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For some creatures the corruption does not take three night but is based on some other criteria, such as the rise of the full moon. A few rare creatures even cause corruption by the end of the round, but this costs two schtick picks and is not recommended for player characters.
For some creatures the corruption does not take three night but is based on some other criteria, such as the rise of the full moon. A few rare creatures even cause corruption by the end of the round, but this costs two schtick picks and is not recommended for player characters.
=== Duplication ===
Limit Break
You split into two identical creatures. You share the same shot counter and fortune pool; each duplicate does the same actions but does so separately and moves separately, up to [[Mind (Action)|Mind]] meters apart. Only one duplicate can perform Limit Breaks each round. When one of you is hit, you can decide to either take the damage normally or have the duplicate that was hit disappear. All but one duplicate disappears at the end of the scene. The last duplicate left is considered "you", the original, there is no difference between the duplicates while they are active.
You can take this power multiple times, gaining a number of additional selves equal to the number of power picks.

Revision as of 21:10, 17 July 2016

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Alpha Beast


You learn the True Name of the defeated or helpless creature.



Infect your victims with your own supernatural essence: if this taint is left unchecked they become supernatural creatures as well.

A victim of corruption turns into a monster after the passing of three midnights. This is a particularly nasty Curse. Once the three midnights have passed, the victim is reborn as a creature of your Creature Type. An unnamed creature becomes a typical creature of this type; a named creature is rebuilt with the same point total, using a typical creature of the type (often the user of the power) as a model. You also learn the victim's True Name once they become fully corrupted.

For some creatures the corruption does not take three night but is based on some other criteria, such as the rise of the full moon. A few rare creatures even cause corruption by the end of the round, but this costs two schtick picks and is not recommended for player characters.