![]() Chapter Four: The Red Skull Gang |
By Carl Cramér
Previous Chapter Next Chapter It was still chilly in the morning when the three planes took off for Hollywood, and all four of the airborne heroes were red-eyed and sleepy. They had stayed up all night last night, quarreling about the route to take. Dr Nooma tried to catch some sleep, but the enthusiastic fliers in her headphones made it impossible. "There's nothing in Pennsylvania. We Jacks patrol the eastern part, and the West Penn Militia patrol the west, but that's a scruffy bunch of ruffians if I ever saw one! Exhorting the towns and industries they guard!" Nooma could see Rex gesticulating in the Avenger's front seat, wild gestures that would have shocked her a few years back. But she was getting to know and like these Americans, and particularly the young pilots. Diana's voice burst in on her thoughts through the headphones. "Seems they might have something to say to you about that; I see six birds at two o'clock, and I think they're Avengers." "What're yer doin' in our skies, city boys? Why dont'cha stay downtown, where it's nice 'n easy, instead of mucking around our turf?" A tense half-hour followed. The dirty blue Avengers hung on their tails, sickly shadows ready to attack any minute. Nooma took a photograph of one, just in case, but otherwise it was quiet, dead quiet, until they reached the border. "Watch out, they're shifting formation. I wonder if those bastards intend to jump us by the border, claiming an interception?" Rebel actually seemed to relish the idea of an ambush. "This is captain Kit Carlson of the Steel Skies militia. You are now approaching the ISA border; please stand by for clearance and escort.", a pert voice on the radio interrupted. The West Penn militia backed off, and soon the green checkered plains of Ohio replaced the green checkered plains of Pennsylvania, and the six blue Avengers were replaced by two steel gray Furies. Instructions from air traffic control gave them a new route, far from shipping lanes and cities, and the polite but firm escort ensured there was no deviation. "Strict and efficient, these men of steel" Diana said wistfully on the radio, recalling an ISA recruitment poster slogan, "I absolutely prefer them to the East Penn". Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, all passed by like green quilts. "Iowa is next, in the People's Collective. I wonder what the boys in the Dusters will be like?" "All air traffic, this is Rockford traffic control. Unscheduled armed maneuvers near Clinton, Iowa. Avoid the area. I repeat
" "There goes Lucky. Fancy shooting, that one. Seems his luck ran out today. But then again, so it did for all of us. Damn, only two out of eight coming back, and I thought I had a way with the ladies! They ain't paying us enough for this! Nice to chat with you madam, but I've got to go. Hope you'll let a fellow loose when he want's to leave. Heartbreaker out." The planes had passed each other. In the distance, planes from Steel Skies kept a watchful eye on the proceedings, not interfering, but making their presence known. Prudence won out and a kill had been scored, so it was agreed it was a good fight. Rebel's engine made strange noises and ominous pillars of black smoke still hung on the horizon. Suddenly, they found themselves outnumbered by a host of menacing, sky-blue planes with an unusual, six-pointed star emblem. You could see their guns were still warm from recent combat. |
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