Fighter (FiD)

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Starfox's Blades in the Dark fan page

The Alchemist is a master of potions, poisons, and concoctions. With a vast knowledge of chemicals and herbs, they create powerful elixirs that can heal allies, weaken foes, or enhance physical capabilities. They are also natural philosophers, with practical knowledge of science and mechanics. Whether brewing in a lab or improvising in the field, the Alchemist always has something potent up their sleeve.

An adaptation of the Cutter.

Special Abilities
In addition to the listed powers, you have access to these special abilities.

  1. Battleborn: You may expend your special armor to reduce harm from an attack in combat or to push yourself during a fight.
  2. Bodyguard: When you protect a teammate, take +1d to your resistance roll. When you gather info to anticipate possible threats in the current situation, you get +1d.
  3. Ghost Fighter: You may imbue your hands, melee weapons, or tools with spirit energy. You gain potency in combat vs. the supernatural. You may grapple with spirits to restrain and capture them.
  4. Leader: When you Command a cohort in combat, they continue to fight when they would otherwise break (they're not taken out when they suffer level 3 harm). They gain potency and 1 armor.
  5. Mule: Your load limits are higher. Light: 5. Normal: 7. Heavy: 8.
  6. Not to be Trifled With: You can push yourself to do one of the following: perform a feat of physical force that verges on the superhuman—engage a small gang on equal footing in close combat.
  7. Savage: When you unleash physical violence, it's especially frightening. When you Command a frightened target, take +1d.
  8. Vigorous: You recover from harm faster. Permanently fill in one of your healing clock segments. Take +1d to healing treatment rolls.

Human Resources and Rivals

˄ ˅ Stazia, an apothecary.
˄ ˅ Eckerd, a thief.
˄ ˅ Malista, a priestess.
˄ ˅ Jul, a fixer.
˄ ˅ Eckerd, a crafter.

˄ ˅ Marle, a pugilist.
˄ ˅ Chael, a vicious thug.
˄ ˅ Mercy, a cold killer.
˄ ˅ Grace, an extortionist.
˄ ˅ Sawtooth, a physicker.


☐ Fine wrecker tools.
☐ Oil than renders five weapons potent ☐, ☐, ☐, ☐, ☐.
☐ Syringe crossbow. Small crossbow that injects a drug or poison.
☐ Bandolier of five alchemical creations ☐, ☐, ☐, ☐, ☐.
☐, ☐, ☐ Gadgets.


  • Every time you roll a desperate action, mark xp in that action's attribute.

At the end of each session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.

  • You addressed a challenge using violence or coercion.
  • You expressed your beliefs, drives, heritage, or background.
  • You struggled with issues from your vice or traumas during the session.

Starting Actions

Study 2
Tinker 1
4 points by choice, no higher than 2 in any one