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The Mealesiin Clan

An ancient clan of swamp-dwellers along the southern Eline river, the Mealesiin have no fixed allegiance. They speak a strange, foreign tongue among themselves. They mostly live withdrawn lives in the depths of the swamp.

Source: Aegoor.

Ragarath Mealesiin (MMa, F7, Br, major, 36)
The clan chief of the Mealesiin, he is sort of a noble, but an elected noble. He represents the clan to outsiders, collects tolls, and makes judgements. In some ways, he has brought his tribe into contact with the wider world. Born about 1490.

Berath Mealesiin (MMa, F4, Br, major, 27)
The son of Ragarath and his likely heir, Berath is a doughty warrior but lacking his fathers experience in the ways of the world. He is still young and rash. Born 1502.

Vealin Mealesiin (FMa, -, Br, major, 29)
Ragarath's daughter, a bright young kid that shows lots of promise. Born in 1509.

Meranek Wollim (MHe, R9)
The champion of Ragarath, not really a part of the family but almost. He and Ragarath were adventuring companions once. Now, he watches his friend age while he remains vital in the elven way.

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