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The Chimera

Chimera (FE, W13, Az, minor, 38)
The Chimera is a monster, a great winged, multi-armed, catlike beast of grace and power. She is believed to have been a half-elven wizardess before she became an awnsheghlein, and now has increased both her physical and magical might beyond all bounds. She is said to favor dreams, illusions and false realities.

Her special claim to fame is that she has acheived immortality on her own; she claims to be eternal, and that this is her own work. It is best not to dispute this claim, at least not in her presence.

She is served by the constabulary of her small towns, as well as by gnolls and other monsters in the mountains, but her forces are small. Her main power lies in her own formidable form and magical powers.

Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update Fri, Nov 17, 2000.