Crimson Skies Webring Join Page

This webring is for all creative work inspired by the Crimson Skies game by Microsoft and FASA corporation. If you have a Crimson Skies website I invite you to join the webring. The same goes if you use the Crimson Skies game world for any other purpose, or just have a site you think may interest the Crimson Skies crowd.

Please choose an entrance page that is directly related to Crimson Skies. An entrance at the top of the site may seem good, but when surfing in a webring I have often decided that sorting through a site to find the relevant pages was not worth the effort. To avoid this fate, link directly to a section of your site interesting to the Crimson Skies crowd.

I administer this list as I see fit. Abusive or too off-topic sites will be shot down. The same goes for too-obviously commercial sites. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. But then again, I will try almost anything, once.

To join this ring, you must

  1. Become a member of Webring (or log on if you already are a member).
  2. Fill out and confirm the sign-up page.
  3. Put either the java or html version of the navigation code on your website. This code can be found by first clicking on the site on your Your Ring Sites page and then following the "Get Navigation Code" link. Hot Tip: Put this code outside of any tables you may use on your page, for much faster loading times.

If you know how, feel free to use the following ring logo and text, with the code below. Be sure to put the image in the same folder as the webring entrance page.

<a href="" target="_top" title="Crimson Skies Webring Homepage"><img height="84" width="200" src="cswr.gif" border="0"></a>

If any of this seems strange or you have any questions, write me.

Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Sun, Oct 29, 2000.

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit