Manhunters (FiD)

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The Manhunters are skilled trackers, bounty hunters, and detectives, dedicated to hunting down fugitives, uncovering hidden truths, and enforcing justice. Whether pursuing dangerous criminals or exposing dark conspiracies, they excel in bringing their quarry to justice while navigating the dangerous underworld. For the Manhunters, every chase is a test of wit, patience, and tenacity, where success brings reputation and coin.

An adaptation of the Assassin crew playbook.


Bounty Records: During downtime, roll dice equal to your Tier. You earn coin equal to the highest result, minus your heat. Authorities pay for each captured fugitive. Holding Cells: +1d to Command and Sway rolls with captured targets. Intimidation and coercion come easily when the target is behind bars. Bounty Agent: You get +2 coin in your payoff for scores that involve people rather than goods. Keeping in contact with all warrant issuers is a mighty task. Armory: Your Thug cohorts get +1 quality. Specialized gear ensures your crew is always prepared. Sealed Evidence: You get +2 coin in your payoff for scores that involve recovering valuable objects. Priceless evidence can be worth a fortune to the right buyer.
Informants: You get +1d to the engagement roll for probe and stealth plans. Insiders provide crucial intel for infiltrations. Safehouse: You get +1d to acquire asset rolls. A discreet location to secure fugitives or stash resources. Lair: Your fortified hideout where fugitives are held and investigations are planned. Claims start here and can extend horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally. Lookouts: You get +1d to Hunt or Survey on your turf. Vigilant watchers keep an eye on potential targets and threats. False Identities: You get +1d to the engagement roll for social and transport plans. Manhunters are experts in blending in when needed.
Infirmary: You get +1d to healing treatment rolls. Proper medical care keeps your crew in fighting shape. Justice Office: You get -2 heat per score. Ties to local law enforcement help reduce scrutiny. Confiscated Goods: You get +2 coin in your payoff for scores that involve theft or smuggling. Stolen goods can be sold for a high price. Case Files: You get +1d to gather information for investigative scores. A comprehensive archive of criminal records and intel. Routine Contracts: Any time during downtime, roll dice equal to your Tier. You earn coin equal to the highest result, minus your heat. Lots of little bounties accumulate.

Heat & Wanted Level

☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ | ☐☐☐☐


☐☐☐☐ | Vault ☐☐☐☐ | Vault 2 ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

Special Abilities

  1. Relentless: Each PC may add +1 action rating to Hunt, Survey, or Skirmish (up to a max rating of 3).
  2. Pack Hunters: When you work together with your cohorts on a target, they get +1d for teamwork rolls (setup and group actions). All of your cohorts gain the Tracker type for free (if they’re already Trackers, add another type).
  3. Clean Getaway: When you execute a stealth or deception plan, take +1d to the engagement roll.
  4. Marked Prey: You may count each wanted level as if it were turf.
  5. Toughened: Each PC has been hardened by years of hunting dangerous targets. You get +1d to resistance rolls.
  6. Bounty Patron: When you advance your Tier, it costs half the coin it normally would. Who funds your bounty hunts? Why?
  7. Against All Odds: When you're at war (-3 faction status), PCs get +1d to vice rolls and still get two downtime actions, instead of just one.
  8. Additional Playbook: Select another crew playbook. From now on, you can choose its Claims, Special Abilities, Crew Contacts, and Upgrades. You gain immediate access only to the Crew XP.

Crew XP

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (or instead mark 2xp if that item occurred multiple times).

  1. Execute a successful capture, investigation, sabotage, or heist operation.
  2. Contend with challenges above your current station.
  3. Bolster your crew's reputation or develop a new one.
  4. Express the goals, drives, inner conflict, or essential nature of the crew.


  1. Karlos, a relentless bounty hunter.
  2. Alina, a magistrate who provides leads on fugitives.
  3. Roth, a fence who moves confiscated goods.
  4. Mira, an underworld informant with a wide network of spies.
  5. Jorik, a jailer with connections to many captives.
  6. Thorne, a former target turned reluctant ally.

Crew Upgrades

☐ Manhunter's rigging (1 carried weapon or tool item is concealed and has no load) ☐ Magistrate Contacts (+1 Tier in interactions with law enforcement or judges) ☐ Elite Trackers ☐ Elite Investigators ☐-☐-☐ Hardened (+1 trauma box)

Lair ☐ ☐ Reinforced Walls ☐ ☐ Hidden ☐ Quarters ☐ Secure ☐ ☐ Vault ☐ Evidence Room

Training ☐ Insight ☐ Prowess ☐ Resolve ☐ Personal ☐-☐-☐-☐ Mastery

Quality ☐ Gear ☐ Implements ☐ Supplies ☐ Tools ☐ Weapons

Cohort upgrade costs

New Cohort: ☐-☐
Add Type: ☐-☐



Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


  1. A corrupt official is using legal loopholes to free notorious criminals. Will you take them down or expose their dealings?
  2. A wanted fugitive has fled into a dangerous district, hiding among the desperate. Can you track them without drawing attention?
  3. A noble hires you to discreetly capture a rival involved in illegal activities.
  4. A cartel has stolen evidence from a government archive. Will you recover it or use it for your own gain?
  5. A secretive cult has been abducting people. Are you hired to find them, or to put an end to their sinister activities?
  6. A fortress under siege is harboring a fugitive. Will you break the siege to capture the target or side with the attackers?
  7. A group of bounty hunters are closing in on the same quarry. Will you cooperate, or eliminate the competition?
  8. A powerful mage has evaded the law for too long. Will you bring them to justice, or fall prey to their magic?
  9. A rival company has stolen a valuable artifact. Will you recover it and make a name for yourself, or sell it to the highest bidder?
  10. A notorious criminal has resurfaced after years in hiding. Can you capture them before their old allies find them first?
  11. A wealthy merchant seeks revenge on a thief who stole their fortune. Will you catch the thief, or take the loot for yourself?
  12. An underworld figure is threatening your operation. Will you take them down or strike a deal to avoid conflict?
  13. Authorities are looking for extra manpower to contain a violent uprising. Will you help restore order, or profit from the chaos?
  14. A prominent figure is accused of a crime they didn't commit. Will you expose the truth or take the opportunity to profit from the lie?
  15. A mysterious benefactor offers a large sum to retrieve a dangerous fugitive. Will you accept the job, or investigate their true motives?
  16. A monstrous creature has been terrorizing the countryside