Time Powers (FiD)

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Time is a mysterious and dangerous power. It allows looking into the past and possible futures, but can create deadly paradoxes.

Time is the governing principle of all things, the regulator or the stream from Order to Flux. Together with Space, Time governs position and movement. The universe would be incomprehensible without orderly time. Time is a favorite of disaster theorists. Many claim that time manipulation is foolhardy and dangerous. Some claim time is an artifact of our perception; that it is the ultimate prison. Time travel is possible, but temporal inertia tend to restore events to what they were and minimize the effect of any changes to the past.

Time attacks stops time for an instant, then you set up weapons and events to cause harm when time resumes. They are hard to defend against, but likely to cause severe backlash if time is released too soon.

Time Power Effects

Action Basic
No minimum
3 Stress
Minimum 2 Dice
5 Stress
Minimum 4 Dice
7 Stress
Minimum 6 Dice
13 Stress
Attune Chrono Sense
Detect time creatures and powers.
Causality Collapse
Dismiss a Time creature or power effects.
Chrono Conjuration
Summon a Time a creature.
Break down causality.
Command Time Whisper
Command Time creatures that normally wouldn't understand you.
Temporal Tip
Send messages to your past self to improve resistance.
Time Tongues
You and allies can communicate with time creatures.
Time Tyrant
Command Time creatures as if you were their superior.
Consort Alter Age
You can change your age.
Temporal Transition
Become an alternate self.
Chrono Change
Temporal Transition others.
Wild Hunt
Temporal Transition crowds.
Finesse Temporal Turbo
Increase the speed of a mount or vehicle.
Time Technique
Set up a fine and potent close-range attack.
Time Trim
Manipulate time precisely in small spots.
Chrono Charge
Set up a storm of blades, suppressing scale.
Hunt Time Trace
Track time-travellers and time warps.
Temporal Target
Reverse time to make a creature attack itself.
Change how much time an event takes.
Temporal Turmoil
Reverse time to make several attacks go wild.
Prowl Time Tactician
A warning of future events.
Double Time
Double your movement.
Temporal Transport
Crew Time Tactician and Double Time.
Time Travel
Time travel. Extremely dangerous.
Skirmish Stop Watch
Resist Time damage.
Time Touch
Set up a melee attack.
Temporeal Tango
Distracting slow time.
Time Torrent
Set up a storm of attacks.
Study Chrono Classifier
Identify objects and creatures of Time.
Chrono Clarifier
Learn the powers and abilities of Time.
Chrono Chronicle
Observe the past and possible futures at your location.
Chrono Cartographer
Chrono Chronicle on everything in a wide area.
Survey Time Tingle
Notice Time effects in a wide area.
Time Twinkle
View a place in a potential past or future
Temporal Temptation
View a creature in a potential past or future.
Transcend Time
Perceive area in a potential past or future.
Sway Tempo
Understand time creatures and their motivations.
Translate Time
Crew can communicate with time creatures.
Temporal Temptation
Plant suggestions for future action in any mind.
Temporal Tyrant
Permanently change the mind of a Time creature.
Tinker Overklock
Work with clock tools and protective devices.
Tailor Tempo
Make a machine operate faster or slower.
Time Transformation
Conjure objects from alternate timelines.
Conjurer's Clock
Mass produce or make something large, like the Big Ben.
Wreck Age Erodes
Noisily compress the wear of time.
Future Fault
Expose objects to potential future events.
Date of Destruction
Future Fault, but silent.
Tide of Time
Future Fault a large area.

Expanded Time Powers

Expanded descriptions of effects that differ significantly from Typical Powers.


Chrono Sense Detect time creatures and powers.

Causality Collapse Dismiss a Time creature or power effects.

Chrono Conjuration Summon a Time creature.

Wish Break down causality.


Time Whisper Command Time creatures that normally wouldn't understand you.

Temporal Tip Send messages to your past self to improve resistance.

Time Tongues You and allies can communicate with time creatures.

Time Tyrant Command Time creatures as if you were their superior.


Alter Age You can change your age.

Temporal Transition Become an alternate self.

Chrono Change Temporal Transition others.

Wild Hunt Temporal Transition crowds.


Temporal Turbo Increase the speed of a mount or vehicle.

Time Technique Set up a fine and potent close-range attack.

Time Trim Manipulate time precisely in small spots.

Chrono Charge Set up a storm of blades, suppressing scale.


Time Trace Track time-travellers and time warps.

Temporal Target Reverse time to make a creature attack itself.

Timelapse Change how much time an event takes.

Temporal Turmoil Reverse time to make several attacks go wild.


Time Tactician A warning of future events.

Double Time Double your movement.

Temporal Transport Crew Time Tactician and Double Time.

Time Travel Time travel. Extremely dangerous.


Stop Watch Resist Time damage.

Time Touch Set up a melee attack.

Temporeal Tango Distracting slow time.

Time Torrent Set up a storm of attacks.


Chrono Classifier Identify objects and creatures of Time.

Chrono Clarifier Learn the powers and abilities of Time.

Chrono Chronicle Observe the past and possible futures at your location.

Chrono Cartographer Chrono Chronicle on everything in a wide area.


Time Tingle Notice Time effects in a wide area.

Time Twinkle View a place in a potential past or future.

Temporal Temptation View a creature in a potential past or future.

Transcend Time Perceive area in a potential past or future.


Tempo Understand time creatures and their motivations.

Translate Time Crew can communicate with time creatures.

Temporal Temptation Plant suggestions for future action in any mind.

Temporal Tyrant Permanently change the mind of a Time creature.


Overklock Work with clock tools and protective devices.

Tailor Tempo Make a machine operate faster or slower.

Time Transformation Conjure objects from alternate timelines.

Conjurer's Clock Mass produce or make something large, like the Big Ben.


Age Erodes Noisily compress the wear of time.

Future Fault Expose objects to potential future events.

Date of Destruction Future Fault, but silent.

Tide of Time Future Fault a large area.


Chrono Conjuration
Summon Time creatures or versions of yourself from alternate timelines. A common trick is the three ages of fate, that is yourself at two additional different ages.

Break down causality, causing events to happen without cause. This is beyond dangerous but can allow wish fulfilment.

Time Trim
Manipulate time precisely in small spots. This can slow down or hasten alarms, timers, and other mechanisms.

Transcend Time
Perceive a large area in the past or a potential future, giving you an idea of strategic events.

Chrono Sense You can detect time creatures and powers.

Causality Collapse Force a time creature that is native to another plane of existence to return to that plane. You can end power effects by forcing their duration to run out.

Break down causality, causing events to happen without cause.

Chrono Conjuration Summon time creatures or versions of yourself from alternate timelines. A common trick is the three ages of fate, that is yourself at two additional different ages.

Wish You can break down causality, causing events to happen without cause. This is beyond dangerous but can allow wish fulfilment.

Temporal Turbo
Increase the speed of a mount or vehicle giving it fine quality.