Air Action Weekly

This is not a squadron at all, but a list of the people who have written articles for the Air Action Weekly. Although it is an official FASA organization, I have nevertheless made a write-up of this organisation in order to collect all relevant data in one place.

    Air Action Weekly has been the authority on the people, planes, and events over North America since 1928. Published simultaneously in eight nations of North America and the United Kingdom, Air Action Weekly has editorial offices in The Empire State, The Nation of Hollywood, The Republic of Texas, and Free Colorado. AAW is an independent publication and is not associated with any nation or political entity.

Leader: Nero L. MacLeon

Status: International Aviation Newspaper

Area of Operatons: Disunited States of America, England. Feild offices in The Empire State, The Nation of Hollywood, The Republic of Texas and Free Colorado.


This is where you find the offical FASA information on this squadron and it's pilots.

Air Action Weekly Crimson Skies Website
Vickie Blair Warriors, p 41
Jackson Lewis Warriors, p 45
Nero L. MacLeon Warriors, p 5, p 29
Robert Garret Warriors, p 7
Alexia White-Coleman Warriros, p 17



Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Sun, Oct 29, 2000.