuckler's Cane ☐: A stylish walking cane that transforms into a fine fencing sword, after which it ceases to be magical. Common, Consumable.
  • 3 Syringe Crossbow ☐: A pistol crossbow that fires bolts injecting a drug or poison. Effective up to 10 meters. You must supply the drug. Common.
  • 3 Talking Doll ☐: You can record up to six phrases (each no more than six words long) and set conditions for when the doll speaks. Conditions must occur near the doll. Example: When picked up, it might say, "I want a piece of candy."
  • 4 Bracer of Flying Daggers ☐: A bracer that generates infinite Fine daggers, which vanish seconds after being drawn. Common.
  • 4 Charlatan's Dice ☐: This set of three six-sided dice can be controlled to roll desired numbers. Grants +1d and increased effect when gambling. Common.
  • 4 Clockwork Controller ◯: A compact device that triggers gadgets or traps based on preset timings or sensory inputs (e.g., movement or heat).
  • 4 Crystal Spell Vault ☐: A crystal sphere, the size of an orange, inlaid with gold and silver filigree. While touching it, you can use it as a wizard’s spellbook. Common.
  • 4 Dark-sight Goggles ☐: An arcane device allowing the wearer to see in complete darkness as if it were dim light. Common.
  • 4 Enduring Book ☐: This book and its writings are immune to fire, water, and age. Popular among wizards. Common.
  • 4 Eversmoking Bottle ☐: A lead-stoppered brass bottle that releases a dense, expanding smoke cloud when opened. The cloud persists until the bottle is closed. A strong wind can disperse it.
  • 4 Flamethrower ☐-☐: A tank backpack connected to a nozzle, releasing a 10-meter jet of alchemist’s fire. Can quickly fill a 2-meter radius. Holds up to five uses (☐, ☐, ☐, ☐, ☐). Conspicuous, Consumable, Volatile.
  • 4 Mystic Compass ☐: A magic compass responding to Power effects, ley lines, spirits, or even specific monsters. Can be adjusted via Attune. A magical link to the target enhances accuracy.
  • 5 Wind Fan ☐: Wave this fan and speak a command word (1 Stress) to create a strong wind (3m wide, 15m long) as long as you continue waving. Disperses gases, extinguishes unprotected flames, and pushes objects and creatures away.