Personality Deck

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A quick and dirty way of generating personality. Draw cards from a deck of cards and read the result in the table below. Two cards is a good place to start. The suit of each card determines the focus of that personality trait as listed in the headers. The value of the card indicates quality, with low cards being negative traits and high cards positive values. The ace is considered the lowest card and indicates a subversion of the value. The clothed cards represent the highest values and are so notable they are obvious.

  1. Brutal
  2. Hysterical
  3. Vicious
  4. Rough
  5. Stubborn
  6. Impetuous
  7. Forceful
  8. Fiery
  9. Fierce
  10. Potent
  11. [Jack]—Combative
  12. [Queen]—Passionate
  13. [King]—Commanding


  1. Narcissist
  2. Aloft
  3. Cold
  4. Introverted
  5. Neighborly
  6. Approachable
  7. Intimate
  8. Gregarious
  9. Warm
  10. Honorable
  11. [Jack]—Lustful
  12. [Queen]—Loving
  13. [King]—Just
  1. Racketeer
  2. Niggardly
  3. Gainful
  4. Frugal
  5. Eager
  6. Inventive
  7. Energetic
  8. Constructive
  9. Vigorous
  10. Effective
  11. [Jack]—Dynamic
  12. [Queen]—Prolific
  13. [King]—Lavish


  1. Fraud
  2. Zealous
  3. Ruthless
  4. Pompous
  5. Aspiring
  6. Hopeful
  7. Earnest
  8. Striving
  9. Enterprising
  10. Resourceful
  11. [Jack]—Brilliant
  12. [Queen]—Inspired
  13. [King]—Charismatic
  1. Red Joker—Draw another card and subvert the trope
  2. Black Joker—Draw 2 new cards


  1. [Ace] Hysterical Wildly emotional and lacking self control, leading to exaggerated responses that worsen conflicts, as decisions are made impulsively in the heat of intense emotion rather than reason.
  2. Brutal Raw, unrefined power. Brutal tactics to dominate through force but often at the cost of sustainability and harmony, creating more enemies and problems than it solves.
  3. Vicious Intentionally harmful, seeking dominance through cruelty. Effective short-term, but prone to backfiring due to the resentment it creates.
  4. Impetuous Acting on impulse can create momentary victories, but the lack of thought leads to unnecessary risks, making this trait unreliable in prolonged conflict.
  5. Stubborn Persistence can help endure conflict, but rigidness and refusal to compromise often prevent effective resolution, causing conflict to drag on unnecessarily.
  6. Combative Eager to engage in direct confrontation, combative individuals thrive in battle or arguments but often escalate situations rather than defuse them. Effective in physical conflict but not in negotiation.
  7. Cunning Clever and strategic, using guile and intellect to navigate conflict. They manipulate situations to their advantage without needing direct confrontation.
  8. Steadfast Resilient and unyielding, steadfast individuals remain committed in the face of adversity. Their consistency and endurance lead to eventual success.
  9. Fiery Channeling intense emotion and passion, Fiery individuals bring energy and aggression to conflict, inspiring others and overwhelming opponents with sheer drive.
  10. Forceful Assertive and commanding, forceful individuals don’t shy away from making decisions and taking control of situations. Effective in driving conflict toward a clear resolution.
  11. [Jack] Potent Potent individuals influence conflict with their sheer presence, using power strategically. They act decisively and with far-reaching impact.
  12. [Queen] Passionate Deeply driven by strong beliefs or emotions, passionate individuals rally others to their cause. Their devotion makes them effective leaders, though emotions may occasionally cloud judgment.
  13. [King] Sovereign The pinnacle of conflict mastery. Sovereign individuals control situations with authority, wisdom, and strategy. They resolve conflicts by leading others decisively, inspiring loyalty, and maintaining order with minimal force.


  1. [Ace] Narcissist Self-centered and focused on personal gain, often lacking genuine interest in others. While they can be charming, narcissists ultimately prioritize themselves over relationships.
  2. Cold Lacking warmth or ability to express empathy; emotionally detached and unapproachable. Cold individuals create distance and hinder sociability.
  3. Haughty Exhibiting an attitude of superiority, haughty individuals believe themselves above engaging with those they consider beneath them.
  4. Introverted With limited energy for social interaction, introverts can be social but need periods of quiet to recharge.
  5. Approachable Friendly and easy to talk to, making others feel comfortable. Approachable individuals invite interaction without deeper comittment.
  6. Supportive Offering help and encouragement to others, fostering a sense of safety and belonging. Supportive individuals create a nurturing environment for relationships.
  7. Warm Showing genuine kindness and compassion, warm individuals create a positive atmosphere and encourage closeness in relationships.
  8. Gregarious Sociable and outgoing, thriving in social settings. Gregarious individuals enjoy being around others and often initiate social interactions.
  9. Intimate Deeply connected and emotionally available, intimate individuals share personal thoughts and feelings, fostering strong bonds.
  10. Honorable Upholding strong moral principles and valuing integrity in relationships. Honorable individuals inspire trust and respect among their peers.
  11. [Jack] Captivating Possessing an irresistible charm that draws others in, captivating individuals engage closely, using their allure and confidence to win hearts and minds.
  12. [Queen] Loving Showing deep affection and care, loving individuals create nurturing environments and foster strong emotional connections.
  13. [King] Principled Fair and impartial, just individuals value equity and respect in relationships, striving to treat everyone with fairness.


  1. [Ace] Racketeer Engaging in dishonest or illegal activities for profit. Racketeers are often opportunistic and manipulative, willing to exploit situations for short-term gain.
  2. Niggardly Unwilling to expend resources even when it would be wise to do so. Niggardly individuals are often overly cautious, refusing to reinvest in projects despite their potential.
  3. Naive Lacking experience or sophistication, easily deceived or tricked.
  4. Superstitious Unusually easily distracted by predictions, signs, and portents and prone to seek supernatural advice
  5. Frugal Careful with money and resources, emphasizing thriftiness. Frugal individuals find ways to save and make the most of what they have.
  6. Diligent Showing careful and persistent effort, diligent individuals are reliable and thorough in their tasks.
  7. Constructive Focused on building and improving, constructive individuals contribute positively to projects and situations, working towards effective outcomes.
  8. Inventive Creative and resourceful, often finding innovative solutions to problems. Inventive individuals can think outside the box and generate new ideas.
  9. Strategic Focused on long-term goals and plans, strategic individuals think critically about how to achieve their aims effectively.
  10. Effective Able to produce desired results, effective individuals prioritize efficiency and success in their endeavors.
  11. [Jack] Dynamic Full of energy and new ideas, dynamic individuals are adaptable and thrive in changing environments, often leading innovation.
  12. [Queen] Prolific Highly productive and creative, prolific individuals consistently generate high-quality work and outputs across various fields.
  13. [King] Bountiful Generous and abundant, reflecting a high level of productivity and resourcefulness.


  1. [Ace] Fraud Deceptive and untrustworthy, fraudsters break rules and manipulate others for personal gain, undermining future trust and relationships in pursuit of quick gain.
  2. Pompous Self-important and arrogant, pompous individuals often overestimate their abilities, leading to misguided ambitions and alienation of peers.
  3. Unfocused Lacking direction and maturity, unfocused individuals struggle to maintain their ambition, flitting between goals without commitment.
  4. Manipulative Skilled at influencing and controlling others, manipulative individuals pursue their ambitions through cunning tactics, which can lead others to have unrealistic expectations on them.
  5. Opportunist Always on the lookout for advantageous situations, opportunists capitalize on circumstances. They often prioritize immediate benefits at the expense of long-term goals.
  6. Prudent Cautious and wise in decision-making, prudent individuals carefully assess risks and benefits before pursuing their ambitions, balancing ambition with responsibility.
  7. Calculating Strategically minded, calculating individuals analyze situations carefully to manipulate outcomes to their advantage, often prioritizing success over ethics.
  8. Earnest Sincere and serious in their pursuits, earnest individuals are dedicated to their ambitions, though they may lack the skill to execute their plans effectively.
  9. Enterprising Able to adapt and find solutions, enterprising individuals agilely navigate challenges and go for their immediate goal.
  10. [Jack] Brilliant Highly intelligent and insightful, brilliant individuals possess the capacity to realize their ambitions through innovative thinking and problem-solving.
  11. [Queen] Inspired Driven by creativity and passion, inspired individuals channel their visions into actionable goals, motivating others to join their pursuits.
  12. [King] Visionary Having a clear and imaginative view of the future, visionary individuals set ambitious goals and inspire others.