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Life and Protection of Avanalae

An open-minded sect emphasizing the virtues of a comfortable and serene life, the sect is also cosmopolitan, a breath of fresh air in the rustic countryside of east Anuire. In the heartlands, it is more of a pastime for the rich and jaded. The main cult center is in rustic Coeranys.

With connections in the imperial city of Anuire, the cult provides a link between the rustic country life of Coeranys and the cosmopolitan west. It also maintains a connection with the mother church in Ariya, in Khinansi lands.

The military branc of the order are the Lances of Dawn, a unit of cavalry in the service of Eline.

Medhlorie Haensen (FA, -, An, major, 36)
The High Hierophant of the Life and Protection of Avanalae is a pretentious title for a woman so young, but her ambition and noble blood lends credence to the claim. She is a friend of Lady Cariele and the royal house of inb Daouta in Eline. She is also open to influences from the Khinansi east where she was educated.

Source: Ruins of Empire, p. 44, 46, 67, 70. Book of Priestcraft, p. 7, 8, 9.

Late Gandevan Haensen (MA, P7, Avanalae, An, major, 42)
Medhlorie's late father and predecessor as high hierophant. A calm, reserved man who travelled widely and married (relatively) low.


Regent Level Province Domain/Ruler Notes
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 1 Achiese (5/0) Ghoere/Tael
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 2 Conallier (2/3) Ghoere/Tael
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 3 Thoralinar (3/2) Ghoere/Tael
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 2 City of Anuire (10/0) City of Anuire/Dosiere
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 3 Ansien (5/0) Eline/Daouta
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 2 Hope's Demise (2/6) Eline/Daouta
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 3 Osoeriene (3/2) Eline/Daouta
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 2 Sendouras (3/2) Eline/Daouta
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 2 Soileite (2/3) Eline/Daouta
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 1 Bogsend (3/2) Coeranys/Cariele
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 2 Caudraight (4/1) Coeranys/Cariele
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 2 Deepshadow (3/2) Coeranys/Cariele
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 1 Duornil (2/3) Coeranys/Cariele
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 2 Mistil (2/3) Coeranys/Cariele
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 1 Ranien (2/3) Coeranys/Cariele
LPA Medhlorie Haensen 3 Ruorven (4/1) Coeranys/Cariele