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Unofficial rules compendium

The nomad is a ranger that moves from terrain to terrain as life moves him, but without forming any particular attachment to any of them. Instead, he has a growing repertoire of favored terrains and is equally skilled in all of them.

Favored Terrain

At 3rd level, a nomad may select a type of terrain from Table: Ranger Favored Terrains. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses).

At 8th level and every five levels thereafter (13, 18), the ranger may select an additional favored terrain. In addition, the skill bonus and initiative bonus in all favored terrains increases to +3. At 18th level, the bonus in all favored terrains increases to +4.

If a specific terrain falls into more than one category of favored terrain, the nomad's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

This modifies the Favored Terrain ability.