Emanuel Charnay - 'White King'

Vodun loyal to Hellfire Club

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  • Silver Metal Killer


Originally from Jamaica, Emanuel was born dirt poor. His natural affinity for Voodoo did not clothe and feed him, so she had to work as an exotic dancer and entertainer His unusual charisma attracted rich ladies, and soon, he was working as a gigolo. He incorporated sex into his magic, and that's how Laura and George found him; when invited to share a private orgy with them they were surprised that it was he, not they, who used the sexual energy for magic.

Now, he is the main host of the Hellfire Club, an exotic jewel in the Empire State. He arranges most of the shows, giving them an sinful exuberance they lacked before, and the club is prospering under his care. He still occasionally shares an orgy with George and Laura, but more commonly, he picks his lovers out of the night crowd; either guests or entertainers. He sometimes erases their memory afterwards, but leaves enough of an imprint so that patrons will want to come back for more.

Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update 2000-04-16.