Personality Deck

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A quick and dirty way of generating personality. Draw cards from a deck of cards and read the result in the table below. Two cards is a good place to start. The suit of each card determines the focus of that personality trait as listed in the headers. The value of the card indicates quality, with low cards being negative traits and high cards positive values. The ace is considered the lowest card and indicates a subversion of the value. The clothed cards represent the highest values and are so notable they are obvious.

  1. Brutal
  2. Hysterical
  3. Vicious
  4. Rough
  5. Stubborn
  6. Impetuous
  7. Forceful
  8. Fiery
  9. Fierce
  10. Potent
  11. [Jack]—Combative
  12. [Queen]—Passionate
  13. [King]—Commanding


  1. Narcissist
  2. Aloft
  3. Cold
  4. Introverted
  5. Neighborly
  6. Approachable
  7. Intimate
  8. Gregarious
  9. Warm
  10. Honorable
  11. [Jack]—Lustful
  12. [Queen]—Loving
  13. [King]—Just
  1. Racketeer
  2. Niggardly
  3. Gainful
  4. Frugal
  5. Eager
  6. Inventive
  7. Energetic
  8. Constructive
  9. Vigorous
  10. Effective
  11. [Jack]—Dynamic
  12. [Queen]—Prolific
  13. [King]—Lavish


  1. Fraud
  2. Zealous
  3. Ruthless
  4. Pompous
  5. Aspiring
  6. Hopeful
  7. Earnest
  8. Striving
  9. Enterprising
  10. Resourceful
  11. [Jack]—Brilliant
  12. [Queen]—Inspired
  13. [King]—Charismatic
  1. Red Joker—Draw another card and subvert the trope
  2. Black Joker—Draw 2 new cards


  1. [Ace] Brutal Exhibiting an extreme and often cruel disregard for others’ feelings or well-being. Brutal tactics are direct to the point of harshness, often lacking empathy and relying on domination in conflicts.
  2. Hysterical Uncontrollably emotional, often irrational, with exaggerated responses to stress or excitement. Hysterical individuals are prone to extreme reactions, often making a bad situation worse by losing control.
  3. Vicious Deliberately cruel or violent, often taking pleasure in causing harm. Vicious individuals seek to hurt others, physically or emotionally, and show no remorse for the pain they cause.
  4. Rough Lacking refinement or gentleness in manner or approach. Rough individuals can be abrasive or unpolished, often bluntly honest without regard for how their words or actions might affect others.
  5. Stubborn Unwilling to change or compromise, stubborn individuals hold fast to their opinions or decisions, even in the face of reason or persuasion, often prolonging conflict.
  6. Impetuous Acting quickly without thought or care, impetuous individuals are impulsive, often making rash decisions that lead to unnecessary risks or unforeseen consequences.
  7. Forceful Strong, assertive, and direct in approach. Forceful individuals dominate conversations or situations with intensity, seeking quick results through their confidence and decisiveness.
  8. Fiery Full of strong emotion, fiery individuals are passionate and quick-tempered. Their energy can be inspiring but also volatile, as they react quickly and forcefully to opposition.
  9. Fierce Showing intense aggression, determination, or strength, especially in combat or conflict. Fierce individuals fight with unrelenting force, overwhelming their opponents through sheer willpower.
  10. Potent Possessing great power, influence, or effectiveness. Potent individuals command respect with their inherent strength or abilities, often influencing the outcome of conflicts with minimal effort.
  11. [Jack] Combative Eager to fight or argue, combative individuals thrive in confrontation. They are quick to engage in conflict, whether physical or verbal, often escalating situations.
  12. [Queen] Passionate Driven by strong emotions, passionate individuals are intensely devoted to their beliefs or causes. Their enthusiasm can inspire others, though they may struggle with tempering their emotions.
  13. [King] Commanding Possessing a natural authority and control over situations. Commanding individuals lead with decisiveness and inspire loyalty, resolving conflicts through their confidence and strategic thinking.


  1. [Ace] Narcissist Self-centered and focused on personal gain, often lacking genuine interest in others. While they can be charming, narcissists ultimately prioritize themselves over relationships.
  2. Cold Lacking warmth or friendliness; emotionally detached and unapproachable. Cold individuals create distance and hinder sociability.
  3. Aloof Distant and indifferent, often appearing uninterested in social interaction. Aloof individuals may seem detached, contributing to isolation.
  4. Introverted Preferring solitary activities or small gatherings, introverts may struggle in large social settings but can form deep, meaningful connections when engaged.
  5. Approachable Friendly and easy to talk to, making others feel comfortable. Approachable individuals invite interaction and can break down social barriers.
  6. Supportive Offering help and encouragement to others, fostering a sense of safety and belonging. Supportive individuals create a nurturing environment for relationships.
  7. Warm Showing genuine kindness and compassion, warm individuals create a positive atmosphere and encourage closeness in relationships.
  8. Gregarious Sociable and outgoing, thriving in social settings. Gregarious individuals enjoy being around others and often initiate social interactions.
  9. Intimate Deeply connected and emotionally available, intimate individuals share personal thoughts and feelings, fostering strong bonds.
  10. Honorable Upholding strong moral principles and valuing integrity in relationships. Honorable individuals inspire trust and respect among their peers.
  11. [Jack] Captivating Possessing an irresistible charm that draws others in, captivating individuals engage closely, using their allure and confidence to win hearts and spark desire.
  12. [Queen] Loving Showing deep affection and care, loving individuals create nurturing environments and foster strong emotional connections.
  13. [King] Principled Fair and impartial, just individuals value equity and respect in relationships, striving to treat everyone with fairness.


  1. [Ace] Racketeer Engaging in dishonest or illegal activities for profit. Racketeers are often opportunistic and manipulative, willing to exploit situations for financial gain.
  2. Niggardly Unwilling to expend resources even when it would be wise to do so. Niggardly individuals are often overly cautious, refusing to reinvest in projects despite their potential.
  3. Gainful Producing a profit or advantageous result. Gainful individuals seek opportunities that maximize benefits in their endeavors.
  4. Frugal Careful with money and resources, emphasizing thriftiness. Frugal individuals find ways to save and make the most of what they have.
  5. Eager Demonstrating enthusiasm and readiness to take action. Eager individuals are often driven to pursue their goals, sometimes impulsively.
  6. Inventive Creative and resourceful, often finding innovative solutions to problems. Inventive individuals can think outside the box and generate new ideas.
  7. Energetic Full of vitality and vigor; energetic individuals bring enthusiasm and dynamism to their pursuits, motivating those around them.
  8. Constructive Focused on building and improving, constructive individuals contribute positively to projects and situations, working towards effective outcomes.
  9. Vigorous Strong and energetic in effort, vigorous individuals approach tasks with intensity and determination, often inspiring others through their drive.
  10. Effective Able to produce desired results, effective individuals prioritize efficiency and success in their endeavors.
  11. [Jack] Dynamic Full of energy and new ideas, dynamic individuals are adaptable and thrive in changing environments, often leading innovation.
  12. [Queen] Prolific Highly productive and creative, prolific individuals consistently generate high-quality work and outputs across various fields.
  13. [King] Lavish Generous and extravagant in providing resources, lavish individuals reflect a high level of productivity and abundance.


  1. [Ace] Fraud Engaging in deceitful practices for personal gain, frauds manipulate situations and others for their advantage, often leading to mistrust.
  2. Zealous Excessively fervent or enthusiastic, zealous individuals may let dogma and emotion cloud their judgment, often pursuing unattainable or harmful goals.
  3. Ruthless Showing no pity or compassion, ruthless individuals pursue their ambitions with a single-minded determination that can lead to destructive consequences.
  4. Pompous Exhibiting an inflated sense of self-importance, pompous individuals often alienate others through their arrogance and self-aggrandizing behavior.
  5. Aspiring Having ambitions or aspirations but lacking the maturity or focus to pursue them effectively. Aspiring individuals often flounder without clear direction.
  6. Hopeful Maintaining a positive outlook and expectation for the future, hopeful individuals inspire others with their optimism, even in challenging situations.
  7. Earnest Sincere and serious in intention, earnest individuals are dedicated and genuine in their pursuits, often inspiring trust and respect.
  8. Striving Putting in significant effort to achieve goals, striving individuals are driven and motivated, though they may struggle to maintain focus.
  9. Enterprising Showing initiative and resourcefulness, enterprising individuals are willing to take risks to pursue new opportunities and ventures.
  10. Resourceful Able to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties, resourceful individuals make the most of limited resources and adapt to changing circumstances.
  11. [Jack] Brilliant Exceptionally intelligent and creative, brilliant individuals generate innovative ideas and solutions, often leading others through inspiration.
  12. [Queen] Inspired Filled with creative ideas and motivation, inspired individuals encourage those around them to pursue their ambitions and dreams.
  13. [King] Charismatic Possessing a compelling charm or appeal, charismatic individuals attract and influence others effortlessly, often becoming natural leaders.