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=== Totem Bond ===
=== Totem Bond ===
You have formed a close bond with an animal, reenacting the ancient totemic legacy of your people.
You have formed a close bond with an animal, reawakening the ancient totemic legacy of your people.
'''Benefit''': If you have a familiar or animal companion as a class feature, that feature works as if you were three levels higher. If you don't have such a class feature, you gain a familiar like that of a first level wizard. Your ties to your totem is unusually strong; you can never change what kind of familiar or animal companion you have, tough you can exchange it for a larger animal of the same basic family; exchange a small snake for a larger snake of the same kind or a wolf for a dire wolf, for example.
'''Benefit''': If you have a familiar or animal companion as a class feature, that feature works as if you were three levels higher. If you don't have such a class feature, you gain a familiar like that of a first level wizard. Your ties to your totem is unusually strong; you can never change what kind of familiar or animal companion you have, tough you can exchange it for a larger animal of the same basic family; exchange a small snake for a larger snake of the same kind or a wolf for a dire wolf, for example.
If you have the option to pick a familiar or animal companion as a class feature, you must do so. If you are a ranger, you get your animal companion at first level.
If you have the option to pick a familiar or animal companion as a class feature, you must do so. If you are a ranger, you get your animal companion at first level.

Revision as of 22:22, 23 June 2012

GreyhawkGreyhawk Arms

Though almost obsolete as a distinct people today, the Flan have had a great influence on present-day Oerdians and to a lesser extent on the Suel - more than those haughty peoples admit. The Flan also left many landmarks, and understanding Flan and their culture can be essential to surviving these.

Cultural Traits

Generous, Boisterous, Carefree, Superstitious, Brave

Real-World Models

Picts, northern Native Americans. Flan are the quintessential formerly great people now reduced to the margins of the land.


The Flan see alignment as secondary to survival. You do what you have to do and seek what allies you can find. Servitude under evil is better than the oblivion of death. The powers of light are more generally benevolent and to be served when you can afford to, but the powers of darkness can give an advantage at a critical time. A member of the tribe can sacrifice himself by turning to evil to save the tribe, only to be condemned and killed yet honored after death for his sacrifice.


Genders equal but different (slightly matriarchal), Promiscuity.




Group marriage. Liaisons encouraged, often for religious purposes. Matrilinear.


Mainly witchcraft, druidic, and sorcerous magic utilizing the natural currents of magic. Protection and divining spells are used to avoid trouble rather than to confront it. Spells that manipulate and turn adversity into gain are popular, such as weather control, charm, geases, divination, and wards. When all else fails, Flan magicians turn to necromancy.


Beory is the spirit of Oerth and the main goddess. Pelor and Nerul are her husbands and the progenitors of most of the pantheon. Vecna is an ascended human, and several of the other gods might have lived as humans for a time.

Allitur Lesser LN Propriety Good, Knowledge, Law, Community Flan
Beory Greater N (NG) Nature Animal, Earth, Plant, Water Flan, Elder
Berei Lesser NG Family, Agriculture Good, Plant, Protection, Family Common, Flan
Bleredd Lesser N Metal, Mines, Smiths Earth, Fire, Strength, Metal Common, Oerdian, Flan
Celene Lesser LN Companionship, Loyalty, Hope, Undeath Charm, Renewal, Travel Flan, Elf
Ehlonna (Ehlenestra) Intermediate NG Forests, Flora and fauna, Fertility Animal, Good, Plant, Sun, Celertity, Renewal Flan, Elf, Common
Incablous (Sevelkhar the Waster) Greater NE Nightmares, Disasters Death, Evil, Destruction, Pestilence, Hunger Common, Flan, Baklunish, Elder
Luna Intermediate CN Moon, Change, Fate Moon, Dream, Illusion, Luck Flan, Elf
Myhriss Lesser NG Love, Romance, Beauty Good, Healing, Protection, Charm Common, Flan
Nerull Greater NE Death, Darkness, Death, Murder, Underworld Death, Evil, Trickery, Darkness, Pestilence Common, Flan, Elder
Obad-Hai Intermediary N Nature, Freedom, Hunting, Beasts Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, Windstorm Common, Flan
Olidarma Intermediate CN Revels, Wine, Rogues, Humor, Tricks Chaos, Luck, Trickery, Celerity, Mind Common, Flan
Pelor Greater NG Sun, Light, Strength, Healing Good, Healing, Strength, Sun, Community, Glory Common, Flan, Elder
Rao Greater LG Peace, Reason, Serenity Law, Good, Knowledge, Community, Purification Common, Flan
Ulaa Intermediate LG Hills, Mountains, Gemstones Earth, Good, Law, Cavern Oerdian, Dwarf, Gnome, Flan
Vecna Lesser NE Destructive and evil secrets Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Madness Flan
Zodal Lesser NG Mercy, Hope, Benevolence Good, Healing, Protection Common, Flan


Assimilated but Aware

Despite living among other folk, you have clung to your cultural identity.

Benefit: You can imitate the accents and mannerisms of others, concealing your cultural heritage as that of the people you grew up amongst. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy and one of these skills is a class skill for you.

Druidic Empathy

Your family has ancient ties to nature.

Benefit: You use the Wild Empathy druid class ability with a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier rather than your Charisma modifier. If you lack this class feature, you can use it with a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Hidden Survivor

Your way of life has often come under attack, and your people have learned to hide and avoid trouble by moving away from it.

Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth and Survival checks. One of these skills is a class skill for you.

Legacy of Magic

You have inherited your people's ancient magic traditions, but they come at a cost. It is all too easy to follow in the footsteps of Vecna.

Benefit: If you have a spellbook or list of spells known you learn one additional necromantic spell each time you learn spells of a new level.

Totem Bond

You have formed a close bond with an animal, reawakening the ancient totemic legacy of your people.

Benefit: If you have a familiar or animal companion as a class feature, that feature works as if you were three levels higher. If you don't have such a class feature, you gain a familiar like that of a first level wizard. Your ties to your totem is unusually strong; you can never change what kind of familiar or animal companion you have, tough you can exchange it for a larger animal of the same basic family; exchange a small snake for a larger snake of the same kind or a wolf for a dire wolf, for example.

If you have the option to pick a familiar or animal companion as a class feature, you must do so. If you are a ranger, you get your animal companion at first level.