Cabal (FiD)

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A cabal is an alliance of political actors who want to push an agenda. Using intrigue and persuasion, the cabal works to affect society around them. The goals can be many and varied; a revolution, putting a pretender into power, pushing a social agenda, defeating another faction, or something entirely different.


Turf Reduces the reputation needed to advance by one. Public Speaker You get +1d to the engagement roll for social plans involving speeches or debates. Political Favor You get +2 coin in payoff for scores that involve influencing political figures. Spies You get +1d to Hunt or Survey on political opponents. Secret Network Any time during downtime, roll dice equal to your Tier. You earn coin equal to the highest result, minus your heat.
Turf Reduces the reputation needed to advance by one. Safehouse Reduces the cost of advancing Tier by two coins. Lair Your network of operatives starts here and can extend horizontally or vertically, but not diagonally. Turf Reduces the reputation needed to advance by one. Elite Venue +1d to Consort and Sway rolls on-site. Fine wines, literature, and decor impress the guests.
Influence Broker Any time during downtime, roll dice equal to your Tier. You earn coin equal to the highest result, minus your heat. Informants You get +1d to gather information on political rivals. Your operatives are always watching the streets. Blackmail Cache You get +2 coin in payoff for scores that involve political extortion. Safehouse You get -2 heat per score. Cover Identities get +1d to the engagement roll for deception and social plans.

Heat & Wanted Level

☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ | ☐☐☐☐


☐☐☐☐ | Vault ☐☐☐☐ | Vault 2 ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

Special Abilities

  1. Masters of Intrigue: Each PC may add +1 action rating to Command, Consort, or Sway (up to a max rating of 3).
  2. Allies in High Places: Count up to three +3 faction statuses as if they were turf. Sometimes, friends in power are as good as land.
  3. High Society Ties: Crew gains +1d on any Resolve action in high society.
  4. Network of Secrets: You are experts at gathering hidden information. +1d to gather information rolls about influential figures or institutions.
  5. Patronage: When you advance your Tier, it costs half the coin it normally would. Who is your patron? Why do they support your cause?
  6. Revolutionaries: Crew gains +1d on any Resolve action rolls with the poor.
  7. Rumor Mill: Crew may always use Consort as a flashback for a set up action for any Resolve action.
  8. Additional Playbook: Select another crew playbook. You may now choose its Claims, Special Abilities, Crew Contacts, and Upgrades. You gain immediate access only to the Crew XP.

Crew XP

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (or instead mark 2xp if that item occurred multiple times).

  1. Use intrigue, manipulation, or persuasion to further your agenda or control others.
  2. Contend with challenges above your current station.
  3. Bolster your crew's reputation or develop a new one.
  4. Express the goals, drives, inner conflict, or essential nature of the crew.


  1. Arlen, a political agitator
  2. Cassio, a diplomat
  3. Ilyas, a spy
  4. Lanthys, a corrupt city official
  5. Merva, a secret society leader
  6. Saruul, a noble patron

Crew Upgrades

☐ Blackmail Material (Gain leverage over influential figures) ☐ Elite Spies ☐ Elite Politicians ☐-☐-☐ Composed (+1 stress box)

Lair ☐☐ Hidden ☐ Quarters ☐☐ Secure ☐☐ Vault ☐ Workshop

Training ☐ Insight ☐ Prowess ☐ Resolve ☐ Personal ☐-☐-☐-☐ Mastery

Quality ☐ Documents ☐ Gear ☐ Implements ☐ Pet/Special ☐ Supplies ☐ Tools ☐ Weapons

Cohort upgrade costs

New Cohort: ☐-☐
Add Type: ☐-☐



Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


Quality ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Weak ☐, Impaired ☐, Broken ☐, Armor ☐


  1. A rising politician seeks your help to sway the common people in their favor.
  2. A noble house hires your cabal to undermine a rival by any means necessary.
  3. Whispers of rebellion stir among the lower classes—can you manipulate them into a powerful movement?
  4. A rival faction has blackmail material on a powerful city official. Steal or destroy it to weaken their influence.
  5. A pretender to the throne offers a lucrative partnership to put them in power, but can you trust their promises?
  6. A powerful merchant guild threatens to sway the political landscape in your enemy’s favor. Sabotage their operations.
  7. A secret society invites your cabal to a clandestine meeting. They claim to share your goals but may have their own hidden agenda.
  8. A prominent aristocrat is rumored to have an unsavory secret that could ruin them. Investigate and use it to your advantage.
  9. A charismatic speaker is rallying crowds to oppose your cabal’s agenda. Deal with them, publicly or privately.
  10. A wealthy faction is backing your political rivals. Turn the tables by exposing their corruption or finding your own powerful backer.
  11. A city official has gone missing under suspicious circumstances. Find out what happened and leverage the chaos to your advantage.
  12. A popular revolution is brewing, and its leaders seek your counsel. Will you help guide them to power, or exploit their cause for your own ends?