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=== Insane Focus (Su) ===
=== Insane Focus (Su) ===
At 1st level, a an alien serenader can startle his allies back to their senses with erratic capering or atonal music. Each round, he attempts an Acrobatics or Perform (act, comedy, or dance) check. Any ally (including the serenader) within 30 feet can use this check in place of her own saving throw against confusion and fascination effects. Those already under a confusion or fascination effect can attempt a new save each round to ed that effect, using the court fool’s Acrobatics check.
At 1st level, a an alien serenader can startle his allies back to their senses with erratic capering or atonal music. Each round, he attempts an Acrobatics or Perform (comedy, dance, percussion, or wind) check. Any ally (including the serenader) within 30 feet can use this check in place of her own saving throw against confusion and fascination effects. Those already under a confusion or fascination effect can attempt a new save each round to ed that effect, using the court fool’s Acrobatics check.
Distracting motley doesn’t work on effects that don’t allow saves. This is a mind-affecting effect that uses visual components.
Distracting motley doesn’t work on effects that don’t allow saves. This is a mind-affecting effect that uses visual components.

Revision as of 13:49, 15 August 2017

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Unofficial rules compendium


  • Sphere Singer from Pathfinder Player Companion: Paths of the Righteous.


The alien serenader finds his inspiration in the dark between the stars and in the depths of the oddest planes. These songs create an alien reality around the serenader, maddening to some, enlightening to others.

Forbidden Alignment: lawful.

Spell List: mesmerist.

Insane Focus (Su)

At 1st level, a an alien serenader can startle his allies back to their senses with erratic capering or atonal music. Each round, he attempts an Acrobatics or Perform (comedy, dance, percussion, or wind) check. Any ally (including the serenader) within 30 feet can use this check in place of her own saving throw against confusion and fascination effects. Those already under a confusion or fascination effect can attempt a new save each round to ed that effect, using the court fool’s Acrobatics check.

Distracting motley doesn’t work on effects that don’t allow saves. This is a mind-affecting effect that uses visual components.

Symphony of Silence (Su)

At 4th level, the alien serenader’s performance muffles all sounds within a 30-foot radius. All creatures in the area of effect gain a +2 bonus on Stealth checks and all saving throws made against sonic attacks or language-dependent effects. This bonus increases to +3 at 7th level, +4 at 11th level, +5 at 15th level, and +6 at 19th level. Spells using verbal components cast in the area requires a concentration check (DC 15 + 1/2 the serenader's class level + the level of the spell cast). Symphony of silence relies on audible components, but these sounds cannot be located and do not penalize the serenader's Stealth. They may make listeners suspicious.

Maddening Harmonics (Su)

At 9th level, the serenader can create a performance so baffling and discordant that it usurps all thought within a 30-foot radius with chaos and entropy. The mute musician can select which creatures in this area are affected by the maddening harmonics and which are not. All targeted creatures within this area must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + 1/2 the bard’s level + the bard’s Charisma modifier) or be confused for as long as they can hear the performance. If the creature succeeds at its saving throw, it is immune to this ability for 24 hours. This performance relies on audible components.

Ceaseless Performance (Su)

At 14th level, the alien serenader can continue taking the free action to maintain a bardic performance or serenade even while confused, cowering in fear, dazed, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, petrified, silenced, staggered, stunned, or unconscious. Even if the serenader is killed, she can continue to take the free action to maintain her performance as long as she has rounds remaining. Only the utter destruction of the mute musician’s body (such as via destruction or disintegrate, or by reducing the serenader to a negative hit point total equal to 10 × her Constitution score) causes the performance to end. Each round of ceaseless performance expends one round of bardic performance, in addition to the cost of any performance or serenade maintained. Activating ceaseless performance is not an action.

Song of the Conjunction (Su)

At 19th level, the serenader can harmonize with the alien chorus beyond the music of the spheres, creating a portentous cosmic alignment. This effect duplicates a gate used to travel. The serenader must use this serenade for three rounds before the gate opens.


The dream serenader opens realms of dream and imagination.

Forbidden Alignment: evil.

Spell List: mesmerist.

Wanderer’s Hymn (Su)

At 1st level, the dream serenader can use a serenade to hasten her steps. As long as she maintains this serenade, she gains a +30- foot enhancement bonus to her base land speed.

Sweet Dreams (Su)

At 4th level, the dream serenader can spend 5 rounds of serenade to protect sleepers. Any creature that remains within 30 feet of the dream serenader during the entire performance becomes immune to nightmare and other effects that attack a sleeping target, such as a night hag’s dream haunting ability, for one night’s rest. In addition, those creatures gain the benefits of dream feast.

Butterfly (Su)

At 9th level, the serenader’s performance lets her explore the skies. While she maintains this serenade, she gains the benefits of fly. Alternately, by spending 10 rounds of serenade, she can gain the benefits of overland flight. Both of these effects manifest at a caster level equal to the dream serenader’s total Hit Dice. While under either effect, the dream serenader grows large butterfly wings.

At 14th level the serenader can give the benefits of this serenade to one or more allies within 90 ft. She must expend rounds of performance for each ally each round.

Guide My Steps (Su)

At 14th level, the dream serenader learns to use song as a guide to her goal. To use this serenade, she must spend 6 rounds of serenade. At the end of this performance, the dream serenader gains the benefits of find the path at a caster level equal to her character level. If the dream serenader chooses, she can perform guide my steps without a clear destination in mind. At the GM’s discretion, the dream serenader may be guided to something particularly interesting, such as a new romantic opportunity, a good place to watch the sunset, or an exotic monster’s den; otherwise, she merely wanders aimlessly until the effects end.

Fortune’s Favor (Su)

At 19th level, the dream serenader’s song is so lively and delightful that the powers of fate take notice, blessing her with peerless luck. While she maintains this serenade, whenever the dream serenader rolls a d20, she can roll twice and take the more favorable result.


The flame serenader sings for bonfires and harps while cities are burning.

Forbidden Alignment: lawful.

Spell List: magus.

Fire Dancer (Su)

At 1st level, a flame serenader learns to protect himself and others from the pain of fire, and discovers how to control the flame while enduring its heat. Each round of the fire dance, he rolls an Acrobatics or Perform (dance, or string, or sing) check. Any ally within 30 feet of the bard that has caught on fire or is affected by a fire effect or extreme heat can use the bard’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw against that fire. Any ally within 30 feet of the bard who is suffering from heatstroke can ignore the fatigue from heat exposure so long as the bard maintains this performance. Fire dancer relies on audible or visual components.

Fire Break Dance (Su)

At 4th level, a flame serenader’s performance can bend flames away from others. Any ally within 30 feet of the bard who can hear or see the bardic performance gains resist fire 10 as long as the performance is maintained. At 9th level this resistance increases to 20. At 14th level, this resistance increases to 30. In addition any ally within 30 feet of the bard can see through fire, fog, and smoke without penalty as long as the light is sufficient to allow him to see normally, as with the base effect of the gaze of flames oracle revelation. Fire break relies on audible or visual components. Fire break dance relies on audible or visual components.

Words of Fiery Swords (Su)

At 9th level, the fire serenader awakens flame on the weapons of his allies. The natura, unarmed, and manufactured weapons of all allies with 30 ft. gains the flaming weapon property as long as the fire serenader performs. Words of fiery swords relies on audible components.

Tongue of Flame (Sp)

At 14th level, the flame serenader can perform the tongue of flame serenade. Each round during the performance the flame serenader can spend a standard action to create the effect of fire snake. The effect allows a Reflex save (DC 10 + half the serenaders's class level + the serenader's Charisma modifier) for half damage. Tongue of flame relies on audible components.

Life of Flame (Sp)

At 19th level, the flame serenader can become a creature of living flame. While performing, the flame serenader gains the effect of firery body. This is a supernatural ability, not a spell. It cannot be counterspelled, countered with spell resistance, or dispelled. It has the save DC of a serenade, not a spell. Fire dance relies on visual components.


The history serenader re-creates the glories of the past.

Forbidden Alignment: chaotic.

Spell List: bard.

Song of Subterfuge (Su)

At 1st level, a history serenader learns to use his performances to project various thoughts into the minds of his allies to disrupt divination attempts. Each round of the song of subterfuge he makes a Perform (act, comedy, oratory, or sing) skill check. Any allies within 30 feet of the serenader (including the serenader himself) that is has their thoughts read, their aura or alignment detected, or the veracity of their statements magically tested may use the serenader’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the song of subterfuge is already under the effect of a non-instantaneous thought, truth or aura-reading effect, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the song of subterfuge, but it must use the serenader’s Perform skill check result for the save. Song of subterfuge renders allies immune to mind, thought, and aura reading effects that do not allow a saving throw.

If the history serenader (not an ally) succeeds on a saving throw while using song of subterfuge, the character who attempted the divination effect must succeed on a Will save (DC = 10 + half the history serenader's level + the history serenader’s Charisma modifier) or else the history serenader instantly learns the nature of the effect and can allow the effect to continue, but provide whatever information he chooses to the divining character rather than the true results of the divination effect.

Song of subterfuge relies on audible components.

Chant of Perfect Recall (Su)

At 4th level, a history serenader gains a perfect memory. He can spend one round of bardic performance to memorize one page or image, including a natural scene. At any point after memorizing an image this way, the history serenader can visualize this page by spending a round of bardic performance and recall it as if he was looking at it in person, including minute details visible to close scrutiny by the naked eye, and retains this memory for an hour before it returns to being a stored memory. The memory includes text and images, such as a drawing or a map, but reading from memory takes as long as reading from a normal page. A history serenader unfamiliar with a written language can relay what is written by copying the shapes of the letters so another person can read them. Chant of perfect recall relies on audible components.

Dreams of the Past (Su)

At 9th level, a history serenader can use his performance to cause a creature within 30 ft. to fall asleep. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect that cannot target unconscious creatures, constructs, or undead creatures. if not awakened before, affected creatures sleep for an hour. A target affected by this ability that sleeps for a full hour of past events in the area or relating to an item in its possession (as decided by the serenader), as legend lore. This is a supernatural ability, not a spell. It cannot be counterspelled, countered with spell resistance, or dispelled. It has the save DC of a serenade, not a spell.

Restore History (Sp)

A history serenader of 14th level or higher restore a creature or object to an earlier, more complete state. This targets either one creature or a 5 ft. cube that must be within 30 ft. The caster level is the history serenader's class level. The history serenader chooses the target and which effect to use each round of performance.

On a living this has the effect of cure critical wounds or restoration.

On an undead creature this has the effect of inflict critical wounds.

On a construct or object, this has the effect of expeditious excavation or make whole (without the level cap on healing and affecting an entire 5 ft. cube). Entire cities can be re-created this way by continuously performing.

Restore history relies on audible and visual components.

Mass Dreams of the Past (Sp)

At 19th level, a history serenader can use dreams of the past to affect any number of creatures within 60 feet.


The iron serenader praises the unyielding hardness of iron, steel, and admantine. They have an aversion to the powers of chaos, such as demons and fey. Despite their lawful inclination, iron serenaders are popular in barbarian cultures.

Forbidden Alignment: chaotic.

Spell List: bard.

Inspiring Blow (Su)

A iron serenader roars his war-cries with each telling blow. When he confirms a critical hit, he can start this performance as an immediate action. He gains temporary hit points equal to his class level. These temporary hit points remain until the serenader ends his performance.

Bladethirst (Su)

An iron serenader of 4th level or higher may use performance to grant one weapon, one natural weapon, one end of a double weapon, or 50 items of ammunition of the same type within 30 feet a +1 enhancement bonus. This enhancement bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 4th (maximum +5 at 20th level). These bonuses stack with existing bonuses and may be used to increase the item’s enhancement bonus up to +5 or to add any of the following weapon properties: defending, distance, ghost touch, keen, mighty cleaving, returning, shock, shocking burst, seeking, speed, or wounding. If the weapon is not magical, at least a +1 enhancement bonus must be added before adding special abilities. Additionally, all weapons affected by bladethirst are considered cold iron weapons.

Battle Trance (Su)

At 9th level, a iron serenader can inspire a rapturous battle trance that suppresses pain, stunning, and fear effects for one creature within 30 ft. Affected creatures also gain DR 5/— (DR 10/— against nonlethal damage); this benefit stacks with the damage reduction class ability of barbarians. This mind-affecting ability requires audible components.

Mass Bladethirst (Su)

An iron serenader of 14th level or higher can use his bladethirst serenade to enhance the weapons of as many allies as desired within 30 feet. The bonus provided by this power is +4 if conferred on two allies, +3 for three allies, +2 for four allies, and +1 for five or more allies. The power granted to each weapon must be identical.

Song of the Fallen (Sp)

At 19th level, a iron serenader can keep allies fighting even after they are dead. Select an ally within 60 ft. (including the serenader himself). That ally is freed from all restraints and control each round of the performance (as freedom of movement and freedom) and ignores all penalties and conditions. The ally can fight normally at negative hit points or when dead or destroyed, but continues to take damage and acquire conditions normally. The target can be healed during the effect, even if damage taken would normally have been lethal. When the serenade ends, the creature again suffers the full effects of damage and conditions that remain, and might well die. This is a transmutation effect effect and relies on audible and visual components.


The magic serenader charms spells with his music and influences them much like a serenader influences creature.

Forbidden Alignment: none.

Spell List: magus.

Dweomercraft (Su)

A magic serenader can use performance to manipulate magical energies. Allies of the magic serenader gain a +1 bonus on caster level checks, concentration checks, and attack rolls with spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every six levels thereafter.

In addition, a magic serenader with this serenade active can to apply a metamagic feat to a spell he is about to cast without increasing the casting time. The serenader must still expend a higher-level slot to cast this spell. This ability relies on visual and audible components.

Stealspell (Su)

A 4th level magic serenader can use performance to steal spells from his foes and add them to his list of spells known. Once the performance is started, the serenader can steal a prepared spell or a spell known from another creature with a touch attack as a standard action. The target receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the serenader’s level + the serenader’s Cha bonus) to negate the effect.

The magic serenader may choose a spell to steal, but if the target does not possess the spell, the serenade immediately ends. Otherwise the spell stolen is random, but it is always of the highest level that the serenader can cast, if possible. The spell need not be on the serenader's spell list, and it is always cast at the level of spell it is for the target, even if the serenader has it on his own spell list at a different level.

The target loses the prepared spell or spell known and the magic serenader adds it to his list of spells known for as long as the performance continues, after which it reverts to the original recipient. While stolen, the serenader can cast the spell using his available spell slots. This use does not consume the stolen spell. If the serenader steals another spell while a spell is stolen, the previous spell immediately reverts to its original owner. This ability requires visual components.

Spell Suppression (Su)

A 9th level, a magic serenader can use performance to counter the spells of his foes. While performing, as an immediate action, he can attempt to counter any spell that he can identify using Spellcraft. The attempt to counter the spell is made as if using dispel magic, using the serenader’s level as the caster level. This ability requires audible components.

Greater Stealspell (Su)

A magic serenader’s stealspell power improves at 14th level. When a target fails a save against his stealspell performance, the magic serenader discovers its spell resistance (if any) and all spells it has prepared or knows. He can then choose which spell to steal. The magic serenader may forgo stealing a spell and instead reduce the target’s SR by an amount equal to half his serenader level and gain that amount of spell resistance for as long as he continues performing. If he steals additional spell resistance, it stacks with previously stolen SR. If he steals a spell or ceases performing, the spell resistance immediately reverts back to its owner.

Spell Catching (Su)

At 19th level, a magic serenader who saves against a spell or spell-like ability that targets only him (not including area spells) may use this serenade as an immediate action. He must attempt a caster level check (DC 10 + the spell’s original caster level). If it succeeds, the magic serenader can absorb the spell effect without harm and immediately recast that spell (using the original caster’s level and save DC) or any spell he knows of that level or lower without expending a spell slot. Using this ability consumes a number of rounds of performance equal to the spell’s level, even if the check fails.


The nature serenader finds his inspiration in the wild and hidden places of nature. She often pefrorms for wild animals, or for an audience of rocks and trees.

Forbidden Alignment: lawful.

Spell List: druid.

Soothing Performance (Su)

At 1st level, an nature serenader can use serenade to influence animals. This works like the druid ability wild empathy, except he only needs to serenade each animal for 1 round and makes a Perform check instead of a normal animal empathy check.

Attract Rats (Su)

At 4th level, the nature serenader can use serenade to summon 1 rat swarm; they remain as long as he continues performing. For every 2 levels beyond level 4, he summons an additional rat swarm. At 9th level the swarms have the advanced creature simple template. At 14th level, the swarms also gain the chtonic creature simple template. At 19th level, the swarms ignore all damage reduction and hardness.

Song of the Wild (Su)

At 9th level, the nature serenader can grant an animal aspect to an ally, as if that ally had the hunter’s animal focus class feature. The ally must be able to hear or see the performance. The nature serenader uses his bard level as his hunter level for determining the effect of the animal aspect. The nature serenader can affect an additional ally with this performance for every 3 levels after level 9. Song of the wild relies on audible or visual components.

Unbroken Stride (Su)

At 14th level, an nature serenader can draw upon this serenade to imbue all allies within 30 ft. with grace and speed. Each target gains the druid's woodland stride ability, an insight bonus equal to half the serenader's class level on all Acrobatics, Climb, Fly, and Ride checks, and a +30-foot enhancement bonus to all kinds of speed.

Wrath of the Wild (Su)

At 19th level, the nature serenader can cause the effects of storm of vengeance as a serenade. He must serenade continuously to gain the effects of later rounds of the spell. This is a supernatural ability, not a spell. It cannot be counterspelled, countered with spell resistance, or dispelled. It has the save DC of a serenade, not a spell.


The death serenader brings solace and peace to the dead and undead.

Forbidden Alignment: evil.

Spell List: spiritualist.

Deathwaking Dance (Su)

At 1st level, an death serenader can unravel undead and haunts. When he starts the performance and each round he maintains it, all haunts and undead creatures within 30 feet take 1d6 positive energy damage. This damage increases by 1d6 at level 3 and every two levels thereafter. A successful Will save halves this damage.

Untethering Steps (Su)

At 4th level, an death serenader can use his performance to hinder all undead creatures within 60 feet to which the performer has line of sight. Each round he maintains the performance, the death serenader attempts a Perform skill check and compares the result to all of the targets’ CMD scores. Any target whose CMD is equaled or exceeded by the result of the Perform (dance) check becomes sickened by the performer’s movements for 1 round. Any target with a CMD that is exceeded by 10 or more also becomes staggered for 1 round.

Exorcist’s Waltz (Su)

At 9th level, an death serenader can use his serenade to attempt to end an ongoing compulsion or possession effect. The target must be able to see the performer perform and be within 30 feet. If the target is possessed, the target gains a new saving throw to end the possession effect; otherwise, this functions as break enchantment, using the death serenader's caster level for the effect. Any possessing entity cast out in this manner cannot attempt to possess that target again for 24 hours. In addition, all creatures within 60 ft. of the death serenader become immune to possession and influence, as protection from evil.

True Spark’s Guidance (Su)

At 14th level, an death serenader can lure the dead back into their graves. He can target one undead creature within 60 feet each round he maintains this performance—the targeted undead can resist the effects with a successful Will save. If the creature first became undead within the affected area, or if an open grave under the effects of hallow or consecrate is in the area, the undead takes a –4 penalty on this saving throw. On a successful saving throw, the target’s speed is halved for 1 round (this includes all forms of movement such as fly or swim). If the undead fails its save, it immediately takes 10 points of damage per class level of the death serenader and is staggered for 1 round, and it takes a –4 penalty on future saving throws against this performance for 24 hours.

Psycopomp's Lead (Su)

At 19th level, the death serenader can use psychopomp's lead to create a funnel to the land of the dead. Any undead destroyed within 60 ft. of him, and any living creature that dies within 10 ft. of him have their souls sent directly to the plane they are destined for. Such creatures cannot be restored, rejuvenated, raised, or resurrected without the approval of the powers governing that plane.


The sea serenader calms the waves and shapes water to his whim.

Forbidden Alignment: lawful.

Spell List: magus.

Sea Shanty (Su/Sp)

At 1st level, a sea serenader learns to counter seasickness and exhaustion during sea voyages. Each round of a sea shanty, he makes a Perform (oratory, wind, sing, or string) skill check. Allies within 60 feet (including the sea serenader) may use his Perform check in place of a saving throw against becoming exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, or sickened; if already under such an effect, a new save is allowed each round of the sea shanty, using the serenader’s Perform check for the save. A sea shanty is automatic against effects that do not allow a saving throw.

A sea shanty also calms rough waters within 60 feet, reducing the DC for Profession (sailor) and Swim checks, as well as for Acrobatics and Climb checks aboard ship, by an amount equal to the serenader’s level (to a minimum of DC 5) for as long he continues to perform. He can extend this duration to 1 hour by playing for 10 consecutive rounds.

During as sea chanty, the sea serenader can spend a full-round action to cast create water or purify food and drink, with a caster level equal to his serenader level.

Sea shanty requires audible components.

Watersong (Su)

At 4th level, a sea serenader can use serenade to manipulate and control the shape of water within 30 feet. A successful Perform check allows the serenader to animate and control water in a 5-foot-cube. All the water animated must come from within the 30 ft. range, but need not originate in the volume in which it is controlled. The sea serenader can command the water to take various forms, bend, rise, fall, or sustain a shape, and can make it support weight as if it were solid ice. Changing the shape or location of the manipulated water during the performance takes a move action. For example, the sea serenader could create a pillar of water (to provide cover), ladder, channel, bridge, stairs, slide, and so on. The manipulated water is as slippery as normal ice, requiring a DC 5 Acrobatics check (or a DC 0 Climb check if climbing/crawling) to move safely. This ability cannot create forms more complex than what could be carved in normal ice. While under the serenader’s control, the water has hardness 0 and 3 hit points per inch of thickness, with maximum hit points equal to the Perform check result.

At 9th level the sea serenader can manipulate water in two 5 ft. cubes adjacent to each other and the manipulated water has a hardness of 3. At 14th level the number of adjacent 5 ft. cubes cubes indreases to four and the manipulated water has a hardness of 6. At 19th level the sea serenader can eight adjacent 5 ft. cubes and the manipulated water has a hardness of 9. The manipulated water retains its shape for 1 round after the serenader ends the serenade. Watersong relies on audio and visual components.

Waterstrike (Su)

At 9th level, the sea serenader can sing a song of striking water. During this serenade, he can spend a standard action to make a melee attack that inflicts 4d6 or bludgeoning, cold, piercing, slashing, or nonlethal damage (serenader's choice). The damage increases by 1d6 for every two class levels after level 9. This melee attack can be originate from the sea serenader himself or from a square of water controlled by watersong. When a waterstrike serenade is active, any square of water controlled by watersong counts as an ally for flanking purposes and can the wave serenader can make waterstrike attack as attacks of opportunity from those squares. At 14th level, these attacks gain a reach of 10 ft. Waterstrike relies on visual and audio components.

Lifewater (Su/Sp)

At 14th level, the sea serenader can affect the water inside a creature with the lifewater serenade. In each round of serenade he can spend a standard action to manipulate the water, blood, and other fluids within a creature’s body, causing the target to become nauseated for 1d4 rounds. This effect allows a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the serenader's class level + the serenader's Cha modifier) to reduce the effect to sickened. Alternatively, he may spend a standard action to attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver, using his Perform skill modifier as his CMB. The serenader is never affected by a failed CMB check. Finally, the sea serenader can spend a standard action each round to replicate the effects of either cure moderate wounds, neutralize poison, or remove disease.

Lifewater has a range of 30 feet, relies on visual and audio components, and only works on creatures whose bodies contain fluid.

Tsunami (Sp)

At 19 level, a sea serenader can use this serenade to cause a tsunami, with a caster level equal to his serenader level, that lasts as long as he maintains the serenade. Such a tsunami can travel further than the normal 150 ft. inland.


The shadow serenader reaches out to realms of shades and shadow, conjuring them into this world.

Forbidden Alignment: good.

Spell List: spiritualist.

Shadow Puppets (Sp)

At 1st level, a shadow puppeteer can use bardic performance to create one quasi-real shadowy creature resembling a monster from the summon monster I list. These shadowy creatures otherwise work like shadow conjuration, and targets interacting with them get a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the shadow serenader's class level + shadow serenader's Charisma bonus) to treat them as only 10% real. The creatures remain until slain, dismissed, or the performance ends. Shadow puppets relies on visual components.

At 3rd level and every two levels thereafter, this ability acts like the next higher version of summon monster (summon monster II at 3rd level and so on) and becomes 10% more real, to a maximum of 90% real at 17th level.

Dance of the Dead (Sp)

At 4th level, a shadow serenader can use his bardic performance to create undead out of shadow and fight at his command. This ability functions like animate dead with a range of 60 ft. Created undead remain animate only as long as the shadow serenader continues the performance. Once it stops, any created undead disappear into shadow.

At 9 level, this can duplicate create undead. At 14th level, this can duplicate greater create undead.

If the shadow serenader has suitable corpses to animate, the undead created are real. If he does not, the shadowy undead created work like shadow conjuration, and targets interacting with them get a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the shadow serenader's class level + shadow serenader's Charisma bonus) to treat them as only 50% real. For every 2 class levels after level 9, the shadow undead becomes 10% more real, to a maximum of 90% real at 17th level.

Shadow Sonata (Sp)

At 9th level the shadow serenader can spread darkness with a serenade. Each round of performance, he can create a darkness effect. This darkness lasts as long as the performance is maintained and then slowly shrinks again. For each round after the end of the performance, one darkness effect of the serenader's choice disappears. The shadow serenader and all allies within 30 ft. can ignore this darkness, but it still provides protection for light-sensitive creatures.

After maintaining this performance for four rounds, creating a new area of darkness each round, the shadow serenader can produce an area of hungry darkness. The count then starts over; after four more rounds the shadow serenader can use hungry darkness on round ten, and so on. The number of rounds of preparation decreases as the shadow serenader increases in level. At level 14, it takes two rounds of performance to enable hungry darkness, and at 19th level it takes no time.

Dirge of Shadow (Sp)

At 14th level the create a shadow duplicate of a formerly living or undead creature that has been dead or destroyed no more than 24 hours. The creature must have died/been destroyed within 100 ft. of where you use this performance, or at least half its corpse must be within the area. The creature returns at full hit points and with all items, spell, and abilities restored (as its stat block). When you cease this performance, the duplicate immediately disappears.

The creature obeys your every command. A creature of good alignment or with a challenge rating equal to your class level or greater is allowed a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your bard level + your Charisma bonus) to resist the resurrection and each round to negate the effect.

This otherwise works like shadow conjuration, and targets interacting with them get a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 your bard level + your Charisma bonus) to treat them as only 80% real.

Dirge of shadow relies on audible components.

Lay of the Path of Shadows (Sp)

Each round during the performance, the shadow serenader can affect one target as maze with a save DC of 10 + half the shadow serenader's level + the shadow serenader's Cha modifier. The labyrinth is made of shadows and each unsuccessful attempt to escape the maze gives a cumulative +2 circumstance bonus to Intelligence rolls to escape. A target that has saved against or escaped the maze cannot be affected again by the same shadow serenader's lay of the path of shadows until 24 hours have passed. When the performance ends, the maze disappears and all trapped creatures are released. It is not possible to maintain more than one simultaneous use of lay of the path of shadows. It requires audible or visual components.


The silver serenader finds his inspiration in the purity of silver, and opposes evil outsiders.

Forbidden Alignment: evil.

Spell List: bard.

Song of Silver (Su)

When a silver serenader of 1st level can perform the song of silver. All weapons (both unarmed, natural and manufactured) within a 30-foot radius of the silver serenader are treated as if they were silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, and a number of targets equal to the silver serenader’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1 target) become immune to fear effects and gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

At 4th level, the “Song of Silver” affects a 60-foot-radius area around the silver serenader.

At 9th level, once per day as an immediate action, an silver serenader can grant a single ally who is currently benefiting from the saving throw bonus from the “Song of Silver” the effects of a breath of life spell (CL = the silver serenader’s character level). Granting this effect immediately ends the “Song of Silver” serenade, and the silver serenader must wait 3 rounds before activating a new “Song of Silver” (but she can activate other serenades or bardic performances in the meantime).

Holy Vibration (Su)

At 4th level, a silver serenader can imbue a door, window, or other object with holy vibrations. Each round during the performance, he can make a single door, window, or object within 30 feet resonate with a holy vibration. Undead and creatures with the evil subtype are hindered from to opening or breaking a door or window affected in this way for 10 minutes per serenader level, as arcane lock.

At 9th level, undead and creatures of the evil subtype with the incorporeal subtype or able to use an effect of the teleportation subschool, it is unable to use such abilities within 20 feet of an object imbued with holy vibration. Incorporeal and teleporting creatures can attempt Charisma checks to break through areas warded by holy vibration, using the same break DC as for the object the creature is trying to move through.

Break Curse (Su/Sp)

At 9th level, a silver serenader can suppress a single enchantment, transmutation, or curse affecting an ally within 30 feet that is able to see and hear him. Each round the silver serenader uses break curse, he attempts a Perform check against the original save DC of the curse. If successful, he suppresses the curse for 1 round. After he has suppressed the curse for 4 consecutive rounds, he can attempt a caster level check to remove the curse as if he had cast break enchantment with a caster level equal to his class level.

Righteous Chord (Sp)

At 14th level, a silver serenader can produce a righteous chord. Each round of this performance, the silver serenader can affect a single evil outsider within 60 feet as per the spell banishment, treating her class level as her caster level. As a free action, the silver serenader can attempt a Perform check with a DC equal to 10 + the HD of the targeted outsider. If successful, she is treated as having presented the targeted outsider with one object or substance the target fears or hates for the purpose of determining the effects of the banishment spell. The saving throw DC of this ability is 10 + half the silver serenader's class level + his Charisma modifier.

Mass Break Curse (Su/Sp)

At 19th level, a silver serenader can affect any number of allies within 30 feet when using break curse. Make a single Perform check and compare it to the save DC of each effect. After 4 consecutive rounds of using this performance, the silver serenader can attempt a caster level check to remove a enchantment, transmutation, or curse on a single ally affected by this performance each round he performs.


The alien serenader finds his inspiration in the dark between the stars and in the depths of the oddest planes. These songs create an alien reality around the serenader, maddening to some, enlightening to others.

Forbidden Alignment: chaotic.

Spell List: bard.

Devastating Aria (Su)

At 1st level, the sonic serenader can perform a devastating aria. Each round of this performance he can spend a standard action to deal 1d6 points of nonlethal sonic damage to a creature within 20 ft., Fortitude save for half damage (DC 10 + half the sonic serenader's class level + the sonic serenader's Charisma modifier). Undead, constructs, and objects take lethal damage from this performance. Hardness does not reduce this damage, nor is it halved as energy damage dealt to objects normally is.

The damage increases by 1d6 at level 3 and every 2 levels thereafter.

At 4th level, the range of the effect increases to 5 ft. per serenader level. In addition, as a full round action, the sonic serenader can cause the effect in a cone of 5 ft. per 2 serenader levels. The sonic serenader can reduce the size of the cone if desired.

Scathing Tirade (Su)

A sonic serenader of 4th level can use her performance to verbally lash out at another creature, causing it to become frightened. Each round of performance, the sonic serenader can target a single enemy must be within 30 feet and is able to see and hear the sonic serenader’s performance. The effect persists for as long as the enemy is within 30 feet and the sonic serenader continues her performance, plus 1d4 rounds.

This performance cannot cause a creature to become panicked, even if the target is already frightened from another effect. A creature that saves against scathing tirade cannot be affected again for 1 hour, but a creature that leaves the area or becomes unaffected because the serenader ends the performance can be affected again.

At 9th level, the range of the effect increases to 5 ft. per serenader level. In addition, as a full round action, the sonic serenader can cause a sonic effect that affects a cone of 5 ft. per 2 serenader levels. The sonic serenader can reduce the size of the cone if desired.

Scathing tirade is a mind-affecting fear effect, and relies on audible and visual components.

Descant of Destruction (Su)

At 9th level, the sonic serenader can perform a secant of destruction. Each round of this performance he can spend a standard action to deal 5d6 points of sonic damage to a target within 30 ft., Reflex save for half damage (DC 10 + half the sonic serenader's class level + the sonic serenader's Charisma modifier).

The damage increases by 1d6 at level 11 and every 2 levels thereafter.

At 14th level, the range of the effect increases to 5 ft. per serenader level. In addition, as a full round action, the sonic serenader can cause the effect in a cone of 5 ft. per 2 serenader levels. The sonic serenader can reduce the size of the cone if desired.

At 9th level the sonic serenader can perform a descant of destruction. This is the same as devastating area except that the range is 5 ft per serenader level. In addition, as a full round action, the sonic serenader can cause a sonic effect that affects a cone of 5 ft. per 2 serenader levels. The sonic serenader can reduce the size of the cone if desired.

Dazing Display (Su)

At 14th level, the sonic serenader can add daze effect to her other sonic serenades. This counts as additional serenade that the sonic serenader must maintain. As long as dazing display is active, a target that fails a saving throw against another sonic serenade must make an additional Will saving throw (same DC) or be dazed for 1 round.

Bring Down the House (Sp)

At 19th level, the sonic serenader can quite literally bring down a house. Each round of performance, he can spend a standard action to cause earthquake in a cone of 5 ft. per 2 serenader levels. The sonic serenader can reduce the size of the cone if desired.


The thunder serenader is the ultimate sturm und drang performer, able to invoke thunder in his performance and call lightning from the sky.

Forbidden Alignment: lawful.

Spell List: magus.

Call Lightning (Sp)

At 1st level, the thunder serenader can use her performance to summon bolts of lightning, as per the spell call lightning with a caster level equal to his class level. This effect causes 1d6 damage at level 1 (1d10 in a stormy area), and the damage increases by one die at level 3 and every 2 levels thereafter. The effect allows a Reflex save (DC 10 + hlaf the serenader's class level + the serenader's Charisma modifier) for half damage.

Gust of Wind (Sp)

At 4th level the thunder serenader can call a powerful gust of wind. As a move action each round of performance, he can create a gust of wind.

Thunder Call (Sp)

At 9th level, the thunder serenader can use her performance to unleash a deafening peal of thunder. While performing this serenade, the thunder serenader can spend a standard action to create an a sound burst. At 12th level and every 3 class levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d8. The effect allows a Fortitude save (DC 10 + half the serenader's class level + the serenader's Charisma modifier) to negate the stun effect

Whistle the Wind (Sp)

A thunder serenader of 14th level or higher can use whistle for wind to cast control winds or control weather with a caster level equal to his serenader level. This effect begins immediately and lasts as long as he performs. He can only change wind conditions, and he cannot reduce the strength of the wind.

By performing for 10 consecutive round and succeeding at a DC 20 Perform check, the thunder serenader can cast one of these spells with their normal effect and duration.

Call the Storm of Vengeance (Su)

At 19th level, the thunder serenader can cause the effects of storm of vengeance as a serenade. He must serenade continuously to gain the effects of later rounds of the spell. This is a supernatural ability, not a spell. It cannot be counterspelled, countered with spell resistance, or dispelled. It has the save DC of a serenade, not a spell.


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Section 15 Addendum

  • Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
  • Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Intrigue © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: David N. Ross, with Ross Byers.
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Bastards of Golarion © 2014, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Judy Bauer, Neal Litherland, Ryan Macklin, and David N. Ross.
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Balance © 2014, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Matt Goodall, Ron Lundeen, Philip Minchin, Patrick Renie, Jason Ridler, and David Schwartz.
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Faiths & Philosophies © 2013, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Savannah Broadway, Paris Crenshaw, Neall Raemonn Price, David Ross, Owen K. C. Stephens, and James L. Sutter.
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Healer’s Handbook © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, David N. Ross, and Stephen Rowe.
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the High Court © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Isabelle Lee, Luis Loza, Ron Lundeen, and Jacob W. Michaels.
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Kobolds of Golarion. © 2013 Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Tork Shaw, Mat Smith, and Jerome Virnich.
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Summoner’s Handbook © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, Tyler Beck, Anthony Li, Luis Loza, David N. Ross, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Pirates of the Inner Sea © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Amber E. Scott.
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Varisia, Birthplace of Legends © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, Tork Shaw, James L. Sutter, and Jerome Virnich.
  • Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide © 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
  • Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Monster Codex © 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, John Compton, Robert N. Emerson, Jonathan H. Keith, Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Mark Moreland, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Thomas M. Reid, Patrick Renie, Mark Seifter, Tork Shaw, Neil Spicer, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
  • Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Intrigue © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jesse Benner, John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, Robert N. Emerson, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Steven Helt, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Mikko Kallio, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Alexander Riggs, David N. Ross, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Linda Zayas-Palmer.
  • Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
  • Pathfinder Player Companion: Paths of the Righteous © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Alexander Augunas, John Compton, Jenny Jarzabski, Isabelle Lee, Stephen Rowe, and Owen K.C. Stephens.