Haunted (FiD)

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This is an open special ability available to all, but it can only betaken during character creation and cannot be taken if you already have a Trauma condition from your playbook(s) or the Scarred special ability.

You have previous experience, along with traumatic experiences. You gain a Trauma Condition. This can be an unusual one tailored to your character and background. You can choose three benefits from this list:

  • Gan an additional point in an action, to a maximum of three.
  • Gain an additional special ability available to you.

Here are examples of traumas you might suffer from.

  1. Alienated You have problems making yourself understood and understanding others.
  2. Choreomania You suffer bouts of compulsive, ecstatic dancing. You are commonly penalized on Finesse and Prowl checks.
  3. Deluded You believe in something that is patently false. Select a pretty broad opinion you have that is very controversial. Examples might include that the world is cylindrical, that ageing is a myth, or that a different sun rises each day, not the same old sun. Commonly penalizes Study rolls.
  4. Follower Your confidence depends on having others around to emulate and support. You are penalized when not having clear orders to follow.
  5. Forthright You cannot lie or dissemble. If asked a question and not prevented from answering (any distraction or a simple say-so from your allies suffices), you will give a honest and exhaustive answer. If an ally tells what you know to be a lie, the position might worsen from the faces you make.
  6. Growling You normally express yourself only in animal sounds. You can use words, but very slowly and not in situations of stress. Commonly penalizes Consort and Sway rolls.
  7. Hallucinations You suffer confusing visions of things unreal, unrealized, or just plain weird. You often suffer disadvantage on Hunt and Study rolls.
  8. Pacifist It is against your nature to do violence to other creatures, even simple bugs, requiring a push for you to do so.
  9. Squeamish You cannot stand to see your actions cause the ruin of another’s flesh, spill blood, or cause burns and scars. You suffer -1d when witnessing such events.