Fox in the Dark

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Fox in the DarkFox in the Dark logo
Starfox's Blades in the Dark fan page

House Rules

Yes, this is still Starfox.

  • Fumble If you have to select a die result of one, this is a fumble and worse than an outright failure. This is not always relevant depending on the situation, but can be compared to a critical success, except it is the opposition that scores the critical. Page 7.
  • Back for Seconds When you check your last stress box and suffer a trauma condition, you erase all stress. You remain in the scene and the GM may offer you some insight or opportunity. For the rest of the score you can focus at a cost of a single point of stress. Page 13.
  • To Resist or Not Resist When you make a resistance roll and find the amount of stress lost unacceptable, you can chose to not resist, take the consequence, and suffer only 1 stress. Page 32.
  • Irresistible Plot Sometimes a consequence might be a hidden plot development. These may not be resistible. Page 32.
  • Whatever happened to bullet-proof? When successfully resisting consequences, the position the consequence is based on improves by two steps. This includes harm. A deadly consequence becomes a controlled consequence, risky and controlled consequences are completely negated. This lessens the difference between harm and other consequences, and makes deadly position more dangerous.' Page 32.
  • Your Crew's Hunting Ground is good for all kinds of scores, not just one type. Page 93.
  • Training Ain't Fast The Training downtime action always gives 1 xp and can only be done once during a downtime period. If you have the Training crew upgrade, you have an additional opportunity to train that particular aspect or for your playbook for each training upgrade you have. This still requires additional downtime actions. Page 94.
  • Not as Bad as it Looks At the end of a score, all player characters reduce all harm by one level. Page 155.
  • The Consort action covers socializing and mingling with any group of people, not just allies. It allows you to adopt a persona fitting any occasion. Page 172.


Mundane Playbooks
  1. Alchemist Scientist.
  2. Bravo Brutal warrior.
  3. Enchanter Crafts magic.
  4. Fighter Master of arms.
  5. Mastermind Planner.
  6. Mountebank Charming trickster.
  7. Occultist Magic without powers.
  8. Ranger Hunter.
  9. Rogue Stealthy trickster.
  10. Swashbuckler Dexterous warrior.
Power Playbooks
  1. Animism Power of spirits.
  2. Chi Inner power.
  3. Chosen Gifted by god.
  4. Jedi The Force.
  5. Monster Savage power.
  6. Mutation Power in the body.
  7. Orphic Power of performance.
  8. Psi Futuristic magic.
  9. Sorcery Power of heritage.
  10. Soulsworn Trade soul for power.
  11. Starborn Power of destiny.
  12. Technomancer Power of Technology.
  13. Theurgy Miracles from study.
  14. Wizardry Magic from study.
