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The Royal Guild of Baruk-Azhak

A chartered guild of dwarven traders led by Diirk Watershol.

Diirk Watershol (MD, R10, An, minor, 29, NG)
A crafty trader, at turns open and friendly, at turns sour in the dwarven manner, Diirk is a consummate trader and a loyal friend He expands slowly and steadily; he recruits few agents, but those that he has are very loyal to him.


Regent Level Province Domain/Ruler Notes
RG Diirk Watershol 2 Bran's Retreat (4/1) Baruk-Azhik/Graybeard
RG Diirk Watershol 2 Cliff's Lament (4/1) Baruk-Azhik/Graybeard
RG Diirk Watershol 3 The Promontory (3/6) Baruk-Azhik/Graybeard
RG Diirk Watershol 3 Land's Victory (3/6) Baruk-Azhik/Graybeard
RG Diirk Watershol 2 Bogsend (3/2) Coeranys/Cariele
RG Diirk Watershol 2 Caudraight (4/1) Coeranys/Cariele
RG Diirk Watershol 3 Deepshadow (3/2) Coeranys/Cariele
RG Diirk Watershol 2 Duornil (2/3) Coeranys/Cariele
RG Diirk Watershol 2 Mistil (2/3) Coeranys/Cariele
RG Diirk Watershol 0 Ranien (2/3) Coeranys/Cariele
RG Diirk Watershol 2 Ruorven (4/1) Coeranys/Cariele
RG Diirk Watershol 2 Moergen (3/2) Osoerde/Raenech
RG Diirk Watershol 1 Moriel (4/1) Osoerde/Raenech
RG Diirk Watershol 2 Algael (3/2) Osoerde/Raenech
RG Diirk Watershol 2 Spiritsend (2/6) Osoerde/Raenech
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