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: Survey 2   
: Survey 2   
You have 4 additional points to allocate, with no more than 2 in any one action.
You have 4 additional points to allocate, with no more than 2 in any one action.
== See Also ==
* [[Hexer Chat GPT (FiD)|Chat GPT's original Hexer]]

Latest revision as of 09:49, 30 December 2024

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The Hexer is a wielder of dark magic, pronouncing curses and invoking dire predictions that manipulate fate itself. Their powers are subtle yet devastating, taking the form of lingering effects, inescapable consequences, and the slow unraveling of their enemies’ fortunes.

Trauma Condition—Cursed Fate

As a Hexer, your magic always exacts a price. Your words and gestures must resonate with grim authority, and each curse you pronounce weaves a part of your own fate into its threads. The greater your power, the more you risk attracting the wrath of destiny. You are marked by your own magic, causing unease and distrust even among allies.

Your power thrives on symbolism, requiring talismans, written sigils, or other focus objects to enact curses. If these are lost or destroyed, you suffer a -1d penalty on all power-related rolls until replacements are crafted or improvised.

Special Abilities

  1. Burning Malediction: When you harm an enemy with fire, the flames persist as a magical blaze, requiring special effort to quench or dispel. The fire spreads unnaturally, targeting symbols of your victim's identity or power.
  2. Lingering Doom: Your curses last beyond the immediate moment, creating lasting consequences. Gain +1d when crafting a curse designed to take effect over time, such as a wound that worsens or a betrayal that festers.
  3. Fatebinder: When you pronounce a doom, describe the condition under which it will activate (e.g., “Should you betray us, ruin will find you”). The doom is a guaranteed consequence if triggered, but it can be resisted like any other. Gain +1d to Command when announcing such a fate.
  4. Unseen Threads: Push yourself to cast a curse on an enemy indirectly, through an intermediary action or an object (e.g., a cursed letter or a tainted gift). This allows you to strike without being physically present.
  5. Hexweaver: You may expend your special armor to resist the consequences of a magical backlash or to push yourself when crafting a particularly complex or layered curse.
  6. Vengeful Sigils: You may mark a location or object with your magic, binding a curse to it. Anyone who interacts with the marked item or crosses the location suffers the curse’s effects. Gain improved effect for such curses.
  7. Fateful Bargain: When you take a Devil’s Bargain, you may describe a curse that activates if the terms of the bargain are not fulfilled. Gain an additional +1d when doing so.
  8. Spiteful Reprisal: When you resist a consequence, you may declare a curse that punishes the initiator of the consequence. This curse activates immediately, with a moderate effect unless you push yourself for greater power.


Choose one ally and one enemy from the following:

˄ ˅ Erena, a hedge witch who trades in secrets.
˄ ˅ Havil, a scholar of forbidden texts.
˄ ˅ Nira, a cursed mercenary seeking revenge.
˄ ˅ Vors, a merchant dealing in occult relics.
˄ ˅ Xyntha, an excommunicated cleric.


☐ Cursed Talisman
☐ Sigil Paint
☐☐ Hexblade
☐☐ Forbidden Grimoire
  • Cursed Talisman ☐: A focus item that enhances your curses’ reach or potency.
  • Sigil Paint ☐: A vial of magical ink used to mark places or objects with curses.
  • Hexblade ☐☐: A weapon imbued with dark magic that counts as a Fine weapon and delivers lingering wounds.
  • Forbidden Grimoire ☐☐: A book of ancient curses. When consulted during a curse, it grants +1d to the roll.


  • Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times:

  • You addressed a challenge using curses or pronouncing doom.
  • You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
  • You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.

Starting Actions

Command 1
Survey 2

You have 4 additional points to allocate, with no more than 2 in any one action.

See Also