Academy (FiD)

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The Academy is a collective of scholars, explorers, and their guards and helpers dedicated to uncovering the world’s hidden knowledge. Whether delving into ancient ruins, decoding forgotten texts, or cataloging rare artifacts, the Academy seeks to preserve and expand the boundaries of understanding, driven by an unquenchable thirst for discovery.


Turf Reduces the reputation needed to advance by one. Library You get +1d to the engagement roll for exploration or study plans. Curio Shop You get +2 coin in payoff for scores that involve acquiring or selling rare items. Informants You get +1d to gather information for a score. Your network of scholars and explorers is always on the lookout for new leads. Turf Reduces the reputation needed to advance by one.
Museum Reduces the cost of advancing Tier by two coins. Sanctuary Your collection of artifacts and rare books start here and can extend horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally. Lecture Hall +1d to Consort and Sway rolls on-site. A prestigious place where your knowledge impresses visitors. Expedition Route Any time during downtime, roll dice equal to your Tier. You earn coin equal to the highest result, minus your heat. Workshop Any time during downtime, roll dice equal to your Tier. You earn coin equal to the highest result, minus your heat.
Artifact Cache You get +2 coin in payoff for scores that involve rare artifacts or ancient relics. Shrine You get -2 heat per score. Disguises You get +1d to the engagement roll for deception and infiltration plans. Turf Reduces the reputation needed to advance by one. Turf Reduces the reputation needed to advance by one.

Heat & Wanted Level

☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ | ☐☐☐☐


☐☐☐☐ | Vault ☐☐☐☐ | Vault 2 ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

Special Abilities

  1. Uncover Secrets: Each PC may add +1 action rating to Study, Survey, or Tinker (up to a max rating of 3).
  2. Scholarly Connections: Your network of scholars, archaeologists, and explorers is extensive. You may count up to three +3 faction statuses you hold as if they are turf.
  3. Ancient Knowledge: Your understanding of ancient texts and artifacts is unparalleled. The quality of any artifact or document you handle is considered Tier+2.
  4. Arcane Research: Through ritual or meticulous study, you have learned how to deal with arcane forces. Gain +1d to any roll involving the arcane or supernatural.
  5. Preservation Society: It’s crucial to keep a low profile while you work. Take -1 heat during downtime and +1d to gather info about ancient ruins or lost knowledge.
  6. Field Researchers: Your crew members are skilled in fieldwork. Add the hardy, prepared, or insightful trait to your cohorts to give them +1 quality.
  7. Endowed: When you advance your Tier, it costs half the coin it normally would. Who is your patron? Why do they fund your research?
  8. Additional Playbook: Select another crew playbook. From now on, you can choose its Claims, Special Abilities, Crew Contacts, and Upgrades. You gain immediate access only to the Crew XP.

Crew XP

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (or instead mark 2xp if that item occurred multiple times).

  1. Uncover lost knowledge, explore ancient ruins, or decode forgotten texts.
  2. Contend with challenges above your current station.
  3. Bolster your crew's reputation or develop a new one.
  4. Express the goals, drives, inner conflict, or essential nature of the crew.


  1. Valeria, an antiquarian
  2. Gorran, a tomb robber
  3. Petrus, a librarian
  4. Ilyas, an occultist
  5. Lady Mirwen, a noble patron
  6. Kelan Tor, an explorer

Crew Upgrades

☐ Scholars' rigging (1 carried item is concealed and has no load) ☐ Academy Contacts (+1 Tier in academic circles) ☐ Elite Guards ☐ Elite Researchers ☐-☐-☐ Composed (+1 stress box)

Lair ☐ ☐ Carriage ☐ ☐ Boat ☐ Hidden ☐ Quarters ☐ Secure ☐ ☐ Vault ☐ Workshop

Training ☐ Insight ☐ Prowess ☐ Resolve ☐ Personal ☐-☐-☐-☐ Mastery

Quality ☐ Documents ☐ Gear ☐ Implements ☐ Pet/Special ☐ Supplies ☐ Tools ☐ Weapons

Cohort upgrade costs

New Cohort: ☐-☐
Add Type: ☐-☐



Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


  1. An ancient text, said to hold the key to a lost civilization, surfaces in a rival's hands.
  2. A previously unknown ruin is discovered deep in the Deathlands, but it's infested with dangerous spirits.
  3. A noble patron demands the retrieval of a cursed artifact, offering significant funding if you succeed.
  4. A powerful occult society seeks your help in deciphering a set of arcane symbols that have stumped their scholars.
  5. A rival academy has been sabotaging your research, and you must uncover their plans.
  6. An expedition into an ancient ruin has gone missing—can you find and rescue them?
  7. A wealthy collector offers a substantial reward for an artifact currently in a heavily guarded museum.
  8. Your rival has published a groundbreaking paper using research you know they stole from you. How will you reclaim credit?
  9. A rare and dangerous creature has been discovered, and your patron wants it captured alive for study.
  10. A forgotten library has been unearthed, but the knowledge within is guarded by ancient traps and curses.