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The Gorgon

The Gorgon, the hand of Azrai, is not really a god but a very powerful awnsheghlein. It is not know if the Gorgon thinks of itself as a god, but it is known that he has organized worship of himself, and through this worship he is able to accumulate regency and grant divine spells. One may ask if there is a real difference between a living awnsheghlein able to do this, and a god, who, though immortal, is sworn not to interfere in the world.

The Gorgon is lawful evil. Unlike the other gods, the Gorgon is able to reward and help his faithful directly; a valued agent may be granted great boons, but they are all ultimately pawns in the great game the Gorgon is staging.

All the other gods, including those descended from Azrai, loathe the Gorgon. So does their worshippers. Only those lusting for unrighteous might would voluntarily associate themselves with this power.

He tolerates any nongood alignment among his worshipers, as long as they obey him unquestionably. He is not usually worshipped outside his own domain, though a few lost souls may worship him in secret. His spheres are Earth, Evil, Strength, and War. As a living god of war, he allows his priest to specialize in any weapon, though specific cults can only offer training in certain weapons.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Wed, Feb 28, 2001.