Flux Powers (FiD)

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Flux is the power of luck, chaos, decay, and randomness, but also of freedom, inspiration, and art.

Flux is the power of unrealized potential; it is free energy and tension, infinite detail and variation without inherent meaning. Flux revels in randomness, and can produce spectacular but unpredictable results. This gives it an affinity for drunkenness and other inhibition-reducing states. Anything can be created using flux, but in its raw form it is uncontrollable and disruptive. Always chancy and dangerous, when it works flux manipulates events in your favor. This makes flux subtle, when it works, the effects are seemingly random events. Flux is opposed to order.

Flux attacks are natural events, like roof tiles falling on enemies or them tripping on a random passing turtle. Often not fatal unless the environment is particularly lethal. You can also use flux with weapons to improve your chances.

Flux creatures are strange spirits of whimsy, sometimes known as muses, sometimes as demons. They inspire arts and cause chaos. They may possess other creatures. If they take physical form they are often a chimera of different parts.

Flux Power Effects Table

Action Basic
No minimum
3 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
7 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
13 Stress
Attune Perceive
Detect supernatural creatures and powers.
Dismiss any any summon or dispel any power.
Summon a chaos creature
Create a portal to a plane of chaos.
Command Call to Chaos
Incite independence in any creature.
Call to Companions
Infinite range personal messages.
Call to Freedom
Inspire independence in new friends.
Break social bondage.
Consort Chaos Mask
Clothe yourself with chaos.
Shapechange into anything.
Shapechange the willing or helpless.
Chaotic Chase
Transform and incite crowds.
Finesse Ride
Ride any mount or vehicle.
Fine Local Control
A fine and potent melee attack.
Small random manipulations.
Suppress scale in melee.
Hunt Lucky Trail
Track by blind luck.
Lucky Shot
Attack like a fine and potent rifle.
Random Ruckus
Cause random events.
Attack like a fine and potent grenade.
Prowl Chaotic Cover
You can hide anywhere.
Fortune's Flow
Avoid random dangers.
Serendipitous Saunter
Crew Chaotic Cover and Fortune's Flow.
Out of the Fire
Teleport to a random location.
Skirmish Pratfall
Dodge chaos.
Anarchic Assault
Fine and potent melee attack.
Chaos Shroud
Negate scale in melee.
Anarchic Avalanche
Attack all enemies in a melee.
Study Analyze Anomaly
Identify powers and oddities.
Serendipity Seer
Learn abilities of powers and oddities.
Anomaly Archive
Learn history of powers and oddities.
Serendipity Sweep
Analyze lots of powers and oddities.
Survey Fortune's Find
Find random things.
Flux Farsight
Vision from an object of randomness
Serendipitous Scan
Vision of people in Flux.
Omniscient Opportunist
Perceive all Flux over a wide area.
Sway Intuitive Awareness
See likely actions of others.
Chance Concord
Crew can communicate with anyone.
Chance Compulsion
Post-hypnotic randomness.
You remove all inculcation or domestication from a creature, giving it the complete freedom of a wild and uncontrolled state.
Tinker Serendipity's Gift
With luck, you might find just the tool or component you need.
Chance Crafting
You can randomly shape any object as if they were of clay. This is not under your control but often fulfills your needs in an unexpected way.
Capricious Crafting
You can randomly reshape any object into any other object, hopefully a useful one. This can create complex tools, such as fine and potent items appropriate to the power(s) used.
You wish for an object and it might appear. This can be something large, such as a vehicle or building.
Wreck Chaotic Clutter
Objects seem to have suffered damage when they hinder you. Noisy and leaves a twisted object in place.
Anarchic Impact
You channel chaos into an object, making it bend and crack as if it was wood. Give it a good smash to break it.
Hushed Havoc
Similar to Anarchic Impact, but destroyed targets silently disappear or are reduced to a fine dust.
Chaos Cataclysm
Similar to Anarchic Impact, but over a large area. This can level a city block, empty a canal system of water, raze a city wall, and similar massive destruction.



Harness the power of Attune to perceive and manipulate supernatural energies, allowing you to detect and interact with beings and phenomena from other planes of existence.

Perceive: You gain the ability to detect supernatural creatures and powers. Your senses become attuned to the chaotic energies that permeate the world, allowing you to perceive entities and phenomena that are beyond the ordinary senses of mortals.

Dismiss: Through sheer force of will, you can compel any creature native to another plane of existence to return to that plane, or to cease the operation of any power. By disrupting the connection between the target and their plane of origin, you can banish them from the mortal realm or neutralize their abilities.

Summon: By tapping into the chaotic forces of other planes, you can call forth creatures from realms of pure chaos. However, these summoned beings are generally unwilling servants, and their obedience may be tenuous at best. You can issue them a single command, which they must obey, but maintaining control over them beyond that initial command may require further study or even a separate score.

Gate: With the power of Gate, you can create temporary portals that allow travel to and from chaotic planes of existence. These portals are unpredictable in nature, and the destination may vary each time they are opened. Exercise caution when using this power, as it can lead to encounters with beings of immense power and unpredictability.


Command the forces of chaos with unparalleled authority, compelling obedience and inciting independence among those who would heed your call.

Call to Chaos: Through your commanding presence and the incitement of independence and chaos, you can compel obedience from anyone within your vicinity. Those affected by your command understand your intentions, but you may not comprehend their responses. Use this power to rally allies or sow discord among your enemies.

Translate: With the ability to translate languages, you and your allies can communicate effectively with any kind of creature, regardless of their native tongue or form of communication. This power breaks down barriers to understanding and fosters cooperation in diverse situations.

Call to Freedom: By inspiring independence and chaos in those around you, you can influence individuals as if you were their trusted friend. However, be mindful that encouraging independence may lead to actions that are not necessarily advantageous to your goals. Use this power to liberate allies or disrupt the plans of your adversaries.

Emancipate: With Emancipate, you have the power to permanently free creatures from the shackles of command and control. This liberation grants them complete autonomy and resistance to external influences, allowing them to embrace their wild and unbridled nature.


Embrace the chaotic nature of flux to forge connections and shape reality itself, transforming both yourself and the world around you with boundless creativity.

Chaos Mask: Through manipulation of chaotic energies, you can imbue your clothes and accessories with an ever-shifting appearance. This ability allows you to conceal your identity or create dazzling outfits that reflect the unpredictability of flux.

Shapechange: Shapechange grants you the ability to transform into any form you desire. However, this transformation is unstable and may have unforeseen consequences. While transformed, your actions may be affected by random fluctuations, making each transformation a gamble with uncertain outcomes.

Transform: With Transform, you can shapechange willing or helpless creatures at will. This transformative effect can be a boon or a curse, depending on the circumstances. Breaking the transformation is possible but not easy, requiring careful intervention to reverse its effects.

Chaotic Chase: This power allows you to transform a large number of creatures, whether willing or non-sentient, and give them a simple instruction. However, the chaotic nature of flux ensures that these creatures may not adhere to your commands, leading to unpredictable outcomes.


Master the art of finesse and manipulation, wielding luck as a potent weapon to achieve precision strikes and subtle control over your surroundings.

Ride: With the ability to ride any mount or vehicle as if it were domesticated, you gain unparalleled control over your means of transportation. Whether it be a steed or a vehicle, you can navigate with finesse and ease, unlocking new avenues of mobility.

Fine Local Control: Harnessing luck as a potent weapon, you can execute precise close-range attacks with remarkable accuracy. This power grants you the finesse and precision of a seasoned duelist, enabling you to strike with deadly precision at your adversaries.

Manipulate: Through precise manipulation of luck, you can exert control over the environment from a distance. Whether it's opening doors, triggering mechanisms, or hindering your enemies, this power allows for subtle and precise actions as long as your luck holds.

Surge: By invoking a rain of random chaos, you can suppress the abilities of multiple opponents and unleash havoc upon your enemies. This power acts as both a defensive shield and an offensive weapon, providing you with a potent tool for controlling the battlefield.


Embark on a journey guided by blind luck and uncanny intuition, tracking prey and evading pursuit with the unpredictable grace of flux.

Lucky Trail: With the aid of blind luck, you can track, pursue, and hide from your adversaries with uncanny efficiency. Events seem to conspire in your favor, guiding you toward your quarry while confounding your pursuers.

Lucky Shot: Channeling your power into a focused attack, you can unleash devastating strikes akin to a fine and potent rifle. This precision allows you to target foes with lethal accuracy, turning the tide of battle in your favor.

Random Ruckus You can cause a random accident. You cannot control what will happen, but it will usually be a good distraction.

Random Carnage: Utilizing your power to its fullest extent, you can unleash chaos upon the battlefield, striking down multiple enemies with devastating force. However, be wary of collateral damage, as the indiscriminate nature of this power may harm allies as well as foes.


Move through the shadows with effortless grace, navigating treacherous terrain and eluding detection with the serendipitous blessings of chaos.

Chaotic Cover: Blend into your surroundings with ease, protected by random distractions that confound the senses of those who seek to find you. While this cover may not last long, it provides a valuable advantage in stealth and evasion.

Fortune's Flow: Move through environments with the grace and ease of one blessed by fortune. Events seem to conspire in your favor, clearing obstacles and opening paths to freedom.

Serendipitous Saunter: Bring your allies along on your adventures, sharing the benefits of Chaotic Cover and Fortune's Flow. Together, you can navigate treacherous terrain and evade pursuit with uncanny efficiency.

Out of the Fire: When danger looms, escape to safety with the power of teleportation. Teleport to a random location within the same city or region, evading danger and gaining a chance to regroup and plan your next move.


Engage in combat with reckless abandon, unleashing chaos upon your foes and wielding the unpredictable power of flux to devastating effect.

Pratfall: Utilizing flux in combat is a high-risk endeavor, with each successive use raising the stakes of failure. Engaging multiple enemies in skirmish after skirmish increases the likelihood of dire consequences.

Anarchic Assault: Unleash devastating attacks upon your foes with the power of flux. Similar to a standard skirmish attack, but with the added potency of fine and potent weaponry.

Chaos Shroud: Create distractions and obstructions that hinder your enemies and level the playing field. This power disrupts enemy formations and prevents them from overwhelming you with sheer numbers.

Anarchic Avalanche: Unleash chaos in all directions, striking out at multiple enemies simultaneously. This wide-ranging attack can turn the tide of battle in your favor, but be prepared for the unpredictable consequences of wielding such power.


Delve into the mysteries of flux and uncover its secrets, gaining insights into the nature of chaos and unlocking its potential to reshape reality.

Analyze Anomaly: Unlock the secrets of flux powers and creatures by studying their abilities and weaknesses. This power grants you insights into the nature of chaos and allows you to exploit its vulnerabilities.

Serendipity Seer: Peer into the future and gain glimpses of events yet to come. By focusing on a particular creature, you can gain insights into their fate and the role they may play in future events.

Anomaly Archive: Delve into the past and uncover the hidden history of objects and creatures affected by flux. This power allows you to trace the origins of artifacts and beings, shedding light on their past and potential future.

Serendipity Sweep: Extend your analysis to a wider area, scanning for flux and its effects across a broad swath of territory. While more challenging at greater distances, this power provides valuable information for planning and strategizing.


Peer through the veil of chaos to glimpse the future and perceive the world with newfound clarity, guided by the serendipitous whims of flux.

Fortune's Find: Stumble upon valuable information, people, and paths through sheer chance. While these encounters may prove fortuitous, be wary of the dangers that lurk beneath the surface.

Flux Farsight: Peer through the veil of chaos and perceive distant objects behaving erratically. This power grants you insight into the nature of flux, allowing you to observe its effects from afar.

Serendipitous Scan: Receive visions of future encounters with random entities or objects. These glimpses into the future may provide valuable insights or warnings of impending danger.

Omniscient Opportunist: Attune your senses to the chaotic energies around you, perceiving all random coincidences within your vicinity. This heightened awareness allows you to anticipate events and react accordingly, providing valuable information to yourself and your allies.


Influence the minds of others with the subtle art of persuasion, tapping into the chaotic undercurrents of flux to sway hearts and minds alike.

Intuitive Awareness: Understand the motivations and intentions of any creature, regardless of their nature or origin. While you can gauge their thoughts and emotions, they may not comprehend your own intentions.

Chance Concord: Establish communication with any being, transcending language barriers and fostering understanding and cooperation. This power promotes unity and collaboration among diverse groups and individuals.

Chance Compulsion: Implant random impulses in the minds of creatures, compelling them to act under specific conditions. These impulses may manifest as drastic actions or violent outbursts, depending on the circumstances.

Liberation: Free creatures from the constraints of domestication and control, granting them the freedom to act according to their own will. This power liberates beings from oppression and empowers them to embrace their wild and untamed nature.


Craft reality itself with the capricious touch of flux, shaping objects and forging connections with the serendipitous creativity of chaos.

Serendipity's Gift: Discover tools and components through sheer luck, finding exactly what you need at the most opportune moments. This power facilitates innovation and creativity, enabling you to overcome obstacles with ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Chance Crafting: Shape objects at random, molding them like clay to suit your needs. While you may not have full control over the outcome, this power often yields surprising and unexpected results.

Capricious Crafting: Transform objects into new forms, reshaping them into complex tools and items of value. This power allows for the creation of fine and potent artifacts, limited only by your imagination and the chaotic nature of flux.

Wish: Manifest objects through the power of sheer will, bringing forth items of great significance or utility. Whether it's a vehicle or a building, this power allows you to materialize your desires into reality.


Unleash devastation upon the world with the unstoppable force of chaos, tearing down obstacles and reshaping the very fabric of reality with reckless abandon.

Chaotic Clutter: Leave a trail of destruction in your wake, twisting and deforming objects as you move through the environment. This power disrupts and disorients your adversaries, creating chaos and confusion on the battlefield.

Anarchic Impact: Channel chaos into objects, causing them to bend and crack under the strain. With a well-placed strike, you can shatter obstacles and incapacitate foes, turning the tide of battle in your favor.

Hushed Havoc: Destroy targets silently and efficiently, reducing them to dust with a single blow. This power allows for covert operations and stealthy takedowns, leaving no trace of your presence behind.

Chaos Cataclysm: Unleash chaos on a massive scale, leveling entire city blocks and reshaping the landscape with devastating force. This power is the pinnacle of destruction, capable of laying waste to vast areas with a single act of chaos.