Poland is an aggressive military regime, a regional power with claims to much of Ukraine and White Russia. Czechoslovakia is a well-armed democracy to the south. Austria, further south, was chopped up after the Great War and wants revenge. This made it is ripe for Nazi takeover. Hungary and Rumania both have strong fascist movements and claims on old Soviet territory. Yugoslavia is a regional powerhouse. Italy is striving to become a world power. With a weak Germany, these states have no-one to hold them back.
Germanic Region
Hitler, unable to takeover Germany, moves to Austria and takes over there instead. You still have occult-interested pulp nazis speaking german, but no Wermacht to wage war with. Nazis rule Bavaria, and are preparing for an anschluss to Austria. The ensuing fear of a united Germany has prompted the French to prevent German intervention against a communist rebellion in the Saarland, a heavily industrialized region between France and Germany. The rest of Germany is holding it's breath; communists are provoking rebellion in the Ruhr while the cabaret still goes on in Weimar Berlin.