Blackflag Destroyer

Blackflag, the pirate manufacturer, is know for their simple, inelegant but powerful Firestorm design. Continuing on this trend, the Destroyer is not a delicate or artistic craft. The rivet lines are clearly visible on the canopy, and the hull is simple to the point of dullness. But the craft still has the lines of a hunter, and a kind of simple stylishness.

Blackflag is a manufacturer on the move, and their planes are quickly built, often using local materials, guns and engines. The description here is a sort of average, many Destroyers will differ significantly from the norm.

As described here, the Destroyer is an air superiority fighter. A flight of Blackflag craft will often consist of Firestorms for the actual mission, most often a bombing or zeppelin attack. But if interception is expected, Destroyers act as escorts for their heavier brethren.

Except for the somewhat weak acceleration given by the wide range of tolerances required for the non-specified engine, it performs about as well as typical fighter in this role, the Raven , Defender or Coyote being its most common adversaries.



Built out of the fuselage of a Messerschmitt 262 and the wings of a Spitfire, the Destroyer is actually one of the simplest conversions imaginable. The two models are not to scale with one another. They are from Games Collection, Milan, Italy.

Name Destroyer
Base Target Number 6
Speed 3
G-rating 3
Acceleration 1
Gun 1 40
Gun 2 40
Gun 3 40
Gun 4 40
Gun 5 40
Gun 6 40
Gun 7 40
Gun 8 40
Armor 200


Blackflag Destroyer

Heavy Fighter (Tractor)
Varies, about 800 hp
Wing Span
36' 2"
21' 6.4"
11' 7.3"
Loaded Weight:   
8 250 lbs
Service Ceiling:
13 000 feet
600 miles
Max. Speed:
250 mph
Max Accel:
34.1 feet/second
Max Decel:
65.6 feet/second


Included here is a list of the relevant Special Characteristics of the plane, a design complexity, and a price calculated from these values.

    Base Complexity 15
    Low Flight Ceiling -1
    Long Range +1

    Total 15
    Cost $8.300

Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Sun, Oct 29, 2000.