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When you cast any spell (not just the ones you gain from this ability) and satisfy the condition for the spell's school, you can cast the spell as a psionic spell.
When you cast any spell (not just the ones you gain from this ability) and satisfy the condition for the spell's school, you can cast the spell as a psionic spell.
The exception is that a spell you cast as a ritual can never be a psionic spell.
The exception is that a spell you cast as a ritual can never be a psionic spell.
A psionic spell requires no verbal or somatic components, and it requires no material components except as required for this ability, unless that component is consumed by the spell.
A psionic spell requires no verbal or somatic components, and it requires no material components, unless that component is consumed by the spell. You still need the material component required for this ability
=== XXX ===
=== XXX ===

Revision as of 22:36, 7 June 2024

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This is an Artificer Specialization for 5A.

A psychometrist is a psychic and medium that reads and channels psychic the impressions carried by objects. This allows the psychometrist to find out what has happened around an object they examine, making them excellent detectives. But even beyond this, a skilled psychometrist can channel psychic impressions into magical effects. Psychometrism is not taught, it is mastered by life experience. A beginner artificer might find themselves drawn into the psychic reality of objects, rather than to conventional invention or magical craft. After their initial studies, they find that no particular field attracts them, and instead delve into objects as they are, discovering additional dimensions to even the most mundane of objects.

Greyhawk: Most psychometrists awaken their powers by accident. Only in far to the west is psychometry studied as a psychic art. In places like Zindia and the Baklunish lands, psychometry may be the most common type of artificer.

Psionic Subclasses

In 5E, psionics does not have its own classes, it is instead expressed through subclasses. The this subclass uses psionic powers, along with a number of other subclasses in the game, the artificer Archivist and Psychometrist, bard College of Whispers and Psychic, cleric Spiritualist, fighter Psi Warrior, monk Way of the Soft Whisper, Spiral Monk, rogue Soulknife, sorcerer Aberrant Mind and Mystic, and wizard Arcane Horizon and Mentalist.

Subclass Features

Mundane Insights

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you learn the Investigation skill. If you already have this skill, you learn instead another skill of your choice or any three languages.

Psychometrist's Spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Geometrician's Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

Psychometrist's Spells
3 Comprehend Languages,
Earth Tremor
5 Flame Blade,
9 Meld Into Stone,
Speak with Dead
13 Guardian of Faith,
Summon Construct
17 Animate Objects,
Holy Weapon

Object Reading

At 3rd level, you can use an action to read psychic impressions within 5 feet of you. This tells you if anything in the area is magical, cursed, trapped, or currently under a magical effect or spell.

By spending an action focusing on an object you touch, you discover specific information.

  • For a magic item you learn its properties and how to use them (including command words), whether it requires attunement to use, and how many charges it has, if any.
  • For a cursed object you learn what the curse does and how it can be removed.
  • For a trapped object you learn how the trap is triggered, what effect is has, and how difficultit is to disarm.
  • For an item currently under a magical effect you learn what spells or effects are affecting the item. If the item was created by a spell, you learn which spell created it.

Seance of Awakening

At 3rd level you can hold a seance, which allows you to cast the following spells as rituals. Any spell cast as a ritual using this ability that is in effect at the end of your next long rest ends.

1st level spells: Purify Food and Drink, Snare.

2nd level spells: Arcane Lock, Flame Blade Knock.

3rd level spells Flame Arrows, Glyph of Warding, Tiny Servant.

4th level spells: Fabricate, Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound, Stone Shape, Summon Construct.

5th level spells: Holy Weapon, Creation, Transmute Rock.

Psychic Investigation

At 5th level, you gain expertise (double proficiency bonus) in the Investigation skill. When you succeed at an Intelligence (Investigation) check when you make a physical investigation, beyond what the investigation tells you, you can see and hear what happened, as if you were there. This vision can cover up to a minute and you see and hear as if you were present at the spot when the event you investigated happened. You experience past events in real time and you suffer the blinded and deafened conditions while this vision lasts. You can end the vision at any time, but unless you are touched or harmed, must pass a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice a dangerous situation, such as combat.

Weapon Bond

At 5th level you can spend 10 minutes in a ritual to attune yourself to a weapon. The bond lasts until the weapon is destroyed or you use this ability again. You become proficient in this weapon, and when using this weapon you can make an additional attack when you take the Attack action.

Channel Psychic Impression

At 9th level, you can channel the psychic impression on objects into spells. You can cast any spell on the sorcerer spell list of level 4 or lower. The spell gains an additional material component depending on the school of the spell. This component is not consumed in the casting of the spell.

Abjuration: A piece of armor or a shield.
Conjuration: A melee weapon.
Divination: A divination device, such as a crystal ball, deck of cards, divination sticks, pendulum, incense, and such.
Enchantment: A bottle of perfume or a disguise kit.
Evocation: A ranged weapon.
Illusion: An object that resembles the illusion you want to create, or a drawing of the illusion you want to create. Drawing this image can be done as a part of the casting time of the spell, as long as you have something to draw with and something else to draw on. This can be as simple as a piece of coal to draw on a wall or floor.
Necromancy: A complete and unworked bone from a sentient creature.
Transmutation: A Liquid making waves. A liquid in a transparent container works is you touch that container.

You also add the spell to your list of prepared spells until the end of your next long rest, which is useful if you have spell slots of the spell's level or higher. You can use this ability once, regaining the use on a long rest.

At level 11 you can cast a spell of up to 5th level. At level 13 you can cast a spell of up to 6th level. At level 15 you can cast a spell of up to 7th level and you can use the ability two times between long rests. At level 17 you can cast a spell of up to 8th level. At level 19 you can cast a spell of up to 9th level.

When you cast any spell (not just the ones you gain from this ability) and satisfy the condition for the spell's school, you can cast the spell as a psionic spell. The exception is that a spell you cast as a ritual can never be a psionic spell. A psionic spell requires no verbal or somatic components, and it requires no material components, unless that component is consumed by the spell. You still need the material component required for this ability


At 15th level, you can

Designer's Notes