![]() Twylight Tycoons |
By The Debonair Corsair
Intercepted Message Intelligence evaluation: Non-critical /Comrade Red Fox -- Text -- Well glory be, another Hollywood type. Greetin's sir. I don't go in much for the glamour and glitter you Southern Hollywood types bask in, but I'm glad to be servin' with ya. The name's Swain, Captain Elias Swain, commander of the Twylight Tycoons. Our three squadron militia unit is based out of Gilmore Aerodrome in Grass Valley up north. We patrol and protect much of the "Gold Country" in the Northern Sierra Nevadas. While we don't go about making any of them talking pictures, the vast quantities of gold mined up here makes this region quite valuable, and one helluva target. Most of the gold bullion coming out of the stamp mills is destined for the San Francisco mint to be made into hard currency. We regularly escort the big, fat, gold-laden airships and cargo planes of the "Treasure Fleet" to the southwest as far as Sacramento. Some Pacifica rabble rousers and Mormon gold-grubbers go the distance to reconnoiter and harry us every once in a while, but really its them good for nothin' murderin' thieves that call themselves the Yosemite Brotherhood that are our main source of headaches. Those bleedin' devils are responsible for turning no less than seven of our good old Devastators into swiss cheese, which is why we don't fly that plane no more, except for training exercises. If you could, see if you can put in a good word 'bout us to Howard Hughes. We could really use another Bloodhawk or four. Well, hope to see you in the skies, if you ever rotate up here for convoy duty. Your comrade in arms, Captain Elias Swain - The Debonair Corsair Attempted Communication I'm constructing a website dedicated to Crimson Skies, with a geography section where I try to list squadrons operating in various areas. I was thinking of listing your merry band. Is that OK? Receved Transmission Certainly, the Twylight Tycoons could benefit from a little publicity. Maybe an extra shipment of AP rockets could come our way as a result. I was just reading through your publication last night and I ought say it's a might good resource. Keep up the good work. The attached map (from Yahoo maps) can give you a better idea of our unit's area of operations. Yours, Captain Elias Swain - The Debonair Corsair CO ~ the Twylight Tycoons Evaluation: These people can make good targets, or allies, as appropriate. The map should aid us, state records are sadly unreliable. |
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