An official FASA squadron, I have nevertheless made a write-up of this organisation in order to collect all relevant data in one place.
Full or Offical Name:
Leader: Charlotte "Charlie" Steele
Status: Sponsored Militia of Hollywood
Base: City of Hollywood
Area of Operatons: State of Hollywood
This is where you find the offical FASA information on this squadron and it's pilots.
Hollywood Knights |
Hollywood Knights: Metro Marauders |
Warriors, p 41 |
Charlotte "Charlie" Steele |
Warriors, p 41 |
Norm Huston |
Warriors, p 41 |
Dick Remmington, Captain |
Warriors, p 42 |
Steve "Glamour Boy" Gardner, Lt |
Warriors, p 42 |
Irving "Blackface" Jolson |
Warriors, p 44 |
Brandy "Wine" Norman |
Warriors, p 44 |
Carmen "Killer" Flores |
Warriors, p 44 |
Karl "Wrong-Way" Gruner |
Warriors, p 44 |
Howard Robard "Spectre" Hughes |
Aircraft, p 38, Warriors, p 42 |