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Erik (Rjurik), Aeric (Anuire), Old Father of the Forests (Brecht), Iraikhan (Vos)

Erik (air-ick), the god of the woodlands, is true neutral. His most commonly encountered title is the Old Father of the Forests. His symbol is the oak tree.

Erik is the guardian of the wilderness, the protector of the forests, and the patron of Cerilia's animals. He is allied with his wife Avani and Ruornil against his enemies, Belinik and the gods of the humanoids.

Erik accepts worshipers of any nonevil alignment. Rangers, druids, hunters, and the Rjurik people favor Erik. The domains he is associated with are Air, Animal, Earth, and Plant. He favors the quarterstaff, axe and spear.

Erik is worshiped by druids as well as clerics, actually most of his priesthood follow druidic traditions. His druids can use axes in addition to the weapons normally allowed to them.

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Copyright © 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Last update Wed, Feb 28, 2001.