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Talen - Merchant

Male Human Merchant-6 Station 9

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Until about a year ago, Talen was a rather run-of-the-mill merchant dealing in fine rugs and tapestries. However, some shrewd deals with contacts developed over years of wandering the trade routes have recently paid off, increasing his profits and boosting his standard of living to a new record high. In a flurry of spending, he has purchased numerous rare books, new furnishings for his house, gifts for his lovely young mistress, and a number of other valuables, as well enjoying the prestige of being the only merchant on the street to employ a private bodyguard (now more of a necessity than a luxury).

Talen is a stocky, sandy-haired man in his mid thirties a ready smile for clients and a congenial personality. Proud of his success, he wears the richest clothes he can afford, and has recently developed the habit of carrying a rather large sum of cash, as a sign of his new affluence. Hence, his purse will contain at least 50GP (5D6 x 10) GP in assorted coins and gems. Ever since the attempt by the Thieves Guild to gain access to his house (when Sheren badly injured the two hapless thugs), Talen has also gotten into the habit of carrying his shortsword and a very business-like dagger whenever he leaves the house.

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© 1998 and onwards, Carl Cramér. Page downloaded times. Last update 98-09-15.