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Still led by the founder, sir Tarran Kratys, a former mercenary captain rewarded for service with a manor and a title. The family resides at Kratys Freehold, which is little more than a fortified camp (fortified law holding (2)) in Duornil province.

Source: Dungeon #33.

Sir Tarran Kratys (MA, F8)
Still an able commander, sir Tarran now spends most of his time as a judge and administrator at the freehold. Born in 1476.

Dame Myrs Kratys (FA, W5, Br, minor, 12)
The wife of sir Tarran, Myrs was the one who established the freehold, and she has been staying there for twenty years already. Born 1479.

Brand Kratys (MA, F4, Br, minor, 6)
The son and heir, an officer in the army. Born 1500.

Llewyn Kratys (FA, Ra2, Br, minor, 6)
Daughter of the family, who has followed in her mothers footsteps and stayed at the freehold as a scout. She knows the neighboring country very well. Born 1501.

The Kratys' have several younger children of little notice.

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